RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (Full Version)

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grlneedstolearn -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:16:04 PM)

No need to worry, because i get the same thing. Cravings for who knows why, and i'll continue craving them until i actually sit down and start eating whatever i've been craving. i don't really know how to deal with it since i'm also not pregnant. But it is fun to tease my Dom about it, especially when he asks what i want for lunch or an early dinner [:D]

pashun8flame -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:43:04 PM)

at one time i thought only females had cravings for foods when they were pregnant or when it was that time of the month....but that changed when i met my Master.
Master is the first man i met to admit he has cravings for certain foods. His biggest food craving seems to be sushi, now whenever i see sushi in the supermarkets or costco i naturally think of Master.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:46:07 PM)

Eating peanuts while you're pregnant is a horrible idea.  It can cause a peanut allergy in your child, and that's one allergy you won't want him or her to have.  It's probably the worst food allergy there is.  Ask your doctor about this.  It's not a joke.


ORIGINAL: zindyslave

I have been craving peanuts like crazy lately and I have no idea why

zindyslave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:47:44 PM)

Well, I know peanuts are fattening, I have ate quite a bit in the last few days and I am thinking I will not touch them for a while tho...I don't need the fat at all!!

zindyslave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:48:48 PM)

I am not pregnant so I don't have to worry about that.....Lordandmaster....but thanks for the info.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 12:51:48 PM)

Was meant for anyone, not just for you.  Anyway, good luck.


ORIGINAL: zindyslave

I am not pregnant so I don't have to worry about that.....Lordandmaster....but thanks for the info.

zindyslave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 1:01:28 PM)

oh okay I was confused because you quoted me.  Sorry.

MagiksSlave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 1:52:10 PM)

Actually craveings have little to do with beeing pregnent. When you crave a sertain food it is because your body is needing/lacking what ever the food you are craveing has in it. With peanuts it could be salt or protein or maybe both. Listen to your body it is telling you what it needs.

Magik's slave

MagiksSlave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 1:53:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Eating peanuts while you're pregnant is a horrible idea.  It can cause a peanut allergy in your child, and that's one allergy you won't want him or her to have.  It's probably the worst food allergy there is.  Ask your doctor about this.  It's not a joke.


ORIGINAL: zindyslave

I have been craving peanuts like crazy lately and I have no idea why

Master has a peanut alergy and it can be a real pain in the ass!!! Though I dont know if it had anything to do with his mother eating them while pregnent!!

Magik's slave

habibi -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 3:51:06 PM)

i guess i'm just not certain why there's such a worry here.  peanuts are good for you, high in protein, folate, ect....they're a good food...and a good kind of fat.  a perfectly wonderful thing to crave.  i guess i wouldn't worry about's not as if you're suffering from pica {Pica is an appetite for non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, chalk, paper etc.)}  as long as it's something fairly nutritious to eat, i'd go for moderation of course.  every month my PMS craving is cake.  i haaaaaave to have cake!!  so, i buy one of those little 'cake for 2' things and dig in...but while i'm eating, i'm not doing anything else, i'm fully submersing myself in that cake...enjoying every bite...paying attention.  this makes it sooo much more satisfying.  plus, when you eat slow, you realize you're full much sooner than if you're stuffing yourself, so that cake for two lasts me more like 4 servings, instead of 2.  and by the time it's gone, i'm sick of cake..................until next month!

*btw..peanuts while pregnant have really NOT been conclusively shown to cause allergies in children.  the biggest problem comes when there's a family predisposition to allergies, especially to peanuts, in which case the child is probably already much more likely to have an allergy and exposure in the womb only hastens the identification of said allergy.  there's much more of a problem with eating peanuts while breast feeding, where there's a greater amount of exposure to the baby.  but, all in all....people are born with a predisposition to allergies, exposure just brings them out, it doesn't really "cause" them.  certain people are born with an immune system that is more likely to have a reaction to something...peanuts, pollen, chemicals..what ever it is...and exposure to that chemical may never trigger an allergy, or it may trigger it from birth...genetics is the ultimate cause of the allergy, exposure is just the trigger..sometimes there's a bullet in the chamber right away...sometimes you get a few rounds of roulette all depends.  {This was all ironically enough a very recent discussion we had in my midwifery certification classes, so it was fresh to mind}

amaidiamond -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 3:58:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: habibi

ibut while i'm eating, i'm not doing anything else, i'm fully submersing myself in that cake...enjoying every bite...paying attention.  this makes it sooo much more satisfying.  plus, when you eat slow, you realize you're full much sooner than if you're stuffing yourself

Very true that, takes 20 mins for the stomach to register food, putting the fork down between mouthfuls helps too if your dieting etc.

On a sideline - damn I am craving ribs now....

SweetDommes -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 4:21:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: nomeci

It is not uncommon for your body to create cravings if it needs certain vitamins and minerals that seem to be lacking...

This is usually the cause ... for example, I eat a very very small ammount of salt - which means that I sometimes get low on sodium.  When my system gets too low on sodium, I start craving boiled eggs and baked potatoes (the only two things that I put salt on).  Holly does similar things when she gets low on magnesium (but I can't remember right now what it is that she craves).  I know other people who crave red meat and spinich (I think) when their iron gets low, and so on. 

zindyslave -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 4:24:50 PM)

I heard when you are low on Iron that you will crave things like liver and spinach since these have loads of iron in them esspecially liver.

habibi -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 4:36:19 PM)

your body is quite good at getting you to eat the things it requires, but this is not always the case...your mind and hormones can cause cravings that have nothing at all to do with a lack of some nutrient or another.  sometimes you just crave something.  trying to analyze what it could possibly mean is like trying to analyze every dream you have for content.  some times a dream is just a dream.  they don't all have to be significant.  but, as i said before, in this case, there's no reason you shouldn't just give in and have some damn peanuts....provided you don't allow yourself to plow through a whole can.  they have plenty of nutrients and the fat is a desireable sort, so there's really no reason to be so concerned.  save the worry for something that deserves it and a doctors time for another day when you're really sick.  if you're really that concerned about your body lacking something, take a vitamin supplement, eat your fruits and veggies and either drink your milk or take your calcium.  that's more likely than not what your physician will tell you.

DeviantlyD -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 6:59:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: zindyslave

I heard when you are low on Iron that you will crave things like liver and spinach since these have loads of iron in them esspecially liver.

I agree with all here who have said that quite often we crave foods that contain nutrients we are lacking. However, this isn't always the case. There is pica that habibi mentioned, and then there is something like pagophagia (ice consumption due to iron deficiency) to which I can personally attest. I've always had a very heavy menstrual cycle and during my teens I constantly chewed ice. I had cravings for it. It wasn't until much later on, when I was in school that I learned about pagophagia. A hematologist that gave our class several lectures mentioned it, but said she didn't know if she believed it. But when she described it, it rung a bell. Obviously ice doesn't contain nutrients and definitely not iron, so there is no real explanation as to why anyone would crave chewing it, but I can attest to the fact that it can happen for those with iron deficiency.

I know your craving is for peanuts, not ice. But the point I'm trying to make is that it might not be due to a nutrient in peanuts themselves. I think too, that if your craving persists (i.e. not something from our wonderful hormonal cycle!) you should check it out with a medical professional.

Fizzgig -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (6/30/2007 10:46:42 PM)

I had the ice craving thing while I was pregnant. I'd go through bags a day! While not pregnant I can't even think of eating ice without shuddering...there's just no way I can do it.

Peanuts are pretty good for you, why not sprinkle some on an asian type salad or something like that?
I sometimes have *crazy* cravings for peanut butter on toast, I'll go months without ever touching peanut butter then all of a sudden I just *have* to have it on toast, with butter and while I'm toasting the bread I'm spooning peanut butter into my mouth! *laughs* Also the toast has to be almost burnt...
Maybe I should look up peanut cravings as well hmmmm....

Domspaintoy -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (7/1/2007 11:38:32 AM)



I had the ice craving thing while I was pregnant. I'd go through bags a day! While not pregnant I can't even think of eating ice without shuddering...there's just no way I can do it.

Many moons ago when i was pregnant i had cravings 3 in particular which are as follows,

1st pregnancy was oranges
2nd pregnancy was pork scratchings
3rd pregancy and the weirdest, i found it quite by accident when i was filling the hot water bottle for my 2 pre-schoolers (this was in the 90's) i had the most overwhelming urge to chew the hot water bottle once id filled it with hot water! No idea why but it became a part of my every day routine i needed it like i needed the air i was breathing and the minute i gave birth it vanished. incidently i dont now have a rubber fetish, leather is my thing [;)]

my point is cravings come and go, some are ok some arent, peanuts is one id class as 'a need to find out why and what im deficient in'. sorry to go on but considering you can develop a nut allergy overnight it needs looking at by a doctor.

dpt. [:D]

RaynaSub -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (7/1/2007 3:06:10 PM)

I often crave chocolate and spicey foods.
I keep a small amount of chocolate on hand, I am usually satisfied
with a small amount when I have the cravings.
Most foods are not bad if eaten in moderation.

daddysblondie -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (7/1/2007 5:02:04 PM)

I've had issues with being iron deficent all my life. Never craved liver or spinich though. I do find myself craving red meat occasionally.

And I was a big ice chewer when I was younger. Still do it, but not as much as i used to.

MistressSassy66 -> RE: Craving certian foods without being pregnant? (7/8/2007 3:45:28 PM)

I get wicked cravings before My period.
Usually its Almond Joys,but sometimes its red meat.
I'm not a meat eater either so My body craves it once
in awhile.The last time I ate a huge steak at a friends house
and totally regretted it.My poor tummy was messed up for days.

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