Anal tampon insertions (Full Version)

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Ozzmosis -> Anal tampon insertions (6/7/2005 2:23:18 PM)

I'm hoping to have a Dom or a Switch use me as a menstrual slave in the future. I have already begun inserting (baby oil saturated) tampons into my asshole, to get adjusted to having one in my ass for long periods of time. My question is, how long can a man safely keep a tampon inside of his ass. I'm already beginning to enjoy the "stuffed" feeling of having a tampon inside of me.

MzBerlin -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/7/2005 3:06:33 PM)

I would lube the tampon with a nice silicone lubricant like Eros or Climax and I would change it after I had a bowel movement or every 4-6 hours. I mean, you may even be able to keep it in longer, like overnight, but you would have to make sure that you used a good lube.
Good luck!
Keep us Posted!

onceburned -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/7/2005 5:24:12 PM)


you may even be able to keep it in longer, like overnight, but you would have to make sure that you used a good lube.

Yes, since the tampon absorbs water it could adhere to the rectal wall and be quite difficult to remove. Not a pretty picture if the string detaches.

Sweeticing -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/7/2005 6:41:46 PM)

I have never done what you are referring to,but the one thing that pops into my head about a tampon in the anal canal is the fact it could go on up into the rectum. So if I was you I would tape the string to your ass just to be on the safe side. I wouldn't go to bed with it in .

You really don't want to lose it. And yes these things do happen. A year ago I had the privilege to escort a man by rescue squad to the hospital when a cucumber went so far up and he couldn't get it .[sm=rolleyes.gif]

sanita -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/7/2005 8:14:09 PM)

i am not sure if this is a factor for males, but if i were you, i'd check Toxic Shock Syndrome out.

if it is possible to get it from anal insertion, you would have to watch for the symptoms yourself. headache and fever are the two big ones.

knees2you -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/8/2005 12:07:46 AM)

Bad news about Tampoon insertion![X(]

I myself got a rare disorder that Only Woman are suppose to get
From tampoon insertion.!~~[8D]

The name was really hard to pronounce I'll have it later when I ask my Mom.~

I had to take major pills, 3 times a day. for 2 Years.[:o]

Please do not attempt to do this. If You get this infection There will be major foods You will not be able to eat, and Milk is included.

You will pee on an average of 10 times per day. I beg You to not want to do this~[&:]

Sincerely, Ant[;)]

onceburned -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/8/2005 3:34:41 AM)


I myself got a rare disorder that Only Woman are suppose to get
From tampoon insertion.!~~

The name was really hard to pronounce I'll have it later when I ask my Mom.~

In the interest of RACK and risk-reduction, please let us know the name so we can figure out how to lessen the chance of contracting it.

Sweeticing -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/8/2005 6:19:13 AM)

Sounds to me he is talking about Toxic Shock Syndrome it is rare for females to get it and it is considered a female illness. But if you do get it you are really sick.Often results in days in the hospital.

The main cause of TSS is a common bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. It is thought the bacteria produces toxins (poisons) which cause the symptoms of TSS. Tampons may facilitate the infection because their use may cause lacerations and ulcerations of the vaginal wall.. course same thing for the anus. These lacerations allow bacteria to enter into the lining wall. Super absorbent tampons are especially dangerous, because as in some cases they expand so much they actually stick to the vaginal/anal wall. When the tampon is removed, a layer of the vaginal lining may be scraped or peeled off. Also if a piece of the tampoon comes off and is not detected and stays in place that can harbor growth of something

But I seen where someone suggested lubing it up with something This willl help it not stick and keep it intact just dont leave for long period of time.

knees2you -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/9/2005 1:48:10 AM)

The Female/Male Urinary Tract: Common Site of Infection

A relatively short urethra conspires to increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women. In fact, between the ages of 20 and 50, women suffer 50 times as many UTIs as men. Bacteria traveling up the urethra may attack the bladder or even the kidneys themselves. Infections confined to the bladder are known as cystitis. If bacteria reach the kidneys, a condition called acute bacterial pyelonephritis can result.

Urinary Tract Disorders
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an extremely common condition that occurs in the urethra, bladder, or kidneys. UTIs are usually caused by bacteria originating in the bowels. Friction during intercourse sometimes transfers the bacteria from the vulva (external female genitals) into the urethra (passage to the bladder). The urethra is shorter in women than in men, which makes women more susceptible to UTIs.

I got this even though it is common in Woman. I peed like 10 times a day~~ cystitis.

, Ant


snmsub -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/9/2005 4:35:00 PM)

It sounds like you are talking about interstitial cystitis. It occurs when the inner lining of the bladder (which produces mucous, and protects the bladder wall from urine) is destroyed.

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/9/2005 5:56:45 PM)

I am one who is strongly opposed to the use of tampons in the anus. It is a fiberous item and I feel it has too much potential for harm. There are plenty of other things you can stick up your ass that are infintely safer. Use a butt plug. And that needs to used safely, too.
Regarding boys who have a strong desire to mimick a menstrual cycle, I do this. A healthy enema or a good dose of cod liver oil to induce some cramping, clothespins on the nipples (for a reasonable amount of time, of course) to create the tender breast syndrome, and an old-fashioned sanitary belt with a big fluffy kotex attached. That should, give you a reasonable idea of some of the discomfort.

Edited to add: I could pound you on your pelvis so you can experience the joy of some pelvic pain, also, but I probably won't do that. And I can't even begin to touch the deep, ache back pain, the headaches, or the nausea. It's a completely different kind of discomfort, so the ability to replicate it to the full extent will never be possible. you'll just have to be one of those lucky girls who sails through with the minimal bother.

stef -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/9/2005 7:03:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: knees2you

The Female/Male Urinary Tract: Common Site of Infection


I got this even though it is common in Woman. I peed like 10 times a day~~ cystitis.

Did your doctor have any idea how the use of tampons in your anus produced a UTI? Unless you have some sort of biological anomaly, the two seem rather unrelated.


knees2you -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (6/9/2005 9:35:03 PM)

My Doctor never asked me What I was doing.
And Yes it is Rare~
But I found it had to do with the Fibers.
Even Playtex Tampons are un~safe~~

Sincerely, Ant

humiliatedpia -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (10/1/2005 12:51:15 AM)

i put a tampon inside me sometimes but i often put a full tray off ice cubes in there first, it hurts, its freezing cold, its wet, and its feminine.
after doing this i feel i have decimated another chunk off anything thats left of my manhood!
the tampon will soak up the water from the ice as it melts so u dont get so much leakage (yukky) but you might still like to wear a sanitary pad for protection too :)
thanks babes pia xoxo

sissybecca -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (10/8/2005 8:52:24 PM)

I adore my "time of the month" and for a long time used tampons with no problems. That said, i have read all kinds of warnings and have to say that it probably does present some health risks. The most sensible advice I've gotten for tampon use is to place the tampon in a condom before inserting it. It is easy for it to disappear inside of's happened to me several times and I've had to flush it out.
My period these days consists of five days of very intense retention enemas for several hours each day, and mineral oil and large pads for my flow.


Looken4Friendz -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (10/9/2005 7:14:44 AM)

You know I have don't that before but didn't use a lube... Damn talk about pain, try pulling that sucker out after, it hurts like hell..

The few Domme's I have heard that do that sort of thing don't allow lube, and they fill you're butt hole with water, to give you a better idea of how it feels to have that sucker swell up inside you.

I myself do not do this anymore, and as I have tried it once, why do it again..

Good luck to you though.


jabbyjaws12 -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (10/16/2005 12:35:53 PM)

Toxic shock syndrome bro. Men get it too. Dont do it. Skip the tampon gig and go whack it to some playboys. Youll be much better off. Women only get TSS when they leave the rag in for too long. Its from a buildup of bacteria, which your ass has a lot more of than a vag. So skip it. Or put a barrier on it.

MadameDahlia -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (11/21/2005 11:25:07 PM)

The warning signs of TSS are:

sudden high temperature
(102 degrees F/38.9 degrees C or higher)
a sunburn-like rash
muscle aches
fainting or feeling faint when standing up

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare, but potentially serious disease that has been associated with tampon use. In rare cases, TSS can be fatal. TSS is believed to be caused by toxin-producing strains of the staphylococcus aureus bacterium.

The bacterium that causes TSS is found most commonly on the skin, in the nose, armpit, groin or vagina. In fact, about one third of the population carry it without any problem at all. However, in a very small number of people, certain strains of the bacterium produce toxins that can cause TSS. Most people have the antibodies in their bloodstream to protect them from the toxin if it is produced, but many do not.


siamsa24 -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (11/22/2005 6:44:36 AM)


Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare, but potentially serious disease that has been associated with tampon use.

But it is on the rise over the past year or two.

And if you are a man and think you have it you better be prepared to spill it to the doctor what you do and why you think you have TSS, it would be very important.

sweetpettjenny -> RE: Anal tampon insertions (11/22/2005 4:42:11 PM)

yikes...and here i am thinking how nice its been after the histerectomy not getting my period anymore

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