What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (Full Version)

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abnormalme -> What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/7/2007 11:35:59 PM)

Easy enough question.  I'm just wondering what you would tell someone if they asked 'you' what you felt are the benefits of slavery!

What do you consider the benefits of slavery are?

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/7/2007 11:37:06 PM)

None if it's not right for you.

Everything if it is.

Sirsinini -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 12:28:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: abnormalme
What do you consider the benefits of slavery are?

I received an IM from someone who I didnt even remember and as we were chatting she said to me...    "so what are you? sub? just a normal couple with some elements of d/s"
I had to open my eyes and really read what she asked me.
I thought to myself, why would someone consider another "just a sub."
Is it that slaves are so much better than being "just a"  submissive?
I was getting over the exdom and had really lost myself and my morality cause of the way he had me whoring and slutting without him to protect me or care for my safety.
She said that is what she was doing in her slavery.
Then she shocked me even more by asking "did it take a lot of adjusting, mind set wise for you to accept that?"
I responded "it is the difference between a woman who knows her boundaries and a woman who will do anything just for attention."

In my own way, with my own self, I find no benefits of labels.  I am a deeply devoted commited woman, property of an Owner who refuses to use my psyche to devalue me as a whore or slut with other men....a cunt as he would say. 
The benefits of slavery are no different than the benefits of submission. 

A label does not make you this or that.  The desire to obey and submit to that one with whom you deeply connect is worth so much more than a label.

I know there will be alot of "this and that" about this topic, but it all boils down to what type of relationship you have, NOT the benefits of a label.

Sir's devoted property

simplyserves -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 1:36:52 AM)

It really depends a lot on the form of slavery as that word as little inherent meaning outside of a historical context.  In D/s it's really all over the place, but since you qualified this with "asked 'you' what you felt" I'll answer from my own experiences.

When I first began exploring D/s with the intention of practicing it, the benefits of slavery seemed mainly that it would imply a continuous and consistent relationship but deeper considerations were lost in a haze of masturbation and fantasy.  The benefit, at the time, seemed to be the severity or seriousness, if you prefer.

Eventually I started seeing it as having little benefit to me and only benefiting the woman I might serve.  Again, this was the result of (in)experience through theory and much more based on a somewhat underlying and negative view as to a dominant's motives.  Those being selfish and malevolent.  Now, this was exciting, but beneficial?  Not in retrospect.

Then I meet a dominant woman who was also a dominant, if we differentiate them and use dominant as a title or statement of purpose.  I'd meet, known and served lots of dominant women.  Some destructive, some benign.  Some exploitative and some playful.  All I would call dominant but none I would call "a dominant", or to put it another way, someone who wants and understands the responsibility of ownership.  As I began to see the difference I began to appreciate the benefits of slavery as a lifestyle.

Now I would say the benefit, to me is that there would be someone who would take responsibility for my well being.  Someone who appreciates that I am kinky, but has a larger vision of what I can be and whom I've given the ability to shape that in me. Slavery is not unconditional, but it is deep reaching, affirming and is a bond that can all but make it so.

The practical benefits for me would be that this person can control my urges, and those can be some pretty messy urges, while allowing me to be fulfilled and be useful.  I can masturbate all day or run from woman to woman forever and never have made the impact, either to myself or them,  that I can by truly serving one person.  The importance of this can be easily overlooked but it's of enormous benefit to know you're doing something meaningful.

Now is slavery more meaningful then just general submission?  Maybe but it's not better or worse in the same sense that caring for someone but not "taking care of them" doesn't diminish that or how you care for them.

Shawn1066 -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 2:08:06 AM)

The happiness of myself and the happiness of my Owner.

eyesopened -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 2:44:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Sirsinini


ORIGINAL: abnormalme
What do you consider the benefits of slavery are?

I thought to myself, why would someone consider another "just a sub."
Is it that slaves are so much better than being "just a"  submissive?

i've heard the "just a sub" and "just a service sub" like somehow being a slave is better or being a pain slave the ultimate thing to be.  *shrug* 

my Master calls me slave and therefore i am, but i didn't suddenly become a different person when He put the collar on my neck, He put the collar on my neck because of the person i am. 

Now to answer the question.  Being in a committed relationship in complete service (slave is as good a term as any) frees me to be everything i need to be.  The benefit is, i get to be myself without fear.

Sirsinini -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 2:54:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: eyesopened
Now to answer the question.  Being in a committed relationship in complete service (slave is as good a term as any) frees me to be everything i need to be.  The benefit is, i get to be myself without fear.

YES... I agreed totally... being in a committed relationship DOES free one to be who they are, without fear.
No labels.
Sir's devoted property

TysGalilah -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 3:13:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: abnormalme

Easy enough question.  I'm just wondering what you would tell someone if they asked 'you' what you felt are the benefits of slavery!

What do you consider the benefits of slavery are?

I am a submissive.  I am a collared submissive.
what are the benefits I feel?   freedom....freedom, finally.
freedom to be the genuine me and express every part of who I feel I am and desire to become, embraced by someone who understands how to inspire that in me through my submission to his authority and command.

TheEvilBstardsMo -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 5:28:35 AM)

i loved eyes opened response "allows me to be myself without fear."  It is wonderful to be in an environment that allows both people to be who they are.

IamJustMe2C -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 5:31:50 AM)

Submission is trust. Slavery is absolute trust in ones partner. Not just physical but mental as well.  When you trust someone so much that the safe word is no longer needed (not taken away) that is absolute trust. Then you have become a slave to that person. Titles are titles. Call it what you will. A extreme sub or a very big kinky couple. how ever you call it fine but this "just a" is for the birds. How much more demining can you get? Thats like saying Im just a man. Or shes just a woman. we are so much more then that. Like the pedals on a rose you peal one back to see another layer of rose pedals but these are different yet the same. so are people. We are not "just a" anything.

kyraofMists -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 5:49:52 AM)

For me, the benefits are that I get to be in a relationship with someone who accepts me for exactly who I am and encourages me to be me. 

Knight's Kyra

unravel -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 6:49:55 AM)

Slavery allows me to be myself, and find freedom within myself through it. Which is pure Bliss.

velvetears -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 7:02:31 AM)



Submission is trust. Slavery is absolute trust in ones partner.

Yet another "slavery" is "more than" ideology, the "slavery is deeper than submission" BS is so annoying.... trust depends on the people involved and what they expect not what they call the relationship dynamic.

smilezz -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 8:15:44 AM)


What do you consider the benefits of slavery are?

I never really thought about any "benefits" from slavery.

Happy Saturday..


LittleWench -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/8/2007 3:26:05 PM)


We are not "just a" anything.

I thought that was really cute considering your name is IamJustMe2C  [:)]

I think the better question would be, what do you consider the benefits of ownership/being owned?

Not everyone who is owned identifies as a slave, and I would like to suggest that many of the benefits come from the factor of being owned, rather than the "slavery".

trueshadow -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/27/2007 8:41:52 PM)

The benefit of slavery are two-fold.  (1) It fulfills a deep need in me to submit to a Superior female, and (2) it relieves me of making decisions, as She will run my life and make decisions for me.

rubberpet -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/27/2007 9:25:00 PM)

I'm with eyesopened...I get to be "me" without any fear.  I can be loving and tender, I can be goofy, I can be a dirty, rubber slut...whatever Mistress wants me to be.  By being allowed to be just "me", it frees me to do the best job possible for Mistress, no matter the task.  Plus, it has a good dental plan, excellent vision care, an on-site nurse, and regularly paid trips to subspace! [:D]

Daddysredhead -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/27/2007 11:32:48 PM)

~ fr ~

This is from the first part of my profile, and I think it speaks to what a lot of ppl have already said.  I feel liberated, in that, I can say or do anything and know that Master loves me for me, and encourages me to grow.  For me, it's freedom to open my wings and fly.

"my submission to Master began as my gift to Him, and developed into freedom that i gave myself by becoming His slave..."  ~ me 

My 2 cents...

Warmly, Red

ownedgirlie -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/28/2007 12:34:49 AM)

I can live being true to myself, and in doing so, I can see his satisfaction.

hazenut -> RE: What do you consider the benefits of slavery are? (12/28/2007 12:48:07 AM)

More than I can describe in words....
I am finally accepting my role and it's the most freeing feeling in the world.

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