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"Forever" slaves - 10/4/2005 8:10:39 PM   

Posts: 944
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I am writing this out of curiosity. It won't change the way we do things, but I am interested in whether others share these thoughts.

In our Household, we don't bind individuals to slavery to us 'forever'. Slavery is a cherished calling for us, and either you want to be there or you don't. If you don't, there is no sense in trying to hold someone to do something that they no longer feel right about. We also reserve the right to tell a servant who has come to us that he or she is no longer a good fit as a servant, and that he or she might need to find another, more compatible place. We recognize submission as a yielding that is a conscious choice--one that must be made over and over, at each decision cusp. We recognize, too, that people grow and change, and the person who is a servant today may grow and change enough that they are no longer suited to life as a servant, and may even move into a position as a guide. In the same way, one who is a Guide among us may feel a need to challenge him or herself to learn to yield in a way that furthers his or her growth, and may step down for a while (or for the rest of a lifetime) and enter a service role.

On the other hand, if an individual actually goes so far as to be welcomed ceremonially into our -family-, that is a lifetime committment. No matter how far someone wanders, once they are family, they are family for all time. They may not live under our roof, but they wouldn't be turned away if they needed to. Because of this, it takes a -long- time for us to welcome someone as chosen kin. And along with this, we accept that the person may change roled within our family, depending on where his or her growth takes him or her.

Are there others who share these ideas within their dynamics? It would bring me great joy if you would share your ideas.

Lady Zephyr
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/4/2005 8:17:40 PM   

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Our family isn't so organized and structured as yours, but yes, we are always bonded together.

We are taught that ending relationships equals failure. That true love is everlasting and that love is all you need to make relationships work. If your relationship dies, then love dies, then you did something wrong and it was worthless.

I've nothing against making lifetime commitments and working towards them. But for me, loving someone means allowing them to find their bliss, even if you eventually figure out that bliss isn't together.

As someone who tends to collect newbie males in the scene, I've learned the bittersweetness that comes when someones grown "beyond" what they have with you. In fact I myself have asked to be released because I realized where I was going was not where I needed to be with them.

Until we learn to hold close and let go and know when to do which and be truly happy for the long term fulfillment versus immediate need for security, it's simply something we have to keep bonking ourselves over the head with. It's a human thing, I know the pain, and I know the bliss.

And I know that to keep someone tied to you who is not becoming who they will be is to kill any chance of lasting fulfillment.

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/4/2005 8:42:41 PM   

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thoughts? i always have thoughts. whether they are worth a dime is another question.
you mention "ceremony". never been there. so i at a loss. even my last 2 weddings had no ceremony per se. just say yeah i do, pay the man his $50 and he left the house.

decision cusp? ???? do what? i do not understand.
people grow and change? not on purpose. i have tried to stay the same i was when i was 14. i hate change. i stick to my guns. never ever wavered on my morals even 5 yrs in nevada...i do NOT sell MY soul for some tidbit instant happiness...i want PERMANENT happiness and i have YET to find it..let alone EVER feeling safe and stay in one spot past a year...

so NO i do NOT share YOUR ideas..of the d/s lifestyle.

must be because i am NOT part of the "norm". i am unattached no strings domestics ONLY!


< Message edited by lonewolf05 -- 10/6/2005 1:59:20 PM >

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 2:14:46 AM   

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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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A slave on my collar (personal or house), becomes family just as our Malamute if family. I will and have literally taken a bullet for family members. However the slave is property nothing more and nothing less.. Cherished and loved? Yes but property to do with as I wish, none the less. If the dynamic changer (she is no longer pleasing – i.e. things have changed and she isn’t coping or wants out) I’ll either release her or find another home where she will settle in better and then sell her. failing that, she is bonded to my home indefinitely.


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 5:58:21 AM   

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My thoughts are that "forever" is a long time, and that nothing is unconditional (ie: to use an extreme example, if one of your family members hacked another to death, you might decide that they were no longer a welcome part of your family).

All things are contingent upon a minimum level of acceptable behavior.


(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 7:35:53 AM   

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I am not a big believer in "forever". It sounds great, and sometimes it even looks good on paper, but I once worked like a mule for 6 years to maintain a relationship that was in dire need of having its plug pulled. I will never regain the time I lost there, will I? But I had made one of those "forever" statements and felt I had to stick it out.

Family for all time? I am not a big believer in that, either. Families can actually fizzle out, due to death, geography, lack of love, you name it.

(in reply to Rover)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 8:26:24 AM   

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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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My thoughts are that "forever" is a long time, and that nothing is unconditional (ie: to use an extreme example, if one of your family members hacked another to death, you might decide that they were no longer a welcome part of your family).

All things are contingent upon a minimum level of acceptable behavior.


I agree John but if that extreme circumstance you described happened, and knowing the weakneed do gooders in the Australian community and both Courts and Governments here who are terrified to take decisive action... (Sheesh we need Judge Judy).. I'd execute the offender myself off shore in Asia.


ORIGINAL: ChereeAmoor

I am not a big believer in "forever". It sounds great, and sometimes it even looks good on paper, but I once worked like a mule for 6 years to maintain a relationship that was in dire need of having its plug pulled. I will never regain the time I lost there, will I? But I had made one of those "forever" statements and felt I had to stick it out.

Family for all time? I am not a big believer in that, either. Families can actually fizzle out, due to death, geography, lack of love, you name it.

Again I agree. Forever stories beling in children's stories. Life sentences are better and are subjective to any change in the dynamics.


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


(in reply to Rover)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 9:19:24 AM   

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Please read the TOS before further posting.Personal ideas and thoughts are welcome and helpful.Personal attacks are not.

*Edit against TOS.

< Message edited by ModeratorTen -- 10/5/2005 12:23:02 PM >

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 9:24:51 AM   

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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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Execute the offender. Yourself. Offshore. In Asia. Interesting.

The online 'community' is really something:)

Perhaps you would like to contact me direct.. there is a reasonable messaging system here.


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


(in reply to MasterDirkNC)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 9:30:02 AM   

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Personal attacks will not be tolerated.3 Strikes your out.

*Edit against TOS.

< Message edited by ModeratorTen -- 10/5/2005 12:14:42 PM >

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 10:06:43 AM   

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Ignoring other replies....It sounds like you make friends. But like to make an elaborate ritual out of it. Now,if they do something to stop being your friend,something that cheesed you off enough to not want any more of them......that's not exactly forever,is it?

(in reply to MasterDirkNC)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 4:26:07 PM   

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Not everything works for everyone, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's just a matter of perspective. I think that one difference with us is that being family doesn't necessarily mean living together. Work requirements, caring for elderly family, and even death have separated some of our members from the fold, but the parting wasn't a parting that diminished our sense of family. We just expanded our sphere to keep the relationship with distant loves.

We're pretty flexible about what commitment to the family means, taking into account as many of the varied shifts in fate that might befall us as we can think of or encounter--and committing ourselves to that kind of flexibility to be able to continue to cherish one another no matter the turnings of the Universe that shift things around. I have to admit that we also keep kind of a "hierarchy" of family...there is our core family, and these folks have proven our commitment to one another over decades. Then there are levels of friends, associates, and peripheral acquaintances with whom we have varying levels of committments to one another. Our "family" is intimate to the core -- and we have a luxury that most people don't have, in that we are truly completely honest with one another. Even the things that most people won't share with anyone -- the secrets that you would never dare share, we do. At the same time, we also can tell one another honestly when the other person is screwing up, and we know each other well enough to be perfectly frank about it without phrasing it in a way that opens old wounds or pushes old buttons. For all of us, what we share as the core of House Bladewing is something deeper and closer than even what we share with our blood families or, in some cases, even the people we were married to prior to our experiences with HB. (For at least two of our mates, becoming a full member of our family saved their own relationship -- over time, they learned how to talk with one another and share things that had kept a distance between them for years, mostly because they were afraid that if they shared the secrets, their partner would freak.) I suppose, when I talk about "forever" in terms of family, I'm talking about the folks who are core. There will probably never be many of those, but even death has (so far) not diminished our feelings towards those who get in that close.

As far as holding on to unhealthy relationships, I've been there as well. I spent 13 years in a marriage that probably should have been left to fade into the woodwork in the first year -- but pride kept me hanging in long after I should have just let go. It taught me a valuable lesson (one which I'm glad that the others to whom I am attached share knowledge of). I learned that it is better to let go at the point at which your gut, heart and spirit tell you things aren't going to work, than it is to let brain and pride keep you in something that inhibits your growth. Sometimes, separating is the greatest gift we can give someone (and ourselves). We don't have a lot of people who hang around long enough to make it to the core, but the few that we do have are solid gold, and we have learned how to make letting go a relatively positive experience, but we have no real problem, at this point, in knowing when to say farewell long before the person is welcomed into our core. And because we try to stay positive, even when it doesn't work out, we've had the joy of having quite a few friends and associates (what one of our dear friends calls "buddies") that we can truly enjoy. Fortunately, my former husband and I make -much- better friends than we did mates, so even with that, there was a silver lining.

Time may prove us fools, but at least we're learning a lot and enjoying one anothers' company in the process. *chuckles*

Lady Zephyr


ORIGINAL: ChereeAmoor

Family for all time? I am not a big believer in that, either. Families can actually fizzle out, due to death, geography, lack of love, you name it.

< Message edited by LadiesBladewing -- 10/5/2005 4:37:27 PM >

(in reply to ChereeAmoor)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 4:51:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LadiesBladewing
Are there others who share these ideas within their dynamics? It would bring me great joy if you would share your ideas.

Currently, my girls are with me on multiple levels. They have not always been such, and not everyoen who is ever with me is.

* They are the daughters to my "Daddy". This will never change. They are family and always will be. This doesn't bring with it much more than that knowledge. It is not a source of final authority.

* They are servants in my house. This is a matter of authority. THis position is conditional on their usefulness. While their service is valuable and desired they can serve.. if not, no. Service is in broad terms something they can choose to terminate or not.

* They are owned. This is a natural condition of our chemistry as it stands right now. This is a source of control and power, if not actually authority. Ownership for us is basically a fact of life, not a conscious choice.

For a long time Tatsumi was owned but not in service. Her service was something that waited until she realized she desired a position as a servant and would dedicate herself to that goal. During that time I was her Daddy, and later on I owned her... but service is a priviledge :)

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/5/2005 4:56:27 PM   

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From: Connecticut
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ORIGINAL: LadiesBladewing

On the other hand, if an individual actually goes so far as to be welcomed ceremonially into our -family-, that is a lifetime committment. No matter how far someone wanders, once they are family, they are family for all time. They may not live under our roof, but they wouldn't be turned away if they needed to. Because of this, it takes a -long- time for us to welcome someone as chosen kin. And along with this, we accept that the person may change roled within our family, depending on where his or her growth takes him or her.

Are there others who share these ideas within their dynamics? It would bring me great joy if you would share your ideas.

Lady Zephyr

We don't have any sort of family structure, but I'm not big into promising forever. Forever could be a very long time, in which both people could drastically change. I don't think under those conditions they should feel like they must stay together because they promised forever a few decades earlier.



"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid."

The heart of it all -

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/6/2005 10:53:31 AM   

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From: Buffalo NY (AREA)
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Our situation is really not like yours at all. My girl started out as a friendship. Then a sub/dom sexual relationship evolved and eventually she she requested to be my slave. After a lot of talk and a lot of defining what exactly that was to each of us we both agreed that it was what we wanted and needed. To us she could have remained just a sub to me and I would have been happy but not complete. She will remain my slave untill death, she doesn't have the choice to move on or go in another direction. She gave up that right.


It's your life...You live it

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/6/2005 4:57:51 PM   

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Hmmmm ..... forever.. it can be a nice word cant it? In a pretty picture world. Inlove forever, family together forever, happiness forever.. it could be nice.

Reality kicks in and nothing in life is forever. Things change, life changes, heck you might step outside tomorrow and be struck by lightening.. there goes your forever mortgage payment. Not even the Sun, or this planet is forever.

Forever.. it can be nice.... Life you make the best you have, enjoy what you can and cherish every good thing because you dont have forever. You have now.

(in reply to firefighteremt)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/6/2005 10:08:36 PM   

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enjoy what you can and cherish every good thing because you dont have forever. You have now.

whoops there it is!
whoops there it is!

all in a nutshell. NO ONE gets ANY guarantees. except the minute you are born you start dying...slowly day by day..
you can go at 6 months or you can go at 106...but you gotta-go sooner or later.....
no one gets out of this life alive and tells about it.

now there is some truth SOME folks just HATE to face!

the woofer

(in reply to RiotGirl)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/7/2005 2:51:25 AM   

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We've had some really good discussion about the "family" portions of this post, and whether or not it is possible to have "forever" family, and I appreciate everyone's insights.

I'd really like to hear a bit more about people's thoughts on the first portion of the post, surrounding the permanance of slavery aspects.

Lady Zephyr

(in reply to lonewolf05)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/7/2005 4:04:48 AM   

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i believe in forever" to death do you part" My parents and grandparents did it. I also believe in a loving D/s context , where feelings ( love) is involved , it can be forever. After all isn't a collar supposed to be like a wedding ring?

(in reply to LadiesBladewing)
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RE: "Forever" slaves - 10/7/2005 4:44:16 AM   

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I agree with Jenny in the aspect that collaring is significant enough to equal a marriage with real consequences forever. It can be like a broken marriage where the sides end-up being enemies or it can be as if a family member who has grown and left the den.

A sub can leave or a Master may release, but estranged family members are still family. You encourage and are there for each other always….if things ended nicely.


For those who are like Roman Candles leaving bright trails in the night sky while the crowd watches until the dark blue center light bursts into magnificent colors and the crowd goes, ahhhhhhhhhh.

(in reply to sweetpettjenny)
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