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(Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 1:04:11 PM   

Posts: 37
Joined: 1/17/2006
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Hello all,

I'm not really used to this kind of forum, but I really need some advice that I think some of you could give me...

I just posted the same questions on Akasha's forum, but I need an answer very soon, which is why I decided to post here when I found this forum. Thank you very much in advance to those who can help...

I am submissive to my Princess, who loves being treated as such (although at the beginning of our relation I stupidly pushed her too hard into domination, and that nearly freaked her out... anyway she's happy now).
Unfortunately she's been away for months, and is only going to come back in 14 days, 19 hours and 40 minutes. Thanks to modern technology we are in contact every day for free (*praise Skype*). Recently she mentionned that she was not happy about me playing with her penis without her. Then I offered to avoid playing with it for the last 19 days before her return. She liked the idea, and so I started, with the help of a cheap chastity cage ("stallion guard"), her encouragements, and cold showers, to build up sexual energy for her return (of course she will get the key so she will decide when to unleash that energy, if she is pleased enough with my massage, body worship etc, and when she feels like it). Other than incresing my sexual energy, it also increase my desire to submit to her, worship her and please her in any manner she will ask.

I started less than 4 days ago (3 days and 22 hours ago exactly), but I can already feel that there could be 2 problems, so I'm glad that I just found this forum where I might get solutions.
The first problem is that although I keep the chastity cage on during the whole night (otherwise I couldn't avoid playing with my Princess' penis), I'm afraid that I will have nocturnal emissions that will waste a lot of sexual energy. Is there any way to avoid nocturnal emissions ?

The second problem is that when she will decide to unlock the cage, I'm afraid that I will be so excited that all my hard earned sexual energy will burst as soon as she will touch her penis. Is there a way to avoid this or something playful (and fun for her) to do about it ? I have never had any premature ejaculation, but I haven't avoided orgasm for so long either...

I also have another question because I read a post on Akasha's forum, concerning a disobedient male. I am by nature quite lazy, and although I try to improve, I still sometimes disobey my Princess. For example one of the last days before she left for months, she asked me to do her pedicure, and I refused. It was in a public place, but a very remote one with just a few unknown people around (and even if it weren't so remote, the risk was just to make some men and women jealous of our relationship), and there really wasn't any reason for me to disobey. The worst is that I immediately regretted my disobedience as I love taking care of her very beautiful feet. Anyway... my Princess and I agreed that to improve my obedience and make me a perfect servant, I should wear an electric shock collar with a remote, that she will activate whenever I disobey or displease her. So I found one of those collars for big dogs, and I will wear it when she comes back. I expect this tool to help me become a perfect servant for her, but a post on Akasha's forum said that one should only use shock collars for small dogs, and not even around the neck as it is too strong.
I thought it was OK for me to wear something that is designed for dogs above 35 kg (since I'm twice that heavy), so... what do you think ? Does anyone have any experience concerning these devices ?

Thank you very much for your answers. I hope they will come on time : I think about my girlfriend more and more often (almost constantly now), and my penis cage becomes too small each time I do (and I can't remove it otherwise I know what I would do :/...

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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 1:41:39 PM   

Posts: 9779
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From: Texas
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First of all, print out your entire post and give it to her upon her return so she'll know your concerns.

Regarding the dog collar: There are several makes of dog collars that have 'tone/stimulation' adjustments. If the purpose is to remind you of your place, one of those settings can be used rather than the actual 'shock' setting and if too many 'tones' are set off, then your lady can decided on an appropriate punishment for you. Also, several dog collars have been adapted to use on other body parts.. below the waist, so that's something else to consider. Look at the amps as well as the volts to determine the level's you will require for your obedient behavior.

Regarding night emissions: Sorry, guy.. it's one of Mother Nature's little tricks and there's not much you can do about what happens while you're sleeping. Unfortunetly, one of the things that can 'help' in that area is the very thing you're trying to avoid. Just gonna have to learn to live with that one.

As to the rest of the post, all I can say is it sounds like you're in for a lot of fun when she returns. :)



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to dorechan)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 1:48:02 PM   

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Nocturnal emissions are natural. The testicles build up a supply of semen and if there has been no release, the semen must be expelled eventually (hence nocturnal emissions). It is actually a nessecery thing for good health.

If you wish to avoid a build up of semen, you can 'milk' it through prostate manipulation without having an orgasm. Although awkward to do yourself, it is possible.

Now, about the premature ejaculation ... I don't know what to tell you about that except perhaps that it will be up to your Mistress how to deal with that, what HER feelings are and if any course of action should be taken to correct the problem. Besides, don't worry about it, it hasn't happened yet.


(in reply to dorechan)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 1:55:07 PM   

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From: New England
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ORIGINAL: dorechan

The second problem is that when she will decide to unlock the cage, I'm afraid that I will be so excited that all my hard earned sexual energy will burst as soon as she will touch her penis. Is there a way to avoid this or something playful (and fun for her) to do about it ? I have never had any premature ejaculation, but I haven't avoided orgasm for so long either...

i have no experience in this area! so don't take my suggestion as worthwhile...
but... i heard that men cannot really stay aroused when their penis is cold....? so maybe when your Princess (i like that term!) is taking off the cage she can have a cup of ice... or cold water near by to dip you briefly in before she first touches you.... to maybe help things take longer... or something?

Dunno how practical that is, of course......... but i thought i'd suggest it anyway.

i think BitaTruble has a good idea of showing this note to your Princess when she gets home. ~

(in reply to dorechan)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 2:39:43 PM   

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Wow ! thanks for all the replies !

my Princess knows about my concerns, I'm not going to hide that kind of things:). But it's up to me to find solutions I can suggest her. I was googling for more answers, and I did find that 10mAmps is very high, and that 5mAmps should be enough to immediately correct any misbehaviour. I hope the user's manual gives the correspondence between the shock level from 1 to 9 (or 7 or whatever it is) and the intensity of the electric current.
Bitatruble, thank you for the suggestion about using the collar below the waist, but... I think (hope !) my Princess wouldn't take the risk to damage her penis.

Concerning nocturnal emissions, my concern is to wake up seeing that some of the sexual energy I am trying to build up for my Princess is wasted on my sheets . Actually I'm very surprised that it didn't happen during the 4th night (I didn't think I could make it so long actually), and I'm thinking it may have something to do with me wearing the chastity cage : does wearing a penis cage at night really increase the time before an emission ? (or am I going to see an answer to that question tomorrow morning ? ...) If yes, by how much ?

Fergus... "prostate manipulation" ? What's that ? Does it involve stuffing something up into a dark and dirty place where nothing entered since my last suppository, back in my childhood ? what's the benefit of it ? I lose my semen without an orgasm, so my excitation doesn't drop and keeps on building up, is that it ? That would be nice but er... how do I do that ? If I can understand what it's about, I'll tell my Princess about the possibility and ask her if she wants me to do it. (and don't worry, I'll show her this nice forum). And er... does it really work ? Any experience ?

Thanks for the suggestion Ragdoll. I'll talk about this idea, and I'll have a bag of ice handy in case it seems necesary and if she agrees.

Thank you again all, I think my Princess and I will put this forum in our bookmarks !

edited to correct : the collar is for dogs over 25 pounds, not 35 kilos. So if there is a problem with my, I can't imagine how it is for a dog 4 times lighter than me. Also, there are 8 correction levels, and yes there is a "tone" setting, which can be useful (...after a few real shocks, I suppose...).

< Message edited by dorechan -- 1/17/2006 3:21:56 PM >

(in reply to ragdoll)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 7:28:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dorechan

I also have another question because I read a post on Akasha's forum, concerning a disobedient male. I am by nature quite lazy, and although I try to improve, I still sometimes disobey my Princess. For example one of the last days before she left for months, she asked me to do her pedicure, and I refused. It was in a public place, but a very remote one with just a few unknown people around (and even if it weren't so remote, the risk was just to make some men and women jealous of our relationship), and there really wasn't any reason for me to disobey. The worst is that I immediately regretted my disobedience as I love taking care of her very beautiful feet. Anyway... my Princess and I agreed that to improve my obedience and make me a perfect servant, I should wear an electric shock collar with a remote, that she will activate whenever I disobey or displease her. So I found one of those collars for big dogs, and I will wear it when she comes back. I expect this tool to help me become a perfect servant for her, but a post on Akasha's forum said that one should only use shock collars for small dogs, and not even around the neck as it is too strong.
I thought it was OK for me to wear something that is designed for dogs above 35 kg (since I'm twice that heavy), so... what do you think ? Does anyone have any experience concerning these devices ?

Thank you very much for your answers. I hope they will come on time : I think about my girlfriend more and more often (almost constantly now), and my penis cage becomes too small each time I do (and I can't remove it otherwise I know what I would do :/...


May I ask if you have any internal drive to obey her, or do you expect that you will require the shock collar to keep you in line?

Be well,

(in reply to dorechan)
Profile   Post #: 6
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/17/2006 11:17:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LadyJulieAnn
May I ask if you have any internal drive to obey her, or do you expect that you will require the shock collar to keep you in line?
Be well,

I understand your question Lady Julie Ann, the answer is very simple : Both.

I do have an internal drive to obey her, but I am naturally lazy, so sometimes I just don't obey. And then (such as in the example I mentionned), she doesn't make a fuss about it, because she doesn't want to have to struggle to have things done (she prefers to do them herself), she is just disappointed.
It seems logical that if she simply has to press a button to remind me who is the boss, I should become more obedient. So the point of this tool is to help me improve. Doesn't it make sense to you ?

...Anybody knows about the prostate manipulation mentionned earlier ? Even if it's awkward, I'd like to know what it is and if it's worth doing.

< Message edited by dorechan -- 1/17/2006 11:18:15 PM >

(in reply to LadyJulieAnn)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/18/2006 10:18:57 AM   

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Your prostate is internally placed beween your balls and your anus. It is a glad. If you reach a finger into your rectum (be very relaxed, use lube) you should find it about four inches up. It will feel like a firm knot of tissue.

If you gently massage your prostate, it will cause you to slowly expell semen. Have patience, do not be overly agressive with it, the last thing Princess wants is a damaged sub.

When you massage it, you may feel the sensation of needing to pee, this is normal and is the precum and semen working its way out of your cock.

SOME men will orgasm during this treatment, butr MOST men will expell the semen without even becoming erect. It is a pleasurable experience, but nothing like an orgasm. There is no sudden release.

I would CERTAINLY look into "milking" or "Prostate milking" etc ... more deeply than just my short post before trying it.

good luck :)


(in reply to dorechan)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/18/2006 12:59:56 PM   

Posts: 144
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Status: offline is a wonderful resource for all maner of questions involving the prostate. it even includes a section on prostate massage/miking, and the prostate orgasim.

no, night emisions will not use up your sexual energy. as stated before, it's both natural and needful for health. your own body will determine when this is going to happen. no, wearing a cage will not lengthen the time. if you are really interested in the conservation and harnessing of sexual energy, i would recomend ylou look into some basic tantric meditations and techniques. these might help.

(in reply to fergus)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/18/2006 2:01:30 PM   

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Thank you very much fergus and Firefey for your answers about the prostate. It's something I'll have to discuss as soon as Princess has some free time (unfortunately she's very busy ).


no, night emisions will not use up your sexual energy....

What I also meant is that night emissions (that still didn't happen after 5 nights, call the Guinness book of... ah well I'll just drink a Guinness to celebrate that) will, if they happen, put me back in post orgasmic state, which means back to the standard selfish male bastard instead of the courting male more and more focused on pleasing his Princess...
That is why I will talk about doing that prostate thing (I'll search about it right now).

I hope it's not really 4 inches up, because none of my fingers is that long !!
I'm guessing keeping the cage on while I'm doing it will help preventing an orgasm.

sixth night of the journey ;)...

(in reply to firefey)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/18/2006 6:39:30 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dorechan


ORIGINAL: LadyJulieAnn
May I ask if you have any internal drive to obey her, or do you expect that you will require the shock collar to keep you in line?
Be well,

I understand your question Lady Julie Ann, the answer is very simple : Both.

I do have an internal drive to obey her, but I am naturally lazy, so sometimes I just don't obey. And then (such as in the example I mentionned), she doesn't make a fuss about it, because she doesn't want to have to struggle to have things done (she prefers to do them herself), she is just disappointed.
It seems logical that if she simply has to press a button to remind me who is the boss, I should become more obedient. So the point of this tool is to help me improve. Doesn't it make sense to you ?

...Anybody knows about the prostate manipulation mentionned earlier ? Even if it's awkward, I'd like to know what it is and if it's worth doing.

In all honesty, it appears to me that you are seeking a response from her in general. Perhaps you chose to disobey her because you wanted her to react to you with pain/punishment. When she didn't react to your disobedience, you sought out something else that will cause her to react (the shock collar). What if she tires of having to shock you all of the time?

If you know you are lazy and that your laziness and disobedience disappoints her, why would you not want to change that on your own? If you want to be shocked for the pain, just ask her to shock you.

Just food for thought.

Be well,

(in reply to dorechan)
Profile   Post #: 11
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/18/2006 7:20:34 PM   

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I know what he means. Dominance and submission are tied together. It is the job of the sub to be willing to obey, and the job of the Dom to see that they do. If the Dom is not doing their part and just sits back and expects the sub to make themselves the perfect sub on their own, the sub will slip. You can't have one without the other IMO.

Check out this thread for a great discussion on the subject.

(in reply to LadyJulieAnn)
Profile   Post #: 12
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 12:21:30 AM   

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as for putting yourself back into the selfish male mode of me, me, me, me...i don't think it's quite the same thing as having a normal orgasim. the chances of you having similar emotional respoces to a nocternal emishion as you do with normal orgasim are actually not that grea. it's a different beast on a hormonal, physical, and generally emotional level. yes, thus far i think milking is the best solution. and yes, i think a guiness would be lovely. but don't be surprised if the added relaxation leads to a wet dream.

(in reply to dorechan)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 1:37:41 AM   

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LJA and Teego, I really have trouble to understand your messages. Maybe it's because english is not my native language, maybe I just don't belong to these boards.
As lovers, it is our "job" to enjoy every moment that we spend together. It is our "job" not to make anything special on Valentine day because every moment we spend together is special. I just pity those who remember that they are in love only once a year.

It just happens that I offered to submit to her and that she enjoys being worshipped and obeyed. And since she enjoys it, I offered to try something to help me fight my natural lazyness and become more obedient without her having to do argue when she wants to be obeyed and that I'm procrastinating or saying no, because she never wants to argue. At the beginning she was even reluctant to give me any order at all, but now she enjoys being worshipped any time she asks, and me doing my part of the chores. I offered that tool that will make her able to improve my obedience, just as I offered to learn how to do tantric massages, manicure and pedicure, or read a book to improve my oral technique. To make her life better.

All I wanted on these boards was advice. I did get some and thank those who offered them. Now if anyone wants to judge, I'll let them talk as much as they want, I really don't care. I don't need theories about my relationship either, I just want to live it.

(in reply to TeeGO)
Profile   Post #: 14
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 1:52:21 AM   

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ORIGINAL: firefey

as for putting yourself back into the selfish male mode of me, me, me, me...i don't think it's quite the same thing as having a normal orgasim. the chances of you having similar emotional respoces to a nocternal emishion as you do with normal orgasim are actually not that grea. it's a different beast on a hormonal, physical, and generally emotional level. yes, thus far i think milking is the best solution. and yes, i think a guiness would be lovely. but don't be surprised if the added relaxation leads to a wet dream.

Thanks. I read about "prostate milking", and I'll discuss that today and I'll try it if she's OK. After all she's not worried about the virginity of my anus : she even decided to have me wear a small remote control vibrator up in my anus. That's an idea she got when we were browsing online sex shops. I'm a bit nervous about that one, but the feeling of that thing moving in the anus is supposed to be pleasant (well... I'll see). I can understand why she liked that idea, because it seems it could be a lot of fun (at least for her ! ), and after all with some lube that small thing can't hurt, given the size of what gets out of there. Should be fun...

(in reply to firefey)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 3:13:10 AM   

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ORIGINAL: dorechan

LJA and Teego, I really have trouble to understand your messages. Maybe it's because english is not my native language...

...All I wanted on these boards was advice. I did get some and thank those who offered them. Now if anyone wants to judge, I'll let them talk as much as they want, I really don't care. I don't need theories about my relationship either, I just want to live it.

My post was in no way slanted as a negative toward you, or anyone else for that matter. I was merely pointing out why I believe a sub can both desire to please his Domme, and why he can come up short (what you termed as lazy), in his service, if the Domme is not taking an active role in the males submission.

Hope that clears that up, I wish you nothing but the best.

(in reply to dorechan)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 4:27:53 AM   

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Hope that clears that up, I wish you nothing but the best.

It does, sorry for the misundstanding. And actually, I guess (after rereading) that you're perfectly right.
Thanks a lot

< Message edited by dorechan -- 1/19/2006 4:28:16 AM >

(in reply to TeeGO)
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RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 6:34:00 PM   

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Bitatruble, thank you for the suggestion about using the collar below the waist, but... I think (hope !) my Princess wouldn't take the risk to damage her penis.

I would be more worried about electric current near where it might interrupt the electrical signal in your HEART more than a shock to the jewels. Less likely to be fatal.

(in reply to dorechan)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 7:17:11 PM   

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I would be more worried about electric current near where it might interrupt the electrical signal in your HEART more than a shock to the jewels. Less likely to be fatal.

It seems to me you are all exagerating the danger of it. We will still proceed with caution, but I'm not talking about a lighnting strike, I'm talking about something that deliver at most less than one thousandth of the energy of the torture engines designed for lazy people who want to exercise without having to exercise (and that stimulates the nerves to contract the muscles wherever.
Thanks for your concerns though, I'll update...

7 nights down (almost, just woke up early), still no emission. 12 to go.

(in reply to theRose4U)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: (Urgent) questions from a sub waiting for his Princess - 1/19/2006 10:28:47 PM   

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I am following your progress here Dorechan with some interest, as I have been (un)lucky enough to experience chastity with my girl friend. I have found it to be interesting but very unlike the fantasy.

Our motives were similar to yours - to build up to an almost intolerable state the male sexual energy. The first few days are a cakewalk, but by the end of the first week I can really feel that something is not quite right. In the second week, I start to get stomach aches, and I feel really heavy (down there). Towards the end of the second week I start to feel depressed, and my sexual energy is palpable. I don't usually cheat unless I really start to enter a bad mental state.

And the funny thing is, after all that work, it often backfires. During our first sexual encounter after the chastity, I am rarely submisive. More like a wild beast that has been let out of his cage. Don't get me wrong, the climax is sensational to say the least, but the sexual energy doesn't really last beyond one extremely intense encounter.

Interested to hear more of your experience.

(in reply to dorechan)
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