RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (Full Version)

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VeryCurious07 -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (12/29/2007 5:56:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: MsCfromMelbourne

I find AB (even soiling nappies!) much less disturbing than play rape and play incest

Question, MsCfromMelbourne: Would you consider a guy who wants to be treated like a baby and have sex with his GF/Mommy to be also acting out incest?

PanthersMom -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (12/29/2007 7:58:41 PM)

gotta love this country, to be free to do as we please and sit here and debate it as well!  to each his own folks, and to the OP, AB/DL isn't for everyone.  we're all here to enjoy our own kinks, not get angry because ours isn't as accepted as the rest, whatever our particular kink might be.


Reigna -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (12/29/2007 8:48:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: MsCfromMelbourne

Isn't that what BDSM role play is all about?  Regressing into a child like world of make believe, having fun and not taking yourself seriously for a while? Role play??!!! You jest!!! This is dead serious, the Real Thing, True Selves at High Church, and we're the High Priestesses!! <faints dead away in the presence of Ozzian blasphemy>

As for sexiness?  Hey, once upon a time I swore I would never find crossies sexy.  But put a dead sexy man in a frock and stockings, have a fantastic scene and things can change........people can change! You got that right. [:D]

It is  a grown man pretending to be a baby, not a baby.  Quality of the scene depends on the quality of the man and the relationship you have with him.  I say keep an open mind. More Ozzian blasphemy! <faints again>

MaamJay -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (12/30/2007 1:15:04 AM)

Well more fool Me, I read the whole damn thing before realising it was 2 years old LOL! Have to say I agree with tammyjo as I usually do.

My own position is this:
My primary need is for a sub who will be one of two partners in My life ... the other i have already found, He is Master of my submissive side. As such, My sub must be a fully functioning adult individual with one distinction ... he or she will be willing to accede to My will, in much the same way as the Knights of old willingly bent the knee and served their Queen. No one accused them of being weak or namby-pamby! To be a sub/slave of the type I require takes a great deal of strength and courage, not weakness. It takes good powers of self-organization, plenty of devotion, self-discipline, attention to detail, obedience, punctuality ... I could go on! I don't have any fantasies about keeping them bound and gagged ... that is a part of bdsm play which occurs relatively rarely though hopefully regularly. That is reward for good behaviour, it is a way in which the sub and I have fun together. They get to go to subspace and I get to take them there, both are satisfied and happy. Neither do I bark orders, stub anything lit out on anyone ... and flogging and spanking is done in a very controlled way and strictly as play, not punishment. I would NEVER punish anyone with any play behaviour, from spanking to cross-dressing to diapering or whatever, for Me, punishment involves extra chores and/or withdrawal of privileges. It has to be something the sub definitely doesn't like. Several posters seem to have less understanding of what Dominas are like than they accused Us of having of their fetishes! On the everyday level My sub will assist Me in the running and maintenance of the home ... hopefully they'll be good at gardening! However, they will be permitted and encouraged to have work outside the home, to have outside friends and interests that they pursue as allowed. I want whole happy people around Me! And they won't need to be micro-managed every minute of the day. Essentially their presence in My life will make My life easier and better ... and My presence in their life will give them a much-needed focus for their submissive desires, making their life better too. They will be spoken to kindly, cherished and appreciated for all that they do.

So could a fetishist fit into that? Simple! If they are an "obligate fetishist" ... as in they are obliged to have their fetish fulfilled before they get into any sort of service mode ... they are NOT going to fit. Whether they are an AB, a DL, a cross-dresser (been there done that), a sissy ... whatever the theme of the fetish, if they NEED IT above all else ... then I am NOT the One for them. I want them to need My Dominance, not My catering to what turns them on. It doesn't really matter to Me then, what "age" the AB is ... only to say that the younger they are, the further away they are from anything I could remotely relate to. I am childless by choice ... and I intend to stay that way. Soiled diapers ... forget it! Toddlers ... well they don't call it the terrible twos for nothing LOL! And I don't want a bratty sub of any age, so that's not going to float My boat either. I really agree with those here who have suggested that the full-on AB such as the OP is in fact a Top ... because they want everything done to them exactly how they want it done! Find a nurturing subby girl who wants to be a Mommy! Likely to be far more successful than looking for a Domme! I can identify to a point with "inner child" ... I have one Myself, but I have no wish for her to come out very often, let alone full time! I doubt she'd make a very good teacher or help Me get a PhD LOL!

However, IF someone had occasional tendencies towards any of these fetishes ... enjoys occasionally playing as an AB, sissy, CD etc but did not NEED IT on a regular basis ... then fine, then it could be fun and I would consider that person as a potential. But I would have to be very sure that the fetish would not grow if indulged occasionally to gradually take over all of life ... as My CD ex-hubby's fetish did! It would have to be entirely on My schedule, on My say so and I wouldn't expect there to be any change of demeanour should I say "No, not now, I'm not in the mood". With the sheer amount of whining MOST (not all) of the AB posters on this thread have done, they definitely would not fit My criteria!

Maam Jay aka violet[A]

diaperedbaby -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (12/31/2007 7:43:07 AM)

I think that is the biggest difference. To what degree someone is doing something. Occassional play is much different than a 24/7 deal. I am the same as far as looking at it as a fetish. Not much different than any of the others. Actually, I could think of some that I personally would consider much worse.

bigbABygentleman -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/4/2008 9:46:43 PM)

I'm not a Domme or Dom. I have been an adult baby and diaper lover for many years. Posting on a 2 year old post is probably like spitting on a forest fire, but, I think I can, I think I can :)

The observations I've managed to make over the years are:

1. Women don't want men as babies, but consider us babies and most immature, BUT not all.
2. Women do want their men potty trained but will do laundry where the underwear should be replaced with trainers at the least and diapers for most.
3. Women don't want to change an adults diaper, unless they're in the nursing field, medical professional etc, since they deal with on a daily basis.
4. Women want a romantic, masculine man to make their fantasies a reality.
5. Women don't mind coddling, breastfeeding or even changing their man's diapers, if they're being fulfilled sexually, emotionally and physically as well as no financial woes.

6. Men that want to do anything 24/7/365 need their heads examined. That's so much work for ANYONE.
7. Men don't understand how women work or how their minds function.

I have had the honor and pleasure of being with very beautiful and caring women that had limits, but diapers weren't one of them. They didn't want me to lie to them. They wanted me to hold them after sex. They wanted me to listen when they talked and at least act like I was interested. They wanted to feel like they were the most important thing in THEIR lives.

Wearing a diaper doesn't make me any less of a man. Using a diaper doesn't either. What makes a man, is what she or he want's them to be.

The women, respectfully that don't understand this fetish/lifestyle, you don't know what you're missing. An adult that loves and is totally comitted to you mind, body and soul. The feeling of someone suckling your breast and you knowing how complete that makes you feel.

I know I'll probably be flamed and I've got broad shoulders and big wide feet to support my frame of 6'7" tall.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, but when someone says this is sick or worse they could never see themselves doing this. I say to that person, how did you feel when you first realized you were Dominant? Did you wrestle with it or WHAM just accept it right away? My guess is the majority of people wrestle with it. I know I did as an AB/DL when I was in my 20's and 30's when there was no Internet and the only outlet was massage parlors and adult bookstores with the occasional story in Penthouse Forum or when publications came out like Letters etc. I was like many of my fellow and fellowette AB/DL's. I thought I was the only one in the world and why on earth did this happen to me?

Then the fetish lovers like me, founded Amber Enterprises, DPF, Infante Press, Linda Latex and places like Sherema and other scene related places like Mistress Uba's bABy boutique in Hollywood California opened up and there were AB/DL parties, where you could actually go and meet other men and women that were into the same thing you were personally. I found out, that I wasn't all that different from them and I like most just wanted and needed validation that I wasn't needing a window room in the local sanitarium or the crossbar hotel for wearing diapers.

The first time I went into a public place to buy diapers, I remember the feeling that everyone could tell they were for ME. Oh my God, the pharmacist knows, the stockperson knows, and the cashier, the cute cashier knows that I wear adult diapers. It's the farthest thing from most people's minds, unless you are into the fetish. When I wore my diapers in public, I could hear every step crinkle crinkle and thought my God everyone can hear that I'm diapered.

Again, farthest thing from the truth, most people are so self-absorbed in their day-to-day lives they don't have time to worry about what type of underwear you're wearing, let alone think an adult is wearing a diaper.

Now if you use the diaper and by chance it leaks, most will think that poor pathetic adult has a medical problem and needs them. Some may even offer to assist you, if you leak badly. I know! My ex used to poke pin holes in the diaper to insure they leaked when I soaked them, unbeknown to me, until it was too late. When an adult soils a diaper, it can be a disgusting event, however there are products on the market to reduce or eliminate odors.

The women I dated thought there was something enpowering when they took away even my most basic bodily functions and gave them to the diaper. You can say you won't use the diaper, but enough fluids and solids eaten and digested and body will eventually prove you wrong. Privately wetting or soiling is an experience the first time that some feel they could never bear, but they get past it. The first time in public and you worry about everyone around you can smell what's happened. Most could care less, unless your Mistress/mommy draws attention to you with humiliating comments or checks your diaper visibly in a very public area then comments that, "you could wait till we got home baby" or something similar. You want to have the earth open up and swallow you whole, right then and there, but again, you survive.

Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers are not always submissive and some Dommes/Mommies don't like that. Some don't want the pacifiers and adornments of baby's. Others on the other hand, want it all, nursery, diapers, panties, bottles, babyfood, changing table, playpen, early bedtimes, wet and or messy diapers, bibs, high chairs, breastfeedings etc.

Some women want their baby in diapers. It acts as a chastity device against other women touching their man/baby. It also serves to remind the man, day-to-day, who is in control of that area of the body. When he has to use the bathroom publicly, he has to choose, risk being discovered in diapers or use the diaper and hope it doesn't leak. Worse is if a mommy wants to put an arrogant man in his place, she might feed him a high fiber diet for a few days, forcing him to use the diaper to soil himself. This is another step toward his complete submission, not to her, but to the diapers. He will have to come home and upon inspection and questioning, have to admit that he couldn't hold any more than a real baby and he used his diapers just like a baby.

The good thing about AB/DL play is that she also has a man that when she's changing him and he get's aroused, she can use that for HER enjoyment. When he's suckling at her breast and they've worked at it and she's lactating, it's an erotic experience for her. He can manually stimulate her, while he suckles, bringing her to multiple orgasms and reinforcing her power over him and his diapers. Also, it should be noted that since this is TWO consenting adults, there can also be adult sexual play. However many women get into a mindset, where they see their partner as a true and helpless infant at times and therefore, potty training may be necessary. But since usually the AB/DL play is NOT 24/7/365, the toilet training may be decreased where urgency needs to be addressed or risk an accident, but total and complete incontinence usually will not result in wearing diapers.

If AB/DL's would remember women aren't not like men. They want the romance, they want their man successful so they can be proud of him. They want him to treat her like a LADY in public and his Mistress in the bedroom. If more men would do this, most marriages would last a lifetime. Quit thinking ME ME ME and start thinking WE WE WE. Communicate with your partner; Be Honest about your desires, but also be willing to listen to hers. Treat her with admiration and respect and you'll find a woman that would do just about anything and then some. You relationship will grow and so will you love and respect for your partner.

Sorry for my rantings, but that's my .02 cents.


diaperedbaby -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/5/2008 7:39:41 AM)

You did go into the cellar for this one. Nice post on a very misunderstood fetish/lifestyle

sillyslaveboy -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/5/2008 11:50:43 AM)

Lovely put, bogbABygentleman. After reading the topic and viewing much web material i can say i could lose myself in this lifestyle, but only if i never thought of that bigger picture you described. Why should i in the end? The best slave is brainwashed slave and this is a very sweet way to be. :)

SaraZeal -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/5/2008 2:39:37 PM)

I'd dare say that the dynamic seems very different (and a lot more accepted) when reversing the genders. I'm not AB really, I'm LG (Little Girl) who likes the helplessness and loss of control of diapers.

They don't prevent me from doing housework or really anything else, either. I can do everything I do normally even if I feel as a 8 years old at that moment, and wearing a wet diaper.

I'll admit not to knowing true ABs much, those who are not merely young like me, but toddlers.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/5/2008 2:46:36 PM)

It's more than ok you're not interested, but please do not assume all diaper lovers or adult babies want to poop in their diapers, or act like brats cause biological children act that way so people who choose t o role play children will too. True some will but not ALL do.

I started out as a AB, and I did NOT at any time shit in my diapers, nor did I even really wear diapers that much, and now as an emotional ageplay who's into regression I still don't shit in diapers, nor do I wear them at all. As an AB Neither did I act like a toddler going through terrible two's.



I am childless by choice ... and I intend to stay that way. Soiled diapers ... forget it! Toddlers ... well they don't call it the terrible twos for nothing LOL! And I don't want a bratty sub of any age, so that's not going to float My boat either.
Maam Jay aka violet[A]

bigbABygentleman -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/9/2008 8:53:24 PM)

I think some of the turn-off for a lot of men and women, is that an adult baby or diaper lover 24/7 is a lot of work and very draining. And you're correct, not all AB/DL's use their diapers as intended, some Domme/Dom's insure that only some subs use their diapers for wetting, since they don't want the clean up or smell to deal with. However, it is quite humbling and an experience I would hope that every man or woman that wanted AgePlay or bABy play would allow their subs to experience.

You can as adult rationalize that you wet yourself and still feel like an adult. It's a whole different story when the diaper is not only soaking wet but full of your own fece's and you did it. No one forced you to do, the diaper was there and the bathroom wasn't because your Mistress or Master forbid you to use it. Nature will eventually require payment to the diaper. There is also something really humbling, knocking a macho man down a peg or two, when he's standing in front of woman of stature with a soaking wet diaper and full also. He can't be macho, much less rebellious. Also, if it's in public, he worries that everyone will smell him and know he's the culprid.

S/he can be scared to death with the mere threat of public exposure or God forbid a public change. If the Mistress/Master want's to add additional suspense and nerve racking content, they can before diapering the sub, poke tiny pin holes in the diaper, insuring a leak. However small, it will be seen and recognized by any woman or man that's taken care of a toddler or infant of the smaller variety.

Taking someone some place in public like a movie or out to dinner with diapers on under their clothes is a thrill for the Dom/me and a nightmare for the sub, especially if they have been properly preped for their first outing. Lots of fluid and high fiber for a few days before a movie, dinner out, a long drive for vacation, sending the sub on an extensive shopping spree with instructions NO POTTY, can be so much fun too.

Once the sub is used to their diapers and there is no more fun for the Dom/me, then they make be made to wet or soil themselves and beg the Dom/me to rediaper them. Another variation for those that don't have weak stomaches, is to give the submissive and promise them the bathroom, when they complete a set of tasks, shopping, errands etc. Usually the sub, will be unable to finish the tasks and have to suffer finishing them in a very used diaper.

This would probably also be for the subs that are into extreme humilation, or someone that say's they have NO limits as one Domme mentioned in another post, or you could start your sub in the morning on coffee, tea at lunch and dinner and diapers for the night.

Give them a nice high volume four quart enema and put them in a thick disposable with NO SAFE word and guess what happens?

Just another .02 cents.

Leatherist -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/9/2008 9:12:21 PM)

I have used the same sort of diaper control-only done it to female submissives. The full routine-including the loaded diapers-I saw it as total physical surrender to my will.
There really wasn't anything age play related-I still expected to be served-not to be taking care of an infant.
 The biggest issue that most Doms seem to have with ab's is one of maintanence-They don't want to be enslaved by someone playing a baby.

MistressDolly -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/9/2008 9:39:22 PM)

Thank you for your honest appraisal of your observations and feelings. Very informative.

BiteGirl -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (8/9/2008 9:45:10 PM)

I just read your profile.

I have to say I have a healthy curiosity about adult babys, but beyond speaking to and befriending you, I can't say I'd be interesting in going futher and domming you, even if you did live closer.

I think one has to look at their audience, if you are aiming for a small minority of people, it's going to be harder to find someone.

Also, add more to your profile about yourself. Longer profiles with more information on YOU and less on potential domme's might help.

Good luck &have fun!

bigbABygentleman -> RE: adult babies--- real and very much a lifestyle!! (10/8/2008 6:33:32 PM)

Although I respect everyone's opinion, I have to state that not ALL AB/DL's want to be 24/7/365 as that is very boring and quite a burden on anyone, man woman or child.

I also think that a lot of AB/DL's think that women should just drool and fall all over themselves to change their wet and or soiled diapers, because that's what mothers do to their smaller counterparts.

Interject: the smaller variety has no choice. Most parents want to toilet train them and get them out of diapers as quickly as possible.

There is a bonding that is unique between an adult baby/diaper lover and their caretakers. It also allows for more adult interaction, such as sensual and or sexual interludes between the AB/DL and the caretakers, however, some people would consider that almost as bad as an incestual relationship between a mother/father and a child. The only difference is that this is two consenting adults, one whom chooses to wear diapers or is requested strongly by their caretaker. Some men and women will only tollerate wet diapers, and will not allow messy ones, for obvious safety and odefous reasons.

Domination using diapers as a control however has a place in some if not all BDSM scenes, since a diaper takes away the last vestage of the most intimate bodily functions and gives it to the diaper. And, the diaper will always win!

It also allows for a type of humilation that stems from deeply rooted training when we were children and having an accident brought swift and decisive retribution from the caretaker or babysitter. Along with somtimes harsh humilation.

Some long for that when they wish to be diapered and dominated. Others just wish to have a bonding experience with a mommy or daddy and the diapers are a type of costume to set the stage. The ones that want 24/7/365, seriously need a reality check as that is entirely too much work for one side of any relationship. It will drain a caretaker/partner in shortorder and make them very much disgruntled. All give and not receiving will make mommy not a very happy mommy or daddy for that fact. Also physical or social interaction outside of the scene is needed to keep things fresh and each person feeling they're both getting their needs met.

Open communication between the mommy/daddy/caregiver are very important, since so many AB/DL's think that everything should be handed to them and the caregiver should be either Kreskin or related closely to him. *(they should be able to read their minds and anticipate ALL their needs)

Being hot or not, I think each person has their own definition of being hot.

Personally I think it's hot to lay next to  a woman, nursing at her breasts and manually stimulating her vaginally and anally to multiple orgasms for allowing me to pleasure her and her to care for me as she sees fit and proper. I've met women that abhorred the diapers, and then I've met women that are nurses that deal with this on a daily basis and it's nothing but bodily functions that allow them to see men's penis's in various stages of arousal or errection. Some being in their 80's and 90's as they work in long-term care facilities and change diapers every day.

So, I think, we all have our own perspectives of hot and acceptable. I'm not looking for someone to baby me 24/7/365. I'm looking for a partner that when she feels a little frisky and wants to play, she diapers me up and maybe we nurse in the bedroom or on the couch while I give her multiple orgasms. If she want's change me, great, if not, I know how to shower!

Just my .02 cents

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