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**Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 6:47:04 AM   

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Ask A Master, September 1, 2007 ROLL CALL!
Time for the Ask A Master Roll Call.  Many people are not sure what a roll call IS.
Roll calls are usually used to call names from a list and determine if they are around.
Our monthly rolls allow those that normally post here on the Ask A Master section, to share information with others about what is happening in their lives. 
Shimmy shimmy coco pop Shimmy shimmy all the time. Roll Call! ...
I will start first.   Happy Labor Day Weekend!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and please try to be safe.
I am not sure if I am coming or going these days.  I am in the process of selling my home and moving within the next 2-3 months.  Since I also work full time and have a few other commitments, my life is hectic right now, but in a good way!
Believe it or not, I am selling my home to my ex-husband and I could not be happier!  He is going to make some much needed improvements here, he already knows the neighbors, I can visit a lot AND he is going to allow me to keep some items {like a very old family piano} in the basement!   To say that I am thrilled is an understatement.  Also, with this horrible housing market, I don’t have to deal with real estate agents, listing, and haggling.
Again, to say that I am thrilled is an understatement. How many people get to sell the home they grew up in and still live in to a good friend? I plan to bring a lawn chair and come back over and sit out front.
I am looking for an apartment near my job and I plan to sign a 6 month lease.  I will start looking around for another home, and I really want to buy a house in Washington D. C.  If not, I will look in Maryland.  I am in Washington D.C. at least once a week, and I have been shocked at all the for sale signs, I have lived in this area most of my life and I have never seen this many for sale signs in Washington, D.C.
The housing market is about as bad as it will be in my lifetime and now is the time for people to attempt to get what they want. 
On the submissive front, I don’t have one.  LOL   I enjoy my comrades here at Collar Me,
And the friendships that I have with Dominants and submissives around here.
 Many of the people here that are in committed or long term relationships don’t realize that for many busy and or single people, Collar Me is the main link that keeps us in the BDSM lifestyle.  I don’t need a lecture on how I can go to play parties, munches or the local dungeons.  Many people are busy enjoying their daily lives, and Collar Me may be their main link or source of community in this lifestyle, when they are not in a primary D/s relationship.
I have been here for 3 years and I enjoy it as much here as I did when I first joined.
Who is next?

< Message edited by MzMia -- 9/1/2007 6:53:36 AM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 9:02:37 AM   

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Well... let's see.

I'm still in Virginia, things are taking a lot more time than expected.  The house I've been working on has need far more rennovations than originally planned.  I hate termites.  Despite all the set backs I should still be able to sell the house for a profit, though its going to take every bit of ingenuity I can muster to pull that off.

After I get all this done, I'm seriously considering taking my business on the road.  The housing market is still booming in some places.  If I were to travel further, I might be able to take advantage of that.  Would mean bigger risks, I'd have to do business without my usual team of realtors, contractors, lawyers, etc.  But it would also mean potentially bigger rewards and being able to tap into some high end housing markets.  Its a lot to think about.

I got an invitation to a munch group, back home in NC.  Unfortunately I'm still in VA as I said above.  I very much relate to not having time for groups and such.  I haven't even had that much time for CM lately, if it had not been for having a cold, and one week where it was simply too hot to ask my guys to work, I wouldn't be able to post much on here at all.

Meanwhile I'm still out there flirting, laughing and enjoying my life, cause dammit... it is good to be me.



A stern discipline pervades all nature, which is a little cruel so that it may be very kind - Edmund Spencer

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 9:47:23 AM   

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prospects are thin out here on the east end of LI. very few 'subs' in the munches..... today i'm hosting a party for my sons' official entry into adulthood. as of midnight he attained his 21st year and i lost my tax break (dammit). he'll head back to university tomorrow and we'll meet agai in december. in the interim, i'll be back in class, choping down trees and otherwise maintaining the dogs and rolls on.

(in reply to Padriag)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 10:55:14 AM   

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hmmm...where to start...hmmm. How about that after months of discussion as friends then a couple of weeks of discussion as possible mates...followed by a few more weeks of discussion along these lines....I met My Woman for a weekend of face to face discussion, play, and general good times. The next 3 visits are the end of which time she will relocate here to begin full time living together life stuff. A major change in My life and in hers and while things are great and better than great currently it is only life that bumps will occur. That being said with our minds and lives so similar we can not really imagine something we can not work through. In the Gorean manner we have pledged Free Companionship. In the vanilla manner we are monogamous, fluid bonded, and all the rest of the things which go into both relationships. She is much more than that though, she is the complete package. A few days ago I secured our new apartment which I will move into oct 1 with her relocating here dec 1. A beautiful 1160 sq ft 2 bedroom on the 12 th floor overlooking the river valley with views also of the surround city. Majestic...yep...all I could say upon viewing it was "wow" over and over as I toured the place. Damn cheap too for the location and the footage. I am looking forward to welcoming her home on her first visit to it and then welcoming her home for good on Dec 1.  Work wise things are up and down...but the real estate project will be coming to a close this month with a hopefully quick sale so I can move on to other ventures.


Be Well, Be Careful

Jarl Rmanrr

"the road untravelled is the loneliest." Me
Courage...the ability to overcome obstacles during the course.
"to be insane is to be original!"...Me

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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 11:11:13 AM   

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I'm still here...always here...not going anywhere...that much is obvious


Are we having fun, yet?

(in reply to rmanrr)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 11:31:17 AM   

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HI, all!!! It has a been a very busy and exciting month for me too. I have finally collared my first slave  Her training is going well and just needs time to adjust to her new life. We have been is search of a sister for her, this is really going to be a challange. I LOVE CHALLANGES ! ! !

I bought a fixer up type house and have been very busy gettign things done to sell it. I figured it was going to be a 5 year project at best. Lots of MONEY and time. It seems like I have one and not the other..................maybe I should get some male slaves here to help.....LOL

Going to try to make more of the munches  in the future here.

All the best in your searches .

< Message edited by Slaveless1 -- 9/1/2007 11:32:16 AM >

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 11:44:22 AM   

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Hey there Mz Mia!  It does sound as if your life has been full and exciting and I applaud you on a clever solutiong to selling your house.  Also, I am glad that you have found a sense of community here on the forums.  I don't always have time for them but I do enjoy learning, engaging in discussions and seeing glimpses of other peoples lives and personalities.

On the personal front....I started my new job 3 weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!  I am learning lots of new things, it is a marvelous place to get the experience I need for my ultimate career change and, for the most part, my fellow employees are a nicely goofy bunch to be around.  Lots of quips, jokes and fun.  Yes, we do work really hard, have stringent deadlines and details can be deadly  but the humor helps with that.

I was honored to be asked to join the council of our local kink group.  I accepted and I am now the new Security Chief (or Momma as I dubbed it lol).  Lots of responsibility and hard work but a way to serve my community.  My husband says he is proud of me and he has pitched right in to help me with my duties.  I am so blessed in having him in my life.  Unfortunately, due to his hours being different than mine, we don't get to spend too much awake time together.  We miss each other...sigh.  I can hardly wait until he has a position where he is back to business hours again.

On the sub front.  One seems to have done a walkabout so I have chalked that up to experience and am moving on.  Boy number 2...time to discuss the dynamic and renegotiate things.  However, 1 door closes, another opens.  There is someone who has caught my fancy.  We shall see.

Finally the end of this month brings Beyond Vanilla.  And the first in person meeting between my husband (and me) and his cyber gf? for lack of a better term.  I think we will all have fun and I look forward to meeting her.  That is the delight of being poly to me.  The chance to have so many different flavors and types of connections.

(in reply to michaelOfGeorgia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 2:06:53 PM   

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Interesting concept.

Last month was a big month for me. I moved into a new house in the suburbs ( so far so vanilla ) but it also means I have a spare bedroom for "conversion" which isn't quite so vanilla . In  addition my last relationship officially and irretrievably ended after a couple of months of trying to fix things up. So, BOO!!! on the relationship ending but YAY!!!! on regaining clarity and being single again .

In 4 days time I have one of my two sets of major post-graduate exams. It is my first time sitting them so I won't get them but am on course to get them the second time round ( which is par for the course ). Once that's done I'm looking forward to getting back to my weights and exercise ( which have been on hold while I've moved, been sorting out fallout from the relationship and studying ) and catching up with friends.

On the new relationship front... Well, I'm single, enough said .

(in reply to DommeChains)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 2:56:51 PM   

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Dear MzMia, Ladies and Gentlemen;
Happy Labor Day to one and all.
MzMia, welcome to the metropolitan area of Washington, DC.  You will find a good BDSM community in this area.  The best public dungeon -- The Crucible is in southwest DC; their web site is  to which has on September 8th, their 15th Leather Flea Market and Play after the vendors pack and go and the dungeon is set up again. 
HRH Susan, the dear friend of Frazier is a real estate agent that has placed many an individual in homes that provide the needed additional touches, e.g. dungeon transformation abilities. 
You will also have Black Rose organization.  Their convention is the last weekend of November into December.  Presenters, workshop and vending is the normal.
ClubFEM-Virginia Chapter is located here and often meet at The Crucible--so many other groups abound.  So, you will have many opportunities to join people and enjoy what this area has to offer.
For my personal life--I will be attending the play party after the Leather Flea Market on September 8.  It is so jammed though, I will just watch.  I'll keep the toy bags in the trunk though just in case. 
At 4:20 PM today -- I became a great aunt.  My oldest nephew's wife gave birth to their first--a boy.  I don't feel any different though --just more gray hair.  LOL
Respectfully submitted for consideration,
Lady Hugs

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 8:55:57 PM   

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Okay it's my turn.
I am a little sad that summer is over.
I had a great summer and I am looking forward to the fall.
Master and I are moving right along.
Things are very nice in Rayna's world.

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/1/2007 11:33:25 PM   

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This is my first post in a role call. I don't post often. I mostly read. I do have my favorite dominate posters, who I look for to read. Most of them don't post anymore.    But one of my favorites did reply to this post.

I went to Thunder in the Mountain again this year in Denver.  There is a local event in Albuquerque this fall. I hope it will be a fun and learning experience. I also have a local dominate who is up to mentoring me in bondage; I am not sure if I will have the time. 

I am still in graduate school taking my Epidemiology classes.



(in reply to RaynaSub)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 7:39:06 AM   

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Interesting topic.  Ok I'll bite.

This month has been another month for me.  Some changes and improvements, other things no different and unchanged.
Mostly I see my life looking up more and more, and as always I seem to be growing and expanding myself more.  Becoming more reflective and thoughtful and less reactive.
I saw this morning at breakfast that I like who I am and I am who I am and I am not afraid to voice my thoughts or opinions.(horriable overpriced resturant and I said so lol)  Because of that I somethimes think I've been thinking and reflecting too much at times.  Perhaps I'm too opinionated.  Every time I've been opening the paper as of late it seems there is another thing to frown and shake my head at.   ::shrugs::
Always learning and growing, and this month was no different than any other in that respect. 
Still single.   No new friends.  One best friend drifted apart slightly and the other drifted a little closer it seemed.

The biggest change was that I joined the forums and began posting in ernest.  I've sparked conversation and thoughts in several of my posts and threads which I like to see.  Perhaps it's time to begin yet another.

I guess if this is anything like that which is sought, this is my monthly "update".

Tune in for more next month, same time, same channel.

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 8:06:05 AM   

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well... I am still around.... unfortunate as that maybe for some...

There has definitely been some dramatic shifts in my life.  The beginning in august.. the little ones and Alandra where finally moved to where I have been working for the past year.  So.. no hotel and restraurant food for me now...  God.. I was starting to hate to eat. 

The family loves the house.  A lovely walkout basement in the river valley of where we live. But  I am doing a few renovations.  Dividing up the over size family room downstairs to get another bedroom and then enlarge another room and convert it into my Dungeon.  I am particularly excited about that part... it's going to be bigger than my last one and also the ceiling is almost a foot higher than my last dungeon.   I am also pumped that in two weeks my hot tub will be installed, just finishing up the wiring for that today.

So, things was going pretty good on the house front.. but things look great on the immigration front.  Last week Kyra was advised they transferred her file from one office to another to be expidited.  At first, I was rather cool with this.  I didn't want to get all excited without any indication of how fast this would improve things.  WELL!  a couple days ago, another notice.  This one was huge!  Kyra was advised to provide a medical and also advised that they have no expectation of requiring the interview.  Essentially this means that she has past all the preliminary steps.  Not being required to do the interview drops the time to approval from many months and maybe another year to very possibly just a few months.  The medical is a standard step to ensure that their is no serious illness or disease that could be a detriment to the canadian public.  This to us is a step of no concern except the time it takes to do.  So.. it seems possible that we could have an answer before christmas now and I was geared towards the spring. 

lastly.. this october going south with Alandra to be with Kyra for a couple weeks.  Besides doing alittle traveling in florida, we are also going to attend another lifestyle event.

So... life for me just seems to get better and better!


Knight of Mists

An Optimal relationship is achieved when the individuals do what is best for themselves and their relationship.

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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 8:11:46 AM   

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Mz. Mia :)

Congratulations on the easy, hassle-free sale of your home! I think that's great you have the opportunity to still keep it somewhat in the 'family' (and, reminiscence on that front lawn!).

All is :) on my end.

Have a great weekend, Sista :) xo


m i s t r e s s d o l l y . c o m

m y s p a c e

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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 11:34:44 AM   

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Padriag, renovations?  I feel your pain. I hope you are able to finish your
renovations and make a profit. If you are willing to take a chance, Washington D.C.
would be a great place.  Let me know on the other side if you venture up this far.
  I always enjoy your posts, by the way there are some nice munch groups through
out Virginia.  What a darling Master you are, thanks for the updates.
Mefisto, lost on L.I.?  Well at least you are close to NYC so you can get to more functions,
by just hoping on the train.  Enjoy the UM's 21st birthday party!  That is a special one.
Thanks for the updates.
Tal rmanrr, sounds like you might have met a wonderful partner.  I hope it works out for you!
It sounds like you went about it the right way, and being friends first is usually the wise way to
start out.  Sounds like you found a lovely apartment, there is not much like that up here where I live.
So I have to settle for getting something close to work if possible!
I am so happy to hear about your relationship, good luck to the both of you.

michael? we are glad you are still here.  We adore you, Happy Labor Day weekend.
slaveless1  I am glad you collared your first slave!  You will have to change your name now.
Sounds like you are on a roll, now you are looking for a sister?  Hey leave some slaves for
the rest of us!

DommeChains, thank you so much.  Being able to sell to someone I know means the world to me.
People don't understand why I am so happy, but how many of us get to visit our home after we sell it?
I am tickled to death, it is making things so much easier for me.

This house needs a lot of work, I am taking a lot of BEFORE pictures for memories, than I am going to take
AFTER pictures when he renovates and makes changes, and these pictures will mean the world to me. 
 I moved into this house when I was 9 years old! My parents took care of it, but if you saw it you would
certainly remember the 70's!
Congratulations on the new job!  We spend so much of our lives at work, it is wonderful to be able to work around
kind and friendly people, it gives work a totally different aura.  I am happy for you.
Have fun with your new Kink post, I think you will do a great job.   When you have to ask someone to leave for disruptive
behavior, do you get to kick him in the ass?  lol
Good luck on the submissive front, someone worth having is usually worth waiting for.

< Message edited by MzMia -- 9/2/2007 11:35:37 AM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to MistressDolly)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 11:53:35 AM   

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wittman, yes the roll call is an interesting concept.
I enjoy hearing what some of the members care to share with others.
It is a refreshing change, for some of us.
Being single is often underrated, enjoy it!
Good luck on your exams, study hard!
Thanks for sharing.
LadyHugs, it is always so nice to hear from you.
Happy Labor Day to you, also.
Congratulations on becomming a Great Aunt.  Aunties are just
so special!
Thanks for sharing.

Rayna, Labor Day came so quickly.
Where did August go?  Let me know when you
see the first Christmas decoration sighting.
I am glad your relationship is going smoothly.
Thanks for the updates.
Dzeid!  I have been doing a lot more reading than posting lately myself.
I am glad you decided to participate.
I bet Thunder in the mountains was wonderful, I would love to go to Denver
one day. You better make some time for your mentor!
Good luck in your graduate studies, we have some very bright people around here.

I need to really look into going back to school myself.
Thank you for sharing.

SirDraco, I am glad you started joining in on the forums.  I was here for over 2 years
before I actually made my first post.  Many people lurk and never join in.
It sounds like you are in a state of reflection, which is wonderful.  For some reason Maslow's
hierarchy of needs comes to mind.  We can not reach the level of self-actualization without much
introspection.  Congratulations and thanks for posting.
KOM!  You are admired and respected around here.  I hope most of us agree to disagree, and
don't take it personally.
Congratulations on the new house!  It sounds like it is going to be lovely when you finish renovating!
How many of us can fit in the hot tub?

I am glad Kyra's paperwork is going smoothly, it is amazing how hard it is to immigrate to another country legally!
You sound very positive and upbeat, thank you so much for sharing.
Mistress Dolly!! kiss kiss
Thank you for posting, your beauty and intelligence always makes me smile.
Your new pictures are lovely as usual.
Happy Labor Day, my pretty!


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to wittman40)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 12:54:31 PM   

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How many of us can fit in the hot tub?

It fits One Sadist and 7 beautiful women  *EG*


Knight of Mists

An Optimal relationship is achieved when the individuals do what is best for themselves and their relationship.

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 3:21:52 PM   

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From: Kalamazoo, MI
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Hi everyone, I just jolined but I am enjoying the community very much.  I thank everyone for the very warm welcome.  Life is very busy between school and work but I am still trying to find a nice young lady sub to spend time with.  Sooner or later, I'm sure I will.  I'm learning a lot here and I thank you all for it.


God, you have no idea how badly I want to put something profound here.

(in reply to KnightofMists)
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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 3:27:13 PM   

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Fortunately it is a mostly well behaved group.  Having said that; I can use my imagination as to eviction methods lol.  I have a nice group of muscular males to provide backup as I give 'em the bums rush. Ha!

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RE: **Ask A Master, September 1st Roll Call** - 9/2/2007 4:39:49 PM   

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Just got back from a nice weekend in Dallas with my partner and saw Styx for the first time live (well, two members and the new guys).  My work life is about to turn to a pure mix of heaven and hell as the one co worker in the office is announcing her resignation.  I'm prepping for my service weekend to Boston and otherwise riding out the month as best as possible.


Find stable partners, not a stable of partners.

"Sometimes my whore logic gets all fuzzy"- Californication

(in reply to DommeChains)
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