RE: Body Imperfections (Full Version)

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SubJordanTyler -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 9:35:48 AM)

While I keep myself in pretty good shape, I have some scars from a few surgeries that, while aren't bad, are still noticable.  I was always trying to keep them covered and wouldn't show my body.  Then I got more into this lifestyle and it just didn't matter anymore.  I've even done public play in front of hundreds of different people (if you add them all up over time), and I absolutely love it.  I don't even think about the scars anymore because of the rush I'm getting from everyone staring at my naked body getting tortured and abused during the play.  So I think it's all about how we view ourselves.  Even if I had a chiseled body (which I don't!!), I would still have the scars.  Once I got over it, I began to enjoy things much more and now I'm just as comfortable being naked in front of others as being fully dressed.

BrokenSaint -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 12:51:19 PM)

Personally I've never been all that self-conscious about being naked. Nor about being around naked people. Doesn't really change my behavior one whit. Sure I have a couple of scars. I think everyone does really. Of course mine are generally pretty difficult to see because of my skin color. So I suppose I have an advantage there.

In reference to the original question...umm if I wanted to sleep with them before. Chances are I still do, barring of course signs of disease etc. But bodily imperfections? I mean if someone lets their pubic hair get waaay out of control that's a bit of a turnoff. But I'd still sleep with them if I was going to in the first place. Theres not really anything I can think of that would make me go WOAAAAAAH, kthxbye. Other of course than what I mentioned earlier (signs of infectious std's).

But oh my lord have I dated so many women with bodily self-esteem issues, regardless of how attractive they were. Seriously. Take the typical male stereotypical insecurities about size, then apply them to the whole body. If I felt that way I'd go out of my damn mind in about 12 minutes, give or take. Having a partner who is confident about their looks is amazingly sexy. Lights during sex, also damned sexy. Sex in the dark I generally reserve for the 3am, both sleeping, wake up, oh, hi, c'mere, kind of sex. Only then because you're both too lazy and sleepy to turn the lights on.

LittleWench -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 3:13:35 PM)


I am a total size queen. In my MIND anyway.

Whilst I appreciate a well endowed man, I am not a size Queen... however I do feel that anything less than 5" is difficult to work with, and not just physically, in my experience men with a "less than average" penis size either have the Napoleon syndrome to compensate, or have a visibly low self esteem, and that's not what I want in a relationship.

Darkhaven80 -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 3:30:38 PM)

Larger can be good of course, although I'd hate to have too big, but the best sex I've had is with the smallest man I've been with. He has great confidence and experience and is a very unselfish lover. Truthfully I never give a damn as it's always the person that counts to me.

CelticPrince -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 5:57:35 PM)


if the mind is taken care of the body in inconsequential, in my view.


bipolarber -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 6:06:57 PM)

Well, I suppose I'm the wrong guy to ask on this one... I seem to have a scar fetish. I've been owned by a Domme who had lost her leg,  I dated a woman who is a burn victim over the lower 2/3 of her body (amazing textures to her body!) and am even more turned on by breast augmentation scars than I am by the breasts themselves.

Yeah, I'm weird. I guess I just love women who have their history written on their skin.

I remember a quote somewhere, although I don't remember who it was by: "The idea of getting into heaven with a perfect body appalls me! The idea is to get into heaven by sliding into home plate, scuffed and torn up, and have St. Peter declare you, "Safe!"

MystressDream -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 6:34:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: BrokenSaint

Personally I've never been all that self-conscious about being naked. Nor about being around naked people. Doesn't really change my behavior one whit. Sure I have a couple of scars. I think everyone does really. Of course mine are generally pretty difficult to see because of my skin color. So I suppose I have an advantage there.

In reference to the original question...umm if I wanted to sleep with them before. Chances are I still do, barring of course signs of disease etc. But bodily imperfections? I mean if someone lets their pubic hair get waaay out of control that's a bit of a turnoff. But I'd still sleep with them if I was going to in the first place. Theres not really anything I can think of that would make me go WOAAAAAAH, kthxbye. Other of course than what I mentioned earlier (signs of infectious std's).

But oh my lord have I dated so many women with bodily self-esteem issues, regardless of how attractive they were. Seriously. Take the typical male stereotypical insecurities about size, then apply them to the whole body. If I felt that way I'd go out of my damn mind in about 12 minutes, give or take. Having a partner who is confident about their looks is amazingly sexy. Lights during sex, also damned sexy. Sex in the dark I generally reserve for the 3am, both sleeping, wake up, oh, hi, c'mere, kind of sex. Only then because you're both too lazy and sleepy to turn the lights on.

I don't mean to trivialize your comment.... But... when I was only 25 I didn't have any trouble with anyone seeing me naked either... LOL  
Hmmm.... at least I don't think I did.... ummm... it was so long ago I am trying to remember.... <grin>

littlebitxxx -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 8:16:54 PM)

Personally, I see "body imperfections" as  battle  scars.    No one  goes through  this life without getting banged up a bit  and every scar, every stretch mark, every line or wrinkle or grey hair tells a story.  I weathered my life pretty well and I have survived a bit of  crap  and have the marks to show for it.  I  would expect my SO to have  also weathered life's storms and come through showing the survivor's signs of battle.

'Sides, it  gives ya something to point laugh and  talk  about during the relaxing afterglow of great sex.  [:D]

liminalRapture -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 8:28:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: LittleWench


Suddenly one of the models coments on how she got to the point where she was about to sleep with a guy but walked out the second she saw how dinky his man parts were. It made me disgusted.

I think penis size should be put on drivers licenses and women should be able to check you for ID

I keep thinking of writing an Adult version of the SAT.  In it, one of the math questions might say:

Liminal has found that there is an inverse proportion between penis size and the amount of fun she has in bed with a guy.  She's been with the guy who says "I'm 10"--that's all ya need baby" and the guy who says "I'm a little below average--how the hell can we make sure you have a FABULOUS time in bed?"  Which formula would properly express her more common experience (where g stands for girth, l for length and s for strength of orgasm):
A)     GL=S
B)     gl=s
C)     S=GL
D)     G(1)L(1)S(1)=G(2)L(2)S(2) (pretend those numbers are subscript)
E)     s=gl

Most guys, it seems, would pick A, B, C, or E, where the girth times the length = the strenth of orgasm, but in my experience D is the correct answer!!!!  (Although, there are some fabulous lovers out there who are well endowed.  Ingenuity, interest, empathy and creativity would make the equation far less mathematical.)

LilMinxy1 -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 8:33:42 PM)

Oh god, MATH!!!!  HELP!!!

astarri -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/4/2007 10:25:18 PM)

Men do have body images too and the media is really only just beginning to cram this hard down their throats.
if you remember GI Joe dolls from your childhood then you should know how he has evolved over the years. In 1964 when he was created ...he was a pretty average "Joe". His bicepts were 12.2 inches around. By 1998 his bicepts had grown to an unrealistic 26.8 inches around.
I think as kids now get older they are going to have more and more negative body images.

vampchick88 -> RE: Body Imperfections (12/5/2007 2:02:07 PM)

 Everyone has some flaw of sorts. I am a volumptious female who has extra padding in areas, am I afraid to have my sub see me without clothes? No. He has, on more than one occassion told me how beautiful I am to him. I also have freckles, scars, and a few strawberry marks. These make me who I am. Even with all these things I can still turn heads. Some may call them "imperfections" to me they are individuality.
   For somone who has undergone surgery of some sorts. It saddens me that loved ones in their lives don't help them to know their inner beauty and outter beauty. Just because of an operation, it does not hamper who that person is. To those who have somone in their lives who do let them know their worth, we are truely the lucky ones.

Ialdabaoth -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 9:41:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112

Scars are tattoos with better stories.

It's trite but it's true.

I'll take an imperfect woman with a lifetime of stories to tell over a perfect specimen who's devoid of life experience.

It also depends on what you're going for; I have a thing for both, but I usually look at unblemished skin and cackle evilly, while rapturously whispering "ahh... a blank canvas..."

Ialdabaoth -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 9:45:26 AM)



Oh god, MATH!!!!  HELP!!!

*swoops in* Did someone say MATH? It's...

*throws on costume* MATH GUY to the rescue!!!

Here's a translation of all five options, in Non-Math-Geekese:

A) Girth x Length = Strength of Orgasm (i.e., "huge cock = huge cum")
B) girth x length = strength of orgasm (same as A, just rephrased )
C) strength of orgasm = girth x length  (same as A, just rephrased )
D) The strength of each partner's orgasm is equal to the ratio between the size of their dicks. I.e., the smaller-dicked person will have a more intense orgasm than the larger-dicked person.
E) strength of orgasm = girth x length  (same as A, just rephrased )

*salutes* Stay safe, citizens, and remember! e^2*pi*i = -1!

SilverMark -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 9:48:37 AM)

Some of the most beautiful women I have known were some of the least perfect in body and most perfect in mind.

hopelessfool -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 10:23:00 AM)

Everyone talks about body inperfections as the outside. What about people who have extremely bad gas. Or bad body odor

Personally when that comfort level is reached where my partner can pass gass in front of me. If It isnt up to family standards I dont know If I could life with that.

antipode -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 10:45:33 AM)

Pity you don't have a profile

MissMorrigan -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 11:04:00 AM)

I think we (people in general) buy into needing others' affirmation a little too much instead of building our own self esteem.

I have a great big scar down the middle of my stomach from an emergency C Section almost 24 years ago. I contracted MRSA and almost died from the surgery and the MRSA ate away a huge chunk of tissue all the way along the wound. I could opt to have an operation to reduce the scar and have been asked by people if I would want to undergo that procedure... my answer is always the same - a resounding NO.

I never mention my scar to people prior to getting nekkid infront of them, I am also quite a large lady build-wise and can honestly say I have never encountered one person who has felt disgust or looked at me with anything other than lust. Recently, when my submissive met me from work I was asked, "How did you manage to get him? He's gorgeous!" I just wink, smile pleasantly, disregard the insult and say it's all about self confidence. I used to be terribly self conscious, that was until I met an artist who had me looking at my body with a whole new perspective - I wrote about this in one of my posts regarding body image on CM.


ORIGINAL: deliciousmorsel
But that's such a nice thing to hear, that "imperfections" make us unique. Women really get whaled on about body image. The thinner and supposedly better looking, the more you measure up, the worse you feel about yourself- when I was a world ranked georgeous young athlete I would NEVER take my clothes off. Now I'm old, fat, scarred from the athlete thing, and I'll just whip it all off in the dungeon- or wherever- in front of anybody... I don't know why.
Leonard Nimoy did a photographic series of very large women in the nude and was amazed at how comfortable they were with themselves. Maybe if you don't play the body game you don't have it's imposed neuroses.
They can do amazing things to fix ugly scars now. Maybe your freind should look into that liminal, even if it doesn't get her gardening in a bikini she'd feel better.

variation30 -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 11:14:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: liminalRapture
I figure most men would rather be with someone who has fun with her body and is confident, regardless of the size, but the conversation got me really weirded out.  Is that an issue that women blow out of proportion, or is it an issue for some guys?

not really, I'd rather be with an attractive person regardless of her self-esteem.

as far as being weirded out...why would you care?

BubbleGumMJ -> RE: Body Imperfections (5/5/2008 12:16:30 PM)

As being a woman who is comfortable with her body somewhat I do know what its like to be completely repulsed at seeing someone who I like naked....anyone who you are going to top has to be ok with seeing you being a switch who has seen both species naked it does bother me...especially having a 200 pound man sit on my lungs during play....*shudders at the memory*

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