Collaring SoccerMomSlave (Full Version)

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Faramir -> Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/7/2005 7:10:05 PM)

This past weekend SoccerMomSlave and I had her private collaring ceremony. It was a wonderful experience for us both - deeply moving, and I think we are both proud. I'm very proud of her, and she is very proud of her lovely new collar (we have pics up at her profile of her collar).

I'm posting this to share good news, but mostly to encourage those of you who feel the strain of searching for a matching partner in BDSM.

Both SMS and I had a tough time on the road to each other - a difficult, frustrating and often very painful search. We both suffered heartbreaks and more dissapointments than either of us cares to remember [;)]

But in the end we found what we were looking for. In fact, we met at when SMS was ready to give up, and sent me a lovely letter of praise on her way out the door - she just wanted to tell me how she had looked at me from afar for a year.

We emailed after that, chatted, phone, then a first date - the rest is history.

If you've known the pain of feeling like you will never find your "one," then you can imagine my joy at having found her.

maddmaxx60 -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 5:38:30 AM)

Farimir and sockermomslave,
It appears congratulations are in order and I'd like to be the first to leave you just that. Congratulations to you both and may you "own" each other as long as you both shall live. Be good to each other, look after each other and let no others come between you.
Be well and Blessed Be,

subcheryl -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 7:43:23 AM)

CONGRADULATIONS! ! ! ! Faramir and SMS, so happy to hear of your meeting and collaring, Wish you the best in the future.

dechala -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 8:45:17 AM)

Congrats to you both[:)]
i truly am glad that you are happy dear, you deseve this.
i also just recently had my collar placed upon me on August 1.Happiness abounds everywhere it seems.It's a beautiful thing to have found the one.i echo Faramir's words, to all who are ready to give up search do not! Your one could be lurking right around the corner[;)]

darkinshadows -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 9:23:55 AM)

My blessings and prayers to you both.

I am certain that SMS will be nurtured and will grow under Faramirs care. Unfortunately, I have not had the joy of 'meeting' SMS in the forums 'officially' as yet, but I am sure the time will soon arrive. Faramir, you have alot to give others, and sometimes people are not always open enough to see truth and integrity. I for one have learnt much from your words and even though we don't always agree [;)]- I still admire your thoughts.

Peace and Much Love to you both. May your journey be blessed and your path clear. And may others eyes be open to the beauty that your relationship will exude.

mnottertail -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 10:44:43 AM)

Wicked good luck and best wishes. Gotta love it when a plan comes together, no?


Fawne -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/8/2005 11:04:26 AM)

[sm=kiss.gif] awwww love a happy ending! a true love story with all the spice! Best to You both.. an inspiration!

comesoncommand -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/9/2005 10:02:27 PM)

Congratulations to you B/both. i have to admit i'm envious of your little one...GREAT body! [;)] LOL...tell her if she wants to put her secrets up, she has a ready reader ;).

Joking aside, it is wonderful to be able to feel connection simply from T/two people's writing. Warm wishes for a wonderful lifetime of learning and growth together.

Faramir -> RE: Collaring SoccerMomSlave (8/15/2005 7:47:21 AM)

Thanks for all the kind words, and I hope those who still seek are encouraged.

It is possible to meet your "One" on a personal site like this.

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