This thread is ORGASMIC (Full Version)

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puppen -> This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 6:22:06 AM)

Or so I've been told.

Ah, well.

Well, here it is. I'm spending my 1000th post making a thread dedicated to the spontaneity that is my life and those I connect with here in collarchat.

It might be a little silly to you to have “saved a post”, but, damn it, I am twenty years old and I think it is special.

I hope to use this little area to spin stories, explore memories long past, and stumble and share new experiences with everyone.
In a sense, to not have to make a new thread every time I experience an orgasm.  (As of today, I'm up to two. HO YEAH.) <--- (Number likely to change as of July 31st, 2008)

We've got our game threads.

We've got our slap and tickle threads.

And we've got our, just plain, random stupidity threads.

So, I thought it wouldn't hurt to add mine.

I've come a long way, and I've got all of you to thank in this short amount of time I have spent among you.

Resident Sadist, my Love Potion Number Nine, I'm sure that more than once I will stare up at you with tears in my eyes; but the adoration that I have for you fills my heart. I know there will never be memories more worthwhile than the ones you and I are soon to make; and I will treasure them so long as I live. I am so grateful to you for the time you are willing to spend with this “un-trainable” slave girl, and the chance you have given me. I can only hope that, if and when I am ready, you will have me as your own.

Holly, you skewered little nymph, you’re an absolute goof. One minute you “lub” me, the next minute I’m a slut. It makes me want to poke the eyes out of your little avatar picture. It is endless entertainment with you, and I am so glad for the interaction we share.

Potty… What can you say about a toilet? Ha-ha! (That’s for calling me a skank, you gang-bang slut.) (Mods, please note that I lub her and that derogatory comment was not meant to hurt her feelings. *SAVE!*) If ever there was a person who could literally make me lose all self-control at my place of work, it is you. I don’t think I would trade the laughter and smiles you grant me for anything. Well, okay, maybe for something, but, damn you are fun!

Lumus... Keep your straightjacket on when you are around me. Kidding! …No, really, keep it on. I love your writing and the casual-creepy banter we bounce back and forth to one another every-so-often. You are a gem and Rain is a lucky lady to have you.

Rain! Don’t hate me for putting you after Lumus. He is in a straightjacket after all. I guess in your case, the little bit I say really means a lot. You’ve given me hope where I was scared to place it. Your words of encouragement have done more for me than you will ever be able to imagine. You’re wonderful, and I think you’re beautiful. SHUP.

Greedytop… Oh geeze, what can you say about a flying monkey-ass tart? You’re great. In spite of myself, you have given me a tiny inkling of hope that my father might come around and stop being a spiteful shit. Every time I see you “*snort*” on the board, I “*snerk*”. And, heh… Who doesn’t want a Mommy with, heh, those punishments on the mind?

Sinlee, I just like ya sweets. Every time I see you on the board, I make an effort to drop you a line. The stalker has become the stalkee. Without you, I wouldn’t even be here. It was with your kindness and playful demeanor that I opened up and became a bratty little social butterfly.

KSMangel, has anyone ever told you that you have gorgeous eyes? I’m glad you and I started chit-chatting back and forth. How’d anyone as sweet as you start hanging out with a toilet and a shish kabob? I am so very excited about becoming “package-pals” with you, and I hope vegemite doesn’t make me vomit.

Purepleasure and Ladyhib, you're the best damn aunties a girl could ask for. Thank you both for looking out for me. I'll be careful, and, besides, having you tend to my bruises might prove to be fun.

Cali, you're a total goober. I find so much enjoyment from reading your "Ask Cali" thread and seeing the answers you come up with. You're serious when you need to be, but you always have an edge of compassion and charm for the most strange and cumbersome questions. Thank you for always being willing to answer.

Daddysredhead, you’re such a beautiful person. You were the first to offer me comfort and a shoulder to cry on when I realized that it wasn’t “meant to be” with the dominant I had so carefully selected. You were so caring and asked nothing in return. If ever I wondered if angels existed, I can just look to you and smile.

And these are only a few people that have really left such an uplifted impression on me thus far.
I’m still getting to know them, and many others as well, so please don’t be disheartened if I did not leave you a thank you or a compliment. You each bring me a special joy. Thank you all for taking me in and giving me a chance to get to know you and be a part of your lives.

So, even if you don't wish to utilize this area to share your stories or drop a line, I hope you'll stop in once in a while and take a peek at this never-ending journey I began at the age of twelve.

Back when Mommy and Daddy discovered their little girl had a fascination with BDSM and sent her to her room with a stack of pornography, so high they had to help carry it, and told her to think about what a bad girl she was.

...Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. And thank you, lock on my bedroom door.

LadyRainfire -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 6:37:53 AM)

Sweetie, if I gave you hope it's because you deserve it. As for being after Lumus, where else would I be? He's my Love, Daddy, Master, friend, Lover, you name it. He's a wonderful, intelligent, witty man with an incredible sense of humour. And a wicked set of handcuffs.....

Now enjoy yourself with RS and treasure every moment. The fun is just beginning!

parttimehotty -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:01:18 AM)

Slut-pup...................what a WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL thread! What a SPECIAL way to post that 1000th are such a special person & I'm so happy (and a bit jealous) that you have found someone that brings tears of happiness/joy to your eyes...and yes, pain :))  When I'm in Fl at the Waterparks, you'll be w/your one & only having your version of love & fun in the sun (even if it is in a dungeon :))

My bestest wishes to you BOTH but especially to YOU, slut-pup! Mr. RS has experienced much love during his lifetime, you on the other hand are beginning a very special journey w/a very special man. Yes, a scary man, but a special man.[sm=cute.gif]

puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:06:26 AM)

Thank you, Rain!

I'm so excited, only 16 days left! [sm=yahoo.gif]

I'll be using this thread to link to pictures and such things through the duration of the trip. Keep everyone updated that I am alive. [8|] [:)]

cjan -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:09:17 AM)

Our little puppen is growing up...I all verklempt... *sniffs*

puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:12:46 AM)

Aww, Potty... [sm=highfive.gif]

I love you lots and lots. I hope your time in Florida is as awesome as my time will be. You'll be on a slide... I'll be on a cross... You'll get whiplash from the bumpy, floaty things.... I'll be getting lashes from whips. *Snerk*

You're so awesome. Take lotsa pictures!

Just put your bikini top over your face to hide it. *cough* We won't mind. [8|]

parttimehotty -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:13:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: puppen

Just put your bikini top over your face to hide it. *cough* We won't mind. [8|]


puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:15:37 AM)

And there I go, laughing at my desk. DAMN IT. I'm going to get fired.

parttimehotty -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:17:37 AM)

Don't blame your giggles on me!! You KNOW that you have that vibe inserted w/Mr. RS at the switch![sm=insane.gif]

puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:22:15 AM)

It makes me want to get a blue tooth phone... That new 300 dollar vibe that responds to text messages.

But, no, in this case I blame you and your smiling tits. [:D] Biznitch.

parttimehotty -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:24:56 AM)

[sm=champ.gif]Let it be known that I made slut-pup laugh and NOT Mr. RS!!!

** he comes.......[sm=afraid.gif]******
**You'll be saying THAT soon enough, won't you slut-pup**??

LadyRainfire -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:28:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: puppen

Aww, Potty... [sm=highfive.gif]

I love you lots and lots. I hope your time in Florida is as awesome as my time will be. You'll be on a slide... I'll be on a cross... You'll get whiplash from the bumpy, floaty things.... I'll be getting lashes from whips. *Snerk*

You're so awesome. Take lotsa pictures!

Just put your bikini top over your face to hide it. *cough* We won't mind. [8|]

And if she puts the bikini top over her face, we gets nekkie titties.....


puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:50:26 AM)

Oh Moon, don't I know it.
He's already told me I might be begging for "cage time" just to have a chance to rest!

...Hey, Toilet, er, Potty... I think you should practice that picture we were talking about. Come on, you've done it a million times for the bukkake videos. --slut-- [8|]

GreedyTop -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 7:55:55 AM)


*kiss* thank you, sweetheart :)

angelikaJ -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:22:12 AM)

I do not know you well...

but I hope you have a wonder-filled trip.

(please do not seel yourself short: of course you are not untrainable; you just need someone who inspires you)

I would love to see a picture with you smiling..a smile that lights up your eyes!


puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:22:21 AM)




*kiss* thank you, sweetheart :)

D'aw... I lub you lady. You always bring a smile to my face.

puppen -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:25:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

I do not know you well...

but I hope you have a wonder-filled trip.

(please do not seel yourself short: of course you are not untrainable; you just need someone who inspires you)

I would love to see a picture with you smiling..a smile that lights up your eyes!


Through delightful interaction, I am sure we are a blossoming friendship waiting to happen.

I will be sure to take lots and lots of photos and fill this thread with every bit of happiness I can share.

I'll dig, maybe I have some photos of a lit up Puppen somewheres.

angelikaJ -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:27:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: puppen


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

I do not know you well...

but I hope you have a wonder-filled trip.

(please do not seel yourself short: of course you are not untrainable; you just need someone who inspires you)

I would love to see a picture with you smiling..a smile that lights up your eyes!


Through delightful interaction, I am sure we are a blossoming friendship waiting to happen.

I will be sure to take lots and lots of photos and fill this thread with every bit of happiness I can share.

I'll dig, maybe I have some photos of a lit up Puppen somewheres.


purepleasure -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:38:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: puppen

Purepleasure and Ladyhib, you're the best damn aunties a girl could ask for. Thank you both for looking out for me. I'll be careful, and, besides, having you cause some bruises might prove to be fun.

I fixed the typo for you, like a good auntie should.

GreedyTop -> RE: This thread is ORGASMIC (7/15/2008 8:41:10 AM)


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