Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (Full Version)

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Zakius -> Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 4:55:09 AM)

I didn't think of this until I was out of town and gave myself an enema, then was later told not to drink the water. I thought it might cause some kind of infection or something. It didn't as far as I know but I was kind of worried. Then I remember hearing about aluminum in tap water and other chemicals that are meant to kill bacteria, and thought maybe it can cause some health problems. Does anyone have any input on this subject?


JohnWarren -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 7:04:09 AM)



I didn't think of this until I was out of town and gave myself an enema, then was later told not to drink the water. I thought it might cause some kind of infection or something. It didn't as far as I know but I was kind of worried. Then I remember hearing about aluminum in tap water and other chemicals that are meant to kill bacteria, and thought maybe it can cause some health problems. Does anyone have any input on this subject?


Assuming the water is safe to drink, the major problem with enemas is that, overdone, they can leach some chemicals out of your system. There is an excellent book out called "Anal Pleasure and Heath." I strongly recommend it.

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 4:52:34 PM)

cool.. thanks
I think I'll use filtered drinking water just to be safe

girl4you2 -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 7:08:14 PM)



cool.. thanks
I think I'll use filtered drinking water just to be safe

it's not so much needing to use distilled water (i think that's what you mean by filtered) drinking water, it's a need to avoid having your body's electrolytes imbalanced by plain water. if you overdo, you can cause this. safest way is to use a solution that is more aligned to your body's chemistry (fleets has one) and to not overdo. and i'm sure reading that book that was recommended to you would be a really good idea.

i wish you well with it.

JohnWarren -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 9:34:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: girl4you2



cool.. thanks
I think I'll use filtered drinking water just to be safe

it's not so much needing to use distilled water (i think that's what you mean by filtered) drinking water, it's a need to avoid having your body's electrolytes imbalanced by plain water. if you overdo, you can cause this. safest way is to use a solution that is more aligned to your body's chemistry (fleets has one) and to not overdo. and i'm sure reading that book that was recommended to you would be a really good idea.

i wish you well with it.

I'm glad you wrote this. I'd pretty much thrown up my hands since it seems he didn't even read my previous answer.

FangsNfeet -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 9:41:44 PM)

Have you ever driven to a water factory where they make bottled water?

All that water comes out of filters, pipes, and a spicket just like you would get out of your kitchen sink. Getting the water out of your garden hose is just as safe as buying a bottle at your local store. Infact, if you ever research the regualations of bottled water, you'll learn that public water is infact more safe. Public water is regualted by the EPA while bottled water is regulated by only the FDA.


Read and learn. Don't be suckerd into paying more for water than you do for gas.

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:01:35 PM)

Thanks for the advice everybody.... it may seem I didn't read your post JohnWarren but I did, point is to not over-due it. I got that. Maybe I can look into that book in the future. FangsNFeet that's pretty interesting I wouldn't of thought that public water is safer, I checked that link looks like it makes sense. Guess I was just over paranoid.

girl4you2 -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:04:13 PM)

thankfully, the OP seems to maybe get it now. whew.

as to d.i. water, that does have some of the stuff taken out, so that it's pure enough (ostensibly) to use for chemical purposes. but enemas aren't one of those.

JohnWarren -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:06:09 PM)



Thanks for the advice everybody.... it may seem I didn't read your post JohnWarren but I did, point is to not over-due it. I got that. Maybe I can look into that book in the future. FangsNFeet that's pretty interesting I wouldn't of thought that public water is safer, I checked that link looks like it makes sense. Guess I was just over paranoid.

OK, makes sense. I thought you had overlooked the part about enemas creating a chemical imbalance but I see you did. I was a bit oversensitive, sorry.

Keep it occasional and an imbalance is unlikely to be a problem.

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:09:02 PM)

What's an OP? I read his post, and understood it.....
I mentioned bottled water because I thought there was less chemicals in it as opposed to tap water that might leach the bodys chemicals, which is what JohnWarren mentioned in his post I supposedly did not read. but thanks to FangsNFeet I know that's probably not the case.

girl4you2 -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:13:26 PM)



What's an OP? I read his post, and understood it.....
I mentioned bottled water because I thought there was less chemicals in it as opposed to tap water that might leach the bodys chemicals, which is what JohnWarren mentioned in his post I supposedly did not read. but thanks to FangsNFeet I know that's probably not the case.

i'm sorry, we're so used to abbreviations, that we don't think that when new people come they may not know them. you are the OP as it means "original post" or "original poster." which means you made the original post to the boards asking the question or making the observation.

as to bottled water (purified, filtered, drinking, distilled-d.i.), it's all water under the bridge.

any water that's not on an equilibrium with your body's chemistry will leach things from your body fairly quickly and not in a fun way if it's overdone.

welcome to the collarme boards.

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/8/2006 10:25:44 PM)

I see... I thought it was kind of slang for retard. haha
Alright I got a better understanding, thanks for the advice. good to be here.

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/9/2006 9:27:59 PM)

I got another question. would yall happen to know what's over-doing it? once a day, once a week, once a month? only when necessary i guess eh?

Zakius -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 8:10:51 AM)

I just did some reading and this site said that salt water enemas will prevent absortion of water in the colon. Baking Soda will also. I think I'll try that out.

Here's the link: http://www.albanypowerexchange.com/BDSMinfo/enemas_2.htm

"Non-soap solutions
Plain tap water can be used, but be warned that the colon will absorb quite a bit of the water, which will dilute the blood electrolytes. Then the various tissues of the body absorb the excess water and swell. Your brain swells, too, and there isn't any place for it to expand into. This is called cerebral edema. A few 2 quart plain water enemas won't do any harm (in fact will have a positive effect as described above), but if you plan to use large or many enemas, use salt water.

Salt Water enema (Saline Enema) is just warm water with one tablespoon of salt to the quart. The salt is used to prevent absorption of the water by the colon.

Baking soda enema (which can also have salt added as above) has one or two tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in each quart of water.

Beer (usually warm) can be used. It is pretty irritating and - obviously - at least one of you will get drunk."

the beer one is funny

FangsNfeet -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 1:10:59 PM)


Beer (usually warm) can be used. It is pretty irritating and - obviously - at least one of you will get drunk."

the beer one is funny

In history, I learned that the Aztec Tribal culture made beer to go up the wazoo, which would get them drunk. Alcohol is able to be absorbed through the rectum.

For extra clean out, place the baking powder in the rectum first. Then put in a water and vinager mix enema into the rectum. Not only will it clean better but it will also give more sensation.

FangsNfeet -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 1:16:10 PM)


I got another question. would yall happen to know what's over-doing it? once a day, once a week, once a month? only when necessary i guess eh?



Here are some links that give good recomendations and instructions concerning enemas/colonix sessions.

girl4you2 -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 1:41:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet


Here are some links that give good recomendations and instructions concerning enemas/colonix sessions.

gosh only $75.50 a month for how many months? sounds like a panacea.

ToServeIsToLive -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 2:22:24 PM)



Beer (usually warm) can be used. It is pretty irritating and - obviously - at least one of you will get drunk."

the beer one is funny

Just beware anything taken through an enema is absorbed more quickly and more potently than if eaten/drank because it goes directly into the bloodstream and avoids the first pass through the liver. There have been cases of people dying from messing with that kind of stuff although the particular case that comes to mind the guy probably would have died if he drank the amount that was used in the enema anyway...

girl4you2 -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/10/2006 2:38:27 PM)

i find that general common sense rules most things. you'd not use a chain saw if you didn't know what you were doing, would you? if you think you know how, would you use it to trim your nails? if it involves your body or that of someone you care for, do some checking up first before you try anything. you just may find some bit of information that you didn't know (such as lawn mowers needing oil as well as gas, or that mixing amonia and bleach isn't a very good idea--the released gas is toxic--or that you might want to wear gloves when using oven cleaner or drain cleaner). basic stuff (pun allowed). but if it's your body, shouldn't you be just as vigilant and investigate, clarify, find out consequences, and the like? you only get one body.

classykindasassy -> RE: Tap Water Enemas - unsafe? (1/17/2006 9:46:26 PM)

People say a lot of stuff on here. Your rectum and colon is a DELICATE membrane. If you can't drink it happily, don't put it up your ass. Be careful with putting beer or wine up there. Beer has bubbles and yeast - not so good for the gut.

I have done this for years as a health regimen. Don't do it too much or you will mess up your electrolytes. Once or twice a week is plenty. Any more than that and you need to be concerned about electrolytes and become a freaking science major instead of just having fun. You will mess up your ability to function normally and independent of enemas and such. PLus, you don't always want to be washing out the natural bacteria needed in there.

I always use distilled water since rectal mucosa is more absorbent that the mouth or stomach. My preferred enema is 3 tbsp instant coffee per quart of water - 1 to 1.5 quarts is plenty but you can go to 2 if you're a pro. I hold that for 15 mins. The coffee causes liver and kidneys to wake up and flush, and also causes some peristalsis upon getting rid of the enema. But it is comfortable.

Warm it on the stove in steel or glass to about 100 degrees. By the time you decant it into your bag, hang it, bleed the line and get ready, it will have cooled to body temp. This is to decrease cramping and early expulsion. If you have masochistic bent, try it cold. It will cramp you some and you won't be able to hold it.

I would bypass a Fleet altogether as 1) you wouldn't happily drink one, and 2) it causes cramping that is NOT fun. Plus, it just cleans out the lower little bit of the rectum.

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