RE: slavery (Full Version)

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Aszhrae -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 2:09:28 PM)

Girl thought this might be an interesting example to post, since it happened very recently.

Guy and his pet entered the bus. The guy paid for them both. Now this guy had his pet attached to a leash. The bus driver asked that the guy remove the leash. The guy replied that he would not and referred to the gal as his pet and she would remain leashed. The bus driver then asked once more that the leash be removed before the bus driver will continue on the route. No one on the bus cared that this guy and this girl was leashed as his pet, but the bus driver was making a statement. Now since the bus driver was making any headway, turned his head towards a sign that was clearly visible and pointed to the sign that stated, 'No Pets'. The guy tugged on the leash, gave his pet a pat on the head and told his pet to come along and they stepped off the bus. The bus driver then continued on his route.

Now most far-left libertarians would say that there was no harm meant by the guy have his girl leashed as a pet. The guy being her master and the girl accepting her role as his pet. However society has those that would not agree with the circumstances and would try to change your choice of lifestyle.
As long as there are those that would all of us to change our choices in lifestyle, we need to remain in the closets and our bedrooms. However, girl believes that the governments are already in her homes. Wouldn't even be surprised if CM's content isn't monitored by some digit of big brother.

E2Sweet -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 2:24:38 PM)

I strongly feel BDSM related activities don't have any place in the general public. BDSM is still viewed as taboo for the most part, and not every Joe Blow you pass in your day-to-day is going to be accepting of D/s related displays carried out in plain view of the populace.

Edited to add:

If one is going to play in public, the very act itself often involves outsiders directly or indirectly. Anyone doing this had better be willing and prepared to accept the consequences of drawing unsuspecting participants into their shall we say out-of-the-ordinary lifestyle...

Mercnbeth -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 2:41:21 PM)


I strongly feel BDSM related activities don't have any place in the general public. BDSM is still viewed as taboo for the most part, and not every Joe Blow you pass in your day-to-day is going to be accepting of D/s related displays carried out in plain view of the populace.

Edited to add:
If one is going to play in public, the very act itself often involves outsiders directly or indirectly. Anyone doing this had better be willing and prepared to accept the consequences of drawing unsuspecting participants into their shall we say out-of-the-ordinary lifestyle...

Except for one very special day, the last Sunday in September, on 13 blocks of Folsom Street in SF. There, on that day, "BDSM related activities" not only "have a place" but are common to view and, if you so desire, participate. 

"Joe Blow" gets to live up to his name. 

E2Sweet -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 2:45:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Except for one very special day, the last Sunday in September, on 13 blocks of Folsom Street in SF. There, on that day, "BDSM related activities" not only "have a place" but are common to view and, if you so desire, participate. 

"Joe Blow" gets to live up to his name. 

I'll definitely give you that... and that does sound like a fun time! [:)]

stella41b -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 5:02:42 PM)

"Old pirates yes they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pits
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the almighty
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs

Emanicpate youselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds...."

Bob Marley, 'Redemption Song'.

Wow what an interesting thread for a variety of reasons. This is not really to go into the somewhat myopic view that just because slavery was abolished in the United States that it can be brought back just like that. As if it was so simple.

I could even go further and pose everyone a new question here in the thread. How many of you would like to have the right to hunt and kill the fakes, wannabes and trolls that beset this site and this community?

What if that law was brought back? I'm talking about the right which existed in the Australian outback that one could legally hunt down and kill Aborigines, a law which existed until the 1970's.

The roots of American slavery lie not in the cottonfields of Tennessee and Mississippi but further back and further distant under the burning sun of Ethiopia and other African countries. It's part of the era of colonies, when the powers of Western Europe traded in and trafficked people as part of their empires. If it was abolished and the end of the matter then why such figures as Marcus Garvey, Malcom X and Martin Luther King? And as much as some may celebrate advances in the human rights movements, we must also acknowledge and understand that even today many people in this world can only dream of the sort of freedom that we enjoy in our lives. Part of that freedom is the freedom to live as and call ourselves slaves, but it is not the same and there can be no comparison.

Maybe it's just me, but I cannot find anything remotely romantic or even attractive in such a notion as described in the OP, and it leaves a rather bad taste in my mouth, in the same way as if the consensual (internal) enslavement which is part of WIITWD would be somehow given other historic parallels such as the persecution, enslavement and extermination of Jews in Europe in the 20th century, the massacre of 66 million Slavs throughout the Soviet Empire under Stalin, or life under many of the regimes which exist today under which millions of people are not free.

Yes we are oppressed in the West and a little more than necessary, but when you compare it to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and places like the Sudan and Nigeria you've got to admit we live a pretty charmed existence. Why it was only a couple of months ago I was wearing a poppy pinned to my clothing in honour of those of my countrymen who had given their lives for my freedom.

Therefore, I'm sorry, but my response would have to be a resounding no.

celticlord2112 -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 6:01:49 PM)


Is it because we care what they think? Or is it because we regard it as none of their business? Or is it because we are realistic enough to understand that there are some things that are simply beyond others understanding and acceptance, meaning that the hardship it would impose on us, for them to know, isn't worth it?

For me, it's because my personal life is nobody's business.

Sure, it would be ideal and kinda fun to walk my slave nude on a leash when we're out shopping.....except there's that time of the month when some covering is needed....or the winter months when it's too cold (sick slaves are just gnarly).....not to mention the difficulties of loading a shopping cart while constrained by a leash....

Reality is that, social acceptance or no, great chunks of the "lifestyle" are simply not all that practical in day to day life, on a level that has nothing to do with what is socially accepted.

So, I speak of "my woman" rather than "my slave"; when others gripe of the shortcomings of their women, I merely smile and say "I don't have that problem."  Some disbelieve, some ask how I pull it off, and to all I simply say "my house, my rules."

Which is the thrust of my question.  How much of their "understanding and acceptance" is truly necessary?

AquaticSub -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 6:24:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


...The children of indentured servants - from my recollections of history - were not bound legally to those who held their parents' contract...

this slave's ancestor ran away, stole a boat and hid out, which was slightly easier for him to do...being white and all...when he inherited the remainder of his deceased parent's contract.

Ahhh. Then my recollection is wrong. Oh well. [:)]

rabinyaZharovna -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 6:40:23 PM)

As a result of our natural roles, we come at this from a fundamentally different perspective.  Regardless of the gender of the dominant partner, a position of strength is always more respected than that of perceived weakness.  Slaves/subs often, or must, hide their true nature because that is not an accepted norm in western society.  To operate effectively in that society, it is difficult to be entirely true to our nature in all situations.  Especially in situations, like mine, where one gender is disproportionately represented, to go against those cultural norms invites a stigma that causes more problems than it's worth to be true to my nature.  With my Master, I have the freedom to be what I am, but with those that could never understand the position that I have chosen, nor could I explain that feeling to them, it would be impossible to even exist within that society while expressing who I am.

Todays woman is expected to be self sufficient and strong.  Deviating from that expectation, in expressing my desire to follow, is seen as weakness and only invites scorn.  If I were a Domme, it would be easy to express those things, and in fact most women would cheer for me.   "His house, His rules" just doesn't carry the same connotation that your statement does.  Yours denotes strength, to be respected, while mine shows weakness to be ridiculed.

Aszhrae -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 6:52:33 PM)

Except for one very special day, the last Sunday in September, on 13 blocks of Folsom Street in SF. There, on that day, "BDSM related activities" not only "have a place" but are common to view and, if you so desire, participate. 

"Joe Blow" gets to live up to his name. 

Nothing cool like this happens here in Vancouver, so lame.
Just the pride parade and the mardi gras night, other than that, if you enjoy munches that are mostly male, lame city here.

IrishMist -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 7:45:29 PM)


and not every Joe Blow you pass in your day-to-day is going to be accepting of D/s related displays carried out in plain view of the populace.

I disagree.  Not a day went by that we did not publicly display our dynamic.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 10:38:37 PM)

Many just do not understand girl. My dynamic happens every day as well, just like going through shopping today. My girl calls me Master, even in public. She walks just behind me and to my left, and a whole host of other things that represent my dominance and mastery over her. Hell there was even a time when she had her skirt pulled up in the car, while in a parking lot, while she got her ass spanked for having an attitude. Never once have I had someone say something to me.




and not every Joe Blow you pass in your day-to-day is going to be accepting of D/s related displays carried out in plain view of the populace.

I disagree.  Not a day went by that we did not publicly display our dynamic.

servantheart -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 11:04:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: rabinyaZharovna
Todays woman is expected to be self sufficient and strong.  Deviating from that expectation, in expressing my desire to follow, is seen as weakness and only invites scorn.  If I were a Domme, it would be easy to express those things, and in fact most women would cheer for me.   "His house, His rules" just doesn't carry the same connotation that your statement does.  Yours denotes strength, to be respected, while mine shows weakness to be ridiculed.

Sadly, you speak the truth.  Such attitudes displayed by rabid misandristic females disgust me.  Apparently the only "choices" we're allowed are the ones they choose for us.  These penis envying women know little of the strength it takes to submit to a Man.  They are the weak ones.

servantheart -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 11:07:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Many just do not understand girl. My dynamic happens every day as well, just like going through shopping today. My girl calls me Master, even in public. She walks just behind me and to my left, and a whole host of other things that represent my dominance and mastery over her. Hell there was even a time when she had her skirt pulled up in the car, while in a parking lot, while she got her ass spanked for having an attitude. Never once have I had someone say something to me.

Sir has taken me out in public on occasion on His lead, and while no one ever said anything to us, watching their expressions was entertaining [8D]

starshineowned -> RE: slavery (12/8/2008 11:10:28 PM)


As a result of our natural roles, we come at this from a fundamentally different perspective.  Regardless of the gender of the dominant partner, a position of strength is always more respected than that of perceived weakness.  Slaves/subs often, or must, hide their true nature because that is not an accepted norm in western society.  To operate effectively in that society, it is difficult to be entirely true to our nature in all situations.  Especially in situations, like mine, where one gender is disproportionately represented, to go against those cultural norms invites a stigma that causes more problems than it's worth to be true to my nature.  With my Master, I have the freedom to be what I am, but with those that could never understand the position that I have chosen, nor could I explain that feeling to them, it would be impossible to even exist within that society while expressing who I am.

Todays woman is expected to be self sufficient and strong.  Deviating from that expectation, in expressing my desire to follow, is seen as weakness and only invites scorn.  If I were a Domme, it would be easy to express those things, and in fact most women would cheer for me.   "His house, His rules" just doesn't carry the same connotation that your statement does.  Yours denotes strength, to be respected, while mine shows weakness to be ridiculed.

This is exactly the mentality and expectations that society on the whole has, and thats quite okay and fine. Despite that..we chose to not follow that game anymore and continue to deny our true natures or at the very least not even follow the paths to lead us there.


CaraCaeth -> RE: slavery (12/9/2008 7:12:40 PM)

you're absolutely right, that is not as simple a question to answer as it may seem.  Yes i would sign myself over to my Master, in a heartbeat.  i am already a slave to Him, in BDSM and in my heart. 

However, here's my issue.  i would not be able to sanction legalized, involuntary slavery.  It's one thing to consent to give up your rights, and to be able to choose your Master.  It's another thing completely to be forced to do it against your will.  i had the opportunity to ensure that my Master was fair, was going to treat me well, had my welfare in mind, and - most importantly - was not going to use me up and throw me away or sell me or worse. 

Jagnarok -> RE: slavery (12/9/2008 9:50:42 PM)

It helps to define the terms "submission" and "slavery". Slavery in the legal / state-coerced sense might make for some interesting fantasies, but the reality of it in a historical sense has never been very erotic. If anything it has fired the inner spirit of the enslaved to rebel any chance they got, if it did not in fact crush their spirit.

What we do in the lifestyle - as I understand it - is submission. Submission is an inner state of mind and soul, giving myself totally to my Mistress, handing total power over to her. No coercion needed. If coercion, i.e. state enforced contractual slavery were brought into it, where would be the submission? To force someone in any way means that they are in fact Not submissive. State sanctioned slavery exists now with convicts in prsions, and many of them are in fact Dominants, hence the need for coercion.

State sanctioned slavery would in no way enhance the D&S lifestyle, and could damage it irreparably, tho it would probably intensify the kink for voyeurs - those who like to watch coercion of the unwilling. It wouldnt be fun for the unwilling, and the willing i.e. submissive would have no need of it. It would probably end up little different from marriage today, and we see how successful that is!

Aswad -> RE: slavery (12/11/2008 12:53:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

How the children of slaves were treated under law in a new system would be one of my primary concerns as I definately want to be a mother and I never want to lose the right to care for my child - or have them sold/given away.

While I can sympathize, I think the primary concern should be the simple fact that there is a major difference between slavery and hereditary slavery. One can of course ponder whether one should have a sort of exit clause or parental rights act in the case where offspring are introduced, but the main issue is to establish that the legal status of slavery itself is not inherited. Consider that someone with a legal guardian may have limited rights in relation to their own offspring, rights that may be at the discretion of the legal guardian. There is little reason to assume that this would be different in the case of legal slavery; certainly, if a different set of rights apply in that case, then that would have implications for legal guardianship, necessitating a revision of that arrangement (at least as concerns offspring).

Perhaps the simplest solution, apart from an exit clause, would be to have the legal parents be the free citizens who own the slave, as that would ideally provide a set of role models that are free citizens. There are a number of complications and issues that arise when one is supposed to allow a slave to have primary parental rights. Assuming we in the west are as humane as we claim to be, the legal parents would presumably allow the slave to have a significant hand in rearing and close relations to the offspring, but the official capacity would still be closer to that of a live-in nanny than that of a parent.


leadership527 -> RE: slavery (12/11/2008 4:38:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jagnarok
It helps to define the terms "submission" and "slavery". Slavery in the legal / state-coerced sense might make for some interesting fantasies, but the reality of it in a historical sense has never been very erotic. If anything it has fired the inner spirit of the enslaved to rebel any chance they got, if it did not in fact crush their spirit.

It's somewhat amazing to me how many people seem to be glossing over this fact.  Legally enforced slavery has been "tried"... over and over again.  I'm still looking for the population sample that loved it and thought it was erotic.  Matter of fact, assuming for a moment that we actually want to learn from history as opposed to rewrite it, humans appear to love being the masters in non-consensual enslavement situations and despise being the slaves.

In theory, it's kind of intriguing to think about what would happen if you could somehow build some protection into it so that the power was constrained in some way.  I suspect, however, that by the time you put in enough controls, it bascially come down to "the slave leaves when she wants".  Sadly, there's no simple way to write, ".... unless the Master becomes a jerkwad."

In the end, this is entirely meaningless to me.  My wife currently WANTS to be my slave, so she is.  The moment she didn't want to be my slave, she wouldn't be.  That is the status quo.  I wouldn't want her as my slave if she didn't want to be.  So the enforcement part of this is meaningless to me.  If I have no need to enforce, then why would I care about legal status?

What the heck would I want with a slave who didn't want to be mine?  It's a fascinating question though.  I can only think of fairly dark and dreary answers to the question none of them very uplifting for either the master or slave.  Any dominant type want to raise their hand and say they would want to keep a slave that actively hated belonging to them?

CFslaves2 -> RE: slavery (12/12/2008 3:46:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: lynn1947

If the government brought back real and legal slavery, would you sign yourself over to your Owner as his/her slave?

:: smiles ::       in the life we have, it helps to have everything squared away as far as paperwork goes,,, so yes, i'd do if only to simplify and let the government know what was in my heart. that's why i have a marriage license. and perhaps i did. i was married as a minor, and the military said that i could not been viewed as an
adult until i was 18, and they made Master my legal guardian until i was of age... does that count?
:: smiles ::

IrishMist -> RE: slavery (12/12/2008 4:40:39 AM)


Sir has taken me out in public on occasion on His lead, and while no one ever said anything to us, watching their expressions was entertaining [8D]

LOL it can be quite entertaining to see their expressions [:D]

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