why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 1:30:10 AM)

like one time it'll be at the back of my head then the aching will be more to the front, then sometimes like 30 mins later it'll feel more like the side of my head. Sometimes it'll feel like the pain is pulsing like a heart beat.

I've tried traditonal pain killers, asprin tylonal advil exedrin, I've tried cold cloths I've tried laying in dark rooms, I've tried mentally imagaining it away,  I've tried going to sleep , and nothings helping the pain. I just have to suffer untill it goes away on its own. and yeah I've told the dr an she tried blaming it on being on my computer, and I'd buy that but somedays these shits come on an don't leave all day an I haven't been on the computer.

wandersalone -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 4:15:35 AM)

Have you had your eyes tested lately?  Sometimes eye strain gives me awful headaches.

XaviersXian -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 4:53:42 AM)


i'm inclined to agree with your doctor.  I got the same sorts of headaches you are describing, fairly recently, for about three weeks.  I felt they may have been due to certain medical issues i have, but all the tests the doctor sent me for came back normal.

It was only after Master ordered me to lay off the computer for a couple of weeks (he didn't even allow me to check my email) that the headaches cleared up.

i hope this helps!

well wishes,

YourhandMyAss -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 7:12:43 AM)

wanders, no.  I'm probably due to get them checked though.
xian, Sometimes the pc does induce headaches, I know that, but sometimes these headaches come from middle of no where, and I have not touched the pc let alone been on it for say all day. I've been prone to bad headaches since middle childhood.

Which doesn't tell me why the pain seems to move, or sometimes pulse like a heart beat.:P

cantilena -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 11:45:01 AM)

~Fast Reply~

I get bad headaches also - I know what you mean by describing the pain as migrating from spot to spot.

For me, it's migraine, but for several reasons I don't accept prescriptions for specific treatment of migraine.  What does sometimes work is a high dose of plain ole asprin, caffeine and a muscle relaxant (prescribed of course). 

Are you ever nauseous from the pain?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 11:51:59 AM)

cantilena, nope.

cantilena -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/6/2008 12:54:27 PM)

I'm glad for that, then. :)

There have been days that I literally cannot decide which is worse - the headache itself or the nausea that comes with it.

I don't have the answer, obviously, to the question of why the pain moves around.  Just empathy and hope it trends down for you in frequency!

mistoferin -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 11:35:57 AM)

Have you had your blood pressure checked?

Aside from that you really need to have your doctor do a work up on you to get to the root of it. Headaches are very complicated things and can by caused by thousands of different things. First have your doctor determine what type of headaches you are having and then it will make finding a proper treatment for them easier.

Finding the root cause of headaches is a complicated process that requires going over your history, testing, keeping a very detailed log and some trial and error. It's worth it in the end if you can get some relief. Without going through the process though there is no way to say what kind of headaches you are having or what they are caused by. You will hear many people, for instance, say that they get horrible migraines....and yet I would bet less than 20% of those people actually have migraines.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 12:14:34 PM)

mist, yes I would bet a lot of people mis speak about it being a migrain and it's not.

cantilena -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 1:21:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

Have you had your blood pressure checked?

Aside from that you really need to have your doctor do a work up on you to get to the root of it. Headaches are very complicated things and can by caused by thousands of different things. First have your doctor determine what type of headaches you are having and then it will make finding a proper treatment for them easier.

Finding the root cause of headaches is a complicated process that requires going over your history, testing, keeping a very detailed log and some trial and error. It's worth it in the end if you can get some relief. Without going through the process though there is no way to say what kind of headaches you are having or what they are caused by. You will hear many people, for instance, say that they get horrible migraines....and yet I would bet less than 20% of those people actually have migraines.

Why do you bet that?  Just curious.

In my case, a full medical workup was done and the diagnosis was migraine.  Because of a licensing issue, I choose not to take prescriptions for it and admittedly, that's my own choice and sometimes live with the consequence. 

A medical diagnosis of migraine is also the case for several acquaintances of mine as well.

I'm wondering where you're getting that less than 20% of people who say they suffer migraine do not suffer such.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 2:19:17 PM)

medical issue...mine are related to my heart condition.  but they also get worse than normal due to my crazy hormone levels (too much estrogen).

though are officially diagnosed with my heart condition.  many people with heart problems have these headaches/migranes...whatever you want to call them.

the weather can also cause headaches.  humidity being the main cause.  overcast another cause and sudden change of weather where the temp drops.

mistoferin -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 5:37:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: cantilena


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

Have you had your blood pressure checked?

Aside from that you really need to have your doctor do a work up on you to get to the root of it. Headaches are very complicated things and can by caused by thousands of different things. First have your doctor determine what type of headaches you are having and then it will make finding a proper treatment for them easier.

Finding the root cause of headaches is a complicated process that requires going over your history, testing, keeping a very detailed log and some trial and error. It's worth it in the end if you can get some relief. Without going through the process though there is no way to say what kind of headaches you are having or what they are caused by. You will hear many people, for instance, say that they get horrible migraines....and yet I would bet less than 20% of those people actually have migraines.

Why do you bet that?  Just curious.

In my case, a full medical workup was done and the diagnosis was migraine.  Because of a licensing issue, I choose not to take prescriptions for it and admittedly, that's my own choice and sometimes live with the consequence. 

A medical diagnosis of migraine is also the case for several acquaintances of mine as well.

I'm wondering where you're getting that less than 20% of people who say they suffer migraine do not suffer such.

Because I have heard so many people say "Oh, I have a terrible migraine" while they are at work, laughing and joking, working on their computer, talking on the phone or even doing manual labor. A migraine is a very specific type of headache with very specific symptoms that is debilitating and incapacitating.

The work up, history and testing required to diagnose them is very intensive and costly. X-rays, CT Scans, MRI's, Lumbar punctures to rule out other possible conditions. Hours pouring over medical histories, headache logs, special diets, trial and error to see what medications are effective. It's not as simple as walking in to a Dr's office and saying "I get these headaches" and walking out with an accurate diagnosis.

I had Lyme disease for a very long time that went undiagnosed. One of the ways that it affected me was chronic migraine/cluster headaches that would last anywhere from a few hours to weeks at a time. I was literally hospitalized for over a year in a hospital that was dedicated to the treatment of head pain because of them. Those headaches entirely dominated my life. Laughing, joking, socializing, talking on the phone or typing on the computer were not options. The only things that I could manage to do during one were hide in the dark, pack myself in ice/hot packs, cry, puke and wonder if I was going to die.....sometimes even praying that I would do just that.

I remember attending a presentation at the hospital that gave that 20%. estimate. They said that "I have a migraine" has become a catch-all phrase to indicate one has a headache, but in reality it is more often not the case.

cantilena -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/7/2008 8:05:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin
Because I have heard so many people say "Oh, I have a terrible migraine" while they are at work, laughing and joking, working on their computer, talking on the phone or even doing manual labor. A migraine is a very specific type of headache with very specific symptoms that is debilitating and incapacitating.

The work up, history and testing required to diagnose them is very intensive and costly. X-rays, CT Scans, MRI's, Lumbar punctures to rule out other possible conditions. Hours pouring over medical histories, headache logs, special diets, trial and error to see what medications are effective. It's not as simple as walking in to a Dr's office and saying "I get these headaches" and walking out with an accurate diagnosis.

I had Lyme disease for a very long time that went undiagnosed. One of the ways that it affected me was chronic migraine/cluster headaches that would last anywhere from a few hours to weeks at a time. I was literally hospitalized for over a year in a hospital that was dedicated to the treatment of head pain because of them. Those headaches entirely dominated my life. Laughing, joking, socializing, talking on the phone or typing on the computer were not options. The only things that I could manage to do during one were hide in the dark, pack myself in ice/hot packs, cry, puke and wonder if I was going to die.....sometimes even praying that I would do just that.

I remember attending a presentation at the hospital that gave that 20%. estimate. They said that "I have a migraine" has become a catch-all phrase to indicate one has a headache, but in reality it is more often not the case.

Ah, I see.  Thanks for explaining. :)

I've never heard that from anyone.  Sure, people saying they have headaches, but not migraine.

I do know what you mean by the pain, though, and the inability to do anything whatsoever besides pray for deliverance while laying on the bathroom floor.  I'm among the lucky ones that does get quite substantial advance warning at onset.  I understand others aren't so fortunate.

I never went so far, or I should say my doctor never went so far, as to order a spinal.  (Thanking goodness for that.) I did get a CT and MRI though - they were emphasising my neck as well as my head for some strange reason.  The results, together with the symptoms were enough for her to diagnose what goes on with me.

Thanks again for explaining what you meant.  I've never heard people say that.

sub4hire -> RE: why does the pain from myy headache move from spot to spot? (7/8/2008 5:57:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

Which doesn't tell me why the pain seems to move, or sometimes pulse like a heart beat.:P

Because that is what a headache is.  Dilation of your blood vessels or a muscle spasm.  Which means the blood has to work harder to get through...hence the heartbeat.
LOTS of things cause headaches.  You're best to get checked out.  The doctor may not diagnose you properly.  So depending on how bad they are you may have to live with them a long time.
Back in 84 I bought a new truck..my first new vehicle.  On my way home an old geezer woman ran a stop sign doing 65...hit me in the side.  My truck door..drivers side.  Spun us around the street..knocking down a telephone pole.
In any event I either hit my head on the steering wheel or the sunroof.  Had a welt on my right eyebrow that lasted about 4 years. 
Serious headache.  The sound from the cops car..the radio was just ripping through my head.  He was trying so hard to explain to the geezer why I didn't need to stop at her stop sign..she needed to.  I couldn't bear to be around it. 
Anyway...after numerous doctors and ct scans...etc.  I was diagnosed with post traumatic concussion syndrome.  A bogus diagnosis.  It is supposed to last from 2 to 20 years.  Well, we're now nearing our 25th year...so I need a new diagnosis.
Be thankful there are times you are pain free.  Ask the doctor it may be something simple.

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