" No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (Full Version)

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Owner59 -> " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:46:00 AM)


Interesting....and another example of his political and intelectual bravery.

"I have said in the past — and I'll repeat again — that the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed," the Illinois Democrat said recently."

Discuss amongst ya` selves...

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:48:48 AM)

Who would he have appologised to?
They're all fuckin' DEAD!!!
Owner, are you growing a ponytail?

subrob1967 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:49:00 AM)

Looks like another flip flop to me, but to each his or her own.

I really wonder if you, or BiPolarBer will be the first on collar me to drop to his knees and blow Obama, which one gets sloppy seconds?

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:51:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Looks like another flip flop to me, but to each his or her own.

I really wonder if you, or BiPolarBer will be the first on collar me to drop to his knees and blow Obama, which one gets sloppy seconds?

SubRob, ...LMAO!!!

Owner59 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:56:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Looks like another flip flop to me, but to each his or her own.

I really wonder if you, or BiPolarBer will be the first on collar me to drop to his knees and blow Obama, which one gets sloppy seconds?

I had a feeling that our most "helpful" members, would be the 1st to chime in.

Adult conversations tend to do that...

bipolarber -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:59:04 AM)

Well, he is good looking enough... but only if it's a three way with Michelle. When you are trying to "get" someone who's bi, here's a hint: you'll never do so by threatening them with a good time. :)

(and no, I won't take your childish insult (and direct violation of TOS) as a homophobic comment, even though I'm sure that's EXACTLY what you meant it to be.)

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 5:59:30 AM)

I was listening to The Howie Carr Show on WRKO 680 Boston yesterday and he said that the Lefties in Arlington, Mass (just North of Cambridge) who call their town by it's old name ("Mononomy") made bumperstickers that read simply; "1-20-09."
Now those are the people who *will* yell at you if you step on their lawn!

subrob1967 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:00:54 AM)


I had a feeling that our most "helpful" members, would be the 1st to chime in.

Adult conversations tend to do that...

There's nothing "Adult" about your adulation for Obama, let alone this conversation. 

Obama said one thing, waited overnight to gage the reaction of the public, and then apologised for his comment, when he saw it wasn't flying with it's intended audience... He kinda has a history of doing that.

MissIsis -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:01:09 AM)

I don't understand why it is up to our entire country to apologize, especially because:
1. They are all gone
2. Their own people sold them into slavery
3. Many of us, & many of our descendents never had anything to do with owning slaves. (Some of our descendents actually helped some of the slaves to escape to safety.) There are many US citizens that have only been here for a short number of generations & had nothing to do with any of this.
4. This country fought a civil war, a great part to free them

slvemike4u -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:04:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Looks like another flip flop to me, but to each his or her own.

I really wonder if you, or BiPolarBer will be the first on collar me to drop to his knees and blow Obama, which one gets sloppy seconds?
If this is indicative of the intelligence level of the far-right,the Republic is safe

subrob1967 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:05:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: bipolarber

Well, he is good looking enough... but only if it's a three way with Michelle. When you are trying to "get" someone who's bi, here's a hint: you'll never do so by threatening them with a good time. :)

(and no, I won't take your childish insult (and direct violation of TOS) as a homophobic comment, even though I'm sure that's EXACTLY what you meant it to be.)

I seriously doubt I'm homophobic, when I live with a Bi Domme couple, but thanks for playin.

(and no, I won't take your childishly pointing out the rules of the TOS, to draw the attention of the mod's as a chickenshit move on your part, even though I'm sure thats EXACTLY what you meant it to be)

servantforuse -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:06:22 AM)

If Obama endorsed reparations he would be finished as a canidate for President.

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:09:05 AM)

Owner, what is "intellectual bravery?"
That sounds very anal-retentive.
And as for "inner city schools" some of them have been receiving 3 times the public funding of their suburban counterparts since the Clinton Admin. to no avail.
Money is not the answer.
Eradicating drugs from this country, bringing back manufacturing jobs to this country, the family unit, going to bed by nine o'clock after 3 hours of homework and a few other things are the answers!
As Dr. Bill Cosby said, "fathers are important!"

subrob1967 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:09:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
If this is indicative of the intelligence level of the far-right,the Republic is safe

You must be the third in line

Owner59 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:12:15 AM)

To argue that there`s no lasting affects from slavery is a bit ignorant.

Perhaps the prejudice blacks suffer(today), is in their imagination?

Maybe it`s genetics, that keeps so many blacks poor or in jail ?....

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:14:48 AM)



I don't understand why it is up to our entire country to apologize, especially because:
1. They are all gone
2. Their own people sold them into slavery
3. Many of us, & many of our descendents never had anything to do with owning slaves. (Some of our descendents actually helped some of the slaves to escape to safety.) There are many US citizens that have only been here for a short number of generations & had nothing to do with any of this.
4. This country fought a civil war, a great part to free them

i agree wholehearedly however there are those who "speak" for the Black community (you know the Jesse Jacksons, the Rev Al Sharptons, etc) that believe we as a race should receive an apology and a check as back paymrent for all of the hardships endured.  also there are those within the Black community who wholeheartedly believe this crap and still waiting on their front porch for that check.

personally, no one owes me and my descendants any apologies and/or a check (which probably will amount to less than $100). what's done was done - now it's time to move and learn from our past mistakes.

Obama has my support on this issue and my vote.

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:14:57 AM)



I don't understand why it is up to our entire country to apologize, especially because:
1. They are all gone
2. Their own people sold them into slavery
3. Many of us, & many of our descendents never had anything to do with owning slaves. (Some of our descendents actually helped some of the slaves to escape to safety.) There are many US citizens that have only been here for a short number of generations & had nothing to do with any of this.
4. This country fought a civil war, a great part to free them

Miss Isis, true!
My own ancesters in Ireland were under the English whip and they came to the U.S. well after the Civil War on both sides.
So don't be doing any "appologising" on my behalf!
But,.....could us Irish then expect "reparations" from the British Exchecquer?

Level -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:16:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Owner, what is "intellectual bravery?"
That sounds very anal-retentive.
And as for "inner city schools" some of them have been receiving 3 times the public funding of their suburban counterparts since the Clinton Admin. to no avail.
Money is not the answer.
Eradicating drugs from this country, bringing back manufacturing jobs to this country, the family unit, going to bed by nine o'clock after 3 hours of homework and a few other things are the answers!
As Dr. Bill Cosby said, "fathers are important!"

Cosby is right, and Obama has echoed much of what he talks about.

slvemike4u -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:16:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
If this is indicative of the intelligence level of the far-right,the Republic is safe

You must be the third in line
Another illuminating post there subrob,where do you get your material...oh thanks for the link ,at least that was funny...unlike your sthick!

popeye1250 -> RE: " No apology or reparations for slavery": Obama (8/2/2008 6:18:00 AM)



To argue that there`s no lasting affects from slavery is a bit ignorant.

Perhaps the prejudice blacks suffer(today), is in their imagination?

Maybe it`s genetics, that keeps so many blacks poor or in jail ?....

Owner, remember that show "Archie Bunker?"
Remember his son in law, "Meathead?"

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