what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (Full Version)

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yuyu777 -> what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/13/2008 7:11:11 PM)

why some doms want to break a slave? they described to me that its like to recreate a person, the slave is totally broke down until she is like an empty shell. Then the dom can fill it with whatever they want so they can mold a true slave.

How come they can make a person an empty shell? have you ever done that? what exactly is the process like?

RedMagic1 -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/13/2008 7:18:42 PM)

Well, hmmm.  Does the dominant saying this have a 24/7 slave who attends to his every need and desire in an amazing fashion?  Because that would be the point of completely reprogramming somebody, right?

If, on the other hand, the dominant is currently alone and looking, one might be tempted to think the last person he tried to break decided it wasn't the best idea in the world.

There's a thread about this on the Ask A Mistress boards now.  Consensus there: break your toys and you don't get to play with them anymore.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/13/2008 7:20:41 PM)

Lots of people need breaking, or at least breaking of lots of bad habits. I had to break my local partner of a LOT of things before we could become serious together.

Some doms also have a "break and remold" fetish thing going as well. The reality is that breaking someone down and bringing them up again is a huge time and energy intensive operation that few have the skill and ability to do well.

But breaking someone down and building them up is certainly possible, and in some cases beneficial.


breaking a sub

Being Broken

Breaking (2)

slaves being broken


breaking stubbornness

GabrielleSlave -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 1:23:53 AM)

Agreed. My Master broke me out of my timid, doormat, low self esteem etc person and rebuilt me into being a strong, confident masochist who can deal with anything life throws at me.  He didn't break me, but He did...if you can see what i mean?  It has taken 18 months of effort on His part and it is evolving and continuing.  i am becoming the slave He wants and knows i can be, but more to the point - i am becoming the person i always deep down knew i could be.  There are different ways to 'break' a slave; some more healthy than others...


Gabrielle x

eyesopened -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 2:10:55 AM)


If, on the other hand, the dominant is currently alone and looking, one might be tempted to think the last person he tried to break decided it wasn't the best idea in the world.

A very dear friend of mine owned a slave and in the process of breaking her down (examining her fears and limitations based on her life experience) and rebuilding her, he discovered that she was Dominant.  When i spoke with her she told me the glorious moment when in the breaking down process, it became apparent she was Dominant and how he nurtured that part of her, taught her and encouraged her.  She is not living in the UK a happy and successful woman with a devoted slave of her own.  He changed her life in a very positive way but being the totally unselfish man that he is, lost his "slave" in the process.

Granted, this kind of man may be a very rare creature indeed, but even a good Dominant can find himself alone at times.

RedMagic1 -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 7:46:58 AM)

Sorry, eyesopened, my bad.  To my way of thinking, though, there's a big difference between being "single" and being "alone."

Lynnxz -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 12:02:04 PM)

´Breaking´people is the easy part, regardless of how macho you think it sounds. Building them back up is the hard part.

batshalom -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 12:11:11 PM)

I had a Master once who said he would break me down and build me back up, meaning that he was going to go past the walls I built, see what those deep dark scary secrets were, and help me manage them so that I could be unencumbered by that baggage. He was also determined that I would be his slave.

It was scary, and there were times I completely balked (another part of his breaking-down process was to keep me from balking, to just do / not think). He was hoping to find a slave in me ... but laughingly admitted that I was right: I am a sub.

We eventually parted (not because of the breaking down) - I adore him and his family and wish it could have worked out; but he wanted one thing and I could not meet that desire, although the whole breaking-down experience was a positive one. (Disclaimer: I was also simultaneously seeing a therapist to help combat these demons.)

favesclava -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/14/2008 12:46:49 PM)

Master built me up first. then He broke me down He did not attack my fears till He had built trust and confidence .the first time it was incredible. the strenght of my emotions! so deep , like nothing ever before. weak afterwards. with no doubt in my mind i was owned. i was His slave. what happened afterwards , i couldnt describe.this has happened one other time. attacking my weaknesses, making me face my fears. and know that i would still be here when all was said and done.
lucky slave who will be serving her Owner to the best of her ability for the rest of her life.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/15/2008 5:23:53 AM)


I had several good essays on this at one time, and will try to look for them and post in the next few days. Some of the key points from those. The person doing the breaking and building, needs to have a good understanding of internal enslavement, and the key points that create the intitial trust from the object of enslavement. The slave needs to understand the steps in the process, so they can give consent in the beginning because as the process goes and if successful, that freewill is gone later. The walls that have been created by a slave, because of issues in their life, must be torn down so that the essence of that slave can be used in the process of rebuilding. Often this involves tackling their insecurities and fears, in such a way that it builds true pride in what they are.

Many speak of it as if it is as easy as waving a magic wand, and those are the ones that you should steer clear of. Some speak of it as if it is a process to do to cattle, and those you need to be very careful of. Some speak of it with knowledge of humans, psychology and from the heart, those are the ones you should pay attention to. I was fortunate to be able to read and learn from an Old School Master, who had been involved for over 30 years, when I met him. I am still nowhere near his knowledge but I learn every day.

MrFester -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/15/2008 8:24:10 PM)

I am of the belief that in order for your slave to truly become your slave, they must become a different person, a little.  Not necessarily "broken" but definitely "housebroken" in the sense that they need to learn what You like and learn how to serve that need/desire.  On the flipside, I think each Dom must break a smidgeon with each new slave as well, as they will have different barriers.  I wonder if any of my relationships have succeeded, friendships included, without a bit of breakage?

Leatherist -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/15/2008 10:34:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: yuyu777

why some doms want to break a slave? they described to me that its like to recreate a person, the slave is totally broke down until she is like an empty shell. Then the dom can fill it with whatever they want so they can mold a true slave.

How come they can make a person an empty shell? have you ever done that? what exactly is the process like?

It's kind of like, ummmm, scientology.

DarkVictory -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/15/2008 11:46:11 PM)



´Breaking´people is the easy part, regardless of how macho you think it sounds. Building them back up is the hard part.

Yeah, that much after care is tedious.  You'd think enough basement time would work, but no......

ResidentSadist -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/16/2008 3:24:39 AM)


Well, hmmm.  Does the dominant saying this have a 24/7 slave who attends to his every need and desire in an amazing fashion?  Because that would be the point of completely reprogramming somebody, right?

If, on the other hand, the dominant is currently alone and looking, one might be tempted to think the last person he tried to break decided it wasn't the best idea in the world.

There's a thread about this on the Ask A Mistress boards now.  Consensus there: break your toys and you don't get to play with them anymore.

Despite the consensus, I think there is a at least a small degree of breakage and rebuilding in every power exchange style relationship to some degree.

My motives for deconstruction are in accord with what you say to a degree.  I want my partner to match my needs and desires… not just service motivated but life goals, interests and emotional compatibility. 

ORIGINAL: eyesopened

If, on the other hand, the dominant is currently alone and looking, one might be tempted to think the last person he tried to break decided it wasn't the best idea in the world.

A very dear friend of mine owned a slave and in the process of breaking her down (examining her fears and limitations based on her life experience) and rebuilding her, he discovered that she was Dominant.  When i spoke with her she told me the glorious moment when in the breaking down process, it became apparent she was Dominant and how he nurtured that part of her, taught her and encouraged her.  She is not living in the UK a happy and successful woman with a devoted slave of her own.  He changed her life in a very positive way but being the totally unselfish man that he is, lost his "slave" in the process.

Granted, this kind of man may be a very rare creature indeed, but even a good Dominant can find himself alone at times.

The man you speak of sounds like a responsible person and good Master.  The deconstruction of a person and finding their uncorrupted nature is an awesome process that often leads to losing the very one you love and worked so hard on.  It is heart breaking and you must have a well spring within yourself to survive it.  Sometimes in the process you discover the slave is no longer a slave but they are vanilla and their original attraction to BDSM was more for the therapy. 

´Breaking´people is the easy part, regardless of how macho you think it sounds. Building them back up is the hard part.

It takes real good experience to make a comment like that.  I only hope the OP can grasp the vast scope of your of comment and bibliotheca that lays in between the few lines you have written. 

Aynne -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/16/2008 6:12:11 AM)

That is beautiful favesclava...[:)] 


ORIGINAL: favesclava

Master built me up first. then He broke me down He did not attack my fears till He had built trust and confidence .the first time it was incredible. the strenght of my emotions! so deep , like nothing ever before. weak afterwards. with no doubt in my mind i was owned. i was His slave. what happened afterwards , i couldnt describe.this has happened one other time. attacking my weaknesses, making me face my fears. and know that i would still be here when all was said and done.
lucky slave who will be serving her Owner to the best of her ability for the rest of her life.

ApathyRomance -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/16/2008 5:22:08 PM)

Yes.  Breaking slaves is fun.  I was with a girl the other day and she hurt her cervix.  I thought i would have to take her to the emergency room.

MrFester -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/16/2008 5:30:25 PM)

I hope for the sake of your slave(s) that this is a troll post.  IMHO, any master that willingly physically breaks his slaves deserves to be drawn, quartered and keelhauled.  Mental breaking is a different story, for sure.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/16/2008 9:36:33 PM)

As long as their no permanent damage to the property, what does it matter? Also, is it not viewed that emotional and mental pain, is far worse than physical? If so, then why is it alright to emotionally break them but not physically?

Breaking is a process that occurs over a period of time. Usually multiple intense training sessions, combined with internal enslavement techniques and CBT. There may be some bruising and blood, as long as the valuable property is conditioned properly there is a beautiful creature at the end.

patwi -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/17/2008 7:04:03 AM)

I'm already broken enough. I'd really like to prevent further breakage. 

OrionTheWolf -> RE: what is it like to break a slave? have you ever done that? (7/17/2008 8:51:47 AM)

Then it was not done properly, in my opinion. Just as a sculptor chips away (breaks) unwanted pieces, to create a masterpiece, so does a good owner. I do realize there are many that have not experienced it on either side, and it takes quite a bit of unlearning societal conditioning.

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