RE: This is very important to new users (Full Version)

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GreedyTop -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/13/2008 10:37:52 PM)

god, I so adore you, Sunny *Tacklesmooch*

XxSpiderxX -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/14/2008 9:10:24 PM)

*Applauds sunshinemiss*, that was beautiful, simply beautiful...

pinksugarsub -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/14/2008 10:38:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: stpaulslaveuser

Old fashioned values Vs being a submissive.

Ok, finding a guy, and doing the kind of sex HE likes doing so long as your in the mood, doesn't make you a submissive or even kinky. It makes you an old fashioned wife/breeding cow like you your boring grandma.

"submitting" yourself to some one, or any one, or to the general public, what ever the case my be, is a gift of yourself, to the person or persons you are submitting yourself to.

At the core of the idea you are basically saying "I am yours to do to whatever you wish, whenever you wish, or nothing at all, with no regard to my opinion of weather or not I like it."

I don't think you have to automatically submit. There can and sometimes is a power struggle. The loser of this struggle usually submits.

If you like to be in situations where you have no control, but don't want to freely give it ever. That's not submission. It's an entirely different fetish, where as you become bound to fulfill your captors wishes either through being bound, or the inability to fight back as a result of pain, or fear. This is called BDSM.

Learn the damn difference.
Liking rough sex doesn't automatically make you submissive.
It doesn't make for good BDSM either.
Neither does getting it up the ass.
Or sucking cock,
or liking it when some one spanks you. These are only fetishes.

You ALL will have much more fun at these things of you know the basic differences. And you won't find yourselves in situations where you don't want to be.
Yes, being a sub means you usually have more than one fetish.
Yes you can be into BDSM and be a sub at the same time. Yes All of these things can and do mix.

Everyone thinks it's easy being a DOM.
I am here to say it's NOT! It's the lead role in role playing or real life and it's very hard!
Every time you find someone new you have to find out what they need, because almost none of them know what they want, or even like. They just think they do.
Also "Slaves" are something entirely different. A slave is someone who embraces the idea of ownership. Someone who thinks of themselves as an object. Either through fear, brainwashing, or who just thinks that way.
A slaves purpose is to reflect the fetishes of whoever claims ownership.
I think wearing a collar reflects this kind of scenario far more than someone just wanting to be handcuffed and spanked by their new lover so they can call themselves kinky or submissive.
Don't come to a kinky website and post a profile and claim you know what your doing unless you do. You will just look stupid. If all you want 9 out of 10 times is to get a sperm reload in your kid popper. And then be mildly kinky the other 1 out of 10 times you get naked in the dark. Go back an post your profile on yahoo personals or friendfinder or something and leave the rest of us harmless professional perverts alone.

Here's the short version of my reply:
i completely disagree with what You wrote.

brynnegrl -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/16/2008 10:00:15 AM)

Firtstly, plaease allow me to say, that while I respect the OPINION of the original post-ER, I AGREE with the majority of the post-EEs. Of all of the lifestyles, sexual and otherwise, as a rule, any alternative lifestyler is MORE open minded to life, love, etc., instead of going by a RULE BOOK that one has in ones head. And out of the bulletins that I have read (of which there have been many, though I don't post often), the ones that cause the most strife and argument, are the ones that forget that, most especially with D/s, s/m, M/s relationships especially, the word RELATIONSHIP needs to be emphasised. It is a relationship, like any other, and should be treated as such, with respect and love. The amount of trust is incredible, and if you dont' have a solid RELATIONSHIP, you have nothing.
Also, if you are new, where else would you go in this day in age to learn about the lifestyle? What if you are unaware that people like this exist? I discovered this site originally about ten years ago, and it made me realize that wow, I WAS NORMAL! So, please, bring me the newbies. Let those who DO NOT not what they are talking about, learn here. Let those who THINK they know what they are talking about SHUT THEIR MOUTHS AND OPEN THEIR MINDS.

sunshinemiss -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/16/2008 4:04:56 PM)


thank you honeys...

Stephann -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 1:58:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Is this the best that we can do?  Is this what  the wonderful bright minds we have here can come up with when handed a golden opportunity, a veritable smorgasbord of self-importance that is ready to be ripped apart, gnashed away? 

*sleepy blink* hmmm huh?


Here in how many pages of responses, there are but small embers of response, no flames, nothing to warm the very eyes that burn into this message board.  Shame, I say.  Shame on you.  Have we all become so bored with arrogance, so unimpressed with pomposity, so listless in the face of hubris that we should discuss what?  POPCORN and popcorn with beer? 

Friends, friends, we must find the cynicism, our insolence, our personal pique!  What has become of this community of non-conformists who are miffed,nay, TRANSGRESSED by rants of nonsense?

Soon, one day soon, the heated beast of anger will warm your bosom, and on that day, yes on THAT day my good friends, you will see the volcano that is the intelligencia of Collar me will rise up and spew venom that has yet to be only imagined..... and on that day, we will not have merely popcorn.  OH NO!  my fellows, we will have a god damn weenie roast!

Oh... umm... well... I woulda... but I was busy watching re-runs of the Cosby Show.  One of them was about apathy... it was... well, pretty cool...and..... ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz   ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

crouchingtigress -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 4:28:47 PM)


Have we all become so bored with arrogance, so unimpressed with pomposity, so listless in the face of hubris that we should discuss what?  POPCORN and popcorn with beer? 

first posted in october....hmmm....actually sunshinemiss i think the fact that this thing is still going 8 months later shows a veritable dedication to and possibly an acute addiction to, pomposity and arrogance.

Aroha -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 5:02:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: stpaulslaveuser

Old fashioned values Vs being a submissive.

Ok, finding a guy, and doing the kind of sex HE likes doing so long as your in the mood, doesn't make you a submissive or even kinky. It makes you an old fashioned wife/breeding cow like you your boring grandma.

"submitting" yourself to some one, or any one, or to the general public, what ever the case my be, is a gift of yourself, to the person or persons you are submitting yourself to.

At the core of the idea you are basically saying "I am yours to do to whatever you wish, whenever you wish, or nothing at all, with no regard to my opinion of weather or not I like it."

I don't think you have to automatically submit. There can and sometimes is a power struggle. The loser of this struggle usually submits.

If you like to be in situations where you have no control, but don't want to freely give it ever. That's not submission. It's an entirely different fetish, where as you become bound to fulfill your captors wishes either through being bound, or the inability to fight back as a result of pain, or fear. This is called BDSM.

Learn the damn difference.
Liking rough sex doesn't automatically make you submissive.
It doesn't make for good BDSM either.
Neither does getting it up the ass.
Or sucking cock,
or liking it when some one spanks you. These are only fetishes.

You ALL will have much more fun at these things of you know the basic differences. And you won't find yourselves in situations where you don't want to be.
Yes, being a sub means you usually have more than one fetish.
Yes you can be into BDSM and be a sub at the same time. Yes All of these things can and do mix.

Everyone thinks it's easy being a DOM.
I am here to say it's NOT! It's the lead role in role playing or real life and it's very hard!
Every time you find someone new you have to find out what they need, because almost none of them know what they want, or even like. They just think they do.
Also "Slaves" are something entirely different. A slave is someone who embraces the idea of ownership. Someone who thinks of themselves as an object. Either through fear, brainwashing, or who just thinks that way.
A slaves purpose is to reflect the fetishes of whoever claims ownership.
I think wearing a collar reflects this kind of scenario far more than someone just wanting to be handcuffed and spanked by their new lover so they can call themselves kinky or submissive.
Don't come to a kinky website and post a profile and claim you know what your doing unless you do. You will just look stupid. If all you want 9 out of 10 times is to get a sperm reload in your kid popper. And then be mildly kinky the other 1 out of 10 times you get naked in the dark. Go back an post your profile on yahoo personals or friendfinder or something and leave the rest of us harmless professional perverts alone.

I don't think that you can define any relationship in such black and white terms, even in BDSM. I am a sub even if I do not fit into someone elses idea of what a sub should be. The connection and communication should be different for each dom/me and sub otherwise alot of these people will end up with either what they do not truly want or alone.

Get off your high horse and realise that just because I may not be what you are looking for in a sub does not mean that I am not submissive to my Dom!


Usako -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 5:15:33 PM)

This thread is uber old...but it made great lulz. This thread plus the OP's profile equals gold. If I could, I'd archive this thread just for laughs.

clearlightblack -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 5:56:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: stpaulslaveuser
Why would it be necessary to depict yourself as some one who wants nothing more than a hook up or a playtime session with a random Dom.
Doms by the way are guilty of the same kinds of things. I never said they weren't. With my statement, I was addressing the Doms.
Again, all I am saying is. Beware of the posers. I am NOT a poser......... Yesterday, I  replied to a very promising profile that turned out to be nothing more than spam. A scheme to get a working email so I can get bombarded with email for some lame pay porn......But there is no need to blast the men, when they are looking for something, and you just aren't in the mood anymore.  It's just petty. Personal  assaults one me just because I spoke my mind is low wattage and petty also.

GEEZZZZZZZZZZZz.....went through a bottle of dayquil with a vick chaser to stay on the wagon this long to get to the end.....

okay so the truth comes out......he's pissed because....1) he got scammed by a scammer......2) and the one-night stands he was wanting ended up wanting something more....... you are mad because you didn't get what you mama always said "Life isn't always fair" and "Be Patient...." ....also my former master kept telling me "Suck it up princess" when things wouldn't go right......

So with all do respect.....*snickers*  SUCK IT UP PRINCESS!

edited because I forgot to drop off my famous thick tasty brownies and for those that don't like chocolate strawberry shortcake!

ghettoloveinblo -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 9:10:48 PM)

Well I guess there isn't a better way to jump on the msg boards then right now. Yes your profile screams cheater....thats always classic. Atleast in mine I admit that my marriage is in it's end stages and I'm moving on. You, just out right lie. I can't believe I took the 11 seconds to read your profile in the first place. *Shame On Me*

~ETA: Sorry Lizzy I was responding to stpaul, my apologies.~

clearlightblack -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 9:21:07 PM)

*hands ghettoloveinblo a brownie*

thats for your troubles....hope you enjoy!

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/18/2008 11:57:39 PM)

As a sperm burper and submissive myself, i think what is more important to new users is to watch out for the old users like yourself.  you know, those newbies that are in such a state of subfrenzy that they are just a bit clueless about exactly what they are getting themselves into with plain and simple users.  you say it isn't easy being a Dom, i can imagine it can be tough but do you not believe it is any more difficult, mentally on a newbie?  Once upon a time i was like that, unsure of what i was seeking, willing to please every tom's harry dick that told me i had to (not really but i really wanted to).  You might have really appreciated my mindset when i first started on this exploration of lifestyle.  A newbie is usually trying to figure out exactly how they fit in and if it is for them.  For the newbie, unless it is clearly outlined how they are going to be used, don't act so surprised that they want to be your everything even though you are the one using them.  It's easy to kid oneself when being so new and trying to figure out, does he care or doesn't he.  Have mercy on the newbies that should have happened to led sheltered lives and grew up with old fashion values, such as myself.  You are in essence teaching them, shaping them into what they will be in the future if they are willing.  This requires communication, patience, and time.  Then and only then will they prosper and grow.   You may feel like you are doing all the work by teaching but in essence you should be learning just as much as the person submitting to you.   It's a cycle and a balance of give and take.  If you aren't getting what you desire or want, then you aren't giving much to be desired and wanted by the submissive.  If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, move on to the next sucker... i mean newbie.  Those of us with experience know what we need to make us prosper as our best submissive selves.  It is unfortunate that you supposedly got "scammed". 

And please, if you don't mind explain to me what is wrong with seeking an honest relationship in this lifestyle and wanting it to be the whole picture.  i for one could never be complete in a vanilla lifestyle, it doesn't matter how submissive i am outside this lifestyle there is a lack of fulfillment.  a quote that i just happened on tonight just about sums it up..... "Be careful Anais, abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones."  Eduardo, (Anais Nin's Cousin in the movie Henry & June) 
Maybe you have been in the lifestyle for 15 years.... but your attitude and words are a poor display of what this lifestyle is all about.  Anybody that can insult all woman in a such a short sentence and then in his profile turn around and want "lip service" from them is just a mysogynist horndog! 

Mustard anyone??? 

edited to say that this was in response to the OP,   NOT clearlightblack... sorry about that sweetie.  *smiles*  i don't post often enough but i sure do read a lot

clearlightblack -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/19/2008 6:05:46 AM)

its okay OTKkindaGirl....

It made me read what you were saying about newbies.....

I even started to cry....because i don't just remember being like that a way I still am....

Nice to read in a nice simple message that its okay....

It felt good to read your words.  Maybe you should post more often :)

*passes OTKkindaGirl a plate of brownies*  Made them just for you!

tsatske -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/19/2008 8:53:06 AM)

100 post rule! Why can't anyone take my excellent advice! 100 post rule, and you on't end up being a S'Mores! Geez!

Willowmoon -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/20/2008 5:38:13 AM)

'It never ends.... it never ends that way either' Over the Hedge

Ahhh that was nice bedtime reading thank you all for the giggle.

variation30 -> RE: This is very important to new users (6/21/2008 8:09:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: stpaulslaveuser

Old fashioned values Vs being a submissive.

Ok, finding a guy, and doing the kind of sex HE likes doing so long as your in the mood, doesn't make you a submissive or even kinky. It makes you an old fashioned wife/breeding cow like you your boring grandma.

"submitting" yourself to some one, or any one, or to the general public, what ever the case my be, is a gift of yourself, to the person or persons you are submitting yourself to.

At the core of the idea you are basically saying "I am yours to do to whatever you wish, whenever you wish, or nothing at all, with no regard to my opinion of weather or not I like it."

I don't think you have to automatically submit. There can and sometimes is a power struggle. The loser of this struggle usually submits.

If you like to be in situations where you have no control, but don't want to freely give it ever. That's not submission. It's an entirely different fetish, where as you become bound to fulfill your captors wishes either through being bound, or the inability to fight back as a result of pain, or fear. This is called BDSM.

Learn the damn difference.
Liking rough sex doesn't automatically make you submissive.
It doesn't make for good BDSM either.
Neither does getting it up the ass.
Or sucking cock,
or liking it when some one spanks you. These are only fetishes.

You ALL will have much more fun at these things of you know the basic differences. And you won't find yourselves in situations where you don't want to be.
Yes, being a sub means you usually have more than one fetish.
Yes you can be into BDSM and be a sub at the same time. Yes All of these things can and do mix.

Everyone thinks it's easy being a DOM.
I am here to say it's NOT! It's the lead role in role playing or real life and it's very hard!
Every time you find someone new you have to find out what they need, because almost none of them know what they want, or even like. They just think they do.
Also "Slaves" are something entirely different. A slave is someone who embraces the idea of ownership. Someone who thinks of themselves as an object. Either through fear, brainwashing, or who just thinks that way.
A slaves purpose is to reflect the fetishes of whoever claims ownership.
I think wearing a collar reflects this kind of scenario far more than someone just wanting to be handcuffed and spanked by their new lover so they can call themselves kinky or submissive.
Don't come to a kinky website and post a profile and claim you know what your doing unless you do. You will just look stupid. If all you want 9 out of 10 times is to get a sperm reload in your kid popper. And then be mildly kinky the other 1 out of 10 times you get naked in the dark. Go back an post your profile on yahoo personals or friendfinder or something and leave the rest of us harmless professional perverts alone.

thank you for your knowledge. I feel that I, by reading this, have become a more intelligent and well-rounded dom.

if you have a newsletter, I would like to subscribe.

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