Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (Full Version)

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Linguist -> Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 12:16:46 AM)

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

Leatherist -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 12:21:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

I wish. My ultimate dream is a partner who has as much interest in technology and business as I do. All I seem to find here for the most part are "fluff kittens."

AquaticSub -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 12:41:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

Probably. Can't say for sure because while I value intelligence and "intellectual" conversation, I can't stand intellectual snobbery. It's been my experience that it tends to be front.

I'd suggest hanging out on forums that target your interests, be it BDSM or bird-watching. See whose posts make you think and consider things from a new angle.

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 1:59:30 AM)

Stick around. Eventually, most of the non-intellectual types fall away here. The ones that have been here the longest are usually the most intellectually stimulating. Even Ron.

Master Fire

MissMagnolia -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 2:01:35 AM)

No, just us dumb fucks here.

Focus50 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 2:22:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

Surely an "intellectual type" woulda found it if there was, no?
Wouldn't ya know it; "Frasier" is on - so you literally meant "intellectual", as opposed to smart, savvy or capable?  lol
If you mean "elitist", just start a thread on "references" or "community"....  ;-)

Dnomyar -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 4:34:10 AM)

The forum is my mail box. M.M let me educate you.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 4:48:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

And what a wonderful start you're making of it.

I'm the same way, incidentally, or almost so.  I like to be with people who are curious, worldly, and well as courteous and polite.  I'm kinda funny about that last bit.  Go figure.

Madame4a -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 4:53:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

And what a wonderful start you're making of it.

I'm the same way, incidentally, or almost so.  I like to be with people who are curious, worldly, and well as courteous and polite.  I'm kinda funny about that last bit.  Go figure.

Funny.. I like to be with idiots and morons, the lower the IQ the better.. oh yeah, throw in a huge lack of common sense, a bit of lying -- let's see, oh some gender fakery and well

damn I'm a happy girl

where do I go for that, I wonder

celticlord2112 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 4:56:16 AM)


where do I go for that, I wonder

Not sure.  Certainly not the waters and the wild, with a faery, hand in hand [;)]

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 5:12:53 AM)

Personally, I don't like snobby people.  I like kind, interesting people who have something to share.

And they don't have to be an "intellectual type" to have interesting things to share.

But to each his own.

atursvcMaam -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 5:30:55 AM)

Good luck with that.  but be careful, some of us dain bramaged individuals might find tht a bit offensive.  to each his own, i guess.  my preference is for neverending sex with an occasional interlude, only when necessary, where intellectual conversation and stimulation might accidentally sneak through.  Perhaps that is what is stunting my intellectual development.

DarkSteven -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 5:53:45 AM)

I'm sorry, Linguist, but I'm having a hard time understanding your post.  Could you try reposting it in monosyllabic words?

celticlord2112 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:15:01 AM)

I think he meant this:

Can we talk and not fuck?

here4sex -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:37:21 AM)

Did you type snob and forum into your favorite search engine? Also, don't underestimate your ability to turn any forum into one for snobs just by joining it.

LadyRainfire -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:42:28 AM)

Well, golly gee whillikers, I must have got the last smart intellectual then... *winks*

In all seriousness, by hanging out in the forums and getting to know people, I found a wonderful man when I wasn't even looking for someone. He wasn't looking either but we found each other here on the forums, bantering back and forth, then moving to cmail, then on from there. Now, we live together. Did we find each other in some elitist intellectual forum? No, actually in Polls and Random Stupidity, which is elitist in itself. Just not in a intellectual sort of way. And there is no doubt at all about Lumus' intelligence, he's by far the most intelligent man I've ever met. We can discuss anything.

OP, just hang out in the forums of your choice and get to know the regular posters, there are some wonderful people here. Very intelligent, articulate people who know what they are talking about. Yes, we have fun and get a little sarcastic and snarky. But it's in fun unless someone gets nasty. Usually. Not always though. *grins*

GreedyTop -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:52:57 AM)

oh, sure, LRF.. go and post something smart and reasonable ;)

kittinSol -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:57:54 AM)


intellectual snobbery

What an utterly ridiculous premise [8|] .


LaTigresse -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 7:28:00 AM)

What Kittin said.......

Leatherist -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 7:45:49 AM)

Shrugs,I find it's usually the fluffly ones with very little to offer who think people talking about things like sociology-technology, science-are "snobs".
 I guess it sucks to be out of your league. We must tear those horrible smart people down-this is supposed to be a democracy dammit! Slow down so we can all keep up!

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