How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (Full Version)

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MasterMalice -> How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/1/2004 7:12:43 PM)

Master Malice Sir i hope You will read this i put it on the boards at the

d/s garden......after asking a question about if a sub is safe....the

responses finally led me to put this experience on the board......a warning

for subs to be more careful and to follow the rules. i am not sure i

will go back to the l/s in real if i do it will take a long time. and will

probably still bounce into the room....but as a person...not a sub not for

serious.....You will understand why when You read. i know i made stupid

mistakes...but want others not to make the same ones ........thank You Sir

for read miskat

I don't believe that this can be taken to seriously. Justin Sir's seriousness is important. The story He posted is an example of what can happen to a person when she/he puts herself/himself on the line.

I wasn't going to do this but feel the need to now. So with great difficulty I am going to post my experience.

With a heavy heart I have to admit to my mistakes. Some made before I even entered the room. Because I have no close friends in the lifestyle I omitted to set up a safe callthinking it was okay because we weren't planning on playing..He assured me that play was not expected on a first meeting. That we needed to get to know each other better. I took my car to the restaurant I met Him at this also making me feel safe because I could leave whenever I desired.

I didn't know Him very well.but had spent some hours talking about safewords and limits. Believing He was definitely from the lifestyle when He talked about hard and soft limits. He discussed my hard limits with me the night before in chat. Asked me to give Him a list of things I thought were my hard limitsand I did. I told him of my fear of having my neck touched. That I wouldn't do blood, watersports, etc. that I couldn't deal with my face being touchedand that for the time being..i couldn't have my chest harmed.

I didn't feel uncomfortable with Him in the restaurant. I was a little surprised when He suggested we go and play.but not scared or apprehensive. Mistakenly I desire to experience more over riding good old common sense. Looking back my next mistake was a critical one.When He suggested we leave my car to search for a place to go I agreedleaving my purse as always locked in the trunk.

Upon entering the room He turned to me as I slipped off my coat.and before I could even gasp He had ripped my shirt right off my back. He was between the door and I. I was shirtless. And for the first time a little scared. I rationalized to myself that maybe He just liked to rip things..and backed up a little further into the room. He very demandingly told me to remove the rest of my clothes quickly or He would be cutting them off methat's when I realised He did in fact have a knife in His hand.i don't believe I need to say that terror ran through me then. Running through my mind was my shirt is rippedmy car isn't hereand I don't even have the money in my purse.

My clothes were quickly removed and He told me to get on my hands and knees. That I was to be punished for moving too slowly. I did my butt had been flogged before so I thought I could handle this..i was okay for a little while as He paddled me.however, I soon found my limitwas crumpling to the floorbeing reminded to stay on my hands and knees.

When he was finished He grabbed me by the neck and drug me onto the bed. I couldn't breath.terrified that I wouldn't make itthat he would strangle me. He didn't..because He decided to use another limit against memy face.i watched in horror as He closed His fist and started to smash my face as hard as He could..i was crying.feeling petrified would be the only word.

I was too scared to fight back. I didn't fight back.He grabbed my legs pulling them up by my head..He inserted a small amount of Himself inside methen He put His elbows into the back of my knees and wrapped His fingers around my throat again. He called me names that usually excite me..but now they sickened me.made me feel dirty.

He urinated inside my bodymy stomach was heaving and I was having a hard time breathing..this seemed to excite has never hurt so much..He used my body as hard and as nastily as He could.when He was doneHe used the paddle on my ribs and tummyit hurt so bad I thought he was going to break them.

Then he started on my newly healed chest.He paddled them until the bad one started to bleed..i was crying, whimperinghe told me to shut up.i tried

No matter what I did I seemed to anger Him more.whenever I did soHe would punch my face again.

By the time He was done my body had been paddled, whipped, punched.abused more than I could limits safeword ignored..

When He tired of me.He told me to go knees shaking so hard I could hardly walk. When I came out.holding my shirt together.He was ready to leave and shoved me out the door.He took me back to the car and told me He would be used my slut sub body again soon..and drove away.

It took me a while to pull myself together and go errors in judgement were great!! These are mistakes I will not be repeatingand I hope others will not make. I have learned that I need more, address, phone number, place of work, etcthat I do need a safe calland I do need to take my time

Playing again will be a hard thing to doand will not be done unless I truly know and trust the other person. This will most likely take a very long time.

proudsub -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/1/2004 8:29:20 PM)

Thank you for posting that, i know it wasn't easy. I'm so sorry you had to suffer that kind of abuse. Hopefully many here will heed your warning.

Mondschein -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/1/2004 10:42:54 PM)

I'm trully sorry for what happened to you. And I thank you for being strong and posting this, so many keep it silent, which makes it worse. You have no idea how common your story is, and no matter how many times it happens, the devastating effects are the same. I know others who have gone through this, and fortunately, the man was taken into custody. There are many here who only want to abuse women, or men, and don't know anything about what the lifestyle is really about. Some say, those people like pain, so let me get in there and beat the hell out of someone and they will sure enjoy it. We all know how ignorant this sounds, right? Thanks again and you'll see that it'll get better. I promise. [;)]

LadyBeckett -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 6:01:11 AM)

M. Malice, am I correct in my understanding that you have posted this at the request of someone else? Proudsub will read this, and she is excellent for referencing other threads and bumping them up or providing links to them. There is one where the guidelines for safety are covered thoroughly.

Unfortunately this (this story) happens so much more than we know about because no one wants to believe it will happen to them. When it does, they are too embarassed to admit that it did, or that they didn't follow the rules!

Thank you for sharing this.

proudsub -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 8:04:39 AM)


Proudsub will read this, and she is excellent for referencing other threads and bumping them up or providing links to them.

OK OK I'll have to look later, I know there are some threads on safety and first meetings but I don't have time to look right now.

proudsub -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 9:18:21 AM)

Here are two threads on safety when meeting someone:

first meeting guidelines

first meeting safety

LadyBeckett -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 10:35:30 AM)

Thank you, proudsub *smooches* [;)]

MasterMalice -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 12:41:08 PM)

Greeting's to A/all.
Yes I have posted this article from a dear friend of mine called miskat. I also have it posted on my webpage along with a few other interesting articles on Safety. The sad thing is I went over and over with her about what Not to do meeting someone for the first time and again I find another submissive following the path that leads to Harm.
I feel people listen to advice but often follow it. Everyone thinks.. well it can't happen to me. This just goes to show you it can. I wish all that reads this article will take the time to place themself in that position for a moment and know it can happen to them.
Until next time my friends.. Be Safe

shadowlands -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/2/2004 7:33:39 PM)

This is a realy sad story, which i read with horror. We do sometimes put safety aside, which can be so dangerous. I hope this does not put you off meeting someone else, there are some very strange people out there, and then there are the ignorant dicks, which you have already met. Just stick to the strange ones from now on lol, all the best, shadowlands xx

knees2you -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 1:10:24 AM)

miskat I feel 100% for your pain[&o] i had something simular done to me. Take care and may God Bless You~[:)]

Sincerely eyesofAslave[;)]


"No I'm not affraid of who's behind the door~"


MistressDREAD -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 9:42:40 AM)

Malace I Teach Online
BDSM and Gor saftey
and on average over
the years now 16 to
fact I have on average
of 60 or so newbies
whom luckily run across
Me and learn the basic
saftey proticals befor
jumping into a situation
that has allready begun
with sumone online . I can
just imagine how many
are not so lucky to find My
training chat rooms befor
such a situation were to happen
or like You stated, think they
know it all and tempt to mess
with those whom even in Our
Kinkified Society are deemed
preditors. Jah forbid just how
many are across the W.W.W
and dont even cross Our paths.
I say Malace go one
step further if You know this one
and push her to press charge
against this bad One. I know of a
simalar case alltho it was a male
slave and a so called Master and
the end was the same result but
with a better ending as this slave
took direct action against the rape
and He had been caught. I cant
wait for the court date.

miskat -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 2:51:52 PM)

i am grateful that Master Malice Sir posted my experience and i would like to thank E/everyone for their comments. *S* ihave learned a lot from this experience and just hope that others do as well. Be safe!! miskat

LadyBeckett -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 3:18:19 PM)

miskat, this is a purely maternal reaction, so bear with me...What weren't you thinking????? I read that post with my hand to my chest. It was hurting me. I am so glad you came out of that alive! Treat yourself with value!!! I know that it had to be difficult to tell that story, but I hope hundreds of people will read it and believe it, so that males and females that prey on people in that way, will run out of victims.

Stay with us, miskat.

Estring -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 4:06:17 PM)

While we are on this subject, I thought I would bring up something that has come to my attention from slaves and subs I have known.
There are certain Doms ( male and female) who try to scare subs/slaves into submission by claiming they have special powers of hypnosis. They want the sub to believe that they can hypnotize and control them, so they had better submit.
As a practitioner of hypnosis, this is a bunch of crap. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. It is impossible to be hypnotized against your will. So any sub who runs into any of these morons, they are full of it. And they shouldn't be taken seriously.

sub4hire -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 4:15:33 PM)

It sounds to me like you have ran into the same person I have.'re in LA right?
Ever make it to the inland empire?

sarbonn -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/3/2004 5:17:39 PM)


As a practitioner of hypnosis, this is a bunch of crap. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. It is impossible to be hypnotized against your will. So any sub who runs into any of these morons, they are full of it. And they shouldn't be taken seriously.

I take it then that my claim of using the Dark Side of the Force probably won't hold up much water either?

ShadeDiva -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/5/2004 10:41:20 PM)

I'll add this in as well, as I don my little flame suit.

Safecalls aren't all people claim them to be.

Having a safecall - wouldn't have prevented this from occuring, if the guy wanted it to.

Too many people rely FAR too heavily on safecalls, and find themselves in a heap of trouble.

You can easily be beaten, raped, and killed in 20 minutes or LESS - depending on the perp.

Safecall won't do you a bit of good in such a case.

All the person has to do is wait for you to make the first call, then they usually have aqt least an hour of *free time* cuz most folks won't set up a safecall more frequently than once every hour, and most set up only a couple of safe calls, spaced a couple of hours apart. By the time that safecall time has come and gone ... much bad mojo can have happened.

The moral of my post?

Don't place a HUGE value on safe calls. They are good to have. They have been useful and have saved some people. But they will not automatically save your ass. Motivated predators won't fucking CARE.

Just don't let safecalls delude you into making you feel that you're more safe than you actually are.


ShadeDiva -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/5/2004 10:42:54 PM)

My condolences kat for having to have dealt with that.

I am glad you are okay, and I trust you won't mke the same mistakes. It is brave and good of you to bare your experiences for others to learn from. *smile* Bravo to you lady!


Estring -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/6/2004 12:08:03 AM)

There's been a few that have tried this that I know about. Scared the crap out of the slaves I knew.
Yes I am in Burbank. I was actually in Pinon Hills visiting my Mother over the weekend. Just south of Victorville. I do get out that way sometimes. Where are you at?

sub4hire -> RE: How Online Fun Turns Into Real Time Rape (7/6/2004 4:02:30 PM)

Inland Empire, Riverside to be exact. You should come to a munch sometime...hmm. We are having one Saturday the 10th. 3pm the IHOP corner of Tyler and Magnolia across the street from the Tyler Mall in Riverside.
If not the munch, we get together at Puddingstone for a soak in the hot tubs.

Kind of a distance...but hey we're worth it. If I knew you were coming I'd definately have to devote some sort of time to chatting with you. Kind of rough considering the amount of people who show sometimes. Doug is also an introvert considering recent circumstances. Give us a couple of months. We'll be ready to host an Estring...hehe

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