Did I break my.... (Full Version)

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hermione83 -> Did I break my.... (10/5/2007 11:58:26 PM)

Behind? ... Ah, I don't know how to be anything but blunt with this.. I asked a friend and they said post  like it was a friend.. but I'm like.. um.. how would I really know this much detail about a "friend"?? So, I'm just going to ask. *Sigh* So.. um.. I like anal stimulation. A lot. Its the best. Since I was a little girl. This year, my health and everything seems to have been fragile, and weird things are happening with my body. It sucks. In any case, I'm only 24, and I have had no children, and in fact, I'm still a virgin, so I can't imagine why this would happen!! I used a plastic buttplug on myself the other day.. and it has a very short, small, part that sticks out, to grasp it by. And I'm short, and my arms are even shorter, and I cannot even finger my own ass, so inserting something into my ask is pretty difficult. All I can do is lube it up, and force it in, otherwise, it won't go in. In fact I have a jelly toy that was too soft, that I couldn't put enough pressure on to force in. It's just because of reaching. I usually lay on my side and reach over from behind and push up, but its always kind of an angle, from the side. So I put it in, and left it in quite a while, and it was hurting a lot more than normal, and I thought it was working its way out, but I was surprised to find it was still firmly in. And so I decided to yank it out. The base starts to entirely slip in, and I get scared, imagining going to the ER like this - and I freeze, paralyze my muscles and pull... it won't come out.. and I have to use my fingers to pull at it, from the side, instead of straight out, because my arms are short, as I said, and it pops out in one motion, making a loud sound. And it hurts quite bad. I thought it was because a nail grazed my flesh, as I have long nails. But I felt around my anus, with my finger tips, as that's all that will reach, and my anus feels a LOT different than I thought it did. So I contort myself to feel around as much as I can.... it feels .. like the half of my outter ring muscle, thats away from my vagina, is very extended, and lose.. like.. broken or something. It doesn't seem to close on that side, but the other side is as firm and circular as ever. I can stick my finger in, without unclenching or pushing, and feel my inner ring muscle on that side. It really doesn't seem like it's the right shape. Its like an elongated oval. I cannot go to the doctor. I have never been to the gynecologist, and I will not until after I have sex, if I ever do. Please help. I'm terrified... 

georgejames68 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:12:51 AM)

Why on earth would you not go to a gynecologist if you have a problem like this? Use a female doctor to avoid most embarrasement. They will never do anything to hurt you or, (as I suspect your afraid of), violate your virginity.

They have an oath to live up to!!  George

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:16:27 AM)

They will break your hymen if you get an examination. There is no possible way anything could be stuck inside your vagina without that happening. And besides that, last time I got a chest x-ray, I sobbed violently for having to wear so little. I'm one of the girl's who changed for gym class in a bathroom stall instead of by the girl's lockers. It doesn't matter to me at all if it's a lady doctor. I will not be going. And if I need major surgery, I have no health insurance, so it doesn't matter. And how would I explain what happened?? I used to go to therapy, and I could never say face to face what I was feeling... much less could I tell a professional doctor face-to-face that I stuck stuff up my .. . Aghh.. :( Does no one have any experience with this? What is the normal shape of an anus? Am I right that it is perfectly round and strong all over, or is it supposed to be an oval, and the back part can be pushed aside easily?? Please help, thank you!

WisconsinOwner -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:21:27 AM)

Go to see a doctor ... examining your bum will not endanger your virginity.  Why on earth would you risk your health in order to preserve your ego?  You don't seem like you lack intellegence, think this through a little further and you will see what needs to be done.

MissMagnolia -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:23:53 AM)

Major surgery for a little butt plug? I don't think so, lol. I've seen things up arses that would curl your hair (no, not a curling wand, though similar things!!) and you definitely haven't broken your bumhole.

Try having a good, hard shit.

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:24:01 AM)

I have an IQ of 144, actually, and I'm not going. So please, any advice you can give me. There's nothing I can do for it if there is something wrong anyway, and I don't have the money to visit the doctor, even if I wasn't mortified. No one is looking at my naked parts. I'm completely serious. I would die or bleed to death first.

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:26:33 AM)

MissMagnolia, I appreciate the answer, but I have researched on the net as much as I can. It looks like this happens in childbirth, from insertions, and severe constipation sometimes, if you're particularly fragile. I don't know if it HAS actually happened or not, though. Some people have surgery, and it seems to just break again. Apparently the INNER ring is 75% of continence, and if I did break the outter, I could still go to the bathroom fine, in most cases. What do your all's or whoever's anus's feel like, honestly?? Is it oval shaped, and long towards the back, and looser on that side?? Or are they tight and round all the way around? I'm really really upset. I have seen that that is where the muscle usually DOES tear if it does... 

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:30:29 AM)

I want to add, that either, my body is falling apart, and I'll start finding fingers scattered across the floor falling off of me soon, or I AM a bit paranoid. I actually *broke* my ear doing almost nothing not long ago. And now this. Everyone told me I was crazy, you cannot do that to your ear, but I went to the doctor, and I have literally badly torn the cartilage in it, and apparently there's nothing that can be done. Excellent. So I guess if you can break your ear, you can break your anus. I don't know. I was sure that it didn't feel like that before though.. but I honestly have not spent a lot of time feeling my, or anyone else's anus. I really am upset. It hurts to sit down. And the first time I ever used something there was a thermometer when I was a tot that I stole to keep in my own room, so it really shouldn't.

MissMagnolia -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:35:42 AM)

There is a slight difference between childbirth and having a butt plug stuck up your arse, honey. I have had children AND been constipated, as have many of the women here. I have an IQ of 185, btw.

PULEASE.[8|] Seriously, you are carrying on like a paranoid pork chop about a "maybe". You don't actually know if anything is torn. You have no idea of the construction of an anus and the intestines, even though you've "researched" on the net. You've never had your finger up your arse. You are a vaginal virgin, so don't even know the layout of your vagina. You will broadcast this problem to your friends and complete strangers in a forum, but won't go to a qualified doctor. Looks like you'll just have to bleed to death then.

mistoferin -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:45:07 AM)

Do you realize that you are on a BDSM website looking for a Dominant? How on earth can you consider such if you are scared to death to have a professional see your bare ass? Seriously, you're 24 years old and it's time to understand that every single one of us has an ass and sometimes, things can go wrong with those asses and a doctor, who also has an ass, has to take a look at it. You won't die from a doctor looking at it, I promise.

Sheesh !!!

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:45:14 AM)

What is the point of these forums if everyone is randomly refusing to answer a straightforward question, out of disrespect for my life choices? You all are mostly sexual creatures it seems, and I would expect most of you could tell me the simple shape and feel of an anus. I've seen diagrams on adam.com etc of the same tears in the third and fourth degrees, which they said requires various types of surgery which may or may not be successful. Just because many people have had babies, etc, without tearing something doens't mean I can't do much less and tear something. I have used the same toy 10,000 times and it never felt like this before. I am in the medical field myself, but the sphincter is not something I have any practical knowledge about. I just talked to my ex-fiance about this, and he admitted to having torn his own years ago and had to go to the doctor about it more than once, and it was not from doing anything crazy. He said you mostly just have to live with it. I was horrified that it was that easy to tear it. I had never heard of anyone doing that in my life until I just asked him about this. I would really like more input from as many other people as I can, as it isn't something I just randomly ask my friends about.

WisconsinOwner -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:48:24 AM)

If you were paying attention and not so intent on preserving your modesty you would see that your question has been answered.  Seek professional counsel.

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:51:46 AM)

I'm not going to change myself because my body does. I don't want advice on that point. I think it's fairly terrible that you all could, and won't, answer my question, because you all are closed-minded about my apparent closed-mindedness on this topic. If you all were really so open and understanding and non-judgemental as it always seems, you would be as equally understanding about people who weren't, if that makes any vague sense.

laurell3 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:57:23 AM)

Honestly hermoine, I know you are sincere in these beliefs, but not alot you say makes sense.  And you are distressed often.  I would refer you back to the earlier post about seeking psychiatric help.
We cannot tell you what YOUR anus should be like.....don't ask people on a bdsm website go to a doctor.

mistoferin -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:58:43 AM)

Oh my God, did you ever consider the fact that not everyone's asshole is exactly the same....and even if someone described their asshole to you they would have to describe what it was like at different times....before play, after play. Assholes sometimes are looser immediately following play. Get a grip on yourself and tone down the drama. People are giving you the best advice they know how....see a doctor. If you don't want to take that then don't bitch at them for giving it to you.

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 12:59:02 AM)

Laurell, sigh, but you could easily tell me what yours feels like or any others you have felt....

hermione83 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 1:00:41 AM)

Mistoferin, why could you not tell me what it feels like before, during, or after, then?

MissMagnolia -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 1:01:56 AM)

It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You're a slave on a BDSM site looking for a man. You do realise at some time he's probably going to want to do more than hold hands? He's going to want to see your..GASP...bits!!

If you discovered you had torn your sphincter, or had uterine cancer, or any other thing that required urgent medical assistance in your genital/anal region, would you refuse attention because you didn't want anyone to see your bits? Fark, grow up. You keep harping on about wanting people to help. They have. It's not their fault you want to play the vestal virgin princess game.

Try a Christian site, they might be more helpful than we are. ROFLMAO.

mistoferin -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 1:02:47 AM)

Did I actually just read that you have PCOS???? How exactly did you get that diagnosed if you can't see a doctor?

laurell3 -> RE: Did I break my.... (10/6/2007 1:03:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: hermione83

Laurell, sigh, but you could easily tell me what yours feels like or any others you have felt....

Because if you have a health concern you should talk to a health care professional, my sexual experience doesn't at all make me qualified to give you medical advice.

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