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afinewine -> Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 8:10:35 AM)

Of all the questions i have ever asked, this may seem the most juvenile, but here goes...

Other than sensuous blow jobs and licking and sucking His nipples, what else might please a Dom physically? i know that everyone has their own "thing" but i need some ideas. It seems that women have more erogenous zones to tempt but i want to please Hiim, surprize Him, and satisfy Him in as many ways as posibble.

Any ideas? Suggestions?

thanks - fine wine

littleone35 -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 8:14:04 AM)

Well from what i learned from my late Master he loved erotic Massage and sometimes just a regular back rub. He also liked his feet rubbed. Not everything has to be sexually oriented.


EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 8:16:35 AM)

Well it sounds like you just want to know how to turn a man me, women don't have more erogenous zones.

You can either buy a sex book which will apply in this situation, or just have fun exploring. Try different sensations, different paces, different positions, hands, mouth, nails, practice your kegels, bake cinnamon rolls, have fun.

Oh, and males actually tend to have more sensitive nipples than females.

It's all about getting to know his body and reactions, just like he has to get to know yours.

plantlady64 -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 8:21:05 AM)

Hello There,
I do many things for the simple pleasure of my Master. I give full body massages, foot soaks with Johnsons Foot Soap, trim his nails, cook for him, clean his ears with peroxide, rub lotion on him, scratch his back, do strip teases, tell him how much joy he affords me, clean his home, vacuum out his car, and any other thing I can do to make him more comfortable.
For example after a scene during aftercare often I'll rub his spanking arm and shoulder. After all, he worked hard, and I love to touch him. I find it's good aftercare for us both.
sub suzanne

Isolde -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 8:42:31 AM)

It's surprising the number of erogenous zones a person has that get no attention. They do vary from person to person but that just makes the exploration all the more fun. For my husband, lightly using my tongue on the hollows behind his knee, the hollow beside the tendon of his ankles, the hollows of his elbows and the ridge of his hips seems to get the most reaction. It took me awhile to find those spots and realize they were guaranteed to get a reaction every time I went there.

There's also just behind and below the ear, the spot where the neck joins the shoulder (that's usually a good place to bite, while growling. The combination of pressure and vibration seem enjoyable), the hands and feet (loaded with nerve endings and incredibly sensitive to erotic touch)... a good place to start is finding your own unique erogenous zones and attending to the same places on him, then go from there. As you're exploring, ask what he prefers (soft or hard touch early on or later, fingers or tongue or hands or hair) and where.

afinewine -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 9:29:01 AM)

All these are great. Thank you so much. i guess i "knew" about most of these but i never really thought about them. Now i will!

fastlane -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 11:31:33 AM)

starting at my toes and working your way up would work for me. [:)]
Feel free to pause anywhere along the way!

feline -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 12:34:25 PM)


and licking and sucking His nipples

I'm curious as to why you're just licking and sucking his nipples? What's wrong with the rest of his body? What about running your tongue up from the base of his spine all the way to the base of his skull?

Just curious. [:D]


slave4mzpatti -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 12:58:28 PM)

A good hand job is always nice.

MstrHellsFury -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 1:33:11 PM)

Being pleased by my slaves is a never ending journey. From the so called everyday mundane things to sex, the constant wish to please and seeing the extents they go to just for that look of pleasure in my eye is worth all the effort put forth. There is no right or wrong in the sheer joy of your giving without bounds so just go for what you feel will give the most of the best you have to offer.

pineapplesub -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 3:22:19 PM)

Don't forget how sensitive ears can be... Not to say you should necessarily attack the ears and focus on them for long periods of time... But you get the idea.


CitizenWolf -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 3:35:16 PM)

Neck, ears, and upper chest drive me insane and most girls think "go straight for the dick" LOL

And if you touch my nipples you'd get slapped, it hurts me to even have them brushed. Hell thinking about it now is making me uncomfortable LOL

RumpusParable -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 4:07:38 PM)

i have to agree that males certainly do Not have fewer erogenous zones... they vary just as much as females in sensitivity and reaction + situation.

beyond a standard "you have to find what his are" some generic often-good areas for stim: the inside of most joints, especially elbow, armpit and back of knee; between the fingers, palm of hands & soles of feet; lower back; back of neck; perineum; under the jaw line; etc.

scalp, foot and hand massages should definitely not be under-rated (producing relaxation and/or strong sexual responses).

most males i've known enjoy a rougher treatment to the undersides of the buttocks, gentle touch or scratching along the outer hip bone and towards the mons pubis, along the underside of the pectoral muscle line...

remember, male or female we share most of the same genes and construction, and started out the same sex leading into our final physical structure. if it feels good on a female, it's just as likely to be appreciated on a male (subject, as always, to personal preference).

Mylee -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/19/2005 6:37:26 PM)

Purring and mewling noises seem to be a big turn on too, anytime you place your lips on him to give a little nuzzle, purr low in your throat, the vibrations along with the soft kitteney noises seem to be a big turn on :)


Hissweetshiv -> RE: Pleasing Master (7/20/2005 6:13:47 AM)

Foot massages, scalp massages, a good backrub or neckrub, brushing His hair (which is long) bathing Him (shivers delightedly...i love that one) gentle fingernails over His skin.....
[:D]i better stop. I'm getting all excited thinking about it.

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