RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (Full Version)

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ocilla -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/11/2007 10:38:59 AM)

I hope it gets resurrected over and over again.  And I agree you should copywrite it - I can;t remember exactly where but I have already seen it posted on a different site and not attributed.  lil'sarbonn, it seems that this peice could become get a viral desimination quality to it and it would be a shame for your name not to travel with it.

MHOO314 -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/11/2007 10:54:59 AM)

Bravo! Well articulated.

Oumae -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/11/2007 2:31:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

. Not even sure how this got resurrected again.

I'm glad it did as I missed it first time around... excellent well articulated post.


rob425 -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/11/2007 11:59:27 PM)

great post! I am gald this has been laid out cause I have no clue how to approach dominants on this site so i don't. Now I at least have a clue

BabyNyla -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 12:03:53 AM)

I am so happy I stumbled upon this thread ... really great post :-)

WyckedMystress -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 12:16:22 AM)

It has all been said sarbonn but I wanted to add My own words -  SENSATIONAL!!  

realinlosangeles -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 12:37:11 AM)

To me, it really just comes down to: be real and be yourself.  Not every sub is compatible with every domme. There is always wooing that goes on, but if you are not being genuine in your wooing, you don't be able to sustain it. Approach the domme as a human being first and a domme second. Be respectful but not obsequious.

WyckedMystress -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 1:18:07 AM)

"Not every sub is compatible with every domme."  (Sorry dont know how to do that cut andpaste thingy anyone wanting to help can email Me :))

But back to My point - never truer words said realinLA

DiannaVesta -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 8:26:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Thanks all again. Not even sure how this got resurrected again. Usually my posts make it about a day and then disappear faster than a Jessica Power thread.

You didn't write it. You should point that out again, however you could revise and rewrite something even better. I wish you would so I can post it at Femsupreme.

DiannaVesta -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 8:46:10 AM)

The list is good. I have comments.

The last one about finding out as much as you can…. This is good and bad. I have old interviews out there from years ago. I have evolved and changed over the years. The things that interest me today are just different.  I don’t view it as stalking. I am impressed with a boy that does his homework.

The one thing that turns me off the most if the sub that takes a lazy attitude and expects me to chase after them to train them.

Here I am Mistress, mold me and make me your slave!”

The only way to get my attention and keep it is figuring out how you can work yourself into my lifestyle; find a place of interest and then showing that you can be consistent.  I will purposely set obstacles just to see how committed someone is. This is by far the biggest challenge of all.

littlesarbonn -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 1:20:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Thanks all again. Not even sure how this got resurrected again. Usually my posts make it about a day and then disappear faster than a Jessica Power thread.

You didn't write it. You should point that out again, however you could revise and rewrite something even better. I wish you would so I can post it at Femsupreme.

Excuse me? I did so write it. The person earlier in the thread indicated they had seen it printed elsewhere STOLEN FROM ME. Wow, I'm shocked beyond words now.

ocilla -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 2:45:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Thanks all again. Not even sure how this got resurrected again. Usually my posts make it about a day and then disappear faster than a Jessica Power thread.

You didn't write it. You should point that out again, however you could revise and rewrite something even better. I wish you would so I can post it at Femsupreme.

Excuse me? I did so write it. The person earlier in the thread indicated they had seen it printed elsewhere STOLEN FROM ME. Wow, I'm shocked beyond words now.

I am that earlier person and you read my words correctly.  Diane's incorrect statement is futher indication that you need to somehow either copyright it (although I know nothing about that process) or at the very least put a note on you original post reminding folks to give you attribution if they are going to repost it.

littlesarbonn -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 6:07:50 PM)

It's okay. Sounds like just a misunderstanding.

pixelslave -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/12/2007 11:07:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn
What you should do (what you really asked):
1. Assess yourself. What do you know how to do? Are you great with computers? Can you put them together blindfolded (don't tell her that because she just might have you do it that way)? :) Are you great at massage? Have you been trained to do something she might find useful, like research or legal issues? Can you cook? Do you detail cars? Do you fix cars? Everyone has things he or she excels at. Find those, and you have something she wants. Cunnilingus is NOT the kind of skill you want to advertise. Nor is full body worship or sex.

2. Use common sense. If you were her, what would you want? Read what she writes. Does she complain because she can't find a good cup of coffee? Find her a good cup of coffee. Or be able to make one.

3. Remember that she's a real person. Too many submissives fail here. Miserably. They treat her as a goddess or some untouchable persona, and while she may warrant such admiration and respect, keep in mind that she's also a real person. Should you ever interest such a woman, remember that she's probably a lot more comfortable in her fuzzy slippers than she is in high heeled boots and full dominant regalia. Some guys can't get beyond that, or they pretend to but really are just fetishist in nature.

4. Figure out what you actually want from her and see if that somehow coincides with her desires. I'll be honest with you. I rarely pursue anyone, mainly because I spend a great deal of time finding everything out about her I can, and then I try to see how I would best fit into her life. If I don't see a fit, I generally don't make contact. I realize that I don't want to be there if I'm not going to be useful, wanted and needed.

5. Learn as much about her as possible. That at least shows you that you're really interested in her and not in just some generic dominant woman. This can backfire on you, however, as I discovered when I really went out and discovered everything I could about a woman I was interested in some years ago. I found out what she was studying and read all of her interviews about what she was seeking. I did this to determine whether or not I was right for her, and I came away from that research convinced that I was. During our first encounter, I sort of freaked her out, probably leaving her thinking I was some kind of stalker. So be careful about how you do it. Know her well enough to find out if you are compatible, but don't go overboard enough to scare the crap out of her. It didn't get that bad in the example I used; but I certainly realized it could have.

Great post littlesarbonn with some sound advice.  If I may, I'd like to make a few comments of my own that correlate with some of yours. [&:]
1. When assessing yourself, remember that some of us are good at many things which we consider trivial, that others would greatly value or consider an asset if they had those same abilities.  Things such as organizational skills (sorting laundry for washing, arranging seasonal clothes in separate drawers, sorting piles of unorganized financial records into some kind of sensible order, etc.), being very detail oriented (doing things like balancing checkbooks & keeping records of bills paid), being tech savvy (setting up her checking account to automate the payments of recurring bills), or something more specific like being able to track other financial matters (IRA's or investments), are all examples that immediately come to mind which might be very valuable to any particular Domme who finds those things a real chore to HER, yet may seem trivial to YOU.  So don't discount anything that you feel you do well or that comes naturally to you. [:D]
2. Not only should you use common sense, show some initiative as well.  Use your initiative to take care of something small she's mentioned, and that will likely impress her and get her attention; possibly moving YOU to the head of HER list of potentials! [:)]
3. Not only is she a real person, she likely wants to have real conversations about things that interest her which the two of you presumably have in common other than an interest in a power exchange & BDSM!  What are her hobbies and the recreational activities that the two of you share in common?  Ask her about these things and listen (might want to take notes too!) while she tells you about her interests in them and other activities that are important to HER!  If you know nothing about them, it's a good time to ask questions to show your interest in learning more about what she's all about as a person. [8D]
4. To figure out what you want from her, you first need to figure out what you generally want for yourself!  This is not at all a trivial task and takes a great deal of introspection.  As the saying goes "know thyself".  I suggest you spend the time writing in a journal or using some other means to explore your inner thoughts about what YOUR submission means to YOU and what your picture of an ideal D/s relationship would look like to use as a starting point.  Then it's time to read the boards on places like CM and talk to people in the lifestyle who've experienced what you think you're looking for and compare your ideal to the reality that the others are living.  Afterward, it may be time to go back and re-examine the ideal relationship YOU originally though you might be looking for.  Was it realistic based on what you learned from others living the lifelstyle?  If not, perhaps you need to re-examine your expectations.  Every so often, as you gain more experience, repeating the process of introspection isn't a bad idea and might be very revealing regarding YOUR thoughts on what YOU'D now want to look for, as it may have changed considerably. [8|]
5. To me, learning as much about HER, is really part of what I spoke of in #3.  To learn this on CM, you fist have to take the time to read a woman's entire profile!  Then there are jounals and archived posts available for you to read before you mesage her to introduce yourself and ask questions of HER.  Once you do, I suggest you close your mouth to listen to what SHE has to say in response before talking a lot about yourself except in direct response to her questions.  Be sure to answer her questions with openness & honestly (and you can count on her having plent of them)!  Don't forget to learn from what she asks you (yes, there often are hidden clues about her in the questions that she asks). [;)]   When you answer them, tell her what she needs or wants to know, but don't go on endlessly about yourself.  Instead, remember to turn the conversation or subject of correspondence back to questions about HER, her likes, interests, preferences & favorites on a variety of VANILLA topics, until SHE decides to move the conversation to something more intimate.  When SHE wants to discuss sexual & D/s matters, I promise you that she'll let you know. [sm=lol.gif]
 - pixel
   Collared to Majik 6-23-07

DiannaVesta -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/13/2007 6:00:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Thanks all again. Not even sure how this got resurrected again. Usually my posts make it about a day and then disappear faster than a Jessica Power thread.

You didn't write it. You should point that out again, however you could revise and rewrite something even better. I wish you would so I can post it at Femsupreme.

Excuse me? I did so write it. The person earlier in the thread indicated they had seen it printed elsewhere STOLEN FROM ME. Wow, I'm shocked beyond words now.

I'm sorry. As I paged you I mis-read what you wrote. My bad.

ocilla -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/13/2007 11:00:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Thanks all again. Not even sure how this got resurrected again. Usually my posts make it about a day and then disappear faster than a Jessica Power thread.

You didn't write it. You should point that out again, however you could revise and rewrite something even better. I wish you would so I can post it at Femsupreme.

Excuse me? I did so write it. The person earlier in the thread indicated they had seen it printed elsewhere STOLEN FROM ME. Wow, I'm shocked beyond words now.

I'm sorry. As I paged you I mis-read what you wrote. My bad.

How cool is that.  I am a bit of a newbie and have seen threads and debates on how a Domme/Dom who says sorry or admits to any kind of mistake etc - is not behaving domly and is showing weakness - and I have thought well that is just unrealistic, insecure and plane ol stupid to think that to make and admit to a mistake is not STRONG and CONFIDENT.  Dianne - I love it that you, an unquestionalbly domly Domme, graciously demonstrated  that saying sorry is just fine for a powerful person to do.  Thanks for being a strong role model.

Politesub53 -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/13/2007 11:40:41 AM)

Rule one..... Mistress is always right.
Rule two... When Mistress is wrong refer to rule one. [;)]

i think its way better for both if a Mistress admits to an error. It shows the submissive that the Mistress is caring and thoughtful, thus allowing one to go deeper into his submission. Safe in the knowledge that his Mistress is taking note of what occurs between them.

i have to say for anyone to say sorry on a public forum shows great character.

DiannaVesta -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/13/2007 2:59:24 PM)

Thank you. I have no problem when I'm wrong. My mouth should be deformed as many times as I stuck my foot in it. lol- Oh well. I have a bad habit of skimming and being in a hurry. Its not good and sometimes I make a mistake without really thinking.

MistressLucyK -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (7/13/2007 6:44:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

Not even sure how this got resurrected again.

Congrats - [sm=applause.gif] littlesarbonn
for sharing your thoughts.

May this be a guide to other subs on how to seek their domme. I hope that it doesn't get lost from the boards

InnocentYoungSub -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (8/15/2007 9:00:19 AM)

Wow, there is so much incredible advice in this thread. I hope I can put it all to good use. [:)]

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