Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (Full Version)

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abnormalme -> Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/27/2007 10:22:22 PM)

What I'm looking for is Music that has Subliminal Messages in it that can be played in the house, dungeon or while caged & confined that would help a slave in accepting its commitment to slavery!!!!   I'm not looking for rock music, but the kind that has birds chirping and ocean waves rushing in an out. 

I'm trying to set up a recording of Mantras and I think it would be beneficial if it had Subliminal Messages in the background music.

Does anyone know of any such music and where can I fined it?

Thank you,
Master George

instynctive -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 3:48:23 AM)

You stole My idea.. :-)

I am in the process of designing a sitting or queening box.. that will double as sensory deprivation/overload unit... it will be wired with a multitude of "useful" things such as peakers, LEDs and other annoying little things...

I've been toying with the idea that anything audio that gets piped into the box contains messages of a subliminal nature.  I'm trying to reserach and find out what works best, frequency ranges, etc.  I'll make my own "mix" in Cool Edit (cause I'm a geek like that) and go from there.

Personally, I think it wouldn't be prudent to use subliminal messages of a negative nature...

earthycouple -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 8:22:05 AM)

I reiterate....what works for my slave may not work for yours.  Tailor these things to the needs of yours.

Suleiman -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 11:54:47 AM)

Somebody was selling something like that in the professional services forum (I think) a few months ago. Frankly, from the imperical evidence that's available, you could just as easily tell the person that there are subliminal messages embedded in the ambient music you're playing, and it'll have about the same effect. But, hey - some folks swear by hypnosis and all of that. I just haven't seen hard evidence to back it up, and I've seen an awful lot of failed attempts. The suggestability of the person involved is of far greater importance than the actual material being used. If the person is suggestable, hypnosis works, and the suggestion that they are being hypnotised works. If not, then nothing you play is going to work, short of the sorts of brainwashing and indoctrination techniques that amnesty international has been working hard to render illegal for the past several decades.

MagiksSlave -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 11:56:45 AM)

Why not add the message "I am a chicken" it would have the same effect of makeing someone into something they are not (trying to at least) and would be infanetly more entertaining if you where to succeed!!

Magik's slave

mnottertail -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 11:58:03 AM)

Play some old Megadeth, that aughta numb the old kidney. 

AquaticSub -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:13:13 PM)

Didn't this stuff get disproven?

Suleiman -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:21:45 PM)

For the most part, yes. I have known one (count them - ONE) person who responded well to hypnosis. He had gotten a series of posthypnotic suggestions that included "magic handcuff" commands. I have known dozens of persons who have gone in for hypnosis, vaguely responded for a short while, then came to their senses and realised that they were just playing along. Really, it dosen't work, at least not for the majority of people. How many folks do you know who have tried hypnosis or subliminal tapes to help them with losing weight or to stop smoking? How often do they swaer that it works? How long can they REALLY go without a cigarette, and/or how much weight have they lost and kept off?

So, yeah. To quote Penn Gillette, this stuff is Bull$*!t.

AquaticSub -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:34:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Suleiman

For the most part, yes. I have known one (count them - ONE) person who responded well to hypnosis. He had gotten a series of posthypnotic suggestions that included "magic handcuff" commands. I have known dozens of persons who have gone in for hypnosis, vaguely responded for a short while, then came to their senses and realised that they were just playing along. Really, it dosen't work, at least not for the majority of people. How many folks do you know who have tried hypnosis or subliminal tapes to help them with losing weight or to stop smoking? How often do they swaer that it works? How long can they REALLY go without a cigarette, and/or how much weight have they lost and kept off?

So, yeah. To quote Penn Gillette, this stuff is Bull$*!t.

Speaking of weight loss through hypnosis, did you see the Mythbusters episode where they busted those self-hypnosis tapes?

MagiksSlave -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:36:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: Suleiman

For the most part, yes. I have known one (count them - ONE) person who responded well to hypnosis. He had gotten a series of posthypnotic suggestions that included "magic handcuff" commands. I have known dozens of persons who have gone in for hypnosis, vaguely responded for a short while, then came to their senses and realised that they were just playing along. Really, it dosen't work, at least not for the majority of people. How many folks do you know who have tried hypnosis or subliminal tapes to help them with losing weight or to stop smoking? How often do they swaer that it works? How long can they REALLY go without a cigarette, and/or how much weight have they lost and kept off?

So, yeah. To quote Penn Gillette, this stuff is Bull$*!t.

Speaking of weight loss through hypnosis, did you see the Mythbusters episode where they busted those self-hypnosis tapes?

Oh Oh Oh I saw that one!!! I love the mythbusters!!!

I still think he should try and make her a chicken though, on the off chance it takes it would be infenatly more entertaining!!!

Magik's slave

AquaticSub -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:42:42 PM)

Do you think he could get her to lay eggs? [:D]

MagiksSlave -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:45:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

Do you think he could get her to lay eggs? [:D]

LOL I dont know if he thinks that he can make a slave useing it anything is possable!!

Magik's slave

Masternslave07 -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 12:46:06 PM)

I am a certified hypnotist and use hypnosis very effectively on my slave. But hypnosis is not a magic bullet. It won't work unless the person truly wants to change the behavior that the hypnosis is used for. And it needs to be enforced continually. You cannot be hypnotized through a tape either. Those are useless.
Subliminal messages in music or film don't really work either. In the 60's many rock groups played around with subliminal messages in their songs. Remember the "Paul Is Dead" controversy?

daddysblondie -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 1:34:57 PM)

What about "supraliminal" messages?
I don't know much about them. Have some audio files that a friend sent me that are supposed to contain these types of messages. I know I was told that when I listen to them, I have to use headphones, don't remember the reason why. Also can't say that I've found them to be anything other than soothing when I'm stressed, but that could simply be that I find the music in the recordings relaxing and have nothing to do with the messages recorded in them.

Suleiman -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 1:50:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Masternslave07

I am a certified hypnotist and use hypnosis very effectively on my slave. But hypnosis is not a magic bullet. It won't work unless the person truly wants to change the behavior that the hypnosis is used for. And it needs to be enforced continually. You cannot be hypnotized through a tape either. Those are useless.
Subliminal messages in music or film don't really work either. In the 60's many rock groups played around with subliminal messages in their songs. Remember the "Paul Is Dead" controversy?

Agreed. The one person I know who is a qualifiable success story was hypnotised by a skilled hypnotist who was there in the room working with him, and continued to reinforce the commands. He did in fact want to be hypnotised, he enjoyed the various games it allowed him to play, and he put work into changing his behavior to make the commands stick.

Mind control and brain-washing fantasies are all well and good. I have a friend with a hypno-disk that he uses in scene - he knows it won't *really* work, so does his wife, but they enjoy using it as a prop. Subliminal conditioning and slave training as a functional reality, though? Not the way the OP seems to be presenting his question, especially from the *Total Control* fantasy he seems to focus on in his profile. Yes, if you're enough of an edge player (or plain-old scumbag, depending on whether you're bothering with informed consent), there are brainwashing techniques that will work - but once again, these are games for experts, not enthusiastic amateurs.

Mind control tapes are amusing hokum. If that's what works for you, go for it. For the most part, though, claiming that there's a subliminal message works about as well as actually having one embedded.

AquaticSub -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 8:26:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Suleiman

Yes, if you're enough of an edge player (or plain-old scumbag, depending on whether you're bothering with informed consent), there are brainwashing techniques that will work - but once again, these are games for experts, not enthusiastic amateurs.

Not to mention that brainwashing should only be done to a person who is mentally sound enough to know what they are getting into.

skaterboy -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/28/2007 8:31:48 PM)

I will obey, I wil obey...I will obey.......NOT
What the hell did you say?
Brainwash....tee hee hee......what brain?

Celeste43 -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/29/2007 7:11:44 AM)

If you need subliminal messages to get someone to submit, then you aren't a compatible dominant for that person. Now if you need subliminal messages to get anyone ever to submit, I posit you aren't a dominant at all.

Besides, what fun would this be? Compared to hands on teaching which is an incredible bonding experience for both parties. So he should just have me listen to some weird new agey music on my ipod instead of actually dominating me, focusing intensely on what I need to respond the way he wants, etc? No thanks. Signs of an incompetent dom to me, one who can't actually inspire submission, can't competently teach new tasks, and most of all one who doesn't give a damn about the sub's needs or he would pay attention to her instead.

HypnoticDan -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/29/2007 7:47:54 AM)

Subliminals are not the same thing as hypnosis.
Subliminals have (as far as i know) been shown not to work.
Hypotic suggestions vary in effectiveness based on a lot of factors like the willingness of the subject and the hypnotist's ability.
This is why long term hypnotic suggestion doesn't work unless you get reinforcement sessions. Think of it as a booster shot.
However, if you are one of the lucky ones who is a good hypnotic subject it can be a *lot* of fun for short term play.

Abnormalme, imho you're trying to take a shortcut. aka the lazy approach to slave training. this will backfire. not only will your slave not become more obedient, they'll probably have fits the next time they listen to that music. I'm talking flashbacks, not A Clockwork Orange. If you really want said slave to be more obedient you have to give them incentive, which means you have to personally reward said slave, which means you need to put in the effort.

Posting about it twice won't change the answer.

charismagirrl -> RE: Ever Hear of Subliminal Messages In Music To Help slaves? (6/29/2007 10:10:50 AM)

i know that there are some computer programs that have subliminal (sp) messages that flash across the screen Some are not able to be personalized to what you want them to say and others are.

These are used as affirmation types of things...ie: i love myself....i am a good person

That TYPE of thing....i wondered if those could be useful within an M/s relationship as far as making certain processes more comfortable.

Since i am totally music motivated the added musical element would be awesome as far as i am concerned.

Also, not to diminish being a Dominant, or to make it a lazy thing but to ADD to it


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