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RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker?

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RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 2:20:36 PM   

Posts: 136
Joined: 5/9/2005
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Real one can you please get in touch with me, I cant find your profile to message you

< Message edited by McWhips -- 2/3/2006 2:21:00 PM >

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 221
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 2:27:00 PM   

Posts: 1665
Joined: 6/14/2005
From: Nashville, TN
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McWhips, why do all of your posts require approval?????



"If you have to tell people that you are a lady, you are not." My Grandmother

(in reply to Arpig)
Profile   Post #: 222
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 2:38:23 PM   

Posts: 5585
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If I recall correctly, McWhips made a grand entrance to the boards with anger about women and money (so this whole tribute=hooker thread probably gives him a huge hard on, lol), and he has stayed with that theme over I don't know how long now, so I think he's been on moderation almost continuously from having a tude that rubs the owners/moderators entirely the wrong way.


it does not change the topic here however or the conclusions of the topic unfortunately
There are no conclusions really beyond personal preference and each person's willingness to pay or not to pay during courtship. Are there people lying about being professional? Yes, but there are people lying about sooo many things, you still have to get to know and find out if she is the type you can care for and respect.

We've already agreed that asking for things from a complete stranger lacks class, but if you are attracted to someone like that, who are we to judge.
Tribute does not equal being a hooker any more than his offering to bring her flowers or a gift (of any value) equal him trying to buy sex from her. Generosity is not something any of us can enforce, but I know that I don't find cheapness sexy.


i think the only problem is that i have with it is that sites like this allow it to be in with general mix and it is such a pain to read pro after pro profile when you are not seeking one
How much are you paying for sites like this? If you don't like it, yah know what you can do right?
I have a problem with all of the "real" submissive men not lining selves up for my choosing, and not offering to fly out within 2 weeks to meet and become my slave as soon as I say so, but I try to be grown up about it (most of the time ).


Oh and yes i too immediately took note of your corset! very nice. english?
Thank you very much.. In attracting new attention with the new corset, I got some cock shots today from someone who wants online humiliation. M

< Message edited by BlkTallFullfig -- 2/3/2006 2:59:07 PM >


a.k.a. SexyBossyBBW
""Touching was, and still is, and will always be, the true revolution" Nikki Giovanni

(in reply to yourMissTress)
Profile   Post #: 223
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 3:13:11 PM   

Posts: 2021
Joined: 8/11/2004
From: SoCal aka Hell
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ORIGINAL: BlkTallFullfig


Oh and yes i too immediately took note of your corset! very nice. english?
Thank you very much.. In attracting new attention with the new corset, I got some cock shots today from someone who wants online humiliation. M

So... is he looking for a down and dirty one liner? -- "With a cock like that do you really need to look for humiliation?"


Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.
--R. D. Laing

"Oh, but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away."

(in reply to BlkTallFullfig)
Profile   Post #: 224
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 3:39:37 PM   

Posts: 382
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so this whole tribute=hooker thread probably gives him a huge hard on, lol

A matter of perception?


Oh and yes i too immediately took note of your corset! very nice. english? Thank you very much.. In attracting new attention with the new corset, I got some cock shots today from someone who wants online humiliation. M

If i may say, that is not the only attention that You and Your new corset are getting. Very lovely if this one may be so bold!



i want to be your ... #1 lowest common denominator.

Destiny happens in a moment ... in the blink of an eye.

(in reply to MadameDahlia)
Profile   Post #: 225
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 6:26:36 PM   

Posts: 1317
Joined: 11/19/2005
From: from in wisconsin
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You may take everything I say and turn it around to you, but it's not all about you. In fact, it's rarely about you. It was a post addressing an issue in general.



actually? i can only do what you do...tell it through MY eyes.
and that is all i do..state it as i see the general population..and let THEM decide on their own..okay?

now if MY posts bother YOU..i told Ya long time ago...scan over em and ignore me...
i am putting in my 2 cents just like everyone else...this IS a free forum for ALL...not a select few.
take care ole Girl.


drugs sex and rock n roll,...drugs are good and so is the rock n roll, sex is over rated"
"go straight to hell, do not pass go and do not collect $200"

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 226
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 7:45:29 PM   

Posts: 5585
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So... is he looking for a down and dirty one liner? -- "With a cock like that do you really need to look for humiliation?"
That is exactly what he was looking for (given the embarassing size) and why I didn't respond with that line. M


a.k.a. SexyBossyBBW
""Touching was, and still is, and will always be, the true revolution" Nikki Giovanni

(in reply to MadameDahlia)
Profile   Post #: 227
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/3/2006 8:42:38 PM   

Posts: 4429
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In most dating situations, one person is doing the pursuing more than the other. You probably have never been on the other end of a courtship and so you don't know what I'm talking about. When it comes to the femdom/malesub dynamic, based solely on numbers, usually it's the male sub who do most of the initiating/courting if he wants to gain the favor of a woman who is being pursued by many. This is a sad reality.

The other sad reality is that you think just because it's free to download however many gigs of porn in "an hour" (how do you know this? obviously you DO it. I certainly had no idea how long it takes to download free porn, I don't have that kind of time to waste) doesn't mean this activity really does ANYTHING to help a sub's chances at dating. Even though it's "free" doesn't mean maybe his time should be spent on other things -- like improving himself, socializing with men and women in the real world, going to workshops and seminars, taking a nightclass, going to the gym or cleaning his apartment so it doesn't smell bad when he brings a lady home for the first time.


yeh i have been pursued many times. and i do agree that typically a male initiates the courtship but as soon as it is accepted its mutual. how do i know this? well my computer and internet savvy comes at a cost. well the download speed is simple math. you do not have to physically download anything. well if i were to do such a thing i would just hit one button and walk away then come back later when it is done. the whole process would probly take a whopping 5 minutes. i dont waste my time with night classes i am self taught night classes take to long. what a nasty view you have of men

So you've explained that you know how to download porn in a whopping five minutes and you don't waste your time in classes because you are "self taught." The point I was making is that there's something to be said for engaging in activities that involve interacting with other people -- socializing.

If you find it more rewarding to "self teach" and considering the pleasure of the company of other people to be boring or not worth your time, you're shortchanging yourself on developing social skills and meeting friends. Which, I suppose, isn't a huge priority if you are single and downloading porn.

I don't have a nasty view of men. I have a nasty view of submissives who are sour and carry around the "poor me" attitude and claim all femdoms are after money. As I have pointed out, there are plenty of femdoms interested in men who don't require any cash; whether or not they are interested in *you* is the question.

Making yourself desirable to women, learning to court, etc. are things you have to get out and *DO* by interacting with others and cannot be "self taught" -- like night classes, computer savvyness or masturbation skills.



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(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 228
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/4/2006 12:40:31 AM   

Posts: 2
Joined: 12/28/2004
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ORIGINAL: BlkTallFullfig

it does not change the topic here however or the conclusions of the topic unfortunately

Tribute does not equal being a hooker any more than his offering to bring her flowers or a gift (of any value) equal him trying to buy sex from her. Generosity is not something any of us can enforce, but I know that I don't find cheapness sexy.


i think the only problem is that i have with it is that sites like this allow it to be in with general mix and it is such a pain to read pro after pro profile when you are not seeking one
How much are you paying for sites like this? If you don't like it, yah know what you can do right?
I have a problem with all of the "real" submissive men not lining selves up for my choosing, and not offering to fly out within 2 weeks to meet and become my slave as soon as I say so, but I try to be grown up about it (most of the time ).


Oh and yes i too immediately took note of your corset! very nice. english?
Thank you very much.. In attracting new attention with the new corset, I got some cock shots today from someone who wants online humiliation. M
it wasnt me!

Its the principle of giving one segment free biz adds while the rest of go with out!

you can conclude legally its not, by dictionary definitions and the admission of other pro dommes that it is sexual in combinati9on with taking tribute is in fact the same as a hooker by definition, sorry.

i still love your corset tho

(in reply to BlkTallFullfig)
Profile   Post #: 229
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/4/2006 1:00:25 AM   

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"With a cock like that do you really need to look for humiliation?"[/quote]That is exactly what he was looking for (given the embarassing size) and why I didn't respond with that line. M

good one

< Message edited by baddpuppy -- 2/4/2006 1:05:26 AM >

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 230
He bought dinner, am I a hooker now? - 2/4/2006 6:54:03 AM   

Posts: 212
Joined: 11/30/2005
From: Kelloggsville, Vanilla County MI
Status: offline
Yesterday, my boy arrived from Seattle, and though I took him out for lunch at a nice restaurant, he asked if he could pay for dinner and I said yes (although we both discussed this thread with much laughter, and he said he was going to save the receipt to prove that I made him pay for dinner). I reminded him that I had the receipt for lunch, and the shirts and ties I picked out for him to wear. And the books I bought him and the training salver I gave him (it's only stainless steel but very nice).

Although his buying me dinner I"m sure branded me a tribute-requiring hooker in the minds of some on the board, they are not the people I'd want to meet, because unlike my boy, they are the kind of people looking to take advantage of my generosity. Users, in other words.



Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.

(in reply to baddpuppy)
Profile   Post #: 231
RE: He bought dinner, am I a hooker now? - 2/4/2006 7:28:57 AM   

Posts: 1194
Status: offline
please forgive me for saying this, but i would like to make an observation here...

there's alot of people here making comments as to what the difference between a date and paying tribute...but nobody seems to be reading things that are posted.

let me see if i can summorize here

A Date: an activity between two people where they go out to dinner, movie or some other fun-filled event and things are paid for by one or the other...these are not concidered "tribute", it's just common courtesy and standard protocol

Paying Tribute: this is where one person gives money or some other expensive bauble to another, usually (but not restricted to) a provided service or enchange of barter.

A Date is quite different from A Tribute

i hope this finally clears things up, provided it is read and comprehended


Are we having fun, yet?

(in reply to MysticalPhoenix)
Profile   Post #: 232
RE: He bought dinner, am I a hooker now? - 2/4/2006 8:37:08 AM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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ORIGINAL: MysticalPhoenix

Yesterday, my boy arrived from Seattle, and though I took him out for lunch at a nice restaurant, he asked if he could pay for dinner and I said yes (although we both discussed this thread with much laughter, and he said he was going to save the receipt to prove that I made him pay for dinner). I reminded him that I had the receipt for lunch, and the shirts and ties I picked out for him to wear. And the books I bought him and the training salver I gave him (it's only stainless steel but very nice).

Although his buying me dinner I"m sure branded me a tribute-requiring hooker in the minds of some on the board, they are not the people I'd want to meet, because unlike my boy, they are the kind of people looking to take advantage of my generosity. Users, in other words.


No not at all.

What you are doing is normal courting or dating or establishing a relationship based on 2 people being together and sharing life together on some level. That is not the same as a pay as you go deal.

This is far different from pay as you go, or hey you gotta pay money anyway so just hand over the cash type of attitudes.

(in reply to MysticalPhoenix)
Profile   Post #: 233
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 2:14:20 AM   

Posts: 1675
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ORIGINAL: MichMasochist

Does tribute equal being a hooker.

What is a hooker? A woman who provides physical services for the sexual gratification of the client who has paid her to provide one or more specific acts.

What is a "pro" domme? A woman who provides physical services for the gratification of a client who is often aroused or sexually stimualted by one or more fetishes including physical pain, and/or discomfrot.

Rare is the Pro dommes web sight that doesn't depict her wearing a "strap on" or expressly states her willingness to participate in providing an act of sodomy with hersilf as the actor.

What is it I get out of my surrendering power and control over myself, to a dominating lady. It is a very much a sexual experiance. Every bit as much as engageing in traditional vanilla sex acts.

So to myself and others like me, any woman attaching the title, or otherwise calling herself: "Pro" or "Life stile" Is telling a prospective client that compensation for her services is expected and or required. Can only be a hooker.

As for the subject of a man offering a gift to a woman for her companionship really isn't even close. In the matting ritual of the Human primate the gift is offered as an expression of interest. Unsolisited, Often offered without expectations of reciprocausity. (In my personal experiance)
Unlike the woman identifying herself as "Pro", The title clearly expresses her williness to provide certain services but only if she receives compesatory re-embersment.

Curios, an escort is paid only for her time and anything that might happen is a matter of choice. Yea right. A "pro" or "life style" is paid to offset the expense of her toys and not the acts she might participate in. O...K... right.

So that does bring up another point. If sight policy prohibits solicitation of money for services, or something like that, why are these ladies permitted to post their offer to conduct bussiness?

If I wanted to pay to play I'd go were it's legal. Like Sheris Ranch in Nevada they have a play room there. Maybe we as society should grow-up and stop rationalizing what it is that they do. Legalize prostitution, or at the very least decriminalize it.

Yes I have been to serveral pros. Only one out of the three encounters was gratifiying. I suppose if I were gay and didn't have a boyfriend "Pro" would be the way to go.

As a Pro-Domme who dotes a pic of Myself wearing a strap-on.Some of it is for show,some of it is because I also have a slave that lives with Me and I use that one on her.I also have subs who do not pay Me any Money...a gift of services is not illegal(services being:housecleaning,car maintance,yard clean-up,even buying things.)
I would also like to mention a Cop friend has told Me as long as it is a GIFT,must use word GIFT,and its given before a scene starts it would have a hard time standing up in court as Prostitution.

By most States legal standards Anal sex is ILLEGAL,does this stop you?Should you be arrested for it?*NOTE*you doesnt mean you specifically***

Some My physical service consists of tieing up a cock with pretty pink rope,I touched his penis...Am I a hooker? I'm curious do you have any idea how much it costs to stock a Dungeon?I suppose if a "client" gives Me rope...I'm a hooker.

I think its more like a barter system than prostitution.....

I have more to say,but duty calls so this will have to wait,I'm sure I'll have more posts to contend with when I return.


Mistress Sassy

In the Immortal Words of Bob....Fuck the dumb shit.

"I love you not only for what you are,But for what I am when I'm with you."- Opening line from a poem by Roy Croft

(in reply to MichMasochist)
Profile   Post #: 234
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 2:03:22 PM   

Posts: 120
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ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold

I have had many boys claiming to be experienced slaves, or craving a slavehood lifestyle with Me, but it is not to include their income other than paying their share of the expenses. As I have stated before, that makes a boy My roomate with benefits, not My slave.
To what extent financial control is a part of the relationship is up to each individual couple. Most of the boys are willing to do anything, usually in exchange for proposed playtime, but draw the line at their bank account. I find Myself immediately questioned about "the money", these days, even before I have an opportunity to determine how much flexibility might be warranted in an individual situation. Why even discuss this until it is appropriate?. I get this in the first two emails. And we haven't even met yet. Just another instance of how "any Domina will do, just as long as She plays by my rules and comfort level."
Makes Me tired. It's precisely why I am not actively seeking at this time.

It almost seems like you are ignoring the fact that people have to live in the real world, and not a fantasy world. Someone else already said it, but I wouldn't trust most people I run into on the internet to be able to balance a checkbook let alone my finances. Once you put someone on your bank account, or worse deposit money into their account, there really is very little they can't do with that money. There is also the very real problem of "ok... well what happens if the relationship goes sour after months/years of someone possibly leeching off my bank account".

Judging from your posting, it almost seems like you feel that calling yourself dominant, possibly even being involved in doing dominant things with submissive folks, means that they should be immediately willing to add you to their bank account(s) because they were willing to trust you enough to have a relationship with you. That is almost as the people contacting some random submissive, saying that they would be perfect for them and that they should move across the country to move in with them, and then admitting they didn't bother to read that submissive's profile when he says "your profile says you are straight, are only interested in 'hwp women age x-y', and a few other things along those lines... um... you know I'm a guy right?'

(in reply to GoddessDustyGold)
Profile   Post #: 235
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 2:12:58 PM   

Posts: 1317
Joined: 11/19/2005
From: from in wisconsin
Status: offline
all this foo for all/ dates and hookers...and all

i have no idea... no concept...of a world where females pay for anything.

where i come from dammit..."I" have paid for everything all my life.

so in re: dates or hookers

"I" aint met a woman ever let go of a $1 yet

take care

< Message edited by veronicaofML -- 2/5/2006 2:13:30 PM >


drugs sex and rock n roll,...drugs are good and so is the rock n roll, sex is over rated"
"go straight to hell, do not pass go and do not collect $200"

(in reply to McWhips)
Profile   Post #: 236
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 4:59:27 PM   

Posts: 2822
Joined: 4/11/2004
From: Arizona
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ORIGINAL: CuriousPuppy


ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold

I have had many boys claiming to be experienced slaves, or craving a slavehood lifestyle with Me, but it is not to include their income other than paying their share of the expenses. As I have stated before, that makes a boy My roomate with benefits, not My slave.
To what extent financial control is a part of the relationship is up to each individual couple. Most of the boys are willing to do anything, usually in exchange for proposed playtime, but draw the line at their bank account. I find Myself immediately questioned about "the money", these days, even before I have an opportunity to determine how much flexibility might be warranted in an individual situation. Why even discuss this until it is appropriate?. I get this in the first two emails. And we haven't even met yet. Just another instance of how "any Domina will do, just as long as She plays by my rules and comfort level."
Makes Me tired. It's precisely why I am not actively seeking at this time.

It almost seems like you are ignoring the fact that people have to live in the real world, and not a fantasy world. Someone else already said it, but I wouldn't trust most people I run into on the internet to be able to balance a checkbook let alone my finances. Once you put someone on your bank account, or worse deposit money into their account, there really is very little they can't do with that money. There is also the very real problem of "ok... well what happens if the relationship goes sour after months/years of someone possibly leeching off my bank account".

Judging from your posting, it almost seems like you feel that calling yourself dominant, possibly even being involved in doing dominant things with submissive folks, means that they should be immediately willing to add you to their bank account(s) because they were willing to trust you enough to have a relationship with you. That is almost as the people contacting some random submissive, saying that they would be perfect for them and that they should move across the country to move in with them, and then admitting they didn't bother to read that submissive's profile when he says "your profile says you are straight, are only interested in 'hwp women age x-y', and a few other things along those lines... um... you know I'm a guy right?'

Not at all. When I am seeking, I am seeking a slave for a full time, 24/7 live-in relationship. A TPE, (Total Power Exchange) includes eveything. Total does mean ALL. If one gets to that point, then the finances have to be worked out. Therefore, I am not asking to be added to a bank account. I am determining if you should even have a bank account in the first place. Is that too Dominant for you?
I have discoursed on this subject at length in various other threads over the last 2 years or so. I have built in protections and savings, retirement, etc. for a boy. Some will leave better off then when they arrived. Other resources will, most likely, remain untouched. The idea, of course, is that the boy does not leave. This is supposed to be a permanent arrangement. At least that is what I seek. Why is this an issue that never comes up between Males Doms and their female slaves?
By all means, protect yourself (and your masculinity) from the evil Dommes. After all, they are not true Dominants if they include any Domination factor over your money. They are just after your wallet.
I agree that there are many people (not just Ladies) who can't be trusted to balance a checkbook or be fiscally responsible. I have met an awful lot of boys who are barely scraping by and I wouldn't trust them with My income, either. It is called getting to know someone, with the awareness that if you seek a TPE, the finances are part of that. It amazes Me that this continues to be such a sore point, that it has to be rehashed on these boards every single month.
Boys, boys, say: "I will worship you, and adore you and live for you. I offer you my body for everything from CBT to forced strap-on. I will allow you to tie me up, beat me, or suspend me from the rafters. I am here for your pleasure. Because that is what counts. My pleasures do not matter. I will cook for you, clean for you, lick your shoes, wash your panties and drink your golden nectar. I will obey you in all things. But if you ever try to touch my money, god help you."
Doesn't make much sense to Me.
I am tired of the automatic assumptions that a Lady cannot be trusted with the money reigns or that She just wants to rip everyone off. And I am tired of this debate.
P.S. I never contact a random submissive. They contact Me.


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to CuriousPuppy)
Profile   Post #: 237
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 5:45:04 PM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold
I find Myself immediately questioned about "the money", these days, even before I have an opportunity to determine how much flexibility might be warranted in an individual situation. Why even discuss this until it is appropriate?. I get this in the first two emails. And we haven't even met yet. Just another instance of how "any Domina will do, just as long as She plays by my rules and comfort level."
Makes Me tired. It's precisely why I am not actively seeking at this time.

Yep i am one of em! i didnt see this post.

you should be happy that you get that in the first 2 emails. The males of this world are wising up, saving their time and yours in the process.

Unfortunately many dommes could care less about a males time and money are wasted as long as its "their way", after all there is 499 more where he came from. lol

there is nothing nicer than having pen in hand only to find out that the contract says financial control and that financial control is set up so they can clean you out.

after writing emails, taking time off work to travel, 400 buck airplane ticket. i know my time is precious and if and until the day this one is owned it is all mine to do with what i choose and i do not intend to waste it on wild goose chases.

That and if you dont bring it up right away all to many dommes when they think you took the bait and are hooked at the last moment spring controlling all your money on you, then when you walk, only to hear them come on here and whine later saying you are a fake or insincere because they cant get a freebee!! we do know the drill LOL

The guys dumb enough to do that are the homeless!!

only a fool and total idiot would turn an account over unless you have a proven track record that you can handle money.


ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold
I will obey you in all things. But if you ever try to touch my money, god help you."
Doesn't make much sense to Me.
I am tired of the automatic assumptions that a Lady cannot be trusted with the money reigns or that She just wants to rip everyone off. And I am tired of this debate.
P.S. I never contact a random submissive. They contact Me.

pros do not understand the difference between money spent in a relationship and cash handed over either!

Its really quite simple. Time is a one way street. if everything is lost at the age of 50 because some guy was thinking with the little head instead of the big head, well he just blew his retirement right out the window! second now he cant retire and winds up working till he 80 all because he made one tiny mistake of letting some domme who is bent on controlling his money have her way instead of playing it smart.

time is one way street guys dont ever forget that!!!!

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 2/5/2006 5:56:26 PM >

(in reply to CuriousPuppy)
Profile   Post #: 238
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 7:23:12 PM   

Posts: 120
Joined: 6/20/2004
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold

Not at all. When I am seeking, I am seeking a slave for a full time, 24/7 live-in relationship. A TPE, (Total Power Exchange) includes eveything. Total does mean ALL. If one gets to that point, then the finances have to be worked out. Therefore, I am not asking to be added to a bank account. I am determining if you should even have a bank account in the first place. Is that too Dominant for you?

I have discoursed on this subject at length in various other threads over the last 2 years or so. I have built in protections and savings, retirement, etc. for a boy. Some will leave better off then when they arrived. Other resources will, most likely, remain untouched. The idea, of course, is that the boy does not leave. This is supposed to be a permanent arrangement. At least that is what I seek. Why is this an issue that never comes up between Males Doms and their female slaves?
By all means, protect yourself (and your masculinity) from the evil Dommes. After all, they are not true Dominants if they include any Domination factor over your money. They are just after your wallet.
I agree that there are many people (not just Ladies) who can't be trusted to balance a checkbook or be fiscally responsible. I have met an awful lot of boys who are barely scraping by and I wouldn't trust them with My income, either. It is called getting to know someone, with the awareness that if you seek a TPE, the finances are part of that. It amazes Me that this continues to be such a sore point, that it has to be rehashed on these boards every single month.
Boys, boys, say: "I will worship you, and adore you and live for you. I offer you my body for everything from CBT to forced strap-on. I will allow you to tie me up, beat me, or suspend me from the rafters. I am here for your pleasure. Because that is what counts. My pleasures do not matter. I will cook for you, clean for you, lick your shoes, wash your panties and drink your golden nectar. I will obey you in all things. But if you ever try to touch my money, god help you."
Doesn't make much sense to Me.
I am tired of the automatic assumptions that a Lady cannot be trusted with the money reigns or that She just wants to rip everyone off. And I am tired of this debate.
P.S. I never contact a random submissive. They contact Me.

Riiiight... I've questioned you on it so now it's time to claim that you are just too dominant for me and that people feel giving up control over their finances as a threat/attack against their masculinity... After all, that's clearly why only female dominants and male subs seem to continually have this as a problem of discussion. I don't think there are enough of these little guys to show my reaction to that claim .

It only takes a few minutes of glancing over profiles of male dominants and female dominants to see that perhaps the reason that this seems to come up quite often with the poor female dominant having to waste time with all manner of unreasonable submissives, is quite likely due to the fact that a huge chunk of the female dominants outright admit that they are in it for the money and expect bank accounts and what not... while the male dominants.... well they are pretty much lacking in that sort of thing.

You can claim that your system has "protections" built into it, but the fact of the matter is that the law and the world itself doesn't really care too much about what someone put down on a piece of paper before they decided to add someone to their bank account/sign over their checks/call it what you want for a number of years/decades before the relationship fell apart with the other person nowhere to be found. Marriages are generally intended to be a permanent thing as well, but something close to half of them fall apart and end in divorce within the first few years (43% according to google). It's no big secret that divorce courts have strong habits of ruling greatly in favor of the female in almost all cases.

When it's suggested/done in an established relationship because managing one account is easier than managing two, then great. When it's demanded in a brand new relationship that could quite possibly fail, all because one party "wants to have control over it"... that's a rather different situation entirely and should raise red flags on any sane person.

< Message edited by CuriousPuppy -- 2/5/2006 7:26:22 PM >

(in reply to GoddessDustyGold)
Profile   Post #: 239
RE: Does tribute equal being a hooker? - 2/5/2006 7:29:58 PM   

Posts: 2822
Joined: 4/11/2004
From: Arizona
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I think if submissive boys who claim to want to be a slave and enter into a 24/7 TPE relationship understand that TPE means everything, then there is really no need to ask about the money in the beginning. It is already out there as an expected part of submission, so you now have the freedom to get to know the Lady. If you determine, over a period of months that She is responsible, that She has certain beliefs about finances, and you are comfortable with that, then it shouldn't be a problem. If you like everything else, and you know She is good with money, and honest, and upstanding, but you still don't want Her to have that control, then you have to admit that you are not looking for a TPE. You are looking for a different relationship with only certain D/s dynamics. You are not looking for a Total Power Exchange. Since I am, why would these boys write to Me in the first place?
When I am seeking, I have a very clear profile. I state TPE upfront. I shouldn't even be questioned, IMO, about money. Get to know Me, if you are interested. Be aware of what TPE means. It will avoid a lot of wasted time.
My time has been wasted often. TPE should not even have to be explained. I have stated this before. I will state it one more time. If you make a decision to get into a relationship with a Domina, as a slave, with TPE as the basis, your paycheck is not tribute. It is part of your submission. Other aspects of your savings, assets, etc. are worked out on an individual basis.
If it is not what you want, that is your right, but please don't come knocking at My door and then trying to convince Me that I should settle for something less. And don't come onto the message boards to complain, either.
There are three different dynamics playing out here.
1. The Ladies who want money sent to Paypal before they will even talk to a submissive boy.
2. The Ladies who offer Pro Domination Services, and are paid for specific services rendered.
3. The Ladies who are Lifestyle Dominas seeking a TPE long term or lifetime relationship with a submissive boy who will become owned property and be Her slave. TPE includes control of the money.

I am not number 1. I am part time (very part time) number 2. I am definitely number 3.

If you don't need or want the sevices of a Professional Domina, don't write to Me. If you don't want to be a slave in a TPE relationship, don't write to Me. But don't disrespect Me because I have a certain view of how I live in this lifestyle. I am not saying you are wrong to be soured or cynical about the possibility of being taken advantage of. If your experiences tell you to be careful, that is fine. That is great! But don't jump down the throats of any Domina who states that money is a part of a TPE. Or any Domina who offers Professional services. You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to shove it down My throat. And you are most definitely not entitled to accuse Me of being a "hooker" or a "scam artist", or any of the other denigrating terms you boys are all so fond of throwing around.
Please note I use the universal "you" here. This post is not specifically aimed toward any one poster.


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to Real0ne)
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