We are all doomed (Full Version)

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zach7 -> We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:12:08 PM)

I have a concern, I'm not a racist but I am a realist. I dont think this country is ready for a african american president. There has allready been one assination attempt on Obama and he's not even the president yet. When he becomes president...and he will be our next president, I am very scared that there might be another attempt. God forbid that he does get assinated..can you imagine the fallout from that?? I just dont think we're ready for it.

LadyEllen -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:18:53 PM)

Sadly I believe there is a very good chance of Biden assuming the Presidency for this exact reason, when you have a country replete with what are quite frankly, ignorant nutters, who are granted firearms.

But then, the problems the US would fall into should it happen, would make any foreign enemy power think of it as a potentially useful act too - destablising the US and maybe the western world as a whole.


maybemaybenot -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:21:09 PM)

I most definately think we are ready for an African American President, just not Obama. There have been assasination attempts on Reagan, Ford and a plot to assasinate Bush 1. I really see no difference.

What the reason is for assasinating or attempting to assasinate should not be the issue, the issue should be that some one tried or plans to try and what the consequences to the nutjob that tries this should be. Just MHO.


pahunkboy -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:28:57 PM)

Oh man!    Im sorry- but I find your question ludeachist.

Oh course we are ready!  

What we are not ready for is the extreme recession that is coming.

proudsub -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:32:29 PM)


I most definately think we are ready for an African American President, just not Obama.

I couldn't agree more.  I wish Colin Powell had run 8 years ago.

zach7 -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:37:21 PM)

I like Colin Powell too very much, I would vote for him tomarrow. It still doesn't change what I think. I just hope that I'm worring too much about nothing.

LaTigresse -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:49:06 PM)

Imagine the assasination attempts if McCain croaked in office and Palin became president. 

corysub -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:51:46 PM)



I like Colin Powell too very much, I would vote for him tomarrow. It still doesn't change what I think. I just hope that I'm worring too much about nothing.

As much as I think Obama is the wrong guy for the job,  what would happen to this country would be too horrible to comprehend.  I would fight like hell to vote him out in four years but don't even want to even contemplate what we would be doing to each other in this country if, God forbid, something like that happened. I happen to Colen Powell too..he's experienced, he has proven leadership qualities, and I agree with most of the things he stands for.

TabrisMaceth -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 2:52:27 PM)

I really don't want to agree, but let's face it, one or two enlighten persons do not speak for the masses. Lord only knows what sort of massive temper tantrum is going to follow. I mean, for God's sake, a cellphone forum had to close because people supporting two different brands were making death threats to each other. I have absolute zero faith in the American people.
Then again, if the country's not ready for a black president- or a mixed race president with a very non-European name- then when will it be ready? Change doesn't happen until someone or something makes it happen.


zach7 -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 3:01:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: TabrisMaceth

I really don't want to agree, but let's face it, one or two enlighten persons do not speak for the masses. Lord only knows what sort of massive temper tantrum is going to follow. I mean, for God's sake, a cellphone forum had to close because people supporting two different brands were making death threats to each other. I have absolute zero faith in the American people.
Then again, if the country's not ready for a black president- or a mixed race president with a very non-European name- then when will it be ready? Change doesn't happen until someone or something makes it happen.


I agree with what you said about change. I geuss I'm selfish in that I don't want to be around to see it or experience it. If something bad did happen this country would be turned upside down.

kdsub -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 3:17:46 PM)

The world media loves to portray Americans as a racist bunch. The reality is as a nation we are more tolerant of minorities then most other democracies. Obama my be historic but he is in little danger of assassination because of his color. BUT... he is a target because of our world policies as a nation.

There are many more nuts that would kill because of religion...or abortion....or sexual preference...or political beliefs then color.

But then again some people need little reason to kill.


PlayfulOne -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 3:21:50 PM)

I am more afraid of McCain dropping dead and Palin becoming President.

Musicmystery -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 3:22:58 PM)

The Secret Service really IS very good at preventing this sort of thing.....

MistresseLotus -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 3:47:42 PM)

Assassination possibilities come with the territory.  Obama being back has nothing to do with it.  If anything, more precautions than usual will be taken.

pahunkboy -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 4:18:28 PM)

? "doomed"  ?

No .

The monetary system should worry you.  Not Obama.

MissSCD -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 4:27:26 PM)

That is the cruelest statement I have seen so far.    One thing for Barack is that he is not afraid of bigots.  
I would be crushed if Obama was assisanated.
So get back into your ugly bubba hide out..   It is our turn now.  You all screwed us up all to hell.
Regards, MissSCD



I have a concern, I'm not a racist but I am a realist. I dont think this country is ready for a african american president. There has allready been one assination attempt on Obama and he's not even the president yet. When he becomes president...and he will be our next president, I am very scared that there might be another attempt. God forbid that he does get assinated..can you imagine the fallout from that?? I just dont think we're ready for it.

Steponme73 -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 4:53:32 PM)

It would not bode well for us if we did that.  Times have changed and we should be beyond that kind of thinking...sadly, I don't think we are.

candystripper -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 5:56:37 PM)

What is this?  11th hour fear-mongering to keep people from Voting Obama into office?  How stupid do we look?
candystripper  [sm=pole.gif]

maybemaybenot -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 6:31:03 PM)


Hi Candy [:)]

Not sure why this would be an 11th hour fear mongering. This has been discussed before Obama became the Democratic Noninee and since he became the Nominee.

I do not think the idea/concept or whatever you want to call it, is racist biggoted or anything else. There have been assasination attempts on :
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G. H. Bush, Clinton and G.W Bush.
Prior to that  Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy had attempts on their lives. In total there have been attempts on 12 of 43 Presidents and two successful assasinations. That is a more than 25% chance for any President. Race, religion, Party affiliation, boxers or briefs not withstanding.

That would be every president since 1969. This country has a 40 year history of wingnuts trying to kill Presidents.


MissSCD:  That is the cruelest statement I have seen so far. .

After reading the above facts, why is what the OP said cruel? It is an idea/conclussion based on a 40 year history of EVERY president having had at least one attempt on his life.

What I find  amazing is that the automatic conclussion is that * if* some whackchop tried this it would be based on race. What were the previous 7 based on ?
I also find it bigotted that anyone who admits to pondering this question is a racist. Why ? I can answer that, because most people have no idea that each and every Prez. since Nixon has has 1-2 attempts on his life. And a good portion of Obama supporters think anything negative people who oppose him say, is based on race.

The assasination scenario is based on history, not race.

zach7 -> RE: We are all doomed (10/16/2008 7:01:23 PM)



That is the cruelest statement I have seen so far.    One thing for Barack is that he is not afraid of bigots.  
I would be crushed if Obama was assisanated.
So get back into your ugly bubba hide out..   It is our turn now.  You all screwed us up all to hell.
Regards, MissSCD



I have a concern, I'm not a racist but I am a realist. I dont think this country is ready for a african american president. There has allready been one assination attempt on Obama and he's not even the president yet. When he becomes president...and he will be our next president, I am very scared that there might be another attempt. God forbid that he does get assinated..can you imagine the fallout from that?? I just dont think we're ready for it.

Ok, if this is the cruelest statement that you have seen so far you need to devolope thicker skin. I'm just throwing something out there that concerns me. I think that the fact that he is african american just adds another dimention to the assination scenario, thats all. Just becouse he's not afraid of biggots doesn't mean that they aren't out there.

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