RE: Collar Comfort (Full Version)

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slave4urneeds -> RE: Collar Comfort (11/1/2007 11:22:48 PM)

A collar is a very important and significant piece for you and your Master.  When i was collared with my previous dom we agreed up front that i would have a collar that i would wear daily to work and such and a collar that was for play, munches and other events.  I am a professional and must always appear as one, but not being able to wear my collar and having that reminder of my slavery to him was something that could not and did not want to live without.  Having that special or differnt piece of jewelry made just for me was very exciting for me.  Of course then getting home and putting on my play collar was just as exciting too!  it allowed me to be and express who i was for my Master without any judgements.  i loved both of my collars and i think that you will find many that do have both or many collars. 

michelleryder -> RE: Collar Comfort (11/2/2007 6:17:48 AM)

I wear an eternity collar 24/7. It's very comfy to wear unless it,s a sunny day then it  seems to attract the heat like nobodys business. Yes I wear it in front of friends family or anyone else and i've had a few comments made about it in the past but so what?

hejira92 -> RE: Collar Comfort (11/2/2007 6:07:53 PM)

The collar in my picture is a solid stainless steel allen-wrench locking collar. Master put it on me December 23rd last year. It took a while to get used to the weight and the rigidity while sleeping. People got used to seeing it on me everyday and no one ever commented. Unfortunately, I have a herniated disc in my neck and I was starting to get more and more migraines, so as an experiment, Master removed my permanent collar in July. I haven't had a migraine since then, so He has put it away for special occasions. I do miss the security and permanance of being locked into my collar.
I currently wear a silver ID bracelet that has his name on it that He got way back in HS and the other necklace in the picture. He placed the white gold and diamond heart around my neck the same day as the locking collar. He said that while He has all of me, I have His heart. I always wear something tight to my throat as well- usually a braided silver choker.
He is looking for something lighter and locking. He has mentioned the ones that curve- does anyone know a good collar, not too heavy, that is permanent and pretty?

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Collar Comfort (11/3/2007 8:03:44 AM)

 not a slave but submissive however i wear between 3 collars(metal, leather, and chain) received from Daddy.  my metal collar is the "official" one He gave me nearly a year ago.


For those slaves who wear a locking or allen wrench type collar are some more comfortable than others?

at first it was heavy and had to adjust to the weight around my neck. so Daddy instructed that i where it for a few hrs each day until my neck felt comfortable. it took me about a week to really wear it 24/7 even while sleeping.


How long did it take you to be comfortable wearing the collar in public?

not long - wore it to a metal/rock show and got the more stares and pick-up lines than before. one guy almost fell down the steps because he was staring too hard at the meta ring around my neck.  plus i blended right in with the rest of the crowd ...some did ask where i got the collar.


If you work were you comfortable wearing it to work the fist time?

i work in radio so i have no problems wearing it ...i have recently talked about my collars and Daddy live on air during a mini interview.  wearing it in public does draw some curious stares but i feel so comfortable with it on, i hardly notice that it's there.


Are you comfortable wearing around family and friends?

i sometimes wear my collar around family and friends (depending on event or function) ...however if i'm going to church, grocery store, bank and my UMs school etc - wherever, my collar(s) is around my neck. nothing like a black woman wearing BDSM jewelry in a baptist church (i get nice compliments too - go figure on that one).

slavekal -> RE: Collar Comfort (11/3/2007 4:11:48 PM)

I take it you mean comfortable psychologically.  I was comfortable from the start.  i was actually the one who found it and showed it to the lady.  Physically, I found out that I can't wear just anything.  I had a horrible allergic reaction after wearing the chain for several months.  We (I) had to find a similar item in stainless steel.  Now I can wear it without any trouble at all.  By the way, it is a thick chain with a small padlock.  I get many positive reactions and commnets on it.

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