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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/11/2007 5:55:46 PM   

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There's some ideas out there though, vague though they may be. The first Underworld comes to mind. Not the best story ever commited to film, but making an effort.

About the only thing that comes to mind about that movie was the costumes. Ah well.


How do you represent a...for lack of better terms...Female Knigh and male damsel in an authentic way? It's not enough to just switch the sexual organs, at least I don't think so. It wouldn't ring true to me for it to simply be a feminine male and masculine female in the roles.


For Straub and King fans, think back to The Talisman. Do you remember the subplot, gleaned from secondary character accounts, about Philip Sawyer and Morgan Sloat? There was allusion to Philip's "twinner" being a peasant, a "pauper prince", who saved and won the heart of the Queen. There might be something to that...The vagabond warrior, the peasant artist, a diamond in the rough.

There are a lot of ways to go with this. The dynamic is that the damsel is weak where the hero is strong... the hero CAN help the damsel, but... Right? So disparity in strength. Ok.

So biology works against the physical strength. i mean, you can go the "Xena Warrior Princess" route, but she had her little blonde girl, and you really have to enjoy hearing the term "wank fodder" (not a compliment! go figure).

What else is power? Money. So starving artist/benefactor comes to mind right off the bat. Workable. Royalty- also workable. A bit stereotypical.

What about the gambler who borrows money from the "wrong element" to cover a bet... and loses. His savior? The well-to-do woman who sees someone she can take advantage of? Perhaps the Mafia Dona who might consider letting him pay off his debt some other way?

Okay, wank fodder again. Fooey. But it's an easy road to work with if you can be more subtle.

What about emotional strength? The confident, passionate Domme who snares a heartbroken man in her web?

Too chick-flick? Hey, chicks are people too! Okay.

Political strength? Come on, Female Big-City Mayor and intern struggling to network his future success? Older woman, knows exactly what she wants, photogenic, just oozing power, tailored business suits... you gotta love that.

Potential. Resist urge to make humorous Clinton/Lewinsky references. They're not as humorous as you think.

Intellectual strength? The sadistic blackmailer. The brilliant young college student helping the hockey player () make the grades he needs to stay on the team? Combine with financial power and you have the corporate raider and the struggling small businessman.

Just consider all the ways that a person can end up with his back against the wall in a dramatic story, and how he can be saved without calling in the A-Team, and you've got something to work with.

Or you can just go with Xena. i mean, the leather outfit, half your work is already done.

(in reply to aidan)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/11/2007 6:45:34 PM   

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Hmmm.  Been thinking on this one Aakasha and I have recalled one young man who fit the description - but the reality of it is just kind of sad. 

His name was Edwin a beautiful Latin boy of 18 that came to work for me years ago.  He had been raised in a Jesuit monastery in the Yucatan - somewhat cloistered.  He was emancipated at the age of 18 where upon he walked wide eyed and pure into my kitchen.  One of my scullery crew, all from the Yucatan, brought him in and vouched for him as he knew maybe one or two words English at the most - I always took my team's advice and hired him.   And he did put himself in our hands, which of course none of us had time for.  It was not until after a few years when he had been thoroughly corrupted did I fully grasp the magnitude and influence we had over him and the responsibility we should have taken for him.  He was so incredibly sweet.  He would leave roses in the pocket of my jacket regularly for me to find.  He was projecting maternal, sexual and romantic feelings on any woman of power that was around. A girlfriend, did have her way with him in a way that really messed with his head.  

Anyway, Edwin had a really hard time with the harsh realities of the big, bad world and ended up getting more bitter than most with the prospects of life as a dishwasher.  Within a couple of years he was lured in by the life offered by a drug dealer.  He would drop by dressed to the nines with lots of attitude. Last I heard of him was from a lawyer who contacted me to serve as a character wittiness - he is doing time. 

I've always regretted that I and the others who were in a position to do so did not help ease him into the world in a way that would have served him better.  He would have been a perfect boy for a loving femdom - I knew nothing about the lifestyle at that time. 

< Message edited by ocilla -- 8/11/2007 6:50:53 PM >



Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.
~ Gary Snyder

It takes a kinky village...

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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/11/2007 6:57:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: SlaveSubtoserve

......the scene is a moonlit night in Maine's North woods, an isolated barn on a summer evening, on the floor wriggles a naked man tightly hogtied, ballgagged and blindfolded........outside the car drives up and a woman pulls out her toybag from the trunk and smiles menacingly and smacks her lips as She enters the barn door to see her subject for the night.......She takes off his blindfold and begins opening up Her toybag in front of him...........

Now *that's* what I'm talking about!


Akasha, the reason I love your stories is that they're filled with toyboys in distress. I don't think they're hard to find; rather, it's the dommes to put them in distress that are so hard to find.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/11/2007 9:36:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Wheldrake

I think part of the mystique of damsels in distress is that you usually stumble across them unexpectedly, most often when they're in the act of trying to escape from some terrible fate. If he fit the classic pattern, a male damsel in distress would be young, handsome, and good-hearted, but rather innocent and helpless in the world. He might be cautious at first about talking to a stranger, but if shown a bit of kindness - real or feigned - he would pour out his desperate tale and beg for help and protection. "Take me somewhere safe," he would plead with wide, beseeching eyes, "and I'll be grateful to you forever. I'll do anything to repay you."

Holy crap, that's HOT!
Now why can't more men project this image, even if it's just playful?  It's so much more attractive than the "worthless worm" or "spoiled brat, punish me" types that seem to get offered up in the dozens.


I think it is safe to say that submissive men don't project this image is because it doesn't seem to be desired.  If you look on a lot of profiles on collarme (and I certainly don't mean all of them - there are truly some wonderful women and men here), you will find quite a few that tell the submissive male "what you want is unimportant" or some other text ensuring that the submissive is less than worm food.  Or, the extremely long list of "You Will...".  By the time you get to the end of it you wonder if any living, breathing, somewhat normal deviant could ever hope to meet that long laundry list.

Of course, I'm not blind to why some dommes post like that. Some do have very good reasons.  And I admit that I do not read the male dom profiles, so they could be chock full of 'you will learn to suck my dick bitch' or some other form of crap.

But simply put, being or portraying a doe-eyed male submissive seems to give you no benefits and just makes you stand out even less to a domme.  After all, there are far more dommes than subs, and being innocent has never ranked very high on any dommes sub checklist.

Just my $.02 here.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/11/2007 11:03:05 PM   

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I suppose underneath it all, Amayos was in distress. Will he ever regain control of his CM account, so that he can once again engage in normal correspondence with his collegues and the outer world? If so, will the watching eyes of his Domme be reading every word as well?

(in reply to MistressDolly)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/12/2007 4:20:57 AM   

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Holy crap, that's HOT!
Now why can't more men project this image, even if it's just playful?  It's so much more attractive than the "worthless worm" or "spoiled brat, punish me" types that seem to get offered up in the dozens.


I'm very glad you enjoyed my little vignette. As to why more men don't project that image... part of it must be that many dominant women make it pretty clear that they want the submission of a strong, capable man, as opposed to a weak and presumably dependent "male damsel". And of course, most of us aren't exactly fleeing terrible fates. If anything, we're hoping to encounter a terrible fate at the hands of an accomplished female sadist.

So I've never slipped into "damsel mode", except very briefly and playfully, but I've never really made a habit of presenting myself as a worthless worm or a spoiled brat either. I'd rather approach submission as an adventure, a journey into pain, fear and humiliation (not to mention boredom, discomfort, hard work, etc.) under the guidance of a cruel dominant woman whose desire to inflict all those things is ideally equal and opposite to my desire to confront them. Is this an approach you encounter often? How does it work for you (and for any other dominant women and/or submissive men who happen to be reading this)?

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/12/2007 6:28:04 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Wheldrake



Holy crap, that's HOT!
Now why can't more men project this image, even if it's just playful?  It's so much more attractive than the "worthless worm" or "spoiled brat, punish me" types that seem to get offered up in the dozens.


I'm very glad you enjoyed my little vignette. As to why more men don't project that image... part of it must be that many dominant women make it pretty clear that they want the submission of a strong, capable man, as opposed to a weak and presumably dependent "male damsel". And of course, most of us aren't exactly fleeing terrible fates. If anything, we're hoping to encounter a terrible fate at the hands of an accomplished female sadist.

So I've never slipped into "damsel mode", except very briefly and playfully, but I've never really made a habit of presenting myself as a worthless worm or a spoiled brat either. I'd rather approach submission as an adventure, a journey into pain, fear and humiliation (not to mention boredom, discomfort, hard work, etc.) under the guidance of a cruel dominant woman whose desire to inflict all those things is ideally equal and opposite to my desire to confront them. Is this an approach you encounter often? How does it work for you (and for any other dominant women and/or submissive men who happen to be reading this)?

I think the reason is really quite different from what Wheldrake suggests. What the vast majority of dominant women make very clear is that the sub needs to comply with so many rules in approaching her that there is really no way for him to do it while maintaining a "toyboy in distress" role. He needs to make the initial contact with her; he needs to approach her ready and willing to submit completely; he needs to follow her detailed protocols; he needs to prove to her that he has something special to offer that other subs don't; and he needs to do all of this before she even lifts a finger.

I'm not complaining about the rules or protocols here. I'm just saying that following such procedures takes the situation in an entirely different direction from the sub as a victim of the wily and seductive woman. That's what I think is at the crux of the matter. "Damsel in Distress" implies victim, but how can you play a victim if you're overtly doing the courting, and blatantly offering submission from the get-go?

(in reply to Wheldrake)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/12/2007 7:04:08 AM   

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From: Cochin, India
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What a lovely topic, Ms. Akasha!

It reminds me of one of my first job interviews, where i was the only guy among a group of around 10 candidates - it was for a job with an airline. To top it up, all three members of the interview panel were also ladies!

We had to first clear a round of "Group Discussion" - it was literally one guy trying to prove his point among a group of women and in a room full of women (and that too a shy, submissive guy!).

But the toughest part was when in the next round, i was grilled by the three ladies in a personal interview. Moreover, i was seated on a chair atleast 6 feet away from their desk, and they were closely watching every move and every expression that i made.

At that moment, i truly felt like a "damsel in distress" - i was vulnerable, a bit scared and yet hoping at the same time to impress them.


We're all different....until we realise that we're all the same, and vice versa...

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/12/2007 5:15:20 PM   

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How about a slave that has been captured by a rogue Domme- one who has been stolen from the Owner's property - tied and held taken as a (stolen horse) new piece of property...

What does this poor slave do?

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/14/2007 10:43:06 AM   

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these things all sound great for only warning is this

if you look for this in personality rather than play you're likely to have some drama. Guys, just as girls like this, tend to create drama continue to need rescuing. And it's a viscious tiring cycle. Been there done that with a Domme who was like's hard and it ends in hurt. Be very careful what you ask for

(in reply to slave4UMsMstress)
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RE: Damsel in Distress - 8/14/2007 5:01:28 PM   

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.....glad You liked it A.!= absolutely the best way to spend a warm summer night in Maine!


(in reply to AAkasha)
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