yeast vs. bacterial infections (Full Version)

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nelbot -> yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 10:47:28 AM)

Does anyone know any home remedies for a vaginal bacterial infection, as opposed to a yeast infection. I'm not taking chances and am already on antibiotics but is there anything to help the symptoms while the antibiotics do their work? I have heard of and used all sorts of remedies for yeast infections in the few rare times I have had them but does anything work for bacterial infections, too?

KatyLied -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 11:33:17 AM)

You need a specific medication for bacterial infections.
Your gyno should do a smear and make certain that's what you have.
Sometimes "yeast" infections that won't clear up are really bacterial infections.

gingersnap7789 -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 11:33:25 AM)

I've read that that can be controlled by diet. High acid in the diet causes a PH imbalance that leads to bacterial growth. At least you know you have it. Unlike yeast infections, baterial infections create an extremely unpleasant odor, especially if there is sperm present in the vagina. And the statistics say that about 60% of women at one time or another get this and don't even know it. Being with someone who has bacterial vaginosis and doesn't know it is the worst. Ick. And then how do you tell her she has an odor without hurting her feelings? Especially if you are a sub and she is a Domme.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 11:53:10 AM)

Any one who has an un natural vaginal odor should know it trust me, if you know your own body at all you can tell when your vagina smells funky

now however knowing and careing are two diffrent things lol

gingersnap7789 -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 12:01:49 PM)

Well, I would tend to agree with you, but I think that some people have this so pervasively and chronically that they may think this is how sex is supposed to smell. To me, sex is almost odorless, not pungent and not unpleasant.

nelbot -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 12:27:46 PM)

I have noticed some men have funky smelling cum compared to others and have broken off relationships in the past because I did not like the smell or taste of a man's cum, I wonder if that is related.

But I digress, I know the source of this infection, my Dom was not as careful as he could have been when playing both vaginally and anally, we have discussed it and as he said "lesson learned" he will be more careful in the future, but meanwhile it does smell and feel funky, to be sure.

I'm sure that the antibiotics will knock it out quickly but meanwhile any ideas what I can do?

KatyLied -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 12:35:12 PM)

The taste of semen can be related to diet.

gingersnap7789 -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 12:42:09 PM)

I wish I could help you out, but I think the antibiotics will work faster than you think. You'll be sweet as a rose again in no time.

jamesthehumanrug -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 2:12:06 PM)

a nurse will know or your doctor via phone call but
taking anitbiotics for bacterial infections makes the yeast infection

having to take antibiotics for bacterial counts in the vaginal area is usually from anal bacteria in the vaginal area via penetration thru the anal-vaginal wall
by clumsy or ruff penetration
the wall sepparating the anus from the vagina is delicate and can tear and bacteria invade where it is usually not found
taking anitbiotics period can cause syptoms of yeast infections or cottage cheese build up and discharge in the area,as long as you are on any antibiotics even penvk for skin problems (any kind of antibiotics)
so taking any anti biotics does cause yeast
but keeping the surface area clean
hot topical application of hot towels or wash clothes is effective
as is using vinigar and water solution duche and enemas helps
3 times a day especially ,if
you find it hard to come multiple times
when you usually can
all you may have to do is
simply clean the area
sometimes thats all you need to do to be able to come again because you cant come if its not clean ; buildup is the problem....
ask pharmacy ,over the phone :
what sexual lubes have anti bacterial agents in it
some say ky gel
but, it's a bitch ,on hair ,and ,flakes!

gingersnap7789 -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 3:09:12 PM)

KY Jelly's a Bitch on Flakes...That makes me smile......sounds like a garage punk rock band...or a really bad B movie.

girl4you2 -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 5:29:26 PM)



The taste of semen can be related to diet.

vegetarian diets are the best : )

DesertRat -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 5:51:55 PM)

Well, I am almost a vegetarian. *smiles*

justheather -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (12/30/2005 6:43:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: jamesthehumanrug

a nurse will know or your doctor via phone call but
taking anitbiotics for bacterial infections makes the yeast infection

Im a nurse. Taking antibiotics upsets the balance of naturally occurring (not pathogenic) in the vagina and can lead to overgrowth of yeast.


having to take antibiotics for bacterial counts in the vaginal area is usually from anal bacteria in the vaginal area via penetration thru the anal-vaginal wall
by clumsy or ruff penetration

This is true. One of the causes of bacterial vaginitis is e. coli which is found, you guessed it, in the bum. Regardless of what type of bacteria it is, you can not treat a bacterial infection without antibiotics. You can alleviate symptoms with OTC and homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, but bacterial infections require antibiotics.

the wall sepparating the anus from the vagina is delicate and can tear and bacteria invade where it is usually not found

No, its just from all that rubadub dub in and out action down there and maybe some wandering hands. If the wall tears, its called an episiotomy (just like when a woman has to be cut to make room for a baby's head) and it has to be repaired with sutures. And, anyway, you'd friggin know it if it tore.

taking anitbiotics period can cause syptoms of yeast infections or cottage cheese build up and discharge in the area,as long as you are on any antibiotics even penvk for skin problems (any kind of antibiotics)
so taking any anti biotics does cause yeast
but keeping the surface area clean

ok I can live with this.

hot topical application of hot towels or wash clothes is effective
as is using vinigar and water solution duche and enemas helps
3 times a day especially ,if

Uh, no. Please do not douche with ANYTHING. Douching does more harm than good, actually contributing to the development of bacterial infections as it upsets the natural flora even more and strips the vagina of normal lubrication which the body, in all its wisdom, uses for self-cleasing (kind of like an oven, well, ok not at all like an oven). Bad bad bad. Id rather smell like fish than vinegar anyway. If you are super concerned about odor, eat some pineapple. :-)
And hot compresses?
How about warm or cool or just take baths and keep your legs open as much as you can. (Never been an issue for me ;-) )
If you MUST stick something up there, try tea tree oil diluted appropriately in a carrier oil.

you find it hard to come multiple times
when you usually can
all you may have to do is
simply clean the area
sometimes thats all you need to do to be able to come again because you cant come if its not clean ; buildup is the problem....
ask pharmacy ,over the phone :
what sexual lubes have anti bacterial agents in it
some say ky gel
but, it's a bitch ,on hair ,and ,flakes!

Im not sure what orgasms have to do with yeast. Maybe someone could enlighten me. I actually have found the act of rubbing the vagina because of an itch to be sort of arousing in a secondary way especially when its around the urethral opening.

But, Im a very dirty girl.

Anti bacterial is not anti yeast. Anti bacterial is anti bacterial. Prevents the growth of bacteria. Does not cure bacterial infections once they are already in progress.
I am a big proponent of using natural remedies but I value my cervix too much to not treat a bacterial infection with antibiotics prescribed by an MD or NP. Metrogel is pretty common. It's topical. If you are worried about yeast, you can ask for an Rx for something for yeast along with you Rx for the antibiotics, or stock up on OTC remedies or naturopathic ones if you prefer. Yeast infections blow but they wont make you infertile, while bacterial infections, if left to their own devices, can spread to your cervix and uterus and become a threat to your reproductive health and overall health as well.

You can support your body in healing by the following:
Including in your diet: flax seed oil, fresh veggies and fruits, and lots of water. Avoid: alcohol, sugar, processed foods, refined flour and caffeine.
(Yeah, I hear ya.)

The best person to ask about this would be a naturopathic physician or your primary health care practitioner.

windchymes -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (1/2/2006 2:21:29 PM)

(Applauds) Excellent post! I wish you would take the one about boils now. I just didn't have the nerve[:D]


nelbot -> RE: yeast vs. bacterial infections (1/2/2006 3:15:50 PM)

thanks folks, especially justheather, great info. The antibiotics are helping, the discomfort is mostly gone but the smell still just isn't quite right (could be worse but still a little off) but getting there. I actually stumbled on the tea tree oil thing before I read this, I have tea tree oil face wash that tingles and is a natural antiseptic so I started washing with that topically- I do not believe in douches either, more harm than good has always been my way of thinking, too.

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