It is possible to make friends here. (Full Version)

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Awakener -> It is possible to make friends here. (9/26/2005 12:27:28 PM)

It is possile to really find new friends on this site. I have made several and one in particular, LadyBoa, is fast becomeing a wonderful friend.
There are people genuinley interested in friendship, rather than just hooking up. There are people who can help you discover more about yourself, this lifestyle and life in general.
So if you are disheartened because so far all you have met are the idiots, do not give up. And do not withdraw, put your self out there and you will find the things you need.

maleah -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/3/2005 7:51:49 AM)

Good to know. I have joined this board to learn and possibly make friends. I'm not looking to hook up since I found my Dom already and am very, very happy with him. [:)]

ppaddleman -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/22/2005 5:21:08 PM)

It's as possible to find friends here as it is anywhere else.
The mistake is in thinking that ALL the people you meet in here will ALL become the greatest friends you have ever met. And that because we share BDSM interest that means every taste is the same. I've found a greater variation of different preferences and needs withing the comunity as outside it.

*edited to remove email address*

ginawithaB -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/23/2005 10:02:49 PM)

It is definitely possible to make wonderful friends here. I am developing a wonderful friendship with a Dom here on collarme. He lives near me and we have met face-to-face and enjoy speaking to each other a great deal. I am a newbie here and he has helped me to learn a lot about "getting my feet wet" safely. Most of all, he has been genuinely supportive. So for anyone who thinks genuine people don't exist here, think again. Yes, it's true that there are pleny of poseurs here, but it's also true that many people here are simply terrifc.

MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/23/2005 10:36:02 PM)

Indeed it is and become frey good friends as we have from around the world as well is in Australia and we just chat as friends becuse we know that they wont meet us and we wont them now or in the future but love being able to talk on this life style with others who are in it no matter what part they play or persuasion they be.

cherrygrl -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/25/2005 1:22:57 PM)

agreed- second week on CM and i made a few friends ive really enjoyed talking to

definitely helps thorugh the times i might get discouraged or 'not feeling it' [:)]

BalletBob -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (10/25/2005 8:50:54 PM)

Hi. So far I met a lot of people who became friends, and hope to find more. I love to e-mail and get e-mail and swap pictures too. I haven't met the idots yet, but they are probably more after the female subs.

Wish I was Tied and Gagged En Pointe, with a Female Sub, BalletBob

Jacques1000 -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/1/2005 6:54:03 AM)

yes, unquestionably it is. I have met some unbelievable people online during my story stint from across the spectrum and nearly all have been additive rather than subtractive.

blazingpornstar -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/7/2005 6:29:16 AM)

i have met several people here and love it. and here recently Master and i met one r/t it was a joy to get to see someone that We had chatted with for a while. Not everyone is looking to chat. But there are alot of great people on here.

Sidley -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/18/2005 6:58:29 PM)

I'm new here and I'm glad to see it is possible but so far I'm utterly dazed as to how people know the good from the bad?

The slightly down sidley... -x-

Lyku -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/18/2005 10:40:02 PM)

I'm always willing to make friends. Laughter keeps us alive and enriches our minds and souls, so why deprive it?

HouseofBear -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/22/2005 8:54:41 PM)

It is indeed possible to make friends on this site. We have met several that we enjoy talking with here, both online and r/t.

OedipusRexIt -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/23/2005 9:40:12 PM)

Not only is it possible, it's likely. A high probability that you have already made friends (" may already be a winner..").

Anecdotally speaking, I've made a number of friends, mostly be being a bit selective as to what messages I reply to, and by being polite the way I would be in person.

Regrettably, people use anonymity to exercise their rude tendencies sometimes, and many others are on the prowl, nothing more.

I think if you want friends, you'll find them. We're all here together.

LilWhiteWolf -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (11/25/2005 11:41:55 AM)

i was hoping to make friends on here but all i seem to get is "guys on the prowl". i am at the point that i don't know who to trust anymore. i know there are some great people out there...somehow i just haven't found them yet.

MsRobinSanders -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (12/1/2005 4:51:03 AM)

I joined on Thanksgiving day and have received the initial tsunami of mail. Fortunately the mail filters have slowed the inundation a bit. I have enjoyed exchanging messages with many and as I am working hard to find the one amazing male that is masculine successful and confident enough to be fully present and devoted in our private space, I do respond to mail.

I also dont limit myself geographically as I am able and willing to literally go to the ends of the earth in my search. The person that I seek will know that I have done everything to find him.

I know how silly this may sound to those with jaded hearts, but the Princess Bride that I am, I hope that persistence and belief in a life of true devotion will bring my faithful prince to me.

Princes of all ages welcome to apply.

Friends are wonderful and I have already spoken with some charming people on here....actually I have only received one response that stated something to the affect that no one would want me at my age. But the hundreds of other replies to the contrary have been interesting. Sorting the chaff from the wheat has been work, but the next stage of meeting will narrow the field.

Create your own reality.

Sub4uok -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (12/1/2005 4:18:54 PM)

Remember, people are here to find partners first. If you have to come to this type of a site to find friends I think you are making a mistake. Not that you cannot find them, its just secondary for most people. Good Luck!

veronicaofML -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (12/2/2005 6:48:43 PM)

don't pay attention to the nay-sayers. i have found, SOME online friends here.
happy holidays to You.
used to be


unspoken -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (12/11/2005 10:10:51 AM)

As with any public meeting place you run into all kinds of people. It is a bonus when you walk away with a friendship.
I personally have made friends and I have also made mistakes. Part of the learning and growing process. I have found some friends weren't friends at all and have said hurtful things along the way which to this day I am greatly sorry for. Again..part of the learning process. For the most part...I have been greeted with much kindness, advice and hopefully..I am a better person for it.

spoiledbrat -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (1/3/2006 1:23:58 AM)


This site has been wonderful, I have had a profile on here for over two years now. I also relocated to my past owner from this site.

If you want to meet friends here you will, just be yourself open up and be truthfull and honest and they will come. I still speak to many of the Dominants that first wrote to me over two years ago.

You seem to be going in the right direction, I have been here a long time and only recently found the forums so wonderful.

Good luck

Sub03 -> RE: It is possible to make friends here. (1/9/2006 1:20:19 PM)

It's very possible to make friends on this site. I have met a few people on this site that have become friends. Though usually that isn't what people on this site are looking for it is possible.

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