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"all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 9:45:32 PM   

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"I truly believe all females are superior to all males, and all males have the duty of serving, satisfying, and adoring all females as their goddesses and owners."

I see this line, or variations thereof, in a lot of submissve male profiles.  It's very safe to believe it, say it, discuss it.  In my experience, a great portion of dominant females on this site also believe, say, and discuss it.  It isn't against the rules, and it isn't the kind of statement that gets you in trouble, even in this fairly intolerant* community.

How about the opposite?  No, I don't believe all males are superior to all females.  But if I did, would my profile and posts full of that sentiment be warmly welcomed?  If I were to say that females are physically and mentally weak, stupid, in need of help from males, useless except as submissives or slaves, and should all be coerced into giving me their money and gifts in exchange for the pleasure of the back of my hand, I would be very unpopular and perhaps disciplined by the moderators.  That idea became really unfashionable about 50 years ago and today is rare and unwelcome, and rightly so.

My problem is that the inverse is alive and well on this site.  Any idea why?

I have three theories.

1) They're just kidding, and well all know it, so we let it continue.  We all know that males and females, while different, both deserve the same rights, and that people should be evaluated on their personal merits, not gender.  But it's cute and hot for many dommes to treat males as worthless inferiors because it provides a sexy contrast to the way things were in the recent past.  Role reversals are fun and sexy.  It's all a big joke, but apparently I missed the punchline.

2) The pendulum is swinging away from a male dominated society toward neutrality, but it's not stopping there, and we're heading (or already in) a female dominated society, where it's acceptable to put males down, refer to males as inferior to females, and on this site, even suggest that males are unecessary and only useful as financial and emotional abuse targets.  If this is the case, are we not just repeating our past errors as a species, just when we thought we were getting misogyny under wraps?

3) People just take this stance to draw attention to gender issues.  They don't actually believe it, but they make statements like this to "counteract" or "combat" what they perceive to be widespread male dominance.

Would LOVE to hear male, female, submissive, dominant, and every other opinion out there.  Thanks!  :)

* unfortunate but true :(

PS: To clarify, we are a male dom female sub couple, but that's not because we believe males are superior to females.  It's because the male half of our couple is dominant and the female half is submissive.
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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 9:46:54 PM   

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From: Kentucky
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pffttt...I laugh at any of those absolutes.

(except of course, when they say that chocolate is always better than no chocolate...this is an absolute.)



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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 9:57:15 PM   

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I always think it's interesting how fem-dom has evolved in what I believe to still be a male-centered society.  There has to be something to be said for men who identify as submissive and who seek to give up their power to a dominant woman.  Why is this appealing?  Why does it seem like a growing need in a society that still values the "male experience" more than the female experience?

Good question, OP.  I totally can see your point, and your theories are thought provoking.   I often wonder about stuff like this too.

< Message edited by pagankinktress -- 6/23/2008 9:58:20 PM >


~ Ivy

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 9:57:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
pffttt...I laugh

Ohhh, very constructive!  Thank you for your informed and informative contribution to the community.  Are your other 3184 posts just as useful?

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:05:30 PM   

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ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
pffttt...I laugh

Ohhh, very constructive!  Thank you for your informed and informative contribution to the community.  Are your other 3184 posts just as useful?

Not really...
Sorry, really, I was just having fun.



A nice girl with a disturbing hobby

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:05:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: pagankinktress
I always think it's interesting how fem-dom has evolved in what I believe to still be a male-centered society.  There has to be something to be said for men who identify as submissive and who seek to give up their power to a dominant woman.  Why is this appealing?  Why does it seem like a growing need in a society that still values the "male experience" more than the female experience?

Oh yeah, male submission is definitely out there, no question.  I have to admit, I used to think it was silly, but as I've matured and learned I've realized everybody's cravings and interests, however different from mine, are just as valid.

Sounds like you see socity to be male dominated but with pockets of female dominance within it?  I dunno, I guess that might depend where you live.  Here on the west coast or Canada, the feeling I get is that male dominance died off 10 or 20 years ago and almost everybody believes the genders to be equal in terms of rights, responsibilities, value, etc.  Personally, I wouldn't think to lump males and females into the same box, because we ARE different.  Some people take it too far in my opinion and say things like females are equally physically strong as males, males are equally as mothering and nurturing as females, and so forth.  Equality might not even be the right word for it.  Equality indicates that two things are the same.  Males and females are NOT the same.

Anyway, I realize it's not the same everywhere.  I know people (in certain parts of the US) who would probably say that we're less male dominated as a socity than we used to be, but still somewhat male dominated.  The world isn't one giant melting pot, apparently.  Regional differences abound.  :)

thanks for your reply.

(in reply to pagankinktress)
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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:06:17 PM   

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She said she laughs at absolutes... which I think many people do... there are no real absolutes when it comes to people

Not all females are submissive
Not all dominants have a raging superiority complex.. which is good... generally it makes me want to smack them in the throat.
NO LIMIT subs... you can always find a limit, especially when you break out the blowtorch.

Then again, I think a lot of submissive guys put lines like those in their profiles because it's exactly what they hear in those cheesy ass fem-dom porns.



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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:08:13 PM   

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I have a fairly healthy ego, and have no trouble believing that My submissive wouldn't submit to just 'anyOne'.  Why would I, as the sensitive, skilled, intelligent Dom that I am, desire to be served by a 'worthless' submissive, an 'inferiour' person?  It takes two of U/us to build O/our relationship, and her submission is as vital to Me as My Dominance is to her. 
W/we have different, but equally crucial, parts to play in O/our little drama...

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:21:18 PM   

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That might be a good way of putting it, actually, in terms of my current perspective on the whole gender/equality thing: society mainly as male dominated with pockets of female dominance tucked in here and there. :)  Again, this is my experience of it, and as you mentioned, there certainly could be regional differences to consider.  Although, I tend to think that even in terms of geographical demographics, there might be more having to do with economics that determine the kind of "power" a man or woman represents.  Sorry if I'm getting into a sociological blur here...

Gender roles fascinate me.  So much of how we participate in the world is influenced on a societal level, and for the most part, its the male traits that are revered (at least in my part of the US).   Think about  it; even when we relate this to a D/s context where a submissive male seeks to interact with a dominant woman, what are the traits we associate with dominance?  Confidence, autonomy, efficiency, strength (not necessarily physical).  Those are traditionally male-associated traits. So what does that mean?  Submissive males really want to submit to a woman who is really more like a man in her demeanor? Ok, so that's probably going a little too far, but it's something I can't help but ponder at times.  Also, it is worth stating that the above traits we have typically associated with maleness can and should be applicable to women, in a positive context.  That doesn't always happen, but maybe in time, terms will become more gender neutral.  Dichotomies are fun to disect, but it's not necessarily a healthy thing to perpetuate.  And I agree with you, lil.  Men and women are not the same, and that's what makes it all so peculiarly intriguing, BDSM or not. ;)


ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl


ORIGINAL: pagankinktress
I always think it's interesting how fem-dom has evolved in what I believe to still be a male-centered society.  There has to be something to be said for men who identify as submissive and who seek to give up their power to a dominant woman.  Why is this appealing?  Why does it seem like a growing need in a society that still values the "male experience" more than the female experience?

Oh yeah, male submission is definitely out there, no question.  I have to admit, I used to think it was silly, but as I've matured and learned I've realized everybody's cravings and interests, however different from mine, are just as valid.

Sounds like you see socity to be male dominated but with pockets of female dominance within it?  I dunno, I guess that might depend where you live.  Here on the west coast or Canada, the feeling I get is that male dominance died off 10 or 20 years ago and almost everybody believes the genders to be equal in terms of rights, responsibilities, value, etc.  Personally, I wouldn't think to lump males and females into the same box, because we ARE different.  Some people take it too far in my opinion and say things like females are equally physically strong as males, males are equally as mothering and nurturing as females, and so forth.  Equality might not even be the right word for it.  Equality indicates that two things are the same.  Males and females are NOT the same.

Anyway, I realize it's not the same everywhere.  I know people (in certain parts of the US) who would probably say that we're less male dominated as a socity than we used to be, but still somewhat male dominated.  The world isn't one giant melting pot, apparently.  Regional differences abound.  :)

thanks for your reply.


~ Ivy

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 10:27:38 PM   

Posts: 446
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From: Los Angeles Area
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I think it will always be a male-dominated society for the near future, eventhough lots of things will be available for those females that dare: run for president, be at the front lines of combat, and play football.  I think that because women have the progesterone and oxytocin (strong emotions and the bonding hormone), and males have testosterone (hormone for aggression and building muscle mass), plus they have the stick and we have the hole, that men are just biologically built to be more active and dominant than women.  Men are built to do stuff, and women are built to emotionally bond.  Of course it's fun to play role-reversal etc.  And individuals can be different, but in general biology rules over an entire population.  Maybe if we keep allowing women into areas that are typically-male dominated, and keep that up for a thousand years, the biology might change.  Women have to often act like men to compete in a male-dominated world, maybe the way the world is run will change, and collaboration/or cat fighting[haha] (rather than war) will be more commonplace.


Congrats to both In the end it was win-win. Now let's get to work

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 11:06:55 PM   

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lilabbotsfordgirl, CollarMe -- like any web site -- is full of idiosyncrasities.  My theory is, this is just another one of them.  It washes over me because I'm a straight female submissive, so I don't spend much time reading the profiles of male submissives or Dommes.
When I see a statement like the one you described in a post, I just shine it on.  It's not my POV, but if it's someone else's, I'm good with that. 
If it's some 'kink' or 'fetish' rather than a POV, I don't really understand it -- but the world if full of 'kinks' and 'fetishes".
No one even knows all of them, much less understands each and every one.  I find this appealing -- I know I'll always be learning something new.
If the subject really interests you, i'd recommend reading 'The Second Sex', by Simone de Beauvoir  Still the best book on the topic I've ever read -- very profound.

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 11:31:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
Sorry, really, I was just having fun.

Okay, sorry too.  At least the thread didn't turn into a joke-fest which is what I feared and probably why I snapped at you.  Mmmmm, chocolate.


it makes me want to smack them in the throat.

Fairly interesting visual!  Hahah, never heard that expression before.  I may have to steal it, thanks! :-D  Also, gorgeous photos.


ORIGINAL: Floggings4You
Why would I, as the sensitive, skilled, intelligent Dom that I am, desire to be served by a 'worthless' submissive, an 'inferiour' person?

Nice tidbit, thank you for posting!


ORIGINAL: pagankinktress
..what are the traits we associate with dominance?  Confidence, autonomy, efficiency, strength (not necessarily physical).  Those are traditionally male-associated traits. (They) .. can and should be applicable to women, in a positive context.  That doesn't always happen, but maybe in time, terms will become more gender neutral.

I'm not as interested in gender roles/issues as you seem to be, but I think I see where you're going with that.  I agree that females can and do demonstrate all the same personality traits as males do, and vice versa.  I believe, on average, the genders do differ widely on most of those traits, but that doesn't mean any of the traits are completely unavailable to either of the genders.  For example, there are females with the desire and ability to lead others.  There are men who make excellent caregivers.  And so on.


ORIGINAL: chickpea
I think that because women have the progesterone and oxytocin (strong emotions and the bonding hormone), and males have testosterone (hormone for aggression and building muscle mass), plus they have the stick and we have the hole, that men are just biologically built to be more active and dominant than women.  Men are built to do stuff, and women are built to emotionally bond.  Of course it's fun to play role-reversal etc.  And individuals can be different, but in general biology rules over an entire population.

I really like what you said here.  Not much to add, just wanted to say that it makes sense to me.


ORIGINAL: chickpea
Maybe if we keep allowing women into areas that are typically-male dominated, and keep that up for a thousand years, the biology might change.

Apparently our biology hasn't even changed in the 10000 or so years we've been planting seeds and living a less "roaming hunter" type lifestyle.  It takes many thousands of generations to make noticeable biological changes, from what I've read.  If we can survive until 12008 or so.... hehe.

(Side note, many people believe we'll continue to evolve, but not through mutation and adaptation, but through genetic engineering, fusion with technology, and other means.)


ORIGINAL: pinkieplum
CollarMe -- like any web site -- is full of idiosyncrasities.  My theory is, this is just another one of them. It's not my POV, but if it's someone else's, I'm good with that.

Yeah, I usually just ignore it, too.  I guess it got to me enough to make a thread about it, this time.  I'm still stuck on the fact that if a male pulled the reverse around here, he'd be very unpopular and branded archaic, misogynystic, or both.

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/23/2008 11:36:45 PM   

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Anyone has the opportunity to better themselves if they strive for it.
The real question being-are they superior in any real sense to YOU?
And how do you feel about it?


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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 12:02:44 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl
t makes sense to me.


ORIGINAL: chickpea
Maybe if we keep allowing women into areas that are typically-male dominated, and keep that up for a thousand years, the biology might change.

Apparently our biology hasn't even changed in the 10000 or so years we've been planting seeds and living a less "roaming hunter" type lifestyle.  It takes many thousands of generations to make noticeable biological changes, from what I've read.  If we can survive until 12008 or so.... hehe.

(Side note, many people believe we'll continue to evolve, but not through mutation and adaptation, but through genetic engineering, fusion with technology, and other means.)

That would be interesting to see how our manipulation of genetics, integration of cybernetics with biology, etc...  affect the course of evolution in the next 100 years or more.  I see how genetically altering plant seeds is resulting in a stronger, but less diversified population of seeds. 


ORIGINAL: Leatherist

Anyone has the opportunity to better themselves if they strive for it.
The real question being-are they superior in any real sense to YOU?
And how do you feel about it?

I don't think it matters about superiority comparisons on an individual basis. But if we beg the question, someone who lives life to the fullest and goes for their dreams vs. someone who just whines about other people...using THAT as an excuse not to go for what they want in life  ... well we have to have some standards   geez! 

but if a person is totally happy (and not just putting on a show) being a something that's typically viewed at a lesser thing like being a secretary  vs. someone that wants to be a boss and is still unfulfilled .... well  I think someone who's fulfilled is living a better life than someone who isn't matter who they are and what they did.

I think making comparisons (especially at the individual level) only leads to misery, as you can't beat them all and everyone can't beat you.  Why compare in the first place, just everyone's different and to each his own life.  things can change, fate changes things. ...just know you reap what you sow.

< Message edited by chickpea -- 6/24/2008 12:03:25 AM >


Congrats to both In the end it was win-win. Now let's get to work

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 12:06:58 AM   

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I really don't look for outside validation that much these days-Just to do things that both please me-and let me also take care of my basic needs.
 There will always be some who are worse than me at some things-and those who are better.
 For those who are behind, a little encouragement and compassion.
The same that we would hope from those who are a step or two ahead of us.


My shop is currently segueing into production mode.

I'm not taking custom orders.

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 12:17:51 AM   

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< Message edited by chickpea -- 6/24/2008 12:29:14 AM >


Congrats to both In the end it was win-win. Now let's get to work

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 12:19:48 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl
People just take this stance to draw attention to gender issues.



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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 2:54:23 AM   

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Female supremacy is a very old idea. Its going back to ancient Greek and even before. Some people might think societies were always male dominant because he was the protector and provider but its simply not true. There was a time kings were receiving their power from queen and ruling on behalf of her. This changed dramatically and male started to keep woman always pressured in order to prevent them gaining control again. There is one interesting point, in todays society woman is trying to gain her power being more man-like (in business life, in social activities etc..) , but back then their all power was coming from their feminity. Woman's ability to give birth was considered sacred. Their control over male was more depending on their religious believes.

This of course is not telling anything about who is supreme but only shows that there were different periods in history both males and females became dominant gender. Once we learn from history , we can realize, the idea of male supremacy is a fabrication as much as supremacy of female was. In reality there are no dominant genders but dominant people.

I didn't go into too much details about ancient societies and customs, but if you would like to you can start your research from ancient Greek and trace it even earlier dates.


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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 3:04:43 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl
I see this line, or variations thereof, in a lot of submissive male profiles.

The general femdom/male submissive dynamic is seemingly very much different from the general male dom/female submissive counterpart so extrapolating to the point of viewing the same thing from the other perspective doesn't really apply. From the things I read in profiles and in forums the male submissives seem to be in a position of proving themselves worthy for some female dominant while the opposite is often the case on the other side of the fence. It's almost like comparing gay relationships to straight relationships. They have their similarities to be sure but there are also stark contrasts that go in line with the stark differences of the participants.

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RE: "all males are superior to all females" - 6/24/2008 3:48:32 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
pffttt...I laugh

Ohhh, very constructive!  Thank you for your informed and informative contribution to the community.  Are your other 3184 posts just as useful?

Mine are.
I agree with her, and why take a lot of words to say what can be said concisely?


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

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