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RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:19:06 PM   

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As for her talking to "folks" - it comes naturally from her. Does it come naturally from Obama or Biden?  I think not. I can't imagine either of those men using "folks" in a regular conversation, as i would not.   Bill Clinton could, but Hillary wouldn't.  I feel patronised by ivy league educated using words to make themselves feel more common to the audience.  Talking down to people is not on.

(in reply to juliaoceania)
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RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:19:16 PM   

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I cannot speak for all women except myself.  I see some women who still want to be a typical 50's housewife.   We all know that is bogus today.
I don't have a problem with her at all.  The only problem I have is she is not a liberal democrat.
I am not liberal either.  I am what one would call moderate to conservative democrat.  
This thing is so messed u, I don't know which way to turn. I know one ting.  I will not vote for McCain which means I won't vote for Palin.   I certainly like her though.  She is very educated and refreshing.
Regards, MissSCD

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RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:29:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
I happen to think that Palin has a remarkable resume, going from PTA to the Governor's office, and sending crooks running and to prison along the way



But there are others with even more impressive resumes than hers. I wasn't a Mitt Romney fan, but he beats her stone cold in education and management qualifications. She has the cutsie "voice of the downtrodden" small town element that Romney doesnt have, but Romney has the education and sophistication to be a world leader that she doesnt have. She is running for Vice President in the United Stupid of America, it only makes sense that some in this country value her small town element over education.  But that only goes so far, and as we see with her numbers, the podunk train is running out of steam.

I do agree with another poster that a woman of her socio-economic standing is essentially the last trick that conservatives have remaining in the magic hat. It is so damn disgusting that the conservative movement that Goldwater founded and that Reagan later tended over has drifted so far off course under the last 20 years of Republican Management Inc. that the only way conservatives can win elections anymore is to repeatedly throw down in the gutter with activist religion - as personified by Palin.  Sorry, but I dont look the other way just for the sake of the party.  In fact, I'll be the first to expose it as assenine.

According to the Cato Institute (a right-leaning think tank for you lefties), Bill Clinton was a social liberal who governed like a fiscal conservative, and George W. Bush was a social conservative who governed like a fiscal liberal. Those budgetary realities combined with Democrat voters standing up against the invasion of Iraq and against the personal privacy breech that defines the Patriot Act leads one to conclude that centrist Democrats are governing closer and closer to those Goldwater planks that traditionally defined conservatism. These planks are being left unattended by today’s irresponsible operatives on the right who are busy defining every issue in the context of redneck vs. elite.

Someone please pass the word along to the McCain-Palin campaign that redemption for conservatism is going to require more than demonizing liberals, or by defining everything righteous from the viewpoint of small town life.

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RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:31:32 PM   

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TIME magazine is a rag.

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Profile   Post #: 44
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:34:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

All that Palin has been on the recent political scene is her body. She is her body. Her body has been used by her party in the most cynical way because she's a woman: and that's going to bite her, but more importantly, McCain, in the proverbial ass. And this is why, ultimately, a large part of the electorate dislikes what Palin has turned out to incarnate: the GOP's cynicism and eight years of cynical, manipulative policies.

     So was it her tits, or her ass, that pushed through the natural gas pipeline, Kitten?  Was it those wraparound legs, or the hair that begs to be gripped tightly, that brought on the resignation of an Attorney General?  I can certainly see how those dick-sucking-lips would defeat an incumbent from her own party...

    You are making the case, Kitten.

     Oh.  And Alaska doesn't have the death penalty, but she has said she'd sign the law, if the legislature put it on her desk.

First, her achievements in her home state haven't made the unanimity yet, and are still being questioned by those that are reasonably informed. It's easy to trumpet about one's achievements when there's notobody there to refute or confirm anything. Alaska is far, far away. But that maybe she sucked her way to the top isn't at all what I was referring to. That's your fantasy.

The point I am making is that her femininity has been used by her party and by her peers, first, because she looks good in a suit, but more importantly because of her status as a wife and mother. Not because of her passion for politics, not because of her intelligence, or interests, not because of her 'executive experience', nor of her talent for delivering a speech. None of these qualities apply to this candidate. It's her mediocrity as an average woman that is supposed to promote the Republican party's 'new policies for change'. It's the elevation of ignorance as a virtue that grates for many people, not just for women. The Republicans made a strategic mistake with this cynical calculation and in that, completely lacked the vision and clarity that was necessary to win.

< Message edited by kittinSol -- 10/3/2008 8:35:04 PM >


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Profile   Post #: 45
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:36:16 PM   

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it wasnt her tits or ass, Rich, that pushed thru the pipeline, it was the Republican Administration on a war footing that needed resource, and she happened to stand there, stupid enough to be 'american' and as a local chunk of government, grease some wheels., she was a pair of tits on the sideline and said, Yeah, I can see it from my house.

No fuckin' wonderkind here whatsoever, HER.  *(btw, is that some republican sort of closet thing on your sexuality?)

Numb  *(fuck you)


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Profile   Post #: 46
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:37:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

As for her talking to "folks" - it comes naturally from her. Does it come naturally from Obama or Biden?  I think not. I can't imagine either of those men using "folks" in a regular conversation, as i would not.   Bill Clinton could, but Hillary wouldn't.  I feel patronised by ivy league educated using words to make themselves feel more common to the audience.  Talking down to people is not on.

I can just see Goodwin's law. It's just around the corner.


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Profile   Post #: 47
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:42:40 PM   

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Could you stand in front of millions of viewers and give a compelling speech? 

no, and neither has she, obviously, so lets try and keep this in the realm of reality, guys.
Horatio fuckin' Hornblower she is not.

If you prick us, do we not draw lipstick on our pigs?


That's funny!


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Profile   Post #: 48
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:43:34 PM   

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From: California, USA
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        Right.   Reagan was just standing there when the USSR collapsed all by itself, the Alaska legislature actually made the damn thing happen without it ever occuring to them that Palin had their donors pissing themselves, but the economic mess is all Bush's fault....   Got it.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

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Profile   Post #: 49
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 8:51:22 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

       Right.   Reagan was just standing there when the USSR collapsed all by itself, the Alaska legislature actually made the damn thing happen without it ever occuring to them that Palin had their donors pissing themselves, but the economic mess is all Bush's fault....   Got it.

OK Got it popsicle.

So here is the fuckin' news.....

If you are picking cause and effect in this way.......

Then Bush and only Bush and the Republican majority (every last cocksucker of you) of the last 12 or so years are ENTIRELY AND ONLY RESPONSIBLE for the reprehensible situations that they have put our country in. No one else.

Don't fuck with me, it is so very not worth it, I am not a 'sport' about this shit as you portray yourself to be.



"Who are you?"
"The new Number Two."
"Who is Number One?"
"You are Number Six.".
"I am not a number — I am a free man!"

Be seeing you...

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 50
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:02:35 PM   

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From: California, USA
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Don't fuck with me, it is so very not worth it, I am not a 'sport' about this shit as you portray yourself to be.


           Shame you aren't running a different nic and avatar tonight, Numb.  I bet we'd get to see a "2" flashing around the temple....

      I know, I know.  You just want all the shit to take a breather until you die, and then the sort of clusterfuck the living are in won't matter.  Too bad.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

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Profile   Post #: 51
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:15:51 PM   

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Wyrd, not that you would have an indication of what that is, but '2'?

And take a little breather till I die, Rich?

When you first waltzed out here, hepping us to your wisdom with a whispery moonbeam sort of I have a ba in communication from some minor seat of learning and let me tell you what, I was frankly amused. 

But I have realized over time, that you actually think that shit is somehow true because you say it.

I am afraid that my intellectual starch blockers do not allow me to fantasize in your phantasmagorical realms.

I cannot consider that an administration that is going to be remembered in the history books for only the fact (as a plus, mind you) that the vice president shot some dumb fuck who had the poor luck to be with him, got shot in the face, brought us to the brink of bankruptcy (on the presidents resume) what did you expect otherwise, and then seriously cavils about looking at palins tits, which by the way rich, not even interesting, and avoiding the REAL issues.....

Well, you can hardly esxpect a serious discussion can you?  Or, can you?



"Who are you?"
"The new Number Two."
"Who is Number One?"
"You are Number Six.".
"I am not a number — I am a free man!"

Be seeing you...

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 52
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:17:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
No, Gigs, I think the Dems are out in front when it comes to the "identity" politics. 

Of course you do, because you are seeing this through your own filters.  The "identity" politics your side plays doesn't register with you.

Consider the assertions, made again and again about blacks, who venture off the reservation. 

Consider the assertions made about Christians who "venture off the reservation".  Rev. Rick Warren is no less conservative than he ever was, he's just become willing to talk about things other than abortion and gay marriage, and he's willing to talk to both the R and D candidates.  That has prompted a lot of anger and "not our kind"  and even "traitor" comments from Republicans.

Then consider how the feminist movement turned its back on women who chose to stay home with ___'s.  I happen to think that Palin has a remarkable resume, going from PTA to the Governor's office, and sending crooks running and to prison along the way, but, because she doesn't think right...  Well, you can read the comments on this thread and others for yourself. 

You're assuming that the only objections that a woman could have to Palin would have to do with her lack of support for feminist dogma.  That's exactly what is pissing me off.  Why should it be assumed that because I am a woman I will support any woman, and that if I don't it's because I've got some ax to grind or am jealous that she's cuter than me?

Do you support men just because they're men and think "right", the way men are supposed to think?  If you don't support them is it because they've got a bigger dick or more hair or better abs than you do?  Because they're more macho than you?  Would you be offended if folks suggested that your political preferences were about your personal feelings of inadequacy regarding your dick or your relative machoness?

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Profile   Post #: 53
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:33:27 PM   

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The USSR reformed itself from within. Reagan's nuclear buildup was a unnecessary.

Yes, Reagan arm "freedom fighters" to fight the evil Northern Alliance, backed by the USSR. This did suck some life out of the hardliners there paving the way for Gorbachev as the new General Secretary.


When the USA abandoned Afghanistan, the "freedom fighters" morphed into the Taliban --- leading to 9/11 --- and then the necessity of rearming the defunct Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban.

Ironically, what brought down the USSR is now bringing down the USA, as we're the one's over-extended with a sagging economy.

Similar blow back exists in IRAN, where the US coup of the leadership there lead to the blow back of the Ayatollah K.

God knows what we've created in IRAQ.

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Profile   Post #: 54
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:38:40 PM   

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You're assuming that the only objections that a woman could have to Palin would have to do with her lack of support for feminist dogma. 

What shocks me most about this statement is that women controlling their own body is considered "feminist dogma" and if we want our daughters to have access to birthcontrol, sex education... etc... we are now staunch lesbian feminists. If we have a problem with a woman that pushes abstinance only education, has her own teen daughter get knocked up, and is completely anti choice... somehow this makes us "extreme left wing lunatic fringe". If political agendas get anymore controlling over female sexuality then we can say goodbye to sites like CM.


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

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(in reply to MmeGigs)
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RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:38:48 PM   

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For some of the Republican faithful --- Palin's substance is the clothing on the naked king.

Although you and I can see her as a dingbat, they can't.

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Profile   Post #: 56
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:48:24 PM   

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     Wasn't there a thread not so long ago about what it means when the three-dollar words come out?

     No, Ron.  I haven't been here since January 1, 2004.  I don't do demos at the dungeon.  I read the Gor books as crappy sci-fi/fantasy with a couple pages good for a jerk.  No degree here, not even a regular HS diploma.  (I'd like to get that piece of paper that would let me triple what I make, +, but it ain't gonna happen in this decade.)  I've gone long enough without a shower to know my own ass and opinions can both stink.  But they are both mine.

      I have a ton of respect for you, Ron, even when I don't have a clue what the fuck you are babbling about, but don't try and dish out crap about who thinks they are speaking from Olympus.



If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

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Profile   Post #: 57
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 9:54:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

What shocks me most about this statement is that women controlling their own body is considered "feminist dogma" and if we want our daughters to have access to birthcontrol, sex education... etc... we are now staunch lesbian feminists. If we have a problem with a woman that pushes abstinance only education, has her own teen daughter get knocked up, and is completely anti choice... somehow this makes us "extreme left wing lunatic fringe". If political agendas get anymore controlling over female sexuality then we can say goodbye to sites like CM.

What is feminist dogma is, is ticking off NOW talking points, truth be damned.

Please show me, in Palin's own words or actions, where she clearly indicates that she wants only abstinence taught in school and where she desires women to have absolutely no choices.  I'm particularly interested in hearing about her support for ban of all birth control, the forced gestation to term for rape and incest victims, and the criminalization of giving babies up for adoption. 

No mind reading allowed.

Edited to add:

Oh, I forgot to ask just exactly how Sarah had her daughter get "knocked-up"?  Was this a "do it because I'm your mother and I said so" type thing, or did she bribe her with a new car or something?

< Message edited by TreasureKY -- 10/3/2008 10:14:28 PM >

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Profile   Post #: 58
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 10:06:39 PM   

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Well, I don't know Rich.  Seems someone pointed out to me not so long ago that conservatives were really perky people.  Optimistic as hell.

Nowadays, I see posts that portray what might (in other milieus) be portrayed as unintended consequences.

I must plead with the faithful; once again, can you all coordinate policy, or it might appear that the Grand Old Party is floundering.

I am not at all concerned with Sarah (or as some of the sock puppets have it,  Sara) Palin's tits.

She is fucking stupid (end of joke), that is foremost in the discussion here. 

I don't hate her, in the way you are portraying a dectractor like me does in the main,  but she couldn't best Arbusto in a think off about 3 card monty with coaching from Omar Sharif. 

And I take some umbrage that you would portray my disdain (even in general fashion) in any other sense.


< Message edited by NumberSix -- 10/3/2008 10:09:23 PM >


"Who are you?"
"The new Number Two."
"Who is Number One?"
"You are Number Six.".
"I am not a number — I am a free man!"

Be seeing you...

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 59
RE: We HATES Her - 10/3/2008 10:13:09 PM   

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From: California, USA
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You're assuming that the only objections that a woman could have to Palin would have to do with her lack of support for feminist dogma.  That's exactly what is pissing me off.  Why should it be assumed that because I am a woman I will support any woman, and that if I don't it's because I've got some ax to grind or am jealous that she's cuter than me?

Do you support men just because they're men and think "right", the way men are supposed to think?  If you don't support them is it because they've got a bigger dick or more hair or better abs than you do?  Because they're more macho than you?  Would you be offended if folks suggested that your political preferences were about your personal feelings of inadequacy regarding your dick or your relative machoness?

          Well, Gigs, very much on purpose, I don't get the latest talking points from the Fundy right, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt about that.

       For what I've snipped above, I think you are assigning the opinions of the linked article to me.  I think some of the attacks are sexist-based, but I really think the attitude towards Palin is just plain old partisanship, cloaked in a lot of nonsense from people who damn well know better.  We are going on damn near twenty years of the last less-than thirty with someone committed to sending women back to the back-alleys and coathangers in the White House, and guess what?  The asshole men of the world can still fork over $350 bucks and say "get rid of the fucking thing."

     "Moose in the headlights."  I dunno who said it, but I like it.  Great line.    I still think Sarah Palin should be a role model in a fight that isn't over yet.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

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