Another attempt at trolling (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 9:38:20 PM)

Subs, tell me about a time you were put to sleep by a doctor or dentist and you tried your best to stay awake.  Did you struggle? Did you resist?  Did you behave yourself?  Did you say anything? What were you thinking?

Oh, and don't say anything sexual in nature at all in your response because that's not what I'm looking for.


Aileen68 -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 9:40:26 PM)

There was this one band camp.

mistoferin -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 9:40:38 PM)

If a doctor or dentist is putting me to sleep it is because he is about to do something that I really don't want to be awake for. I can't think of a reason why I would, under those circumstances, try at all to fight it.

twistedkytten -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 9:41:06 PM)

Yes, i have.. just to see... they wanted me to count backward from 10. i made it to 4- before that i told the Dr. he had the bedside manner of a moose among more, obviously as he refused to treat me after the surgery

brightspot -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 11:02:39 PM)

This is not good enough bait for me to bite[:'(].
It is kind of funny how, I avoid the fisher's
that troll, I tend to enjoy so much more, real bait
wiggling under a bobber[8D].
Have you ever been knocked out?, for a serious

MagiksSlave -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/23/2007 11:49:51 PM)

yeah Id have to agree with erin on this one it was just a few years ago, I was getting my tonsals out (yeah I know they dont usualy do it for adults but it HAD to be done) and well I didnt really want to be awake for it, so I was more then happy to let them put me out


windchymes -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 7:44:56 AM)

I'm embarrassed to say I did.  I've always had a phobia about anesthesia and was convinced I'd either wake up during the procedure or would never wake up at all.  So, when I had my wisdom teeth out in the office many years ago, with IV anesthesia, I had a last second panic attack and resisted going to sleep, even though my head was swimming.  They kept looking at me funny and said I really should lie back.  The dentist finally decided my IV line must be blocked so he jiggled and tapped it and then gave me another syringe full of the juice.  Of course, I passed right out then, and, of course, had a hard time waking up when they wanted me to.

Last year, when back surgery was a necessity, I agonized for weeks over the prospect of general anesthesia.  I was again convinced I was going to wake up while they were drilling screws into my spine.  Fortunately, I work in a hospital and had a heart-to-heart chat with the nurse anesthetist and he briefed me on the modern day monitoring techniques that they now use, and how nearly impossible it is to wake up prematurely, and it did put my mind somewhat at ease.  Still, I would have been just dandy with the idea of doing the back surgery in the office with a local.  Turns out, the "milk of amnesia" IV juice was awesome.  They were rolling me out of pre-op, chattering away at how afraid I was that I wasn't going to wake up.  They gave me a shot of it to shut me up, I presume, and next thing I knew, they were waking me up.  Piece of cake.

ProlificNeeds -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 8:17:50 AM)

Twice, both times were a relief from pain that I had been enduring for some time, so they were welcomed and encouraged to knock me out once I got to the hospital.

littleone35 -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 8:35:06 AM)

I am also one if those i am afraid i am not gonna wake up people.  After my first surgery i woke up and was in so much pain i wished i would have stayed asleep.  The surgery i had in Feb i did fight it but it was no use knocked me out right away.  I remember being wheeled into the operating room next thing i wake up in recovery.  Even though waking up is a painful experience is sure beats not waking up.

Matt's littleone

aidan -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 3:21:12 PM)

I'm one of those lucky genetic lottery winners who had to have their wisdom teeth removed. All of them, at once.

I have a high tolerance for most drugs, so they had to sedate me pretty heavily. Even with the maximum safe dosage for a person my size, I wasn't completely docile. There was a constant stream of talk coming, most of it fairly unpleasant. Confused, weak, and with lots of sharp metal things in my mouth, I was not a happy camper. Cursing, threats of violence and "You'll never take me alive" were apperantly the most common utterings, and it took two nurses to hold me down because I kept trying to take a swing at the dentist.

That the kind of thing we're going for?

AAkasha -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 3:23:51 PM)



I'm one of those lucky genetic lottery winners who had to have their wisdom teeth removed. All of them, at once.

I have a high tolerance for most drugs, so they had to sedate me pretty heavily. Even with the maximum safe dosage for a person my size, I wasn't completely docile. There was a constant stream of talk coming, most of it fairly unpleasant. Confused, weak, and with lots of sharp metal things in my mouth, I was not a happy camper. Cursing, threats of violence and "You'll never take me alive" were apperantly the most common utterings, and it took two nurses to hold me down because I kept trying to take a swing at the dentist.

That the kind of thing we're going for?

By god, yes!

I guess I didn't make my trolling attempts very clear.  I realized that if it was ok (well, not ok, but still frequent) for men to post questions when really they want material to make them horny, why can't I do that to?  So even though most men don't find anything erotic or rewarding about talking about how they were sedated, possibly restrained, definitely helpless....I certainly get turned on *in the right context*.  Not any subs have really made it too gratuitous yet...well, there's still hope!!


aidan -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/24/2007 3:34:56 PM)





I'm one of those lucky genetic lottery winners who had to have their wisdom teeth removed. All of them, at once.

I have a high tolerance for most drugs, so they had to sedate me pretty heavily. Even with the maximum safe dosage for a person my size, I wasn't completely docile. There was a constant stream of talk coming, most of it fairly unpleasant. Confused, weak, and with lots of sharp metal things in my mouth, I was not a happy camper. Cursing, threats of violence and "You'll never take me alive" were apperantly the most common utterings, and it took two nurses to hold me down because I kept trying to take a swing at the dentist.

That the kind of thing we're going for?

By god, yes!

I guess I didn't make my trolling attempts very clear.  I realized that if it was ok (well, not ok, but still frequent) for men to post questions when really they want material to make them horny, why can't I do that to?  So even though most men don't find anything erotic or rewarding about talking about how they were sedated, possibly restrained, definitely helpless....I certainly get turned on *in the right context*.  Not any subs have really made it too gratuitous yet...well, there's still hope!!


Well hey, I'm happy to lend a hand on that score! I've got plenty of stories about me getting roughed up that aren't explicitly sexual in nature.

I didn't get very gratuitous in nature with the last one because a) I didn't think we were supposed to ["don't say anything sexual in nature"] and b) I don't really remember it...I heard most of it after the fact.

It was nice to wake up back in my living room and see the nail-marks and bruises from where the nurses were grabbing my arms. *grins*

Celeste43 -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 8:14:47 AM)

I'm the other way around, can't wake up afterwards. I always warn them that I'm a cheap date/zero tolerance and they're always nervous about how hard it was to get me to wake up afterwards. I distinctly remember after gall bladder surgery begging to just be allowed ten more minutes sleep, which actually turned into two more hours.

AAkasha -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 9:24:44 AM)



Well hey, I'm happy to lend a hand on that score! I've got plenty of stories about me getting roughed up that aren't explicitly sexual in nature.

I didn't get very gratuitous in nature with the last one because a) I didn't think we were supposed to ["don't say anything sexual in nature"] and b) I don't really remember it...I heard most of it after the fact.

It was nice to wake up back in my living room and see the nail-marks and bruises from where the nurses were grabbing my arms. *grins*

Ahh....well you know you can get gratutious about being helpless, fearful, or about struggling, the feel of restraints, etc -- without getting sexual.  I can't speak for all femdoms, but I think I get MORE turned on when I read about helplessness of this kind minus the blatant sexuality because that's all fairly easy and obvious to me; what I'm after, deep down, (as a femdom), is the essence of fear, helplessness, surrender, sacrifice.  If those elements can come through in writing, and not necessarily about dildos or pussies or cocks or anything else, it allows me the opportunity to be thrilled with the sensuality of the words.


CrazyC -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 9:27:57 AM)

I fell asleep for five hours when i was in the process of giving birth. lol

Tannie -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 1:32:28 PM)

I was being put to sleep to get some elective surgery done and decided I wanted to mess with the doctors.  I kept making random jokes about their outfits, made a crack about how everything looked like a bad episode of the X Files, and just before I went to sleep, I yelled out "Beam me up Scotty!".  Next thing I knew, I woke up with a nurse sitting at the foot of the bed shaking her head at me and smiling.

thirdPaw -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 2:56:58 PM)

I had to have knee surgery a couple of months ago and it required a general anaesthetic. It also required a lot of sitting around and waiting for my surgery slot. Unfortunately for me, my body gets hot when it's working hard - when I do sports in the winter, I can actually make clouds of steam. So I'm lying anxiously on the bed, feeling the heat start to rise up, and noticing that the nurses and the anesthetist have noticed how hot I'm getting. I know I'm sweating and my body is panicking. In an attempt to calm me down, the nurse asks me what I'd been reading while I was waiting. Right now, in a silly gown and paper pants, it is not the time to explain why Caravaggio is such an amazing artist and why I was reading about his life, so my feeble attempts to explain make me feel even worse. The anesthetist looks at the arrow on my leg and says, "Oh good, they drew an arrow so we know which one to amputate."

And that was it until I woke up and apologized for drifting off. I hadn't even know that they'd started the anaesthetic. I'd expected to struggle, but I never saw it coming.

Which was all as considerably less scary than having them all run around when my heart rate dropped below 40 during recovery. That felt utterly ridiculous and my light-headedness kept making me giggle.

It didn't have any bdsm tones to it, and it didn't fix my knee, but it was an experience.

onegoodgirl -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 2:59:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

If a doctor or dentist is putting me to sleep it is because he is about to do something that I really don't want to be awake for. I can't think of a reason why I would, under those circumstances, try at all to fight it.

I'll echo this one :)    I'm a big freaking baby when it comes to dentists.. I want to be out out out out OUT!

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 8:37:43 PM)

Ach!..I am afraid my experiences are rather tame..usually my surgery has been so wayyy to early in the am..that when it came time to go out..I was already asleep and snoring away..hey dont shoot me!! caffeine is cruel punishment..but...when I was coming out of anesthesia..I do remember projectile vomiting, and hitting the mark on a couple of that count as trollilicious???Tempting

hobbit9sub4u -> RE: Another attempt at trolling (7/25/2007 8:55:02 PM)

well one time i put my foot through a glass hamster cage(while said foot was attached to a leg in a cast*rolls eyes at her own clumsyness*) and they wanted to put me to sleep to stitch me up cause they thought it would be less traumatic then to inject me 5 or six times with a bigg huge needle to numb the actual area so they could stitch it up.

well i was so anxious that the knock out juice they gave me didnt work, i was so tired but i just couldnt go to sleep, my mind was racing thinking abotu how i had never had any stitches before. my mom was there and kept talkign to me about how she would buy me a stuffed animal when we went home.

she kept tryign to distract me and askign me what kind of stuffy i wanted, then my aunt and uncle came and visited with my cousins  and they all tried to get me to go to sleep , nothign worked.

i stayed as still as i could and tried to be good, i layed quietly but just couldnt sleep, so finally they injected me with 5 or six huge needles and sewed my foot up. 200 hundred or so stitches. i fell asleep on the cab ride home.

is there a point to this thread  im un aware of? hehe.

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