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When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance end?

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When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance end? - 6/16/2007 7:00:36 PM   

Posts: 1807
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This morning, around 9 am, I went to the corner neighborhood market… small deli mart, mini mart, etc.  I know the owner and all of the folks that work there.  The morning shift is covered by a small wisp of a woman who is painfully shy; however, I’ve been going to this market for several years so she knew me.  Anyway, I was at the cash machine in the store when in ‘walked’ (I use that term very loosely here) two men in their mid 30s… both extraordinarily drunk (remember this was at 9 a.m. this morning).  One was much more drunk than the other… The clerk saw them and I saw the look of panic cross her face… I very quietly told her that I would stay.  Two young women somewhere between the ages of 13 and 15 were standing toward the front of the store.  The drunk guys had picked up another half rack of beer and came up front.  The drunker guy put his hand on the shoulder of one of the girls and she brushed it off.  He did it a 2nd time and again she brushed his hand away.  I immediately got in this guys face and said “she does not want you to touch her”.  I then looked at her and asked her if she knew him…. Sadly, he was her father.   She was clearly embarrassed, yet both she and the other girl thank me.  The less drunk guy was becoming belligerent with me for getting in their business.  They walked out and I followed and the less drunk guy got in behind the wheel of the car with the two girls in back.  I asked him if he was ok to drive… (of course he was not).  I got into my car fully intending on getting this guy’s license plate and dialing 911.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason as soon as I got the license plate number… I promptly forgot the first three numbers so I followed them at quite a distance to make sure they got home with those girls ok.  To make a long story a bit shorter… this has bothered me all day.    Should I have just accepted these drunks behavior and minded my own business?  After all, they were clearly of age to drink…

We ‘see’ things here daily.  Some, in my opinion are truly horrific, but if anyone stands against those things and speaks out, without fail there will be many others telling us it is none of our business, that as long as it is consentual it should be accepted.    My question is this…. Is there anything in WIITWD that the general population think wrong?  Or do we just accept everything?  If we do accept everything is it because the only information we have is through this screen and not something seen in r/l or because it is not our mom, sister or daughter affected?

Really sorry this is so long.


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:08:28 PM   

Posts: 60698
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tough deal all the way around kid.  nothing I can say.  so struggly inside.
on one hand, you can't be guilty because the chinese are communist, not your doing.

you can't save the world either.  You did pretty good for a little piece of it today, tho.

here is a medal



Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:12:10 PM   

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Ya know Ron... you missed my whole point.  Go figure.


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:14:08 PM   

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If you say so.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:30:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: angelic

We ‘see’ things here daily.  Some, in my opinion are truly horrific, but if anyone stands against those things and speaks out, without fail there will be many others telling us it is none of our business, that as long as it is consentual it should be accepted.    My question is this…. Is there anything in WIITWD that the general population think wrong?  Or do we just accept everything?  If we do accept everything is it because the only information we have is through this screen and not something seen in r/l or because it is not our mom, sister or daughter affected?

I don't like everything that may fall into the realm of kink, but as long as it's consentual, I don't have to like it.
Would I feel different if it were a loved one involved? I probably would, and possibly would butt in. Does this make me a hypocrite? Could be. I'm a wonderful guy, but even I fall short of perfection.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
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Let go it's harder holding on
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~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:42:30 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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We ‘see’ things here daily.  Some, in my opinion are truly horrific, but if anyone stands against those things and speaks out, without fail there will be many others telling us it is none of our business, that as long as it is consentual it should be accepted.    My question is this…. Is there anything in WIITWD that the general population think wrong?  Or do we just accept everything?  If we do accept everything is it because the only information we have is through this screen and not something seen in r/l or because it is not our mom, sister or daughter affected?

I do not see anything about this story relating to WIITWD. Minors cannot consent to being in a car with a drunk parent. Consent is the cornerstone of WIITWD in my opinion. If my female family members consented to being in a relationship that was Ds, what can I say about that? I certainly do not want them telling me what to do!

I do not see many things that are consensual as being horrific here... there have been very few things here that have given me pause to be honest. I have seen people get hurt, but vanilla people get hurt, vanilla people get used, vanilla people get abused.

I am not the babysitter of the world, people have their own lives to lead, they lead them the way they like. I was abused in my marriage, and you know what, no one but me could take responsibility for that and end it.. and I consented to it by remaining in the situation after the first time he did this. Personal responsibility is important in life.. because no one can change our lives but us.

Now what you find horrific I might find satisfying, and vice versa.... do you really think it is your job to save people from themselves? What happens when an outsider decides YOU need saving?


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:51:40 PM   

Posts: 3054
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Yes, you can and see many horrific things in life,whichever life ,be it vanilla or BDSM. And yes, sometimes you can do something and sometimes you cannot.You sometimes have to remember however that some good deeds never go unpunished. Some people may or may not wish for your interference, or even your intervention.I am afraid ,that is a call ,that anyone makes at any given time.I try to keep in mind, age,circumstances of the moment ,and absolutely if family,or friends are involved. You cannot save the world, but sometimes you can save a small piece of your own.It all comes down to what YOUR conscience tells you to do..right or wrong and the ability to live with that decision...Tempting


I have greatly enjoyed the second blooming...suddenly you find at the age of 50, that a whole new life has opened before you.........Agatha Christie.

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(in reply to Level)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 7:55:47 PM   

Posts: 1807
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i still do not have the quote thing down...

i understand that what happened this morning may not directly relate to WIITWD... and i knew it was a stretch when i posted it..

First off i do not express myself as well as i would like through this medium.  Maybe i read different threads than you, but  i have seen many things that cause me concern... now... granted i could just stop coming here.  But that is not likely to happen, what is likely to happen is that i will start speaking out more.  It just seems to me that we accept everything as being ok because it is 'consentual'... Do we do that because it does not have an affect on us so therefore we do not care and write it off as being consentual?

i do not think standing up and saying something is wrong is babysitting the world... hell the world needs babysitting... i am also of the opinion, that one voice can change the world.

By virtue of being a human on this great big planet i think it is my job to save people.... and if i needed saving... i sure as shit hope someone would try to save me from myself.  We can be, after all, our own worst enemies.

Thank you for your thoughts.  :)


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to juliaoceania)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:08:00 PM   

Posts: 3628
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hello angelic, unlike the "in your face" incident of this morning, much of what happens in "the life" happens in our face----yes when we are at events and things get out of hand DM step in and stop the foolishness--however the over the top stuff usually happens at home and we don't know until someone ends up hurt or dead.  Personally. I do not associate Myself, online or in real life with those that follow a path that is not of My personal choosing.


SLUTS: Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress...

Mistress Hathor

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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:12:37 PM   

Posts: 1675
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ORIGINAL: angelic

This morning, around 9 am, I went to the corner neighborhood market… small deli mart, mini mart, etc.  I know the owner and all of the folks that work there.  The morning shift is covered by a small wisp of a woman who is painfully shy; however, I’ve been going to this market for several years so she knew me.  Anyway, I was at the cash machine in the store when in ‘walked’ (I use that term very loosely here) two men in their mid 30s… both extraordinarily drunk (remember this was at 9 a.m. this morning).  One was much more drunk than the other… The clerk saw them and I saw the look of panic cross her face… I very quietly told her that I would stay.  Two young women somewhere between the ages of 13 and 15 were standing toward the front of the store.  The drunk guys had picked up another half rack of beer and came up front.  The drunker guy put his hand on the shoulder of one of the girls and she brushed it off.  He did it a 2nd time and again she brushed his hand away.  I immediately got in this guys face and said “she does not want you to touch her”.  I then looked at her and asked her if she knew him…. Sadly, he was her father.   She was clearly embarrassed, yet both she and the other girl thank me.  The less drunk guy was becoming belligerent with me for getting in their business.  They walked out and I followed and the less drunk guy got in behind the wheel of the car with the two girls in back.  I asked him if he was ok to drive… (of course he was not).  I got into my car fully intending on getting this guy’s license plate and dialing 911.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason as soon as I got the license plate number… I promptly forgot the first three numbers so I followed them at quite a distance to make sure they got home with those girls ok.  To make a long story a bit shorter… this has bothered me all day.    Should I have just accepted these drunks behavior and minded my own business?  After all, they were clearly of age to drink…

We ‘see’ things here daily.  Some, in my opinion are truly horrific, but if anyone stands against those things and speaks out, without fail there will be many others telling us it is none of our business, that as long as it is consentual it should be accepted.    My question is this…. Is there anything in WIITWD that the general population think wrong?  Or do we just accept everything?  If we do accept everything is it because the only information we have is through this screen and not something seen in r/l or because it is not our mom, sister or daughter affected?

Really sorry this is so long.

Some people think I am a hard ass(the "in love" couple on the park bench memorial day for instance)...because not only would I follow him but would call the police and make a citizens arrest.Once the police talk to the men and smell alcohol...I would hope something could be done.
But then again....
When following them why not get close enough to get the plate number so they would be caught in the act.
This is why I never leave home with out the video camera,so I can get drunks off
the road before the kill My 18 year old new driver or someone elses child,mother ,father, sister, brother.

Being politically correct and not getting involved is one reason why crime runs rampant through our cities,schools,neighborhoods.
Someone has to take a stand and say this is not right and it wont be tolerated.

Okay thats a subject close to My heart,sorry for the mini rant.


Mistress Sassy

In the Immortal Words of Bob....Fuck the dumb shit.

"I love you not only for what you are,But for what I am when I'm with you."- Opening line from a poem by Roy Croft

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:16:43 PM   

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hi Ma'am... although i am tardy at saying this.....welcome back!!!   i have missed reading your posts.

Thank you for your thoughts... i think i am having growing pains... lol... i find myself less and less tolerant of idiots of the world and refuse to believe that everything done, even if consentual... if okey dokey. 


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to MHOO314)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:34:29 PM   

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i agree... i should have done more.... and it bothers me that i did not... 

i am sitting here wondering if those ums are ok... and how much more dear 'ol dad has had to drink... and what if tonight on the news i hear that something horrible has happened there, i could have done more and did not.

It made me think of all the times i've sat here and said nothing... which made me wonder why we either turn a blind eye or readily accept something as simply someone else's kink. 

Caveat... i am also very tired... so forgive me if i am not being clear or not making a lot of sense..


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to MistressSassy66)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:49:44 PM   

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I was originally with Ron on this one till you pointed out that he didn't understand your post....Now I see how dumb he can

And yet MistressSassy offered up the same type of thought.


By virtue of being a human on this great big planet i think it is my job to save people.... and if i needed saving... I sure as shit hope someone would try to save me from myself.  We can be, after all, our own worst enemies.

Well I am happy to hear that you might need saving....I have recently become a born again Christian and I think it would be wise for you to abandon this hedonistic lifestyle and accept Jesus Christ as your saviour....The alternative is the eternal damnation of your soul.....I know of several bible study groups in the Seattle area or if that is not close or convenient I'm sure I could find a group close to you that would welcome your participation.

No need to thank me....Just trying to better the world one soul at a time.

If you need some additional resources or guidance for the beginning of your spiritual journey CMail me...I look forward to hearing from you.

< Message edited by domiguy -- 6/16/2007 8:50:12 PM >


(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:51:33 PM   

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oh my God!!! i am laughing so hard here!!!! Thank you!!!


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to domiguy)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:57:04 PM   

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I felt the same about your post.


(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 8:59:09 PM   

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i knew that nice guy image you've been portraying lately would end. 


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 9:04:10 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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ORIGINAL: angelic

i still do not have the quote thing down...

i understand that what happened this morning may not directly relate to WIITWD... and i knew it was a stretch when i posted it..

First off i do not express myself as well as i would like through this medium.  Maybe i read different threads than you, but  i have seen many things that cause me concern... now... granted i could just stop coming here.  But that is not likely to happen, what is likely to happen is that i will start speaking out more.  It just seems to me that we accept everything as being ok because it is 'consentual'... Do we do that because it does not have an affect on us so therefore we do not care and write it off as being consentual?

i do not think standing up and saying something is wrong is babysitting the world... hell the world needs babysitting... i am also of the opinion, that one voice can change the world.

By virtue of being a human on this great big planet i think it is my job to save people.... and if i needed saving... i sure as shit hope someone would try to save me from myself.  We can be, after all, our own worst enemies.

Thank you for your thoughts.  :)

I am the type that will give the shirt off my back to people... if they want it. I just see the world differently than you, I do not think it is my job to save the world, just try to make it a little better for my time visiting it. I do not feel it is my job to keep people from making their mistakes. Now if someone wants help... I will help them.. but I am not going to interfere in other people's lives. Adults can make their own choices.

I have a neice that has pissed me off royal with her mistakes... and these mistakes involve her UMs and she is screwing up BIG TIME. Her UMs did not consent to it, she did. I have little sympathy for her even though I love her... her UMs on the other hand... my heart bleeds for them. She makes her mistakes, and some people would classify her a "victim".. when does one stand up and take responsibility? I think people should be responsible .. it is the only thing that truly leads to long lasting stability and happiness... just my thoughts.

I do not expect you to agree, and respect your ideas... just as long as you do not try to save me... we're cool


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 9:05:01 PM   

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angelic, I hear what you are saying....or at least I think I do but you can correct me if I am wrong. I have indeed seen some things on here that are horrific.I have often said that there are some times when I leave here that I walk away feeling as though there is not enough hot water and soap in the world to make me feel clean again. We have taken the whole "your kink is ok/my kink is ok" thing to such an extreme that the fear of being labelled "intolerant" or "judgemental" has us at times turning our backs and keeping our mouths shut even as our stomachs turn in revolt. We allow the fear of not being seen as "politically correct" to override all of our common sense.

Some may say that I am trying to justify intolerance. If it is opposed to limitless tolerance than yes, I guess I am. But I don't believe that in order to "belong" and be considered a member of this lifestyle we have to accept anything and everything that others do. There are some sick and twisted fucks who shamelessly take refuge under the umbrella that this lifestyle provides. They use this lifestyle and their self appointed titles to justify their abusive or dishonest behaviors, they act out their sick perversions and proudly defend them as being their "kink".... and if someone dares to cry foul they slap that "intolerant" trump card on the table.

Well you know, I really don't mind being labelled intolerant or judgmental. I much prefer it to choking down the rising bile that sometimes comes....


Peace and light,

There are no victims here...only volunteers.

When you make a habit of playing on the tracks, you thereby forfeit the right to bitch when you get hit by a train.

"I did it! I admit it and I'm gonna do it again!"

(in reply to angelic)
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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 9:05:13 PM   

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Not trying to be a complete turd....Just a half of one...There is actually little difference between our two posts...Both are an invasion of privacy based upon how others choose to live their lives.  But of course, my post was a tad bit more humorous.

Edited....Perhaps you need to clean up your post to be a little more specific as to how you plan on saving these lost souls as well as providing the criteria as to who might need it.

< Message edited by domiguy -- 6/16/2007 9:07:59 PM >


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RE: When is enough, enough…..or where does acceptance... - 6/16/2007 9:06:11 PM   

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If it's any consolation, i do not think you need saving and i always like reading your opinions and thoughts..... we're cool.


~....and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.~ -- Leonardo de Vinci

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