Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/11/2007 9:56:45 PM)

James says that putting ranch on spagettie noodles will curdle the milk in ranch and can make you  dangerously ill. I don't think so. Does any one know anything about this? Now I suppose it you drop ranch on boiling noodles maybe, but the noodles most times by time their strained are luke warm at best.

LivingInSin -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/11/2007 10:28:07 PM)

I'm not exactly sure where James got his information at, but rest assured. It's wrong. I say this for two reasons....
1. my 5 year old twins insist on putting ranch on everything they eat from cheerios to pasta. hasn't hurt them yet.
2. if you buy the ranch in the food stores and not make your own, there isnt frest milk in it. otherwise it wouldn't be on display in the store.

just a side not...i cannot stand ranch dressing :(

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/11/2007 10:37:25 PM)

I Loooooooove ranch, plus on skettie it makes it taste kind of like macaroni salad, mayo will do same thing. Another fav way f having it, is just a tiny bit of butter melt and garlic.

pahunkboy -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 3:07:51 AM)

just make sure is doesnt come fron china!

Rumtiger -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 4:46:54 AM)

why the hell would you do it in the first place, fuckin ew!

divi -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 4:48:28 AM)

yah that does sound pretty nasty...

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 5:08:44 AM)

i don't know if that is dangerous but it sounds NASTY....maybe you are lacking something nutrition wise..pica???


Pica includes strong cravings for non-food items. The most frequent are:

  • Dirt, clay

  • Paint chips, plaster, chalk

  • Cornstarch, laundry starch, baking soda

  • Cigarette ashes, burnt match heads

  • Rust

  • Library paste, white glue

  • Other items that are not usually considered food. Sometimes items that have significant potential to cause serious physical harm such as needles, nails, broken glass, coins and sharp or rusty pieces of metal


Pica is usually found in

  • Pregnant women

  • People whose diets are deficient in minerals contained in the consumed substances

  • People who have psychiatric disturbances such as hysteria

  • People with developmental disabilities or similar impairments.

  • People whose family or ethnic customs include eating certain non-food substances

  • People who diet, become hungry, and then try to ease hunger and cravings with low-calorie, non-food substances.
*** atleast you aren't eating non- food items so i'm not sure if it's just something weird you crave or a problem....i once ate paste as a kid and sugar, salt and chewed on lead paint-- that would explain alot of why i was very slow as a child..we didn't get the best diet- would sometimes go a day or longer without eating...

GoddessMine -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 5:20:03 AM)

I wouldn't immediately say it's pica just because she likes something a little odd. I personally love: ketchup on sunny side ups, french frieds dipped in vanilla icecream, fermented soybeans, and chips in My ham sandwiches!


GhitaAmati -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 5:34:03 AM)

My son eats his spagetti noodles with nothing but butter....weird child...cant stand tomato sauce...anyway....

Ok, ranch dressing, as its been said before, if you are using it out of a bottle, which Im assuming you probably are, the stuffs been sitting on a shelf....there is no milk in it to curdle...if you made it yourself while the noodles were cooking...and Im assuming you actually are cooking the noodles even though your subject line says dry which leads me to think raw and still hard and why you are eating them this way my little brother only knows (hes weird....eats dry pasta all the time..)...anyway, so if you are making it yourself and there is storebought milk in it..you arent gonna curdle that by heating it up. Now..if you just went and grabbed milk from a cow to put in your ranch dressing to put on your pasta...then you might have to be a bit more careful...its the cream that curdles from direct heat anyway, not the milk.....so if you are using real fresh milk, you might wanna let it sit and then strain the cream off first...save the cream for butter or something.....

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 6:34:33 AM)

sounds like another food myth to me ...like mixing pop rocks and soda can kill you.

Marc2b -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 6:53:46 AM)


My son eats his spagetti noodles with nothing but butter....

My uncle does this too, only he adds lots of salt as well.  None of us can figure him out.

As for ranch dressing on Spagetti, I'm with Rumtiger on this one... EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

However, ranch dressing is fantastic on pizza.  Try it, folks.  You'll like it.

mnottertail -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 6:55:24 AM)

shouldnt this thread be in health and safety?


Lordandmaster -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 7:30:16 AM)

For what it's worth, that theory can't be right, because dipping hot buffalo wings into ranch dressing should have the same effect, no?

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 7:49:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

My son eats his spagetti noodles with nothing but butter....weird child...cant stand tomato sauce...anyway....

the same goes with my 5yr old UM - she enjoys plain spag noodles with the grated cheese on top however will eat pizza with tomato sauce and cheese

divi -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 7:49:41 AM)

I would think so... damn now i want some hot wings

kokonut -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 7:56:20 AM)

I did the same thing, noodles with butter and parmesan... I hated sauce when I was little. I still prefer butter and parmesan to sauce but I'm no longer quite as opposed to it.

nyrisa -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 9:17:25 AM)

I am still pondering the thought of eating dry (uncooked?) spaghetti. You know, they stopped throwing rice at weddings because they found out that birds eat the uncooked rice, and then it absorbs fluid in their stomachs, making them swell up and die. I find the thought of swollen spaghetti belly to be more worrisome by far than the ranch dressing. Just saying..........

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 9:25:28 AM)

They're cooked all though I have sucked on non cooked skettie pieces, it's an interesting texture I like I don't do it to often.. Dry in this case would mean no skettie sauce.

scifi1133 -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 9:36:04 AM)



I would think so... damn now i want some hot wings

oh hell yes

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Putting ranch dressing on dry spagettie, dangerous or not? (10/12/2007 9:55:04 AM)

is it lunchtime yet?  all this talk of wings is making me hungry

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