Your favourite South Park episode (Full Version)

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Viridana -> Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 12:47:39 AM)

I'm a chronic south park addict. I can't even go to sleep if  I don't watch at least two episodes.

So you other South Park fans (I know your're out there hahaha), what's your favourite episode?

Mine is Make love not warcraft, Followed by Stupid Spoiled whore and Something you can do with your finger

*sings* I'm gonna fingerbang bang you into my life... girl you like to fingerbang and that's all right..*sings*

p.s. I totally grasp the random stupidity of this thread

LadyPact -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 1:03:02 AM)

OK, you caught Me.  I'm a South Park addict!  I actually 'hired' one boy once just because he was such a huge fan of the show.
It's easier to give My least favorite episode.  The "Scott Tinerman Must Die" is the only one I avoid.  There's just something about grinding up one's parents for chili that turns Me off.
One of My biggest hits was the "Beaverton Dam" episode.  That was the point where I said to Myself that these guys will do anythihg!  A close second "In the Closet".  That was a riot!
Come on, South Park fans!  We know you're out there!

LadyEllen -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 4:02:38 AM)

Scott Tinneman Must Die - though I also love the one with the statue of the virgin Mary that started bleeding.

Absolutely obvious clear winner.

"lets never piss Cartman off again"


windchymes -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 4:49:06 AM)

Wow, it's hard to pick just one....but mine is probably "It's Better Than Dealing With The Airlines". 

Also, I like the one about the Indian Casinos.  And the older Christmas Special with "It's Christmas Time in Hell".  And the one with "Miss Nicks", the goat, lol.

One more.....the one with the Jennifer Lopez hand puppet.  [:D]

LadyEllen -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 5:08:09 AM)

Oh - another one!

The Woodland Critter Christmas!

How can anyone pick just one?

Hail Satan!


Level -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 6:29:35 AM)

Mine might be "Awesom-o"; I believe this is where Cartman pretends to be a robot because some kid had some kind of incriminating pics of him.

Here's a little Cartman clip -

lonlyrossInNeed -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 7:08:36 AM)

there are a few shows that i always hates
south park was one of them
the other one was bevus and put head and the simpsons where the hell do they come up with that crap at yuck

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 7:33:48 AM)

mr garrison's new vagina

the dog the bounty hunter spoof though i am a big dog fan.

in the closet

Rumtiger -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 7:48:54 AM)

Red Sleigh Down. Absolute favorite episode ever, and its where they brought Kenny back.

Chocholate Salty Balls was good too, just cause of the song.

TheHeretic -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 8:55:59 AM)

      The Jimmy/Timmy cripple fight would be very high on the list, and the episode where Butters' Mother tries to kill him.  I haven't watched the show much in the last year because of my schedule (and now that it would be easy again, I forget it's on) but I've been quoting the line from Kenny's Dad that "weekends don't mean much when you don't have a job," a lot lately.

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 9:02:44 AM)

The Buttocks Family...

"Perhaps you haven't noticed, but we have buttocks where are heads should be."
(sort of describes some of the people who post here...)

happypervert -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 10:07:55 AM)



Oh - another one!

The Woodland Critter Christmas!

How can anyone pick just one?

Hail Satan!

That's my fav.

Blood orgy!

windchymes -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 10:13:16 AM)

The Underwear Gnomes.....The 40-foot Satellite Dish comes out Cartman's ass......Mr. Hanky.....

domiguy -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 11:26:22 AM)

Woodland Critter Christmas ....Is soooo fucked up it is beautiful....The abortion at the end is fuckerific!  Mr Hanky is of course a classic...the one when the Mormons move in...Awesome!..........And of course it is sooooo wrong but....Here it is...In all of it's glory....

IEvolve -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 11:35:37 AM)


IEvolve -> RE: Your favourite South Park episode (6/9/2007 11:37:15 AM)

Oh, and Cartman joining NAMBLA


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