Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (Full Version)

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Cayman76 -> Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/10/2008 9:27:44 AM);_ylt=Anrm7SNiHP67S0eWjcvnxwSs0NUE

BlackPhx -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/10/2008 10:27:42 AM)

LOL you beat me to it :)

Panel may rule if sex practices protected
Wed Apr 9, 2008 12:34pm EDTVANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - A Canadian man who claims he was discriminated against as a pagan who practices a form of sadomasochism will get to take his complaint to a human rights tribunal.
An appeals court rejected a bid by Vancouver police on Tuesday to block a hearing on whether Peter Hayes' rights were violated when an officer refused to grant him the permit he needed to get a chauffeur's job.
Hayes complained to British Columbia's Human Rights Tribunal that he was discriminated against because he is a pagan who practices a "BDSM lifestyle" and deserves protection under the human rights code, based on sexual orientation.

BDSM refers to bondage, discipline and submission and sadism and masochism, according to the court documents.

Police went to the courts, arguing the tribunal and a lower court judge erred in agreeing to hear Hayes' complaint because the laws designed to protect the sexual orientation of gays and lesbians did not extend to protecting types of sexual practices.

A B.C. Court of Appeal panel ruled unanimously that the police motion was premature since the tribunal's hearing was to decide what, if any, sexual practices deserved legal protection, and even the tribunal's chairwoman was unsure if the human rights code did that.

"How can the tribunal determine if BDSM falls within the meaning of 'sexual orientation' if it does not have a full understanding of what BDSM means?" Justice Anne Rowles wrote for the three-judge panel.

(Reporting Allan Dowd, Editing by Rob Wilson)

respectyourowner -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/10/2008 12:14:10 PM)

This is exactly why I keep my activities secret. We are not welcome in the real world!

Pyrrsefanie -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/10/2008 9:47:58 PM)


An appeals court rejected a bid by Vancouver police on Tuesday to block a hearing on whether Peter Hayes' rights were violated when an officer refused to grant him the permit he needed to get a chauffeur's job.

Hayes complained to British Columbia's Human Rights Tribunal that he was discriminated against because he is a pagan who practices a "BDSM lifestyle" and deserves protection under the human rights code, based on sexual orientation.

...So wait, lemme make sure I'm reading this right...

Guy applies for permit.  Guy does not get permit.  Guy gets pissed.

Guy starts randomly screaming about being a kinky pagan...?

I mean, seriously, what did he do, walk into the job office and say "Hi, I need a job, please give me one because I'm a pagan and I practice BDSM"?  How did the officer find out these things about him?  Did anyone even know before he was denied the permit and then started spouting the juicy details of his private life?

Because if they weren't discriminating against him then... hoo boy, they're gonna be now.  Good move, Einstein.

BlackPhx -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/11/2008 9:49:06 AM)

Maybe they had a space on there for religious service preference in case of crash?Then again he may have thought that any pagan or BDSM oriented jewelry clued them into his sexual and religious preference. AThere are not too many people who don't recognize handcuff earrings, the triskelion or a pentragram tattoo or ring as emblems of chocies that are not exactly mainstream.

poenkitten (not even wanting to guess but not changing her taste in jewelry or marks for anyone)

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/11/2008 10:07:22 AM)

Shesh, dont you know better by now that the facts shouldent stand in the way of a good 'Oh woe is us, we are being oppressed' panic atack?

When you dig into the story a bit more you discover this wasent his first run-in with the police. Several years ago he had a report filed againt him that he was the leader of a religious cult. When he wandered back in again, the permit was denied under the hairbrained assumption that him being a limo driver would be a way for him to interact with people and try and lure them into his cult.

Now a religious discrimination suit would make total sense. He was denied the permit because of the faith he practices. But a sexual discrimination suit serves no purpose besides getting the kink comunity riled up with the notion that the 'outside world' all hates us.

It is as iff someone who was both black and gay walks into a diner and sits down only to have the cook say to him 'we dont serve black people here'. If that were to happen a discrimination suit based on race is totaly approperate. But a suit claiming he was discriminated on sexual orientation woudl be totaly off the wall.

Maya2001 -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/11/2008 6:15:30 PM)

Found a bit more info about

PrettyPaddles -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/13/2008 11:40:56 AM)

thanks for the link maya. from it
He added that he was told he posed "an extreme risk of recruiting passengers/customers into my cult during my work hours if I were granted the chauffeur's permit."
Wow.  just... wow.

And I know they do some intense background checks for such things, hence how they found out about it. If going for government clearences here in the states, for instance, they WILL go out and interview old neighbors, friends, even teachers from your high school, about you.

wolffeathers -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/15/2008 12:15:21 PM)

I needed something to bitch about in my blog, and now I have it.  W00t!    

Maya2001 -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 7:43:25 AM)


And I know they do some intense background checks for such things, hence how they found out about it. If going for government clearences here in the states, for instance, they WILL go out and interview old neighbors, friends, even teachers from your high school, about you.

The governments here do not go to that extreme they basically look at police/court records, , I had to have a background check done when I applied for a private investigators licence.... it is done while you  wait right at the provincial police station, you submit your application  then the background check is done by computerm as soon as you passed the check ..your photographed and your licence is made up and issued  and your on your way ...on a slow day may only take a couple hours to complete the whole process.  

YoungWolf -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 10:05:47 AM)

Ok people let me tell you something. The One your speaing of, you have no idea who he is. One he recruits no one I should know because we have a well personal relationship. He is my Master for peeps sakes. He leads no damn cult.  And 2 if people want to ask him about it, thats their choice in the matter. It is freeedome of speach.Don't go judging him because the people who don't like him say something happened. Or because the "news" said so.

Maya2001 -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 11:13:10 AM)

Lord Reptoid of Akakor's aka Peter Hayes the  taxi driver's website

Reptoid -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 11:24:22 AM)

A FULL time line explanation is in order:

1. You have a perfect driving record.  100% mark since 1986.
2. You are hired by friends for professional driving service regularly and it is suggested you could become a chauffeur easily if the interest was there - and your fading "career" as a top graduate professional audio engineer who used to work along side Sarah McLaughlan at Nettwerk records due to peer file sharing and more and more "do it yourself at home" record labels start up every week, really has you wondering about a serious career change.  (If you meet Sarah, tell her the Purple Dragon from the Solace years in "the Nett" says HI)
3. You have a clean criminal record.
4. You are an outspoken person regarding sexual oppression and publicly so.  Lifestyle peer counselor and verbal activist, author, etc.
5. You live the 24/7 TPE lifestyle and own slaves.
6. Humans are jealous creatures and fear makes them start wars from their OWN ignorance and stupidity.
7. Most humans are also abject cowards and FEAR authority rather than truly respect it, but current "authority" knows this and plays it to "the max".
8. Natural dominants do not play into the games or fears of others, lifestylers or vanilla-land dwellers.  They EDUCATE through sharing what they have learned about all these truths and much more and enjoy their position in nature to the fullest.
*** Read this portion carefully, the order of events is PRIME. ***
9. You read about a job offer (what the heck, I'm perfect for the job, etc)
10.  You apply and are HIRED by company #1.  The new boss says "Take this signed paper that you have been HIRED by us to the cops and they'll do a final criminal record check and unless you have a warrant with your name on it you'll be back here next week to start your schedule."
11.  First words out of cops mouth: "I've got a verbal complaint from an unnamed female that you are involved in some kind of sex cult called 'Gor' - is there any particular reason you are wearing black today?"  (Now if that's not obvious BS then you are clearly not thinking at all - get some help with your backbone, see a Dr)
12.  You explain that you are not 'Gorean' but openly, fearlessly explain what lifestyle Dominance and submission is all about providing author references and website links on the subject for their EDUCATIONAL purposes to clear the illusions about who we are as a people.  You explain that your BOSS told you to wear the spiffy black uniforn and to "dress for the part" - when have you ever seen a pink or green chauffeur's suit?  You ask who this mysterious conspiracy theorist is but they are "protected by the law" and are allowed to keep their job after fucking your career over for reasons that you can only speculate about (is it a jealous ex because she was dumped and the new girl on your leash drives her crazy?  Is this what "modern society" has come down to?  Believe the jealous or fearful and to hell with truth and honour?)
13.  You are handed a form/paper which has a BLANK section as to why you are being refused the VPD permit to continue working for your current employer.  You ask why their information is left completely blank and they refuse to answer you with anything other than, "You're being refused the permit - GO HOME!"  You ask "If I am not under arrest and allowed to leave, then you must complete the legal reason for the rejection of my permit do you not?"  (Ahem, take a clue officer, I might sue your prejudice ass and I'm handing you a free space on the chess board before I do so - be a smart boy and take it - I'm a nice fellow unless you try to **** me over - you too can learn new things about us, we are not going anywhere, nor are homosexuals, blacks, etc, all those before us who we thank for doing the same things I'm about to do for others)  The officer gets up and walks away leaving you in a tiny empty little room with a camera... probably running right now, recording everything that just transpired.  You know all about the Human Rights Tribunal and have other lifestylers you know who are Drs, phychologists, lawyers, as friends... you have a political forum in which to gather like minds and voices on this matter and now the very tools for change have been freely offered to you for yet another "small revolution" and it's all on tape ready for the courts...

*** What would YOU do as a man of honour? ***

Also note, the very same VPD "police force" tried to sue the HRT for accepting my case as VALID (female member interestingly).  Cops suing human rights leagues... where have we seen that before in history hm?  Shall we let them take care of "the public" the same way they "take care" of me?  Nothing fascist about that action at all is there?  No no, of course not - let's all just go back to sleep now, shall we?  The VPD was shot down by the MAYOR of Vancouver, former Larry Campbell, (who is a pretty awesome honourable and open minded fellow, see wiki for his bio)... however, since beurocracy takes months to get through I lost not one but TWO jobs (yes I tried the same thing again with another company and even told them WHY I was refused and they STILL hired me because I'm so honest - perhaps a little "too honest" for most to handle let alone stand next to).  So having lost TWO jobs under the same clause (IE: NONE legal), I decided to act upon this dishonourable injustice and got the FULL APPROVAL of the Mayor of the city of Vancouver, obtained my permit from him directly to which I am still most thankful of course (see, education through peaceful truth-speaking DOES work) however two other fellow now have MY JOB and unless they kick the bucket or quit, I'm out thousands of dollars... you can see where my lawyers come into play now, can't you?  The BC Civil Liberties assoc lept at the chance to defend me in court along with the Community Legal Assistance Society along with military people I know who are also lifestylers, along with a lifestyler lawyer I know, along with... heck, you get the idea I'm sure.  it took 3 and a half LONG years of going back and forth but THREE (count them, three) female supreme court justices AGREE that the VPD is acting inproperly and they need to sit down, shut up and LISTEN to "our side of the story" in a FAIR HRT hearing with all of our authors and public speakers on the subject of BDSM lifestyle and natural D/s (Mastery/slavery) BEFORE they get another chance to rant about their senseless fears of "sex cult leaders recruiting Masters and slaves into some kind of sick and twisted cult."  If that's true, as they think it is, then why are so many of the GOOD cops actually PAGAN high priests (Officers of Avalon such as Kerr Cuhulain), or working in the military (Lodge brother of ours but I shant mention his name, but he's been on CBC television sending off our troops overseas), and they are allowed to "wear black" and are KNOWN Pagans (witches) and BDSM lifestylers or both and no one fires them for who they are.  Do you see just how STRONG the actual case is and why it's got to this point?  You have my permission and blessing to drop the "conspiracy theories" now that you've heard it all directly from me.  You've also heard the stages of attack in order and now know what it's like to live 24/7 rather than just on weekends in "secret".  That shall soon change one way or another, eventually (or this year most likely thanks to my stength of will and determination to educate and protect everyone from their own damned stupid fears).  We shall show the VPD and others through constant education and public awareness of what's going on by showing them their own "members" (Pagans and/or lifestylers) and shall bring to court also public school teachers who FEAR for their lives if they were "outed" as "Mistress _______" (if they are willing to take a final stand for peace and change this fear into public tolerance and acceptance, just as those before us have) and show others in the HRT just how rediculous it is to fear lifestylers OR kinksters who do a damned fine job in their workplace whether they are black, gay, OR a lifestyler.

Still I must deal with far too many public "critics" who will end up benefiting from my work anyway, whether we win this case or not, because people have learned something important anyway through all this conversing and speculation and "what ifs" and what not... well, at least SOME of you have learned how to tolerate the free will of others in peaceful mutual cohabitation.  As for the rest... dime a dozen and not worth a reply.

Locals who wish to work with us and have their story of sexual and lifestyle opression added to the court record for the sake of others are welcome to be witnessed (in private) as honourable people in this case for peace.  Silent supporters get a nod but not neccessarily a response.  I thank you - we all thank you for your support (even if you too shall benefit from our work, from politicians and lawyers to the bus boy and the bus driver - all matter to US in Akakor)

For the record, I am a female supremacist, but only to a select few - why?  Because I am also clearly a natural Dominant who does not fear his own government or the public's opinions what so ever (but I do still appreciate what privacy I have left, as little as that might be).  Dominant women all support my case, and I don't mean lifestylers... I speak of those in power in gov't who have stated so.  It is YOU I wish to thank most of all for Your compassion and wisDomme, for the opportunity to make a real difference for the entire country.  Pagans (Wicca being one version of Paganism) tend to be female worhsipers and environmentalists (save Mother Earth!) also.  I wish more wise STRONG women existed, but such is life today.  I can be just as content accepting female slaves into my collar for they get far better treatment than the general vanilla public that way also.

I wish you well.

Lord Reptoid, King of Akakor.
(see geocities under /cityofakakor/ for link)

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 11:28:04 AM)

Ya know, if anyone is being critizised here its the media. Pyrrsefanies post over the fact that the news report was incompleet. My own post over the fact that the news report is spining this into a sexual minority case when it was originaly a religious minority case.

Also, neither the police in the indvidual case, nor anyone on this message board has claimed that he should 'shut up' in any way. So claiming freedom of speach is rather reactionary. It comes across as a gut level emotional appeal instead of basing your argument on facts. Tricks like that are old and preditctabal.

In addation, I can only assume that 'the people who don't like him say something happened' is a refrence to the person in the story who was an ex-lover who complained. But you saying that the testomony of that person is unreliabal is in itself badmouthing the person. You are doing exactly what you acuse them of doing.

Ok, so to run the totals we have .....

1) Extreme obsessiveness regarding the leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration

3) Whenever the leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution"

4) Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms

7) A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor

10) Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided

..... five out of ten. Dosent look good for you.

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 12:06:58 PM)


Still I must deal with far too many public "critics" who will end up benefiting from my work anyway, whether we win this case or not, because people have learned something important anyway through all this conversing and speculation and "what ifs" and what not... well, at least SOME of you have learned how to tolerate the free will of others in peaceful mutual cohabitation. As for the rest... dime a dozen and not worth a reply.

Locals who wish to work with us and have their story of sexual and lifestyle opression added to the court record for the sake of others are welcome to be witnessed (in private) as honourable people in this case for peace. Silent supporters get a nod but not neccessarily a response. I thank you - we all thank you for your support (even if you too shall benefit from our work, from politicians and lawyers to the bus boy and the bus driver - all matter to US in Akakor)

So let me see if I folow that? Your battles are the comunities battles. Achivements you make are the achevements the comunity makes. Those who suport you and yoru legal fight are supporting the legal rights of all kinksters.

I think you just covered 2) Individual identity, the group, and the leader as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the leader continues and deepens.

Keep on going man! Your almost to all ten!

(Countdown untill Reptoid acuse me of 'being afriad of what you dont understand' starting in five, four, three, two .....)

Reptoid -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 12:30:38 PM)

Three supreme court justices and several BC civil liberties agents as well as several HRT agents all disagree with you and agree with me, but they have the power to make a difference with me as a team where as you do not, nor does it seem you are the kind to help others, rather the variety known to the world as a "nay sayer" or "critic".  Dime a dozen.  Negativity and fear sucks - it's not necessary anymore.


TheHungryTiger -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 12:35:47 PM)



Three supreme court justices and several BC civil liberties agents as well as several HRT agents all disagree with you and agree with me,
Remind me again how you are the victim of persecution by an overzealous and fascist government plot to oppress all kink everywhere?

Reptoid -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 1:13:59 PM)

Not even worth a reply other than my laughter.  LOL.

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 1:43:19 PM)

Gee, for someone so proud of themselves for educating others you sure gave up quick on teaching me .....

Lets see if I have come to understand 'the truth' of what happened.

You were denied a job. Ok, thats a clear cut case of discrimination. There are laws regarding equal employment oportunity so clearly you were discriminated againt ..... oops, no .... you got the job you just didnt get the permit.

Well its still discrimination anyway. being dinied the permit meens you were unavaiable for the job so it still salls under equal employment laws ..... oops, no .... you did get the permit after all. You got it direct from the city mayor.

Ok, will its still discrimination anyway because government forces worked together to conspire againt kinksters. They just fear what they dont understand and all held you in contempt for your who you are ..... oops, no ..... in your own words 'three supreme court justices and several BC civil liberties agents as well as several HRT agents' were all on your side.

Sounds to me like its less a matter of oppression than just running into a lone asshole who was having a grumpy day at his job. But then again, what do I know, Im one of those people who is afraid of what I dont understand.

Tell ya what, when the government surounds your place with swat team members, pumps the building full of ilegal nerve gas, burns it to the ground, and runs over the building with armored tanks, then you can convince me of a government crackdown againt you because you were acused of being a cult. Or when the government sets up perimiter around your place and sends in agents to take away yoru kids, all due to an anomous phone call that later turns out to be false, then you can complain that you are on the reciving end of discrimination because you have been acused of being a cult.

Untill then, get a sense of prespective.

Reptoid -> RE: Canada- Panel my rule if sex practices protected (4/20/2008 1:53:09 PM)

*Hands the man some more rope in which to hang himself in his twisted contradictory way and laughs enjoying the show*

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