FBI Mines Records of Ordinary Citizens (Full Version)

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Saint -> FBI Mines Records of Ordinary Citizens (11/6/2005 7:56:06 AM)

Im not sure if this is posted elsewhere, so if it is, please exuse me. But Im wondering if this should be something for me to worry about?


An exert from this article:


Senior FBI officials acknowledged in interviews that the proliferation of national security letters results primarily from the bureau's new authority to collect intimate facts about people who are not suspected of any wrongdoing. Criticized for failure to detect the Sept. 11 plot, the bureau now casts a much wider net, using national security letters to generate leads as well as to pursue them. Casual or unwitting contact with a suspect -- a single telephone call, for example -- may attract the attention of investigators and subject a person to scrutiny about which he never learns.

mnottertail -> RE: FBI Mines Records of Ordinary Citizens (11/6/2005 8:51:20 AM)

no more than it has ever been in one sense, and a great deal to concern yourself with in another.

They have done this since time immemorial...........

Now it is legal, Aye; there is the rub. It can be used against you, just another fourth amendment infringment, to which people gladly gave consent because Saddam Hussien is behind 911, and if not has WMD, and if not cakked a few people. I have a friend Jose (black, because that is important to the story). Who is retired air force and retired railroad. We were eating supper at a mutual friends house...... We got on this very subject. I said it would come to more than leeway to find terrorists and was a blatant racial profiling. He says, well, he is all for the racial profiling aspects and can live with them because it was designed to stop terrorists and a few eggs were bound to be broken, and the government certainly had our best interests at heart. Now this man is around 60 years old, and lived most of his earliest years in florida, mississippi and so forth...........Well I came unglued. After an hour of diatribe I walked out, and didn't speak to him for a couple months, I should have thought in the real world it would have been the other way 'round.

But WTF, if the preponderance of the populous desire to be fooled AND LED LIKE LAMBS TO SLAUGHTER; who am I to withhold their dreams??????????

jro2020 -> RE: FBI Mines Records of Ordinary Citizens (11/7/2005 2:07:05 PM)

I don't think this really scares me anymore than random computerized monitoring of telephone calls for key words suchs as, assinate, kilo, coke, president, ect.... I remeber that going into effect many years ago. And yes it is scary as all get out, I just don't think i have the attention span to be at the hightened state of terror that i whould be.

HeavenlyCeleste -> RE: FBI Mines Records of Ordinary Citizens (11/13/2005 5:36:03 PM)

Guantanamo Bay, Black prisons, the "Patriot" Act...makes me wonder who the real terroists are!

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