those damn illegals (Full Version)

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SeeksOnlyOne -> those damn illegals (3/27/2008 1:58:06 PM)

this was written to a local paper and is about a family i love.  5 of the 8 went to my school before this mess began.

take from it what you will, but i feel compelled to share it

This is a story about our nation’s immigration problem.   There are different sides to the immigration issue and I can honestly see both sides.  Your readers can take the facts as they are and make their on judgments about what should be done but here is facts of one case that I am aware of and I am sure there are other immigrants in the same situation.

           Margarita was brought into the United States from Mexico by her parents when she was five years old.  She had no say in this matter.  Her father traveled from state to state working the farm fields.  Margarita didn’t receive much of a formal education as her family moved often to find work but she did learn how to speak and write English on her own.  She grew up in the United States and as she grew she also worked the farm fields beside her parents. 
The men in her life were also immigrants and she had more than one relationship bearing eight children in all.  Since they were born in the United States these children are United States citizens.  The promises of the men in her life always proved to be empty promises.  She was left caring for the eight children on her own but Margarita did the best she could.  She found work making minimum wage as a hotel maid. At least it got her out of the fields.   Her meager salary did not buy anything extra but she was able to find a small home she could rent and provided the children with the necessities to live.  She was helped by churches and people around her who saw her trying to do the best for her children.  She put the children in school as she knew an education would at least give them the opportunity she never had.  By those around her she was a good mother to her children doing the absolute best she could. The children were happy and doing well.
Margarita’s world came crashing down in December 2007.  She was in an argument with a neighbor and the police were called.  She was found to be an illegal immigrant and arrested.  She had never applied for citizenship as the cost of doing so was simply something she could not afford. Every penny she made went to raising her children.  Since her children were United States citizens they were placed in our foster care system were they are now distressed, cry constantly, and have not been doing as well as they were in school.   They want to be with their mother.
Margarita has been told she will be deported within two to three weeks back to Mexico. She can not afford an attorney to argue her case.  She has no friends or family in Mexico and her children are to be put up for adaption here in the United States.  This is the only country Margarita has known.  There was never a question of this woman being a good mother who loved her children more than anything.  She did the best for them she could.  If this story was just about Margarita I don’t think I would be writing it but the real story is about a mother who was a good mother to her children is now having her children taking away from her because her only crime is that she could not afford the cost of becoming a citizen. 
I don’t have the correct solution for our immigration problem and I am not trying to sway your readers one way or the other.  I am simply stating the facts of one immigration case as I know it.  I am sure there are other immigrant families in the same situation as Margarita and her family.  I am saying we, as a nation born of immigrants, have to find a solution to this problem and ignoring it will not make it go away.  What I know for sure is that taking a good mother from her children is not the solution.  This true, and very sad story has to make the heart of every mother heavy.  I have attached a picture to show there are little faces to this story.


some one who loves them very much

popeye1250 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:09:04 PM)

Firstly, it's not an "Immigration problem" it's an Illegal Alien problem.
Secondly there are no illegal immigrants, "immigrants" are here legally.
And what's the problem with her going back to her native country?
So her parents fucked up so the U.S. Taxpayers are supposed to pay the point?
Boo Hoo!

SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:12:47 PM)

im shocked you were the first one to respond.....not really[:D]

part of me agrees with you popeye, but the part of me that has loved those kids for a few years now and watched how hard this woman worked to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies......that part wants her to stay.

they can not send the children back because they are citizens, so they will remain in foster care.  and they had no choice in it.

i hope they let her stay.......she cant help being brought her as a child either.

this shits so complicated sometimes it gives me a headache-lol

celticlord2112 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:16:41 PM)

If nothing else, it is a compelling case for amnesty programs, particularly for the children whose immigrant parents bring them into this country illegally.

celticlord2112 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:18:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Firstly, it's not an "Immigration problem" it's an Illegal Alien problem.
Secondly there are no illegal immigrants, "immigrants" are here legally.
And what's the problem with her going back to her native country?
So her parents fucked up so the U.S. Taxpayers are supposed to pay the point?
Boo Hoo!

Her parents commit the crime but she and her children are punished. How is that justice?

pissdoll -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:19:02 PM)

personal responsibility is sorely lacking in all areas of our society.

popeye1250 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:25:18 PM)

Now there's a second generation with "no choice".
They need to round up those grandparents and beat the hell out of them!
This is why we need impassable borders.
It should be extremely difficult and dangerous to get into the U.S. illegally.
If someone's in the country illegally we should just deport them. If they come back again it should be a 10 year jail sentance just like in Mexico.
Also, the 14th amendment was written in 1868 to give "full citizenship" to freed slaves. It was never intended to give U.S. Citizenship to the offspring of illegal aliens.
Perhaps our congress needs to clarify that in simple language.

popeye1250 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:26:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Firstly, it's not an "Immigration problem" it's an Illegal Alien problem.
Secondly there are no illegal immigrants, "immigrants" are here legally.
And what's the problem with her going back to her native country?
So her parents fucked up so the U.S. Taxpayers are supposed to pay the point?
Boo Hoo!

Her parents commit the crime but she and her children are punished. How is that justice?

Going back to her native country is being "punished?"

celticlord2112 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:28:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250
Going back to her native country is being "punished?"

Mother and children are separated. That qualifies as "punishment".

pissdoll -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:30:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Now there's a second generation with "no choice".
They need to round up those grandparents and beat the hell out of them!

Popeye, normally i agree with you, however....

this woman had a choice. she KNEW she was here illegally.
but then she had not ONE, not TWO, not THREE, not FOUR...but EIGHT kids (from numerous relationships), KNOWING that she might one day be caught and deported. on TOP OF THAT, she was unable to support them, "helped by churches and people around her."

What the heck???

At what point do people look at themselves and make an evaluation as to what they are capable of, and what their life situation is???

i don't feel sorry for her at all. i feel sorry for her kids. but should she be given a free pass? not in my eyes.

CalifChick -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:32:10 PM)

She can easily apply to the Mexican Consulate for Mexican citizenship for her children, which will allow her to take her children with her to Mexico, and with citizenship, they can resume their lives there and attend school.


popeye1250 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:34:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: popeye1250
Going back to her native country is being "punished?"

Mother and children are separated. That qualifies as "punishment".

It didn't say anywhere that she'd be "prevented" from taking them back to Mexico with her.
As far as I'm concerned they're not U.S. Citizens.
She knew what she was doing the whole time she was doing it.
What's next, we start "feeling sorry" for rapists because ..."they had a lousey childhood?"
Boo hoo hoo!

Aylee -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:36:21 PM)

Maybe if she had use birth control before or after the first child she would have been able to afford to start the citizenship process. 

She does not sound like a "good mother" to me.  She placed her own "fun" (dating, men, sex) before her children's welfare.  That does not sound responsible to me.  She continually courted men that would abandon her.  Not very responsible. 

Did she NOT care what kind of people that she introduced to her children and brought home with her?

There is a HUGE chance, that even with it being foster care, these children will be exposed to and brought up in much more stable homes. 

OrionTheWolf -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:40:41 PM)

The government should allow the children to return wth her. The laws to become a legal citizen should change so that if you are born here and your parents are here legally, then you are an American citizen.

If there is going to be amnesty, then the borders need to be controled before it is done. Otherwise it is just saying "come on over". Countries have to control immigration or the strain on their social services will cause problems for those already here.

Justice rarely happens in a legal system, as justice is a subjective term. Country that follows the rule of law or not. Our wonderful government at work. Got to love the cheerleaders of the Dems and Reps.

subheart07 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:42:50 PM)

Let's just start opening our borders to allow other countries to become us territory and then become statehood. As long as we are being the policeman to the world we may as well expand our taxbase. i believe that everyone should have a say in who is the president of the us.

Smith117 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:46:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick

She can easily apply to the Mexican Consulate for Mexican citizenship for her children, which will allow her to take her children with her to Mexico, and with citizenship, they can resume their lives there and attend school.


Shhhhhh, you're not supposed to mention the "easy out" that doesn't involve the illegal alien staying here. You're only supposed to be angry at the big, bad USA who "claims" to be trying to enforce its own LAWS while instead, in secret rooms around the nation, the MAN is smiling about kicking out another "danged foreigner."

My take is like yours, but I need to add that I believe in birth control. Apparently, since a large percentage of the illegals are of a faith that does not, (of course pre-marital sex is just peachy apparently), then my tax dollars have to go to help raise EIGHT KIDS because the mom couldn't keep her legs together or insist on a condom. I see this as them impressing their beliefs, or at least the consequences of those beliefs onto me and the rest of those who believe birth control is a fine idea.

So...because they believe birth control to be a sin, or whatever the case is, the rest of us have to shell out more (taxes for free medical care, etc) because they can't keep their legs shut?

I think not.

I'm sure they'll have a fine education in Mexico.

While I *do* think "fixing" the problems so that it is easier to become a citizen is a good idea, I will not be one of those who just says "amnesty for all, after all, they're hard working and want to be here."

I don't believe criminals should be rewarded for successfully sneaking in under the radar. She didn't have a choice to be brought here, and that's unfortunate. But if I were here, I'd be pissed at my parents. Because directly, or indirectly, this trouble she now faces is their fault (as well as hers for not trying to become legal before becoming a baby factory).

celticlord2112 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:47:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250
As far as I'm concerned they're not U.S. Citizens.

By current standards of citizenship, they are.

kittinSol -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:48:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112

Her parents commit the crime but she and her children are punished. How is that justice?

Hallelujah! I agree with you.

popeye1250 -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:48:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: pissdoll


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Now there's a second generation with "no choice".
They need to round up those grandparents and beat the hell out of them!

Popeye, normally i agree with you, however....

this woman had a choice. she KNEW she was here illegally.
but then she had not ONE, not TWO, not THREE, not FOUR...but EIGHT kids (from numerous relationships), KNOWING that she might one day be caught and deported. on TOP OF THAT, she was unable to support them, "helped by churches and people around her."

What the heck???

At what point do people look at themselves and make an evaluation as to what they are capable of, and what their life situation is???

i don't feel sorry for her at all. i feel sorry for her kids. but should she be given a free pass? not in my eyes.

Pissdoll, I agree with you I said that sarcastically.
You know, being of Irish descent I wouldn't want a million Irish sneaking into this country either. HOLY SHITE!

kittinSol -> RE: those damn illegals (3/27/2008 2:52:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: popeye1250
As far as I'm concerned they're not U.S. Citizens.

By current standards of citizenship, they are.

Thankfully, popeye's standards don't apply to a lot of people currently on these boards... And they are US citizens.

It's a shame to hear that it makes sense to separate this mother from her children... and for what? To satiate a few self-satisfied citizens' thirst for blood.

I wish people would get a fucking clue instead of talking out of their arses. [8|]

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