Miss Kathy (Full Version)

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iwillserveu -> Miss Kathy (2/20/2004 2:12:12 PM)

I use the first person a lot to make the story more immediate. This is not autobiographical. I invite any and all comments.

Miss Kathy

We went to an upscale restaurant. At least i had to wear a suit. Mistress's friend Kathy drove but made it clear i was the designated driver later.

Kathy knew. Mistress told me in public she would be "Ma'am" and in private "Miss Kathy".

I don't know how much the meal cost, but i assumed my $50 "mad money" went to it

When we got in, Mistress told the Maitre D about our reservation. i held out her chair, then Miss Kathy's. i stood by my chair just long enough to make the waiter wonder what was wrong before Mistress nodded and i sat.

I was surprised when the waiter took orders for drinks and Miss Kathy ordered a Miller Lite and one for me for me.

He brought a White Zinfandels and two Miller Lites over and they ordered. Mistress ordered a salad for me.

When the waiter left Miss Kathy downed her brew like a college student and took my beer and my glass. She and Mistress exchanged a glance and she said, "Excuse me while I freshen up."

i noticed she took the glass.

Mistress asked what i thought of Miss Kathy.

"She is extraordinarily brave. i would hesitate to fill a glass with urine and carry it back to the table."

"I meant sexually," said Mistress.

"She is not beautiful," i said. "i've seen homelier women, but not many. if there was not an extreme level of kink involved i would not give her a second thought."

"She is my friend," said Mistress, "she will enjoy herself and take you anyway she pleases. Tonight she is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, not excepting me, understood?"

"Yes, Mistress," i said.

"Oh, I'm the second most beautiful woman you've ever seen," said Mistress and she smiled

"Then I am extremely fortunate to be amongst gorgeous women who want to play with me," i said.

"Yes," she said in a drop dead serious tone, "you are."

Miss Kathy came back with the glass full enough for me to grimace. i was hoping she'd drop it or something Instead she placed it and the empty beer bottle by me and I got up to move her chair.

If the waiter noticed an odor or anything he kept quiet about it. He gave everyone his or her meals. Mistress had some sort of lobster thing and Miss Kathy had a blackened scrod or something. If my lettuce were grown underwater it would be a perfect set.

Some people pull off band aides slowly. i don't. Halfway though my salad Mistress asked if i should dink some "beer". I guzzled it. I figured salad and water could kill the taste.

Miss Kathy giggled.

"If you like it that much I'll make more for you," said Mistress.

She was joking; i hoped.

We ate and little happened to report until the waiter came to ask of dessert. Mistress said she didn't want anything, but Miss Kathy had him recite the dessert menu. She got the strawberry cheesecake. Mistress must have read my mind because she told him i'd have the "death by chocolate".

Superman has kryptonite; i have chocolate.

In answer to my unspoken question Mistress said, "It was easy to read your expression when he said 'Death by Chocolate'."

For the unfortunate that have never experienced a death by chocolate it is usually a fudge brownie with chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips with a hot fudge sauce with chocolate whipped cream. Ingredients vary by restaurant, but you get the idea.

This one also had some sort of coco power sprinkled on the plate. i wondered if anyone ever licked the plate clean but said nothing lest i give anyone ideas. I picked up my spoon.

"Not so fast," said Mistress. "I want to try it."

She did. "MMM," she said, "Kathy you really must try this, "as she took another bite."

She and Miss Kathy agreed it was delicious. When it was gone Mistress said, "Now dear, help yourself."
i scraped the plate. i thought of licking it but scraped it more instead. That was a really hard blow, getting my hopes up and dashing them in front of me, but i was Red Sox fan and am used to it.

My dejection must've shown because Mistress took my hand and said, "Poor dear. You know I really appreciated the look on your face when you figured out you would not get to eat it."

Knowing it was for a purpose, Mistress's enjoyment, made it tolerable. Knowing she appreciated it made it wonderful.

We had coffee and besides a few comments about making more beer for me and finishing so we could get to the entertainment (namely me) coffee was uneventful.

Then we got to the entertainment.

The ride home was uneventful. When we arrived i was ordered to strip and wait in the kitchen. Mistress tied my hands to D-rings on my collar. After 15 minutes they came back. They were dressed in fetish wear that screamed, "Mistress!". In Miss Kathy's hand was a hood.

"Enjoy the look, dear," said Mistress, "it is the last one you will have for a while." I did and it was pulled on. To get it down they had to remove my hands from my collar. They were tied behind my back. For some reason i guessed it was Mistress.

It also allowed me to assume Miss Kathy was responsible for the gag in the hood. It was a ball type gag, but inflatable. She expanded it until I thought my jaw would break. I felt my Chastity Device be removed and my penis grew.

"A handle," said Miss Kathy as if she were surprised. Then a hand in a vampire glove pulled me forward.

"Come along, dear," said Mistress.

I was lead to wherever they wanted me.

i felt a clamp go on my left nipple. "Can't forget this one, slave," said Miss Kathy as my right nipple was clamped.

Then my hands were retied over my head to a spreader bar and my feet were bound far apart (but with no bar in between?)

Then i was raised. That confused the heck out of me. "When did she get a winch?" i thought.

Then the whipping began. My ass, my legs, my back, even gently (in comparison) my balls were whipped. Because it had been so long i stayed erect. (OK, maybe i liked it a little too.:))

They laughed and talked about me riding the pony. i read about that, but only with female slaves. i had no idea how they must've modified the 2x4.

i felt something separate my balls then i was lowered. I felt something hard and rough between my legs. It felt like sandpaper. My balls were on two sides of it. My toes were touching the floor, but not the balls of my feet.

i heard Mistress grunting and a dildo was shoved up my ass. It was lubricated, but no easing it in. It hurt like hell. "If you were doing enough dildo training, dear," said Mistress. "That would not hurt so much."

Through the laughter when i tried to scream through the gag Miss Kathy explained. "You were lowered just enough to let you avoid the worst of it, however you can not stay there long before your legs tire. When they do you will go down and the board between your legs will hurt. After the pain becomes too much you try to stand on your toes again or shift your weight. No matter what position you go to for relief, it becomes horribly uncomfortable very shortly. Soon you will be squirming uncontrollably. Oh, the Dildo is attached to the board. When you go down it becomes wider and as you squirm it will constantly remind you of its presence. This is not punishment. Your Mistress and I are going to sit back and enjoy the show for a couple of hours before taking you down and letting you lick us. Oh and we are having cocktails, so I'm sure we will make more "beer" for you.

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