First time you realized you were a sub? (Full Version)

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abnas -> First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 1:21:13 AM)


I've asked a similar question in the Dom forum. Please share your stories/memories that you think showed you or made you feel that being a sub (in or outside of the bedroom) was your deepest desire. As I'm a D myself, I can't start with myself as an example, although I can picture someone enjoying the experience of being tied up as the captured indian girl in a children's game of 'cowboy and indian' or something similar.


Twice -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 1:23:42 AM)

I was a huge goody-goody growing up and was terrified of even being kissed, let alone anything sexual.  As I got started in th "adult" world, I realized that fear went away when I gave over control to someone else.  I realized I liked pain, as well, which was aided by the rush of satisfaction I get when someone is pleased they get to inflict it on me.  I also have always loved structure and I hate making decisions.  All these together leave me in absolute bliss when I can submit to someone.

lanie38 -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 5:37:45 AM)

I've known that I have a submissive *nature* since I was much too young to mention here...but not until fairly recently, in the context of my adult sexual life, did I realize that it had a name...although I do hate to compartmentalize myself...[;)]


chiaThePet -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 6:24:45 AM)

Ok, i've said it before, and i'll say it again;

i think it all started with that sudden slap on the bottom as i emerged from the
womb into this glorious little world of ours. "Go toward the light" a voice kept
commanding me as i ventured forward through a dungeon's dark and foreboding
passage. i was thrust into room of bright interrogating lights, surrounded by faces
clad in masks emitting barks of requirement and instruction. i was rendered
helpless as i was suspended upside down and received what would become
the first of many stinging surrenders of my innocent and tender buttocks. "My"
i thought, what a stimulating sensation, both painful and titillating at once, destiny's
doorway had been opened, never to close again.

i was pierced, prodded and poked as i lay helpless to their invasive intrusions,
captive to the desires of their demanding hands. i was taken up by a strong
and beautiful Woman whom presented a tempting bounty of bossom before me,
the suckling forever ingraining my fetish of oral intoxication. i was introduced
to age play and developed an immediate dislike for diapers, water sports and
scat. i was bundled and swathed, an obedient servant of mummification, the
restrictive application of my innocent limbs sending my senses to subspace.

It was but the beginning, humilition was the theme as i was "dressed up" in
outfits only a Mother could love. And the bonnets, oh the bonnets of sugary
feminization, adornments which brought multitudes of faces thrusting forward
into the carriage, their whiskey stained breath stealing my own as breathplay
began her rite of passage. Flashbulbs ignited sensory deprevation as i became
a prisoner to their constant barks of garbled Gorean chants of "Smile, Smile".

Yes, it all began that fateful day when screaming and cursing filled the sterile
air of the world i would come to know. "Push, push". "You fucking son of a
bitch, if you ever touch me again I'll rip those pathetic balls right off your
fucking worthless excuse of a manhandle!" Oh the sweet sounds of realization.

And i lay before them, forced to crawl on hand and knee, so unaware that
what lie ahead would make these matters simple childs play.

chia* (the pet)  

mmb1 -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 6:33:31 AM)


Mercnbeth -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 7:31:35 AM)




I've asked a similar question in the Dom forum. Please share your stories/memories that you think showed you or made you feel that being a sub (in or outside of the bedroom) was your deepest desire. As I'm a D myself, I can't start with myself as an example, although I can picture someone enjoying the experience of being tied up as the captured indian girl in a children's game of 'cowboy and indian' or something similar.


this slave had no idea that the label "a sub" existed, other than a sandwich, until she was 36 y/o.
this slave has submitted to and served every relationship she has ever had...filial, familial, sexual, isn't a "deepest desire", spawned from replicant-hood play. it is a description of how this slave interacts with the world, according to her nature and the nature of her training. 

litleone8620 -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 7:57:32 AM)

The first time I realized I was submissive was when I was 15, and in my first 'serious' (read, longer than 2 weeks) relationship. I had known the word submissive as a personality trait, but never attributed it to me. I was always dominant with my friends. But submissive around more dominant personalities (authority figures).

It took the dominant personality of one of my brother's friends to make me realize I enjoyed being controlled, have rules set for me, disciplined or punished when I broke/didn't follow said rules.

And every relationship since then has been based on that power exchange.

BayouSub -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 7:59:45 AM)

I first realized that I was a sub around puberty, which is not surprising since my submissive power orientation is part of my sexuality.

I had wonderful parents but they were not strict disciplinarians.   However, I had friends whose parents were strict and believed in corporal punishment.  When I visited their homes, I loved being under the authority of their parent - usually their mother - who directed, ordered and punished.  The huge turn-on for me was being controlled and submitting to authority.  I loved the control, discipline and submission that my friends hated. 

twistedkytten -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 10:15:51 AM)

I was doing research for myself on shyness... the painfully inhibiting kind as it was for me... words like submissive kept popping up as I followed I began to feel like.. wow... that is me! I found chat rooms and some fantastic submissives that really helped in my education.
My profile states that I am a slave, which to Master I am with His guidance I found my place, my peace.

whiteslavebitch -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 10:28:05 AM)

I've always deferred to romantic partners, and put their
desires ahead of my own.

I wasn't aware of the existence of BDSM or submission
as a way of life until I was about 37, and I stumbled onto

pleasureforck -> RE: First time you realized you were a sub? (9/17/2007 11:47:01 AM)

I wasn't aware of my submissive side until after getting involved with my SO at age 40. I saw myself as more controlling but really always hated being that way. It was something I felt I had to do to survive. All it took was him playfully spanking me and I just started to submit more and more. It's amazing to not have to worry about being in control anymore at least in one area of my life. I've never been happier.

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