RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (Full Version)

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basiasubrosa -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/23/2004 5:50:03 PM)




ORIGINAL: topcat


or hear what they think about Ayn Rand. Or Pink Floyd. Or Bob Dylan. And especially cats......


INDEED! (although I know that Lawrence probably swooned more for the dylan and for me it was rand.)

Hey! Fine, if it's up to me to balance things out-- here's a <swoon> for Pink Floyd.

And of course, CATS!!!!! <swoon and purrrrrr>

iwillserveu -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/23/2004 7:20:21 PM)

Walks in room. Sees everyone swooned and unconscious. Calls ambulance.[&:]

stef -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/23/2004 7:25:42 PM)

Check their pockets first!

iwillserveu -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/24/2004 3:26:23 AM)


Check their pockets first!

Lawrence has no pocket in his ass less chaps. [:D] Hey I got an idea. You check him for pockets while I get help. Whatever you find in Lawrences pants you can have, just don't tell me of it, OK?[:D]

Hey is this a play party or a munch? If this is a munch I can rifle through pocket books. A play party and although the passed out women are tempting I'd rather not be accused of rape when it is just a common thievery.

stef -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/24/2004 7:33:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: iwillserveu

Lawrence has no pocket in his ass less chaps. Hey I got an idea. You check him for pockets while I get help. Whatever you find in Lawrences pants you can have, just don't tell me of it, OK?

Sounds like a plan! I'll have to search those chaps <b>very</b> carefully I think...

BTW, isn't "ass-less chaps" kind of redundant? I've never seen chaps that weren't ass-less.

Sinergy -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/24/2004 10:29:18 AM)


BTW, isn't "ass-less chaps" kind of redundant? I've never seen chaps that weren't ass-less.

I have seen any number of men who were ass-less wearing chaps.

*ponders his worst fears and nightmares*

Things to discuss with my therapist, I suppose.


LadyAngelika -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/25/2004 9:01:26 AM)


From my perspective, a person who nitpicks to that level would be somebody I would not want to have in a relationship with.

So true Sinergy… but I’m going to take this quote out of context to make another point.

Male subs/slaves shouldn’t settle for someone who won’t treat them right.

I am very much aware that there is an imbalance in the ratio of male subs seeking Femme Dommes and Femme Dommes seeking male subs. That being said, I don’t see it as an opportunity for me to be more of a bitch or to treat male subs as disposable. A woman who does this does not respect men.

I’ve often been told by my male subs that they can tell I am fond of men. This has not always been their experience.

When I receive a note from a sub/slave and he or she has addressed me in a way I don’t want, I firmly, but respectfully, correct them. Here is a recent example:

I very much appreciated your email. Thank you. First and foremost, please address me as Miss Angelika or Lady Angelika in future emails. I am not anyone’s Mistress until they are wearing my collar. And by that same token, you are not my slave. I am adamant about this.”

… and it goes on to specific questions I have.

On the flip side, I do not respond to rude messages. I delete. Though I have to say, I haven’t received many. Most of the men who have written to me have been quite respectful. Maybe it’s something I say in my profile? I don’t know.

And a note on Lawrence’s ass….
Simply irresistible

- LA

<edited for a misplaced sentence>

MzBerlin -> RE: profiles that are too Dominative. can it be? (7/26/2004 12:41:59 AM)

*revived by Basias' purrrrr, reads postings*

You guys are too much. I need a nap.

*turns on Media Player and hits "random" with all of the PF Albums she has loaded, curls up like a cat and is out*


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