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Partially liquid diet? - 12/3/2005 10:34:37 PM   

Posts: 4792
Joined: 11/20/2004
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I was wondering about how you could pull off having a mostly liquid diet then eating two real meals a day.

You know like maybe all day drink nothing but like plain broth, or have apple cider allday long. and then at lunch a small lunch nothing again till dinner then a sensible dinner.

Aside from having to piss to much from all the liquid whatcha all think. And I know you'd have to be carefull to get all the nutrition in you need and stuff, that'd be considered.

See like cause one 8 ounce of hot coco water and powder only can keep me full for an hour or more depending and I thought I dunno it might be interesting to try out a mostly liquid or like fruit thing for a while as snacks and stff
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/3/2005 11:13:00 PM   

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From: Anderson, SC
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Not a doctor so this is just IMO-

Be careful with apple cider...if you have drank a lot you know what happens lol.

In short it is safe, I would recommend though not just strait broth though. Go with smoothies or something more substantial even if you just thicken the broth with a little cornstarch so it is more like a thin gravy. Basically that way you will stay fuller longer. If you wind up drinking so much that your caloric intake actually goes up it will completely defeat the purpose of the diet. Also be wary of cutting all fat out or starving yourself. Your body will actually be more inclined to give up its fat stores if you don't shock your system, so gradually reduce your food intake and do not starve yourself. Start by limiting junk food and things heavy in fats. Keep your plate just keep the cheese sauce off your veggies. Have a snack just a smaller portion or a healthy snack. Munch on some dry cheerios rather then potato chips. Things like cheerios also have good amounts fiber, helps lower cholesterol. Do that first then start to cut back on your actual food intake. Instead of the 12oz steak have a smaller one. Instead of two pieces of fried chicken have one or one and a half. Gradually reduce it so that your body is tricked into thinking you are full when you are actually eating less food then before and a lot less calories. Again shock will make your body less inclined to release fat and will absorb more of it from your food.

Always take a good vitamin too especially once you cut back the actual food intake. It will help keep your body up and running well. Also I recommend taking B-6, taking B-6 naturally increases your bodies metabolism.

For exorcise you have a lot of options. Weight training is great because it builds lean muscle tissue which burns more fat and makes you overall healthy. You can be the right weight for your height but if it is all flab and weak muscle you wont be healthy. Don't be discouraged though if weight training causes you to gain a few pounds before you start loosing because muscle mass weighs much more then fat. So sometimes you will gain before you loose. Also exorcise bikes are great. They are easy on your body because there is no impact, don't take up a lot of room, and give you a good cardiovascular work out. They are also relatively inexpensive I got mine at walmart for 88 bucks- Has the moving arms so you can work your arms at the same time and a nice timer that also measures distance and calories burned.

An extra note- I try to limit my fluids. Even though I am young my family has a history of congestive heart failure which is basically where the sack around your heart fills up with fluid. If you have a history of heart disease in your family I wouldn't recommend a large boost in your fluid intake.

Know I kind of expanded on the original question but figured while I was here would give the whole shabang.

(in reply to FelinePersuasion)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/3/2005 11:24:46 PM   

Posts: 1622
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ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion
I was wondering about how you could pull off having a mostly liquid diet then eating two real meals a day.
You know like maybe all day drink nothing but like plain broth, or have apple cider allday long. and then at lunch a small lunch nothing again till dinner then a sensible dinner.
Aside from having to piss to much from all the liquid whatcha all think. And I know you'd have to be carefull to get all the nutrition in you need and stuff, that'd be considered.
See like cause one 8 ounce of hot coco water and powder only can keep me full for an hour or more depending and I thought I dunno it might be interesting to try out a mostly liquid or like fruit thing for a while as snacks and stff

it's always good to consult with a physician &/or nutritionist before starting a diet, to make sure that the intended diet meets with your body requirements and health.

i wish you well.


maireann croí éadrom i bhfad. is maith an scáthán súil charad. is leor nod don eolach.
got shoes?

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/3/2005 11:32:38 PM   

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From: Anderson, SC
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More none Dr. IMO-

Forgot the low carb crap lol. All in all it isn't a good idea. Alot of what people seem to replace carbs with are things which are high in fat. You might end up slim but you might also end up with a heart attack so my reccomendation is don't bother. Also people who exorcise and go with traditional diets keep the weight off better then low carb people.

(in reply to girl4you2)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 12:09:09 AM   

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I just want to say Wolf I don't eat potato chips:) I also don't eat much more than one time a day.

However I don't exorcise much at all so you get fat and flabby with a sedentary life. btw those breasts are 100 percent natural and not fat created I was a 34C when I was skinny and 10 those babies won't go away with weightloss hehehe just in case nobody was wondering

We're trying to up the exorcise as I type.

Girl yeah you should always ask your dr, but for non medical advice I wanted opnions:) A variety.

on a side note hell yes I know lol. I had a whole glass of martinellies sparkling cider, and I was best friends with our bathroom for hours:P

< Message edited by FelinePersuasion -- 12/4/2005 12:29:05 AM >

(in reply to Wolf1020)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 12:30:57 AM   

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From: Anderson, SC
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Was just using potato chips as an example lol. Cheerios are a great snack to munch on dry. They satify the need to munch, are low in fat and calories, and high in fiber. But one meal a day is good, try breaking that up though even if it is just a few hours by breaking it up it is better for the metabolisim. For exorcise I definatly reccomend the weight training and exorcise bike. Doesn't take much even just one or two ten pound weights will allow some basic exorcises on the arms and for legs you don't really even need weights. If you really want t oget into it a crossbar is great. Similer to a bowflex but less expensive (several hundred compared to several thousand) and IMO better. Just the most important thing is not shocking your body by doing a quick drastic reduction in intake and be gradual. Spread that intake out. And if you do gp with liquids go with ones more substantial, smoothies or thickened broths. Also look into a good multi viteman and B-6 to help jump start your metabolisim.

I'm the same way, I rarly over eat I just tend to be inactive lol.

And you think that cidar experience was bad you should try some of the real stuff they don't sell in stores, non paturized and completly unfiltered lol.

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 12:40:00 AM   

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oh god please don't say real stuff gigles. WE LOVE "the real stuff" I had a huge cup of it before bed at my bf's and farted all night.

They do sell it in stores btw here at least. It's the same "real stuff" from apple orchards. Infact a little girl died from drinking odwalla Apple juice from a contaminated orchard

I want one of those recumbrant bikes, but their like 18 thoughsand dollars according to the site that sells it:(

(in reply to Wolf1020)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 12:57:14 AM   

Posts: 447
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From: Anderson, SC
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Ah I always found it hard to find really good cidar that hasn't had corn syrup and coloring and chit pumped into it. I still remember going and drinking it fresh from the press. My grandfather was friends with a guy that owned an orchard and as it got clsoe to halloween we would go there for the pumpkins and because my grandfather was friends with him we always got to go in the back and get a sample of the cidar from the tanks the cidar was pressed into. Good stuff that was sometimes it wasn't even compltly cold yet.

As for bikes-

Not quite the same one but it is the same company and very similer, that one is basicly just a bit newer model. All in all I am happy with it.

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 1:13:08 AM   

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Well the recumbent bike I want isn't stationary it's for going out bike ridin.

They're seat goes up to your shoulderblades and you're actually sitting down not perching on a hard seat and you get back support. which is majorly majorly important to me because I have a bad and weak back.

(in reply to Wolf1020)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 1:43:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Wolf1020

More none Dr. IMO-

Forgot the low carb crap lol. All in all it isn't a good idea. Alot of what people seem to replace carbs with are things which are high in fat. You might end up slim but you might also end up with a heart attack so my reccomendation is don't bother. Also people who exorcise and go with traditional diets keep the weight off better then low carb people.

the mention on carbs reminds me of a trip to the market with my munchkin, who noted that a low-carb snack that had either 0 or 1 carbs had a ton of calories and something like 80% were from fat. you've really got to read labels now, and low fat or low carb doesn't mean low calories.


maireann croí éadrom i bhfad. is maith an scáthán súil charad. is leor nod don eolach.
got shoes?

(in reply to Wolf1020)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 1:50:09 AM   

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yeah Iknow it's like dayum some of that "low carb" is very highfat

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 5:36:12 AM   

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Water... Water... and more Water.........
space *meals* a few hours apart, each *meal* being small.
Most in the know will tell you 5 meals a day.
Eat Breakfast, very very very important.
Water, water, water, all day long.


The problem with communication ... is the illusion that it has been accomplished. ~George Bernard Shaw

(in reply to FelinePersuasion)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 6:04:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

I was wondering about how you could pull off having a mostly liquid diet then eating two real meals a day.

You know like maybe all day drink nothing but like plain broth, or have apple cider allday long. and then at lunch a small lunch nothing again till dinner then a sensible dinner.

As a "diet" expert...being "on" them...not being a professional..., I've found small, well balanced meals, throughout the day, are the best.

My life was changed when I incorporated daily exercise into my life. The tremendous emotional effects can't be talked about enough, IMO. I'm a healthier and happier person, with most of that being due to changing my sedentary life. (My neighbor is 96 yrs. old, and exercises three times a day...I figured if she could do that, I could do it at least once a day.) Losing weight was a bonus, because I just wanted to feel better.

Anyway...the physical changes started to happen and the diet changes kinda followed. I actually benefited from Dr. Phil's book too (and I hate diet books, but saw it on sale and figured that I'd spend that much on a dinner, so why not buy the book). The book seems to be more geared toward emotional overeaters though, so it's not for everyone.

Along with all the other books, and watching all the news segments and talk shows, on diets....I've found that the short meals helps the body get nutrients needed, throughout the day.

Sugar levels are a prime example of why regular meals are important.

Covert Bailey's series of books helps to explain much about nutrients and the body's reaction to them.

Fruit was never on my grocery list, but I have it daily now...or should I say it's a "regular" on my diet...for obvious, "regular" reasons.

I think that using liquid only, for any meal will deprive the body, and really only convince it, that you're starving. The chemical reactions will then cause the body to slow down, to actually conserve energy, and therefore cause you to possibly slow down your metabolism, when in fact you need to jump start it again.

I think the idea of support through others is good too. When I went through a job assessment, the findings were that I might consider a career in nutrition. Of course, at that time I was about 80 lbs. over a normal weight, and just laughed, but the Job Coach mentioned that who knows better about diet and nutrition, than those that have tried most plans.

Good luck to you whatever your motivation is, and stay healthy!

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 6:06:50 AM   

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Oh, one more thing...if you choose to try liquids, for a meal, you might consider the ones that are specifically made to substitue meals. They are high in protein and many of the nutrients that you need. The broth and cider are not going to have much in them, to sustain you.


(in reply to FTopinMichigan)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 7:19:54 AM   

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Like others have said, going to an MD before trying a radical type diet is the best plan.

If you really want to purse a liquid type meal, how about soups? They are low in calories, nutritious and offer more than a cup of broth would? Take a can of broth, add cut up celery, carrots, mushrooms, a tablespoon or so of cooked rice or noodles and maybe an ounce or two of chicken, turkey, or lean beef? Or make a big pot of homemade soup and freeze into single portions, take out as you like.

Another little " trick" : Use a teaspoon of Metamucil in a glass of liquid about 1/2 hour before you eat. The fiber bloats in your tummy and feels a bit full. Metamucil or generic is safe, natural and will not cause any harm. Just don't overdue the amount.

I have seen your other posts regarding weight and sympathize, it is a difficult challenge.
One thing I have noted that may be in part to you not losing weight is that you seem to generally eat one meal a day. Not a good idea. When you do not eat, it triggers your body to identify itself as being similar to a state of starvation. The body is not getting enough fuel to burn calories, so hold onto fats and sugars to burn later. Eating breakfast, even a piece of whole grain toast and a pat of butter or peanut butter will jump start the
" fuel burning" in your body.

This may be a silly question, but have you tried weight watchers < or similar>?
They have a very good program. Any respected weight loss program will teach you to eat regularly and what normal portions are. Generally, you can eat anything you like, but in the right portion.
Someone posted about the low carb fad.. lol... seems to be fading, thank goodness, as it is not a very healthy way of eating in the long run. There is a diet called the SouthBeach diet. Alot of folks equate it with a low carb diet, but it is not. It allows plenty of carbs and fats. It teaches you the difference between good and bad carbs and fats, and how the body uses them. You just have to use whole grain carbs. You do alot of label reading, when shopping to make sure it is really whole grain, becasue so many products advertise in a tricky manor.
Example: Whole wheat bread, is not whole grain bread. It is simple to follow, few limitations and easy to apply when dining out. I have used this diet for older newly diagnosed diabetics. It is much simpler for them to understand and it is accepted by the American Diabetic Association as a safe diet.


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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 11:22:37 AM   

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As an expert on "being on" diets, I can say from experience that you can drink all you want all day long and still gain weight. Sorry but a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. If you drink cider, you will only get cleaned out initially. Your body will get used to it and you will stop cleaning out. Hot cocoa? Look at the calories!

I finally lost weight and have kept it off for many years by doing what we all hate to hear.....eating less....excercising more. There is no magic pills, nor magic diets. The low carb diets can only be tolerated so long. Then your kidneys overload from the excess protein.

I now only eat very small portions a day or only eat once and day and ingest non-caloric fluids for the rest of the day. I am still a few pounds overweight, but at 5'10", I'm happy where I am.

Excercise and calories. (Hey, you could always increase your excercise by having sex more often )

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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/4/2005 11:17:33 PM   

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Good lord sunshine sex woul be more offensive than exorcise hehe. Sex and me are not very happy topics, and not cause the weight. But I grin at her to show it's a good natured come back and not an offended one.

maybemaybe not

Soups I have thought about. They make some very fine ones that you just heat up, The cambles select ones I think? They're specifically ment to be lower in calories.

I have been very reluctant to join things you have to pay for. And their comercials always say results not typical in very fine print at the bottom.

If you read the other thread I covered a little bit where in the past I have joined something payed out the ass what with the set up fee the membership fee the monthly fee, been all hot to trot lets go lets go Lets go, and then fizzled out to nothing. And then I was stuck with a bunch of wasted money, Being trapped into a contract I don't want to use. And being resentfull. And I then felt guilty and horrible about the wasted money, no mad about the wasted money and guilty cause I had started out with such wonderfull intentions, And I set myself up for the damit I should of ......... or I wish I........ or why can't I..... type feelings.

I know that should probably be motivation to go go go go, but I'm not willing to get boxed into something I know I will not want to use. And that will only cost me a bunch of money. I've gone that rout. I joined Curves for women and the program sucked, and not only that but men were not allowed to come at all, so on the ocasion I'd want my bf to come work too for moral support and an activitie together he wouldn't of been allowed to come. Plus their stuff was really limited, you just did the same old boreing crap over n over for 30 mins going in a circle. Plus with my bad back I was in tons of excruciating pain and barely able to walk at the time, and then curves made it hell for me to unsubscribe making me get a dr's note to verify that I am actually in pain and unable to use their machines.

And I originally joined them because at the time I was going to see my now x master in 3 months and didn't want to be a fatso when I went to see him. Well he was like hey what happend to wanting to look nicer and what happend to your resolve to go and I just felt like I'd let myself and him down.

Ok next failed attempt was a shit hole gym in my comunity. We went there as a family when my bro and I were kids, and I remembered they had a pool.

The pool was always dirty always cold always over clorinated, And worst when you went to go use a machine they'd always moved it or it wasn't in service any more. And their personal trainer( hah that's a joke I remember the guy from when I was a kid) Was not on till 9 thirty pm and they were very sorry but they couldn't show you any of their machines or how to use them the personal trainer had to do that.

I too also started hot to trot to go everyday and swim one day work the machines next or do the machines then have a swim. And it too was a huge waste of money, A contract I had to keep paying on every month and They failed to mention some contract catch and I had to wait a year to close them.

I find my best bets are someplace you don't need a membership to go. A walk around the whole block going out somewhere to shop and walking the whole store 5 times. walking about my own property.

That way you don't get roaped into anything and you don't end up feeling failed and set up

< Message edited by FelinePersuasion -- 12/4/2005 11:20:14 PM >

(in reply to Sunshine119)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/5/2005 2:18:18 AM   

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From: Anderson, SC
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Soups are good but be wary of canned soups. They are usually LOADED with sodium. Also keep in mind half the time that one can is normally split into two or three servings...that no human being really ever splits it in to. Look and go great 110 calories, then you look at the sodium and you have a heart attack. Or look and realize its three servings so its jumped to 330 calories, little stuff like that you need to watch out for. Also the more filling soups like chowder or stew are higher then the more brothy soups. The fuller your body feels the more fat reserves it will be willing to give up because it wont go into food shortage mood. When you feel hungry consistently your body assumes less food available so it lower the metabolism, absorbed as much from your food as possible including the fat and calories, and will hoard the fat it has only giving up the bare minimum. So dumb as it probably sounds eating something a bit more hearty (within reason, stew rather then soup, a little extra on the plate so you are left satisfied rather then hungry, I'm not talking a pound of bacon or stuffed) so you stay full longer and eating enough you are satisfied will get rid of more fat reserves then leaving yourself hungry will. And when you lower your intake do it gradually not suddenly.

As for programs they are alright and some of the more mentionable ones like jenny Craig that have been around awhile aren't to bad. Thing is they aren't needed. All they do is make it easier to monitor your portion size and calorie intake, which is nothing you can't do yourself with a little math and a few minutes for meal planning.

Also gyms are ok but I personally never liked them much. Half the time the memberships are expensive, it takes a lot of time, the machines while cool are over complicated at some of them, and so on and so forth. To me it is much more worth it to go ahead and just buy your own home gym. Bow flex and Cross Bar are good options (I prefer the cross bar....but you practically need an engendering degree to get it together lol). They give a good work out have a good range of weight and offer exorcizes that will cover any muscle group in the body you want to work. Also unlike the older style home gyms that use weight rather then resistance they fold up and take relatively little room. My cross bar after tax and shipping cost me roughly 800 and they offer payment options. So depending on the payment scale you go with it isn't much more then paying a gym membership and IMO better. A 20 minute work out is a 20 minute work out when you can do it at home, not over an hour between driving to the gym getting your workout in and then driving home. Between my crossbar and exorcize bike I got everything covered...I just need to get myself using them again I've been lazy lately. If you want to get out and about for walking the side walk is free and not to bad. You can also check with the local high school if you want someplace a bit more even and better for jogging/power walking. If they have a track a lot of them are open after school for public use till a certain time, usually around dusk. Some of them will turn the lights on though and stay open later for public use.

(in reply to FelinePersuasion)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/5/2005 6:53:43 AM   

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From: New England
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ORIGINAL: Wolf1020

More none Dr. IMO-

Forgot the low carb crap lol. All in all it isn't a good idea. Alot of what people seem to replace carbs with are things which are high in fat. You might end up slim but you might also end up with a heart attack so my reccomendation is don't bother. Also people who exorcise and go with traditional diets keep the weight off better then low carb people.

i have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance... and i saw a diabetic nutritionist as part of my treatment... that was about 6 weeks ago... (i see the nutritionist again in 2 days). Anyway, she suggested i eat low carb (because of my insulin resistance/ sugar issues) No more than 30 to 40 carbs per meal. And she gave me a food list too. So she doesn't want me eating "pork chops and bacon all day" to stay away from high carbs! She also said i should eat whole grains when i do.

Anyway.. for the last 6 weeks i've lowered my carbs (but NOT my portion sizes - so i'm eating the same "quantity of food")... i'm able to eat three meals a day and even snack. And know what...? i've lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks merely eating a lower carb diet. i have not "exercised" or done anything other than lower my carb intake.

Lower carb diets absolutely work. i'm not talking Atkins... but there's a lot of proof that high sugar and "white" flour diets contribute to obesity.

< Message edited by ragdoll -- 12/5/2005 6:55:20 AM >

(in reply to Wolf1020)
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RE: Partially liquid diet? - 12/5/2005 7:03:54 AM   

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From: New England
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ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

I was wondering about how you could pull off having a mostly liquid diet then eating two real meals a day.


See like cause one 8 ounce of hot coco water and powder only can keep me full for an hour or more depending and I thought I dunno it might be interesting to try out a mostly liquid or like fruit thing for a while as snacks and stff

i've read health reports that suggest a healthy person (not someone who's say, diabetic and needs to "eat" at regular times) can actually eat one meal a day (so long as it's a nutrition filled "full" meal) and be perfectly healthy.

i couldn't do that though, even if i ate a huge "thanksgiving" size meal once a day, i'd end up feeling "hungry" before 24 hours was over.

Someone below suggested water. i do too!... Hot chocolate/cocoa is not healthy. Especially if you're putting extra marshmellow or anything like that in it. Water, water and more water! ^_^ If you can manage. :) Pure water is much better than water "mixed" with cocoa powder.. ya'know? Though i know some people seem to not like the "taste" (or "lack of taste") of water... ~but...

i dunno!.. ^_^ Oh!.. though maybe you can try frozen berries? Seriously... like frozen raspberries or blueberries or strawberries? Berries have lots of good stuff in them, and they are pretty low calorie... so eating a cup of berries for one meal (like lunch) a day can work good. i know for me, lunch is the easiest meal to "skip" or have something "really light" for. ~

(that all said... i am not a nutritionist or health expert! so don't take my advice as anything "good"~)

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