People here make me laugh (Full Version)

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zhouwuatsien -> People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 8:49:09 AM)

I really should be perturbed by this.  But I can't help but laugh at all the messages I get from people who think I'm a girl.  It doesn't happen too often, just like once every few days.  People don't pay attention to the colors of the name I suppose.  Or that I'm male.  Maybe the pictures throw them off, but I couldn't be a very pretty girl at all.  Wouldn't a guy want a hotter girl?

sirsholly -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 8:53:10 AM)

i thought you were a girl at first too. I think it's your hair...obscuring your jaw line.

OldBastardly1 -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 8:55:11 AM)

And your pouty lips. Maybe a haircut or a change in hairstyle. Are you wearing lipstick?

BTW, I am going by your pic. I didn't look at your profile.

Good luck, stud.

GreedyTop -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:02:04 AM)

hiya Zhou!!  how ya doin?

wandersalone -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:03:10 AM)

I had a look at your profile and even with the bigger picture I still think there is a feminine quality to your face...that isn't a negative by the way. [:)]

kiwisub12 -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:11:04 AM)

Glad to lighten your day! [:D]

OldBastardly1 -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:12:01 AM)

Okay, I just looked at your profile to get a better take on you. Perhaps the nail polish along with the hair and lips, might make some think you were a girl. You do have soft, femenine qualityies. And like was said, that isn't meant in a negative sense.

Prinsexx -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:18:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: zhouwuatsien

I really should be perturbed by this.  But I can't help but laugh at all the messages I get from people who think I'm a girl.  It doesn't happen too often, just like once every few days.  People don't pay attention to the colors of the name I suppose.  Or that I'm male.  Maybe the pictures throw them off, but I couldn't be a very pretty girl at all.  Wouldn't a guy want a hotter girl?

Hi Zhou
I know it's a gender orientated world even here on collarme.....
Cheers my dears
here's to all the
lady boys
drags and
One day my toast is going to be so fuckin long I won't get to to my first sip of wine!

lalbobbilynn -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:18:14 AM)

i was almost certain you were a female, until i viewed Your profile, and even some of those photos come across as feminine. It is not the lipstick, nail polish, or long hair in my perspective, You have rather soft lines about You (Your jaw, Your lips are pretty rockin' but in a girl way tho!!!).
Sometimes an upscale hair salon can give You insight as to what would work best with Your features, and style You hair accordingly.
Good luck!!

Level -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:22:09 AM)

Have you tried growing a beard?

sweetnsensual -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:24:53 AM)

I too checked out the profile (and got pulled into really interesting journal entries) and I'll say this.  At first glance with the smaller picture from the forum posts, yes, there are some girl-like features.  After looking at the larger picture on your profile, I knew could tell right away you were a man.  Just your face as a whole, not one thing stood out that particularly made me know you were a man.  Then I looked at the others.  The side shots and all.  I'm sorry but I don't see how others could mistake you (no offense to the others that did once they looked at your profile and other pictures).

Take care.

Raechard -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:31:11 AM)


Have you tried growing a beard?

The problem with beardage is the risk of food items being left in it to decay.[8|]

Otherwise a good approach, no doubt.

Level -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:32:24 AM)

Maybe a short haircut and long sideburns?

Quivver -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:34:47 AM)

From just viewing your photo I see a person of Asian decent. 
Now my Anglo Saxon mind wants to say girl but honestly what is see is sexless.  I had to look at your profile to see gender.  What I think is happening is there's been a lot of assuming going on, wishful thinking maybe from others seeking someone of  Asian decent.   My 2 cents are on a stereotypical mind set of those contacting you. 

Raechard -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:35:05 AM)

Then people would think he was a butch lesbian on steroids.[8|]

MontrealPhoenix -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:36:36 AM)

I agree with the others that there is something about your facial features which is very feminine, most especially your main pic and the one in which you are standing in what appears to be a lobby.  Mind you i can't help but feel you are ephasising it by the use of makeup, especially by using lipstick. Certainly that doesn't help.

Raechard -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:39:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: MontrealPhoenix
and the one in which you are standing in what appears to be a lobby

We don't know for sure it is a lobby but if it is a lobby rather than a hallway you are obviously middleclass. [8|]

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:40:58 AM)

what? you missed putting intersexed in there.... im upset!!!

WEEP!!!! WEEP!!!!

okay...yes asian boy's make the best looking girls.  thailand is basically #1 among trans population of the world.  that is also where people from north america go to get surgery because its cheap.  just look at anime for could never tell in some anime's if its a boy or a girl.  and some animes have given the power to the character of instantly changing to a girl with a spell or a curse.  ranma 1/2 i think was one of them if i remember.  the boy had the power to change himself to a girl.

PanthersMom -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:41:44 AM)

a little facial hair might help.  a better haircut.  there's plenty of ways to look goth without the gender bending aspects, my kid sister and all her friends prefer the shorter hairstyles and the interesting dye schemes.  doesn't hurt that one of the boys is in design school, they're pretty much his guinea pigs.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: People here make me laugh (5/4/2008 9:45:07 AM)

yes it was ranma 1/2... "From now on, whenever Ranma is doused in cold water, he turns in to a girl, and a cute, well-built red-head at that. Hot water changes him back into a man again, but only until the next time."

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