Slaves with requirements... (Full Version)

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masterforRT -> Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:34:47 PM)

More and more, I see people who call themselves slaves claiming that they only want women...or men...or couples. I have always believed that slaves are property, just like a house or a car. I don't see my car refusing to start for only one sex-so how can a slave make any decision as to who owns them?

The definition of slave from is as follows:  
"One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household."


I'm interested in what the rest of you think.

Amaros -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:35:45 PM)

Um, because they are people?

LaTigresse -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:37:54 PM)

I am totally cool with a woman, that identifies as slave, telling me she only wishes to belong to a man. Or a male/female couple. Because there are a few that prefer to belong to a woman.... and that is a very good thing indeed!

Try not to take this shit so literal dude. It will save you money on heartburn meds.

amberyone -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:38:14 PM)



Um, because they are people?

They are?? Well that's gonna burst a few bubbles...

And as for the car, I'm sure if a car could make a choice it would only be drove by certain people.... But, a car doesn't have a brain, a slave does

SunNMoon -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:42:40 PM)

Silly people wanting things...

Slaves in this context are here because they want to be. And that means they get to say who they want to be with too.

LaTigresse -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:42:46 PM)

Oh M3 specifically informed me, that it prefers I am the only person that handles it shifter knob.

colouredin -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:44:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterforRT

I don't see my car refusing to start for only one sex-so how can a slave make any decision as to who owns them?

The definition of slave from is as follows:  
"One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household."


I'm interested in what the rest of you think.

Well by your own admission a slave is property of a person or household, if they are unowned they are no ones property so then they have a say in who owns them HA beaten by your own logic

Lashra -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:45:04 PM)

I view them as human beings who are intelligent and capable of making choices in their lives. I treat them with respect as one human being to another. Yes they have requirements because until they are owned they make their OWN decisions and that includes who their owner(s) will be. Now I am talking consensual slaves, if you are talking persons who are forced into slavery then I doubt you will find them on this site.


feydeplume -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:49:18 PM)

I had a misogynistic blender once. it hated me, tried to kill my mom, but would make perfect pesto for my step dad. 

I guess it just wanted to be dommed by a man?

Lockit -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:52:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterforRT

More and more, I see people who call themselves slaves claiming that they only want women...or men...or couples. I have always believed that slaves are property, just like a house or a car. I don't see my car refusing to start for only one sex-so how can a slave make any decision as to who owns them?

The definition of slave from is as follows:  
"One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household."


I'm interested in what the rest of you think.

Could your not understanding this be the reason you have no slave... of any kind?

You want property... buy it... you want a slave... you might need to be able to figure these things out without our input... I am sure you aren't asking because anything we say will change your mind... so in my opinion, it is to prove a point or to try to convince us they are not really slaves... etc.

My thoughts are... my property may be computerized... but it sure doesn't give me what a slave could and although I do talk to things... in a slave, I require an answer back... from a real mind...  Not some error code...

Amaros -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:54:30 PM)

You're probably looking for Gor, that's a couple of solar systems over.

SassySarijane -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 12:59:49 PM)

Slaves are people too. They have brains and they have needs like anyone else and they most certainly have the right to be picky and choose the master that fits them to surrender to. All slaves do not fit all masters, nor do all masters fit all slaves. You can't discount the human factor....well you can, but it's not likely to help you in finding what you're looking for very easily.

CatdeMedici -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:04:57 PM)

You also don't buy just any car, you select color, make model etc because the more comfortable you are, the better you feel driving it.
Same principle, the more you feel at home, the better service can be provided.

akisha -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:05:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterforRT

More and more, I see people who call themselves slaves claiming that they only want women...or men...or couples. I have always believed that slaves are property, just like a house or a car. I don't see my car refusing to start for only one sex-so how can a slave make any decision as to who owns them?

The definition of slave from is as follows:  
"One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household."


I'm interested in what the rest of you think.

Just touching on the part I bolded and underlined....

I had a horse that would allow absolutely no one else to ride it but me. Anyone else tried to get on his back and he bucked and ran them into fences or trees etc. So even an animal tends to make it's preferences known why would a person not do the same?

I also had a cat that if it was sitting on me or near me in my bf came close to me he's attck my bf. things with brains can be tricky like that. They seem to think they get to have some choices of their own.

Now to answer your question....

It's called CONSENSUAL SLAVERY. Please remember that acutal slavery was outlawed many decades ago in all first world countries.

By the term of a "consesual slave" that means they have to RIGHT to agree to be the slave of whom ever "they as a human with rights and desires" agree to be a slave to. Now after they give themselves to the person or persons they choose, then what ever rights and such they agree to give up is then up to the Dominant party or parties, and by what ever agreements they have agreed apon.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:06:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterforRT

More and more, I see people who call themselves slaves claiming that they only want women...or men...or couples. I have always believed that slaves are property, just like a house or a car. I don't see my car refusing to start for only one sex-so how can a slave make any decision as to who owns them?

The definition of slave from is as follows:  
"One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household."


I'm interested in what the rest of you think.

I'm curious. 
  1.  Do you honestly believe that YOU, MasterforRT have the right to approach any individual you take a fancy to who identifies as a slave  and say to them, "I want you.  I own you.  You WILL obey me?" 
  2. How do you think that should work out for you?
  3. Do you honestly believe that a sensient being should behave as an inanimate object, with no will nor choice; in effect, devoid of any autonomy?

Yes, I'm genuinely curious as to where your logic is leading you on this one....

MsLadySue -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:08:28 PM)

Does it really matter? Having read your profile you appear to seek mindless, unfeeling doormats who will be treated to a less than humane existance. Call them what you will, but until they are your property, they have a right to choose whom they serve.

ElizabethAnne -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:10:03 PM)

Hello Amaros,

Hey now, he's here, you get to keep him!    I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get much support from "our" side of things either.

I wish you well,

Elizabeth...yeah...from a couple of solar systems over.

akisha -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:11:12 PM)


I just had a thought!!!

You have to pay for property like a car....

so if you want a slave that is just property like a car or a house then you should probably pay for one like a car or a house so that you mean laying out between $65,000 - say $400,000 for a slave.


rednicky -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:13:30 PM)

Because a slave can have standards, too. A slave is defined based on how she wants to be treated. Not how she's viewed by others. Which is why every slave is different. If a slave was...just a slave then she'd say yes to the first person who came across her profile and messaged her. And every slave is different. Otherwise, YOU'D just pick the first one you came across. If you want a real slave, seeking one on a site filled with people who are part, nay leaders, of the free world is not the best idea. Sorry sweetheart but it looks like you were born 500 years too late.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Slaves with requirements... (1/21/2009 1:14:09 PM)

Seriously, why do we even let them go online?  We need an anonymous hotline for people to call, get rounded up, thrown in a dungeon and then picked up by the first random person who comes along to take them. 

That's the only way we know we're getting REAL SLAVES and not these pathetic posers who dare to actually claim they deserve some sort of voice in the matter.

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