RE: what do slaves have to offer (Full Version)

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Cloudz -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/12/2005 2:44:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: yoursnatch

Am i missing something?

Yes, you missed something. Yourself. You focused entirely on what you are, rather than who you are. Master and I frequently use questions such as this one as deal breaker questions. It weeds out those who are merely mouthing what they think we want to hear or giving us platitudes with no plan on how to get to what they've laid out.

We're looking for someone that knows what they bring to the table as a submissive and as human being. Someone that has specific, attainable goals. Someone that understands that submission is more than just obeying. Someone that will honestly say "I don't know" when they don't know, rather than spouting what they've read on internet or read in a chatroom.

Wise words. I applaud you.

Mymantoy999 -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/12/2005 7:32:25 PM)

i am gonna kinda lay this at your feet.. i agree to some extent what others have said about your s/n. But you chose it and it is your to do with as you see fit.

Anytime a Master/Mistress asks you a question, you have the responsibililty to understand the question. Keeping in mind there are basically 2 factors involved. First you have to get clatity of the question and second you have to understand the ramifications of your answers.

Failure to get the clarity will most likely lead to some rather serious consequences and misunderstandings. So before answering any question that you really don't understand, or don't understand the meaning behind the question then ask for clarification.

That being said, it sounds like he reacted rather badly to your response. Personally i see that as a plus for you, because now you understand that he is not really good with his communication skills, nor is he patient and willing to guide you in your journey.


darkthunder -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/13/2005 2:03:55 PM)

Greeting lil one,

As a Master that been around for over 30 years in this lifestyle,I would have accepted your answer knowing you wore new,and then expected way I ask that question and the answer I was looking for.How can He guide you,and teach you His ways if he expect you to know then over night.Communication is one of the most inportant things,if He ever expect you to grow.There wore a lot of good replies to your question,and in time things will get easyer to understand for you. I don't know your Master and it not my place to judge Him,but to cut off communication,only make thing worest.


justjenn -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/13/2005 3:29:11 PM)

I've been fortunate that I've never been asked that question. So I didn't quite read the subject line the way it was intended. I thought it said "what do slaves 'have' to offer" - to which my first thought was "nothing". There are no requirements of things that you MUST offer.

After reading through your post and the responses, I decided that my initial answer still sort of applies. That are no generic requirements of things that you MUST offer, but there may be things that a specific Dominant does require from a sub/slave.

You need to begin first by figuring out what you can willingly offer, then move to what you can begrudgingly offer, and then decide what you absolutely cannot bear to offer. (Which is very important for those recovering from poor relationships and episodes of abuse!) Once you know this about yourself, you can then seek a Dominant who is compatible with that. It probably won't be easy, and you may go through a few imcompatibles along the way. In truth, it's a lot like vanilla dating, with a few extra complications. You could meet the "perfect" Dom... only to discover that he's staunchly against humiliation and it's something you can't feel fulfilled without, or he just can't live without his water sports and you can't participate without growing physically ill. It happens. And they turn out to be great friends and even mentors if you keep the lines of communication open and honest along the way. And who knows - eventually, you may find your boundaries expanding and that Dom who has been your friend through it all, may turn out to be "perfect" again! :)

slavejali -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/14/2005 5:53:18 AM)

Maybe he isnt talking to you because you said you have nothing to offer? maybe he is waiting for you to find things you can offer him and to value those things?
They can be things like obedience and loyalty etc..but they can also be very mundane things like, "im a good housekeeper" " im talented at this and that..etc...

i dont know the situation, just playing with thoughts.

best wishes

candystripper -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/14/2005 5:56:52 AM)


Just a thought but you may want to change your user name. it may give people the wrong idea about you.


i love Quivver's nick; what on earth do you mean?


jamesthehumanrug -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/20/2005 12:20:10 PM)

dear no you're snatch.!...
at the risk ,of
being impolite ....
you're a thing ;do you know what, that is ,to a person ,esp. a dom...?
,but, ya- i agree ; they have ,to take you ,for what you are first,
and ,make you what you are ,after, that...something like,that....

Dracironsgirl -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/22/2005 1:35:28 AM)

this is my first post so please bare with me. I have not been in the life stlye for very long and have meet alot of people online and off at munches. I found a master and we have been getting along together and i thought things were going good untill last night that is. He asked me what i have to offer him. I thought then that maybe i don't understand what a slave is. I thought that a slave offered her complete submission, her loyalty her total obediance. Being new there is alot i have to learn yet and counted on him to guide me and to help me learn new things. I am willing to try just about anything once. If i don't like it well then if he did i learn to live with it and if not then i won't do it again. He was not happy with my answer. I answered the submission and loyalty and that maybe untill i learn more i have nothing to offer him. Needless to say he is not talking to me or i would be discussing this with him. Am i missing something?

I would rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not (van zant)

every sub/slave is different therfore every answer to the definition is not the same ....meaning when Master asks you what you have to offer Him shoulnt it come from the heart and notr from what you believe a sub/slave should say ? every sub/slave is different therfore answers differ too. jsut a thought

ameha21 -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/22/2005 5:03:27 PM)

i agree totally with you yoursnatch. in my opinion, a sub submits b/c she wants to, enjoys it, but only on her terms. a true slavegirl is more than that. she NEEDS to submit, needs to have a structured life in command by another. of course that doesn't mean a slave is brainless. she chooses to give up her freedoms and her body. and that gives her more freedom than the people against this lifestyle can ever dream to have.

veronicaofML -> RE: what do slaves have to offer (11/22/2005 6:14:25 PM)

Anytime a Master/Mistress asks you a question, you have the responsibililty to understand the question. Keeping in mind there are basically 2 factors involved. First you have to get clatity of the question and second you have to understand the ramifications of your answers.
i but guess? i feel it is not MY job to is the speaker's job to talk in plain american english so i know what is going on w/o any shuck n jive b.s.--
ramifications? not something "I" worry about.
if someone can't handle my answer.......maybe "A" they asked the wrong question or "B" they are not mature enough to handle the answer which is NOT my fault either.

so it MY world anyway....
this is something "I" am not familiar with........

i am going to ask then? is this something most others have difficulty with?
i do not..............understand.

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