PLEASE help !!!???? (Full Version)

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cosand -> PLEASE help !!!???? (2/22/2009 5:42:14 PM)

I am desperatly seeking some help and understanding.
I am asking a SWITCH, in hopes of getting a two sided prospective
I PREY my plea for help is not met with condisention and malice, as that will serve to only strengthen what may be misconceptions on my part

I am a male in his 40s and let me make i clear from the start, I am not now into the D'/s lifestyle, nor do I have any desire to be, but I am hoping to get some and respectfully asking help from some who are. The resolution of a long standing issue in my relationship with my partner, and the harmony in friendship I value dearly, may well be at stake.
Again, I'll be honest when I say at this time, I am in fact have contempt for the scene lifestyle. I believe it to be disingenuous and more an act of opportunistic exploitation and the purveyance of negative fixations at the expense of those with identity and self esteem issues
I am far from repressed and far from vanilla in matters of sex. I am fully vested in the swing lifestyle, and am in virtually all other cases, free of preference and orientation bias. I am well acquainted with the syntax and tennents of the D/s BDSM lifestyle.
What I am desperately seeking to do, is either be shown to be totally wrong, or at least to be able to accept that there may be things in the mix I have not considered, do not understand,. I have surfed the net, and all I find are scathing articles that agree with me, or instruction manuals, tutorials and want ads that only serve to reinforce my fears and confusion.
In a nutshell, being a male, I know full well how males think, and how we process things. Even the most enlightened among us, by virtue of our nature, are opportunistic and yes, predatory of matters of sex.
To me, the idea that a man, any man, given the opportunity to control a women’s will and to dictate her sexuality, doing so in a way in which he would actually relinquish control and make such an arrangement equal, or even more questionably, putting himself in the subjugated role in terms of control, is inconceivable and totally far fetched to me.
Quite the contrary, I cant help but believe any such “contracts” and or parameters would be tailored based on whatever the potential Dom thinks the potential sub wants to hear, and based on the far end of the envelope in terms of the so called comfort level. By their very nature (or so it seems to me) a potential “sub” is going to agree to any parameters they feel they “should” and any that will secure them a favorable place with one they inherently “respect” enough to consider as one to whom they would surrender.
All this is fine, until it effects those I care about and my personal relationships. Having said that, I take no glee in the possibility that my logic and information may be flawed, and my views based on ignorance. I cant discuss this with the people in question, it is too raw and too close to home
Can someone PLEASE help me either see where I am wrong, or at least give me something new to consider

Lockit -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/22/2009 6:12:14 PM)

You may be seeking... but you have so many misconceptions that it would be a long debate if one had to 'prove' anything to you.  One must truely be open to hearing what is said.  Preconceived idea's can be a stronghold... especially in an emotional situation like it sounds like you are in. 

This might take a bit of time... who knows... maybe someone can make something clear really fast... but I doubt I could.  Your mind seems very set.

I had a few mind set's myself and there is no way they were worked out on a thread... or overnight.  It is a personal thing...  I hope you will be open and are not trying to find something to argue with, with whoever it is you are having this touchy subject with...  Whatever the case... I wish you well.

lovingpet -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/22/2009 7:29:30 PM)

My experience flies in the face of the idea that these are primarily predatory relationships.  My D/s relationships are the ones that I feel the most valued, understood, and free to be myself in.  I am switch, so I speak from both sides.  It is about honoring the inherent personalities of each other by meeting some very specific needs that tend to be shunned by others.  All the regular foundations of intimate relationships are still there like trust, respect, communication, and more, but it has been my experience that they are magnified in D/s relationships because of the level of risk involved.  I will not enter such a relationship lightly.

The media likes to focus on the negatives of everything.  Is there any reason to think that would not be the case here?  If you look, you can find wonderful studies that have been conducted showing how such relationships have the ability to really bring a lot of security and actually improve self esteem and self advocacy in the partners.  They are out there, but are harder to find.  They focus on people who do this on a far more serious level than casual play partners or online antics.  These are folks for whom this dynamic is lived out seamlessly in their lives together.  When it is done right,it is a beautiful thing and the pair could not be happier. 

If there is anything further I can offer, please let me know.


angelikaJ -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 4:17:35 AM)

To the OP

I might suggest reading this:

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 7:53:32 AM)



You may be seeking... but you have so many misconceptions that it would be a long debate if one had to 'prove' anything to you.  One must truely be open to hearing what is said.  Preconceived idea's can be a stronghold... especially in an emotional situation like it sounds like you are in. 

This might take a bit of time... who knows... maybe someone can make something clear really fast... but I doubt I could.  Your mind seems very set.

I had a few mind set's myself and there is no way they were worked out on a thread... or overnight.  It is a personal thing...  I hope you will be open and are not trying to find something to argue with, with whoever it is you are having this touchy subject with...  Whatever the case... I wish you well.

I swear with all my being that I am not just trying to pick a fight, either with the peoploe in my life or anyone else.

On the contrary, I am seeking to fine some sense of peace not only with those who I love and care for, but more importantly, within myself.
I didn’t ask to have this issue become such a big part of my life, it was thrust on my via the cultivation of a friendship with the sub of another that has become extremely emotionally and sexually intense. This is a subject we have to walk on eggshells on or avoid, and it is not something either of us wants to allow to come between us
There have also been revelations on the part of my life partner, that not only has she harbored these inclinations (which I already knew) but in fact she has feared to share the level of intensity with me for fear of my reaction. There is no way I can fill that need in her, it is so far removed from my personality and psyche as to be in another galaxy.
In both cases, I enjoy an amazing sexual relationship and neither seek dominance in the capital D sense from me, but still my discomfort looms and needs to be resolved
I truly don’t expect some magic bullet here, and I know no one is going to be able to talk me down in a single or even several conversations. I am on a quest for some peace of mind and knowledge here, and I am in no rush

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 8:20:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

My experience flies in the face of the idea that these are primarily predatory relationships.  My D/s relationships are the ones that I feel the most valued, understood, and free to be myself in.  I am switch, so I speak from both sides.  It is about honoring the inherent personalities of each other by meeting some very specific needs that tend to be shunned by others.  All the regular foundations of intimate relationships are still there like trust, respect, communication, and more, but it has been my experience that they are magnified in D/s relationships because of the level of risk involved.  I will not enter such a relationship lightly.

The media likes to focus on the negatives of everything.  Is there any reason to think that would not be the case here?  If you look, you can find wonderful studies that have been conducted showing how such relationships have the ability to really bring a lot of security and actually improve self esteem and self advocacy in the partners.  They are out there, but are harder to find.  They focus on people who do this on a far more serious level than casual play partners or online antics.  These are folks for whom this dynamic is lived out seamlessly in their lives together.  When it is done right,it is a beautiful thing and the pair could not be happier. 

If there is anything further I can offer, please let me know.


I thank you so much for your input, and I value this type of discourse at this time more then you know.
You in fact, have nailed the epicenter of my confusion and skepticism:
As someone on the outside looking in, here is what I am faced with accepting:

The BEST of us men who try hard and seek to keep all issues and aspects of our relationships on a level playing field, and aspire to handle our partners as gently as one would handle a newborn kitten, and forgive and sympathize with mistakes and transgressions, and who base their realtionship on love and emotion, many times falter and fail miserably and take a lifetime to fine tune things

On the other hand, men who seek to dominate their partners and confiscate their will ( ll be it within established parameters) and punish transgressions with violence(all be it semi simulated) and arbitrary discipline, and whos relationship is by nature, sex-centric  are those most likely to succeed in a harmonies relationship, and there are most likely to be content and happy

Can you at least understand how that appears to be inverted and anti logical to a person not acclimated to that mindset ?

PLEASE tell me what I am missing here....….(asking in the most respectful and sincere way possible)

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 8:31:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

To the OP

I might suggest reading this:

I will check it out...thanks

Lockit -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 8:33:18 AM)

Not everyone addresses something in a dominant/submissive relationship with violence or punishment that includes something physical.

Think of dogs for example.  In a group of dogs, there is the alpha, the leader.  He/she may overpower the other's in some sense, but how they do it is often different.  Some simply take charge and other's let them.  Some challenge becasue they wish to be alpha and then there may be some struggle.  But typically there is a leader of the pack.  A dominant can simply be a leader of the pack... protecting and guiding the other's.

Each relationship in d/s or bdsm is different.  There is no hard rule on how things must go and what is involved.  Some do the kinky painful stuff... some do not.  Some are more controlled relationships, some are not.  Some are sadistic and some are not. Many of us share a bond of love that enhances things and some have no love involved. You get the picture.

To discribe in a post what it is like is not something that I know how to do.  It is something that includes a lot of things for different people and relationships.  But it isn't always how you are viewing things.  It isn't temper's uncontrolled in dominant people who only want what they want and who have no care for the submissive person.  Many of us hold ourselves to a high standard of accountablity and control. It isn't always about controlling another, but often about controlling ourselves.  Not that we are out of control, but that we have standards in which we wish to conduct our lives.

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 9:08:38 AM)



Not everyone addresses something in a dominant/submissive relationship with violence or punishment that includes something physical.

Think of dogs for example.  In a group of dogs, there is the alpha, the leader.  He/she may overpower the other's in some sense, but how they do it is often different.  Some simply take charge and other's let them.  Some challenge becasue they wish to be alpha and then there may be some struggle.  But typically there is a leader of the pack.  A dominant can simply be a leader of the pack... protecting and guiding the other's.

Each relationship in d/s or bdsm is different.  There is no hard rule on how things must go and what is involved.  Some do the kinky painful stuff... some do not.  Some are more controlled relationships, some are not.  Some are sadistic and some are not. Many of us share a bond of love that enhances things and some have no love involved. You get the picture.

To discribe in a post what it is like is not something that I know how to do.  It is something that includes a lot of things for different people and relationships.  But it isn't always how you are viewing things.  It isn't temper's uncontrolled in dominant people who only want what they want and who have no care for the submissive person.  Many of us hold ourselves to a high standard of accountablity and control. It isn't always about controlling another, but often about controlling ourselves.  Not that we are out of control, but that we have standards in which we wish to conduct our lives.

OK, no fair...dont you know you are supposed to be scripted and dogmatic, speak like you are in Romania circa 1350, dismiss and belittle me as weak inferior vanilla, and  fit neatly into my stereotypes  fears and suspicions ????
: )
I wanna thank you so much for tolerating my rambling and reaching. It is so far outside my normal MO to reach out this way you cant imagine, and it was a leap of faith for me to do it
I am far from having all thye answers I need, but I thank you for your patiance

lovingpet -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 10:53:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: cosand


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

My experience flies in the face of the idea that these are primarily predatory relationships.  My D/s relationships are the ones that I feel the most valued, understood, and free to be myself in.  I am switch, so I speak from both sides.  It is about honoring the inherent personalities of each other by meeting some very specific needs that tend to be shunned by others.  All the regular foundations of intimate relationships are still there like trust, respect, communication, and more, but it has been my experience that they are magnified in D/s relationships because of the level of risk involved.  I will not enter such a relationship lightly.

The media likes to focus on the negatives of everything.  Is there any reason to think that would not be the case here?  If you look, you can find wonderful studies that have been conducted showing how such relationships have the ability to really bring a lot of security and actually improve self esteem and self advocacy in the partners.  They are out there, but are harder to find.  They focus on people who do this on a far more serious level than casual play partners or online antics.  These are folks for whom this dynamic is lived out seamlessly in their lives together.  When it is done right,it is a beautiful thing and the pair could not be happier. 

If there is anything further I can offer, please let me know.


I thank you so much for your input, and I value this type of discourse at this time more then you know.
You in fact, have nailed the epicenter of my confusion and skepticism:
As someone on the outside looking in, here is what I am faced with accepting:

The BEST of us men who try hard and seek to keep all issues and aspects of our relationships on a level playing field, and aspire to handle our partners as gently as one would handle a newborn kitten, and forgive and sympathize with mistakes and transgressions, and who base their realtionship on love and emotion, many times falter and fail miserably and take a lifetime to fine tune things

On the other hand, men who seek to dominate their partners and confiscate their will ( ll be it within established parameters) and punish transgressions with violence(all be it semi simulated) and arbitrary discipline, and whos relationship is by nature, sex-centric  are those most likely to succeed in a harmonies relationship, and there are most likely to be content and happy

Can you at least understand how that appears to be inverted and anti logical to a person not acclimated to that mindset ?

PLEASE tell me what I am missing here....….(asking in the most respectful and sincere way possible)

Let me see if I can rectify some of this for you in terms of my own relationships.  He handles me gently as s newborn kitten and that is why I can trust to give over my will to him.  He will impose loving discipline over areas of my life that are detrimental to me so that I can forgive myself and grow as a person and so that we may grow as a couple.  We love and respect each other which allows such unfettered freedom to explore and enjoy sex as the passionate and intimate part of our lives that it should be.  We are content and happy because we know it takes a lifetime of fine tuning and careful work to remain in step with each other and grow together rather than apart.

It is a different way of doing things based on the specific needs of the people involved.  No two marriages are alike, nor are any two D/s relationships alike.  I think of things in terms of a loving old time marriage in which there was one head of household who lovingly and steadily guided the dear ones within those walls with great integrity and responsibility.  Without the emotions and sense of responsibility it could become a dangerous place for those under his hand to be.  One has to make careful choices about who will guide them and their ability to function in this manner.  It is not for everyone. 

I think my vanilla relationships have gained a great deal of benefit as I have learned to simply be a better participant in them regardless of my role.  There is a lot to be taken from good D/s relationships and applied to ANY relationship.  On the whole, it is the same set of good relationship practices that make for successful couples regardless of orientation.  These things are things like love or caring at least, respect, trust, communication, honesty, responsibility, and hard work.

Hope this helps!


Lockit -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 11:35:27 AM)

LOL... dogma... I ended that shit with the church of this and that in religous circles!  You cannot prove I am evil!  I will admit it!  The thing is... many have some concept of those who are into d/s or bdsm that is formed from things often times outside of bdsm or d/s.  D/s can be found in just about everything.  Take an employee and employer.  Or football team... or parental relationship.  I love watching d/s throughout life and that is what helped me get over some of the issues I had.

I always thought that dominance was bad and that submission was weak.  I worked in domestic abuse and certain social issues/mental health.  I saw only the bad parts of dominance and submission.  Then I started seeing people I loved and respected involved.  I watched... I went anywhere I could learn about d/s and bdsm.  I was also wanting to do a story that included some of it.  I came to know more people and love more people, but what I also saw... was me.  I read about mostly dominant men and I knew I was like them.  They didn't try to hurt people with their dominance.

I had always been a leader type, dominant, but not abusive.  It was a struggle to come to terms with what I was, how I viewed it and the beauty I saw and was drawn to.  Once I got the beauty part down...omg! lol  I could not turn back!  I even realized that I had been living it at different times in my life without knowing there was a name for it!  I had two male wive's basically.  I worked, supported them for the most part and they took care of me.  I called the shots.  I didn't see it as anything more than a role reversal, but I did call the shots... so I was the dominant in the relationship!

Take some time... I really wish I had the links I used to have that helped me in my understanding of things.  You will see things that repulse you... but when you see the beauty... you just might be hooked too!  Just read... learn... keep an open mind and if you see something ugly that you cannot imagine anyone doing to another... which you will... remember... there is another side to it and most are doing it because they wish to.  Some might make you think they are sick and some might be... but most of us are just like anyone else, just a bit more open about some things and maybe... a bit more kinky.  It isn't all bad! lol

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 1:50:12 PM)

You might want to check out When Someone You Love Is Kinky by Dossie Easton and Catherine Lizst.  It specifically addresses some of the issues you've asked about.  Though in all honesty, if you already have contempt for the lifestyle, your mind is made up.  No one here is going to be able to pursade you otherwise.  You have to make the decision to open your mind and acknowledge that, though it's not something you enjoy, there are people who do enjoy it.  You don't have to like it, you just have to accept that your friend does and leave it at that.  It's not your place to pass judgement on what other consenting adults do as long as it's not infringing on your personal space or freedom.

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/23/2009 9:58:23 PM)



LOL... dogma... I ended that shit with the church of this and that in religous circles!  You cannot prove I am evil!  I will admit it!  The thing is... many have some concept of those who are into d/s or bdsm that is formed from things often times outside of bdsm or d/s.  D/s can be found in just about everything.  Take an employee and employer.  Or football team... or parental relationship.  I love watching d/s throughout life and that is what helped me get over some of the issues I had.

I always thought that dominance was bad and that submission was weak.  I worked in domestic abuse and certain social issues/mental health.  I saw only the bad parts of dominance and submission.  Then I started seeing people I loved and respected involved.  I watched... I went anywhere I could learn about d/s and bdsm.  I was also wanting to do a story that included some of it.  I came to know more people and love more people, but what I also saw... was me.  I read about mostly dominant men and I knew I was like them.  They didn't try to hurt people with their dominance.

I had always been a leader type, dominant, but not abusive.  It was a struggle to come to terms with what I was, how I viewed it and the beauty I saw and was drawn to.  Once I got the beauty part down...omg! lol  I could not turn back!  I even realized that I had been living it at different times in my life without knowing there was a name for it!  I had two male wive's basically.  I worked, supported them for the most part and they took care of me.  I called the shots.  I didn't see it as anything more than a role reversal, but I did call the shots... so I was the dominant in the relationship!

Take some time... I really wish I had the links I used to have that helped me in my understanding of things.  You will see things that repulse you... but when you see the beauty... you just might be hooked too!  Just read... learn... keep an open mind and if you see something ugly that you cannot imagine anyone doing to another... which you will... remember... there is another side to it and most are doing it because they wish to.  Some might make you think they are sick and some might be... but most of us are just like anyone else, just a bit more open about some things and maybe... a bit more kinky.  It isn't all bad! lol

(long sigh)

All of that makes sense...truly it does

To be honest, I wish I didn’t know what I know about my friends life, but being in what is very close to a polyamorous relationship, not knowing is not an option.
Let me give you an example, and admit to total immaturity on my part, but at the same time, confessing a perfectly understandable (I think anyway) but WRONG minded reaction
I have a habit of using the term “shut-up” in a playful sarcastic sort of way. The other day, she said to me ”I know you are joking, but I don’t like that hun, please don’t say that to me”
A perfectly fair request right ?
My reaction ? It was not good….“ As opposed to chastising you and leaving bruises on you for not completing an assignment” ?
Needless to say, she looked at me in horror and disappointment in me, and I apologized profusely and asked her to please forgive me for being an ass. Being the person she is, she siad she forgave me. How hurt she may still be, only she knows

Not a day goes by, when I don’t have the impulse to seek out this guy who strikes my friend and lover with whips and beat him till he calls ME “sir” and I make him MY “little one”, and then see if he still thinks one person dominating another it’s such a good idea
Wrong immature and stupid I know…but it meshes with every instinct I have

The sad fact is, unless I can come to terms with this, I am going to lose a friend that I love and cherish. It is possible that there is no resolution. It is just possible her “other” lifestyle and our relationship do not mix, and I may have to let her go for her own sake

Again, I thank you for your patiace with me..I guess I need to make some decisions

Thanks again

Maya2001 -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 5:08:25 AM)


Not a day goes by, when I don’t have the impulse to seek out this guy who strikes my friend and lover with whips and beat him till he calls ME “sir” and I make him MY “little one”, and then see if he still thinks one person dominating another it’s such a good idea

The problem is your interpretation of the striking and beating..... it is not about forcing anything, and you coming at your view from the wrong angle..  this is a need in your friend  which can be to achieve heightened orgasm (physical sexual release) or  a catharsis(emotional release)  for them they need the pain to feel fulfilled  and it can't come from just any source, they need to find someone they can  trust to deliver  who will take the time to know them to learn to read their body and know when they have reached the right level so as not to cause harm(physical[level varies for different subs] and emotional)  to be a dominant to someone who requires pain means greater responsibility, and  huge amount of self control and that means meeting their needs becomes greater than your own. 

lovingpet -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 5:59:51 AM)

I agree with Maya.  Some couples may need or enjoy there being some "reason" for the pain play to occur, but it has more to do with playing a mental game than really believing this to be so.  In general, a lot of people will concur that actual punishment (especially of a painslut) is more effective when it does NOT include pain or other sensations.  Chances are good that whatever pain she is receiving is fully consentual and even pleasurable to her. 

What strikes me is your last post wreaked of jealousy.  You referred to her as your friend and your lover.  The dominant was some outside force you had to defend her against.  You want to save her from this evil person who is doing all these horrible things to her.  You want to be her knight in shining armour and fight for her honor.  He, on the other hand, wants to honor her for exactly who and what she is.  Is she happy in this other relationship?  Has she asked for your help?  I think there is a far more intimate issue than your distaste of an alternative lifestyle.

Further, I have to wonder if you are wired to be able to accept a polyamorous relationship.  You seem to want her to choose one over the other.  She likely feels different vital needs are being met within each relationship on its own merits.  Not everyone can handle the idea of not being able to be everything to another person.  Some people are just hard wired for monogamy.  Talk to her about this if it is the case. 

How much could you accept what she does with her other partner if you did not have to see the marks and bruises?  I keep my body hidden from the view of those who may find my marks offensives or disturbing.  This is out of consideration for them.  One example I am thinking of, there was always some strange undercurrent after I had played and I actually had to sit down and talk out what was bothering the person.  It became clear that the person did not begrudge me my fun, but could not handle seeing the less than attractive evidence of it.  Many understand and will either avoid marks for their other partners or keep them tucked away until they heal.  Talk to her about it if you believe this is part of it.

I have someone in my life, very close to me, that makes similar comments about my choice to do this as well.  I don't know how often you say these things, but let me tell you how much it hurts.  You are not striking at an activity, an outside partner, or a hobby.  You are striking at the very core of who she is.  Being submissive in nature is not a choice, it is a basic component of the personality.  Being a masochist is not a choice either, it is the way the body and brain process pain.  The only choice is how she meets these needs.  Yes, I said it NEEDS.  These are not wants, desires, or fantasies.  Her psychological health is dependent on these things, possibly her physical health as well (I am that way).  You cannot possibly love her when you cannot accept who she really is.  Don't you see you are imposing YOUR will on her?  You are attempted to demand that she live by your standards and your rules.  This dominant may be hurting her, but you, my friend have harmed her, damaged her, with wounds on her heart that may never heal and will leave their mark for a very long time.


Lockit -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 8:48:31 AM)

Cosand, There really isn't a way you are going to work this through quickly, so maybe you can do a little proving yourself to your friend.  Why not tell her that you are trying to understand because of what you said and how sorry you feel about it?  Tell her how you value her and don't want to offend, hurt or lose her in your life.  Then ask her to be understanding as you process all that you are taking in and ask for a little time to get through it all.

I think of your wanting to go beat some butt and make her dominant call you sir similar to what I felt or feel when someone is being dominanted in what I call the bad way and it is not their choice.  I have gone face to face with huge guys... alone... with baseball bat... with phone... taking people out of unsafe places and hidding them, putting locks on windows and doors, making sure they are never alone and are protected physically and legally.  I do know that feeling of wanting to bash someone's head in after seeing the destruction abuse has done.

It is hard to work through that and process this, but I think the easiest way is to remind yourself that this is a relationship... good or bad that she choses to be in and alienating her or her spouse will mean two things.  One that you will be less involved in their lives and two that you won't be there if she is in an abusive relationship and needs you.  While you decipher it all do remind yourself that this is what she wants and it is her choice.  Find some peace with that statement alone.  Work on the rest and give her your word that you will do so and make your word count.

Then hang around here and just read, watch and obsorb.  You will find most of us rather human and many people you could in some part relate to or like.  As with any public setting, you will see the attitudes, the sick, the ukk... but you will also see some very good things whether you like the d/s or bdsm or not.  We are simply people doing what we do and believe me... I am sure you have come across someone you didn't know was into it in our personal life.  See us as people just like anyone else.  Take the monster effect out of it by being open minded.  You may see some even I cringe sometimes when certain topic's are discussed and sometimes I will say something about it, but typically unless I see real abuse or no choice I try to stay out of it.  It is simply my opinion and not everything is okay with me... but it isn't my choice.  Even as a dominant, I have to accept that I don't rule the world and all the people in it! hehe  Thank god!

It really helped me in my processing of it all to know the people behind the actions and then the actions made more sense to me.  I am more than willing to talk to you in email if you feel the need, though I am limited on time and energy sometimes and can't always get back to people right away.  I do hope that you can process this on some level and not lose your dear friend.

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 10:31:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

I agree with Maya.  Some couples may need or enjoy there being some "reason" for the pain play to occur, but it has more to do with playing a mental game than really believing this to be so.  In general, a lot of people will concur that actual punishment (especially of a painslut) is more effective when it does NOT include pain or other sensations.  Chances are good that whatever pain she is receiving is fully consentual and even pleasurable to her. 

What strikes me is your last post wreaked of jealousy.  You referred to her as your friend and your lover.  The dominant was some outside force you had to defend her against.  You want to save her from this evil person who is doing all these horrible things to her.  You want to be her knight in shining armour and fight for her honor.  He, on the other hand, wants to honor her for exactly who and what she is.  Is she happy in this other relationship?  Has she asked for your help?  I think there is a far more intimate issue than your distaste of an alternative lifestyle.

Further, I have to wonder if you are wired to be able to accept a polyamorous relationship.  You seem to want her to choose one over the other.  She likely feels different vital needs are being met within each relationship on its own merits.  Not everyone can handle the idea of not being able to be everything to another person.  Some people are just hard wired for monogamy.  Talk to her about this if it is the case. 

How much could you accept what she does with her other partner if you did not have to see the marks and bruises?  I keep my body hidden from the view of those who may find my marks offensives or disturbing.  This is out of consideration for them.  One example I am thinking of, there was always some strange undercurrent after I had played and I actually had to sit down and talk out what was bothering the person.  It became clear that the person did not begrudge me my fun, but could not handle seeing the less than attractive evidence of it.  Many understand and will either avoid marks for their other partners or keep them tucked away until they heal.  Talk to her about it if you believe this is part of it.

I have someone in my life, very close to me, that makes similar comments about my choice to do this as well.  I don't know how often you say these things, but let me tell you how much it hurts.  You are not striking at an activity, an outside partner, or a hobby.  You are striking at the very core of who she is.  Being submissive in nature is not a choice, it is a basic component of the personality.  Being a masochist is not a choice either, it is the way the body and brain process pain.  The only choice is how she meets these needs.  Yes, I said it NEEDS.  These are not wants, desires, or fantasies.  Her psychological health is dependent on these things, possibly her physical health as well (I am that way).  You cannot possibly love her when you cannot accept who she really is.  Don't you see you are imposing YOUR will on her?  You are attempted to demand that she live by your standards and your rules.  This dominant may be hurting her, but you, my friend have harmed her, damaged her, with wounds on her heart that may never heal and will leave their mark for a very long time.


Guilty on most counts, but not all.
Jealousy ? Absolutely guilty as charged
But....Not in the sense you think
Please understand, that I am in a long term relationship with another, and that this is understood by all concerned. Also please understand, that her relationship with her Dom, and with me, are not the only ones she maintains. She is a single woman who like many women, see several people. In her case however, one is her DOM and another is a married man(me), with full knowledge and permission of my wife. It is unique however, in that there is an expressed connection between us that far exceeds the garden variety "friend with benefits" with the knowledge of a spouse. I have no jealosy in terms of anyone else in her life

My "jealousy" stems from the fact that yes, her Dom has parts of her being I cant have...If that is a fault in my character, it is one in which I am non repentant.

I do not however look at it as saving her from "HIM", but saving her from herself. My contempt toward him stems form my total skeptism of ALL men who identify themselves as physical doms.
Please understand, I am not proud of my arbitrary pig headed stance on the subject (Which is the whole point of my please for help) but I look upon them as weak pathetic quasi males who need to abuse women to gain sexual arousal, and have found a loophole as an outlet
o be honest, I also fear for her. I fear the concept of an already emotionally vulnerable woman allowing someone to bring on mega doses of polypeptides in her to achieve an altered mental state. (You call this subspace...sorry to so anti romanticize it, but induced polypeptide poisoning is all it really is) By definition, this is a LOSS of the very control subs claim to have

As for the marks on her body, I am told that one of their ‘rules” is, that none be permanent. I have to wo0nder what assurance anyone could give of that, and even if that were possible, this is no consolation to me. Please understand, I love this women enough to have gone to my life partner and ask that she allow me to have a special place for her I our lives, so forgive one not acclimated to corporal violence as an expression of love, being a bit uncomfortable with it

All the rest, you are absolutely 100% correct. I feel like a raging hypocrite, and I feel like as you say, while I claim to love her, I am openly detesting who she is. I honestly don’t know what to do. Talking with you guys have helped, as this is the only place I can vent where people have a fucking clue as to what I am talking about. My wife has declared the topic off limits. “You guys need to work this out, or not” is her statement on the issue, and that is probably for the best

The more I learn however (I am doing exhastive reserach, on line and elsewhere) the better I do feel. A lot of my fears are beginning to decrease and leval off

No matter what, I love this woman more then anyone but my wife. children and grandchildren, and I know mmy life would have a gaping hole in it without her. I can trake losing hr as a lover, but as a friend is something I can not allow to happen


I have explianed those things and have asked her for time to work this through, and being the amazing person she is, she understands and has allowed for that.

As I told you before, you all have SO humanize yourselves to me, and have shattered a lot of my negaitive misconceptions. Again, I thnk you all so much for not writing me off as a hysterical prejuice jerk. You ahve no idea how grateful i am for that

angelikaJ -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 10:41:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: cosand

Not a day goes by, when I don’t have the impulse to seek out this guy who strikes my friend and lover with whips and beat him till he calls ME “sir” and I make him MY “little one”, and then see if he still thinks one person dominating another it’s such a good idea

The sad fact is, unless I can come to terms with this, I am going to lose a friend that I love and cherish. It is possible that there is no resolution. It is just possible her “other” lifestyle and our relationship do not mix, and I may have to let her go for her own sake

Again, I thank you for your patiace with me..I guess I need to make some decisions

Thanks again

I don't know if this will help or not...but perhaps a place to begin is acceptance of the fact that he is giving her something that she needs that by your very nature, you are unable to provide.

And before you make any drastic decisions you could decide to wait to decide until you have more information.
You could decide to tell her that you don't understand it...AND it scares you... but you really do want to understand.

cosand -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 10:58:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ


ORIGINAL: cosand

Not a day goes by, when I don’t have the impulse to seek out this guy who strikes my friend and lover with whips and beat him till he calls ME “sir” and I make him MY “little one”, and then see if he still thinks one person dominating another it’s such a good idea

The sad fact is, unless I can come to terms with this, I am going to lose a friend that I love and cherish. It is possible that there is no resolution. It is just possible her “other” lifestyle and our relationship do not mix, and I may have to let her go for her own sake

Again, I thank you for your patiace with me..I guess I need to make some decisions

Thanks again

I don't know if this will help or not...but perhaps a place to begin is acceptance of the fact that he is giving her something that she needs that by your very nature, you are unable to provide.

And before you make any drastic decisions you could decide to wait to decide until you have more information.
You could decide to tell her that you don't understand it...AND it scares you... but you really do want to understand.

Oh man...this IS the trick

The "I am unable to provide" is what wrenches my every nerve and rocks my soul.
I am working on my ego run amuck, and I have had those conversations with her. SCARED was the word I used, and although it totally pissed her off (thinking I think she is incapable of taking care of herself) in the end she was flattered and understood.

We have shared mutual tears over this, and have held each other close for hours at times, in fear this might come between us. I have to get through this, failure is not an option

LaTigresse -> RE: PLEASE help !!!???? (2/24/2009 11:07:18 AM)

I just thought of something that may help you to understand and feel better about this situation.

Get to know some of the dominants around here and what makes them who they are. Realize that some of us are quite nice, most of the time. Even the most sadistic of us. Take time to learn how different each of us are in our approach to the beating and whipping. How we look at our responsibilities, accountabilities for our actions. Take the time to learn about the human beings behind the monster label.

Then, begin to read the threads and pay close attention to the words of the submissives, slaves, and masochists. How the whippings and beatings are processed by them, what it means to them.

You will realize that each of us, on both ends of the whip, have very very different mindsets of the how's, why's and what's. What your friend gets from her time with this guy may be very very different than another person that enjoys basically, the same things. Once you can wrap your mind about the whole thing a big better, take the time to talk to your friend about how she processes what she does. The answers might be very enlightening.

The information to be found, amidst all the chatter, on these forums can be priceless. I didn't find it in time to have it make a difference in a relationship, I hope a different outcome for you.

Edited to add after reading the post just before this one...............

Ego is an ugly thing sometimes. Just remember, we cannot be everything to everyone, no more than they can be for us. Each person in our life brings something different to share with us. We all have different friends, one that we may enjoy watching movies with, another we may spend our time doing a shared sport with, yet another we may savour intensely personal chats with. Not every friend can enjoy doing or being, everything to us.

This friend of yours, she has another person that she shares something with she cannot share with you. It doesn't make you any less important to her, or her to you.

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