Your scene name/Your signature (Full Version)

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LadyPact -> Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 8:29:51 PM)

Over the last few days, I've had some good email exchanges from various people on the boards.  All of these I've enjoyed a great deal and am thankful to those I've been talking with.

Something about it made Me think a bit though.  I find that I don't especially use My real name often.  I'm more likely to introduce Myself or sign My correspondences as "Lady Pact."  It's only after I get to know someone a bit that I'll use My real name.

At lifestyle functions or events, I can't remember the last time that someone used My real name that wasn't a personal friend.  I think if I heard My real name in regards to Me, My jaw would drop so hard that it would hit the floor.

I'm interested in how others express themselves by name.  Do you always use your scene name?  How many people in the scene know your real name?

DavanKael -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 8:42:19 PM)

Hi, LadyPact----
I'm relatively cautious with real names and identifying information.  Once I am speaking with someone one-on-one and have a sense of them, I'll share my real name and as rapport is built more information. 
I've gotten a bit more laidback about sharing some level of information; I got on the 'net back when everyone was presumed to be an axe murderer and everything was secrecy, caution, and anonymity.  Old habits die hard and I'm a relatively cautious person; I generally try not to call dangers to myself so I don't throw my identity out there willy-nilly. 
'Course, there are days when I'm bouncing back and forth between work and CM and have to double-check that I haven't signed some work documentation Davan, though my middle initial is D, so I could play it off if I were to slip, but keeping my fingers crossed that I don't. 

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 8:59:20 PM)

I always go by my real name, and if it's someone I know is on one of the websites I  infest, I'll mention who I am on that site. It just seems so much easier that way, and in any given situation, the more truthful and straightforward I can be, the more comfortable i am. I'm not much for any unnecessary complexities; I think too linearly to keep track of them. 

BoiJen -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:01:48 PM)

I'm Jen. I'ma boi.

When filling out your 2032 Presidential ballot you'll be picking "Jen Laws" because I know you want me to be President.


MissJana -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:06:39 PM)

I go by Miss Jana or Ms Jana. Jana is my real first name. I just don't give out my last name until I know a person pretty well.

HeavansKeeper -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:07:15 PM)

I am quick to reveal my first name. I've done it in posts, and at the end of any email which was written like a letter. Perhaps if I had a handle which was less... arrogant, I'd favor it. While my pet took the name "Heavan" in a video game (arrogant little bitch [;)]) I just ran with it. I always feel uncomfortable with the magnitude of it. Imagine a man calling himself the keeper of heaven. The blasphemy is tremendous. Thank god for that mispelled "a".

I have no consistent online correspondence. I'll work on it. For now, I go by James nearly everywhere.

Edit: Spelled blasphemy wrong =P

Daddysredhead -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:07:38 PM)

I'm a daddy's girl in the vanilla world and this one.  I'm also a redhead.  The two just go together.  My local dungeon-mates know my real name, my friends on this and another site know my real name.  A shortened version of that name is what lots of people call me.  Then again, they also call me Red (nillas and kinky people).  I answer to all of them, so they all sound natural to my ears.

Lynnxz -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:15:19 PM)

My name is Lynn. While trying to set up my CM account years ago, I was frustrated because all of the variations I could think of were taken, so I started adding on letters until it was accepted.

At fetish events and car shows, I go by Lynx K... and usually it's what I stick with unless the person becomes a closer friend.

LovingMistress45 -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:35:53 PM)

I use my real first name at any events in the real world. Friends know both my first and last name and where I work.  I don't feel a need to protect my first name and it is who I am.

aidan -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 9:39:44 PM)

I've always introduced myself by my real name, but I specifically picked a screen alias that is an actual name, so I've always answered to that as well. I know some people get used to it and have a hard time thinking of me as Sean.

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 10:20:36 PM)

This is the name I use in the publishing industry. I picked up the nickname Sylverë in high school 20 years ago. I prefer it to my legal name, so it's what most of my friends use. The only time I use my legal name is for legal documents.

GreedyTop -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 10:40:13 PM)

I know I've posted my first name on these forums a few times.  When I think about putting a signature on emails, I use it.  Even so, among most of my kink friends, I'm still called Greedy (and Monkey, these days!). I answer to any of them.

(although, I'm gettin kind of fond of Mrs. Pirate too ;) )

Lordandmaster -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/11/2009 10:46:10 PM)

I'm called Lam.  Sometimes people are like "Lam?"  And I go, "Yeah, Lam."



I'm interested in how others express themselves by name.  Do you always use your scene name?  How many people in the scene know your real name?

rubberpet -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 2:05:35 AM)

Since I'm the only rubberist in my local BDSM group, it's easy to identify me.  I go with my screen name, rubberpet.  Others call me just "rubber", "rubberboy", "shiny one", and my personal fave..."Goodyear".

MoGa -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 2:20:40 AM)

I am MoGa. Even people who I have known on cm for years still address me as such. I sign all my emails "MoGa". If I know someone well, like if I have met them in person, I will sign it "K" that's it. I'm lazy that way lol Doll calls me "K" on here, if it is a personal post and she is talkin straight to me. I call her "A" and I call her twin "M", even in person lol don't know why, but it just stuck. In emails to Lady H, I sign my name K and she signs hers F. In emails with Lady Hathor, I sign it the same way and she signs hers "M". When I write to Geoff, I sign it "Mistress". When I write to LP, I call her by her real name as she does me. It all sounds confusing, but so long as I can keep up, I'm ok with it.

When I went to the wedding, people addressed me as MoGa, and most of the same people still address me that way lol

PeonForHer -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 4:08:15 AM)

I nearly always use my real first name in cmails and emails.  If someone else doesn't, I've vaguely assumed it's for security reasons - which I think's understandable.  It hadn't occurred to me that someone could be so used to their scene name that they'd use it almost as 'second nature' - but that seems eminently plausible now.  I think: why not?

Saint -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 4:23:11 AM)

If I was to be bothered anymore with going to any event held in this lifestyle, then I would certainly be known by my scene name there. My friends for the most part call me that to begin with and it only creates awkwardness when they do it in front of people who are vanilla and have no clue why I am being called saint.

allthatjaz -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 4:38:20 AM)

Allthatjaz is the name of my Bengal cat. I chose the name because like me he's a bit wacky, can be very dominant and occasionally he's just a fluffy ball of submission!

My birth name is Maria and everyone that knows me on the London scene know me by my birth name but hardly anyone knows my last name. I have never had a problem with using my real name.

MsStarlett -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 5:05:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: HeavansKeeper
Imagine a man calling himself the keeper of heaven. The blasphemy is tremendous. Thank god for that mispelled "a".

Funny you should mention that.  I tell my boys that I prefer to be called "Ghoddess" and that the H is important.  Same reason.  It actually came from a typo in a Fanzine (those old fashioned ways that geeks used to use to communicate with each other on paper before blogging) where God was mistyped as ghod.  It sort of caught on in our little circle as a way to refer to pagan ghods used in gaming to sound less blasphamus.  As in not God, our heavenly father, but pretend ghods in games and literature. 

In real life, call me by my real name.  However, I've been in fandom and on the net for so many years that I am very much accustomed to everyone having at least two names.  Your real name, your gaming name, your SCA name, your badge name, your net name.  It can get very confusing to those who don't use the same nom de plume in every thing.  I will answer to MsStarlett, Scarlett (my normal net name that was taken when I joined here) or Susan equally.  I even answer to Ms S as it applies to all of the above.  I even have a new one, "Polly Eurothain" or just plain "Poly"- misspelled to Polyurathain - for World of Warcraft.

eyesopened -> RE: Your scene name/Your signature (3/12/2009 5:09:17 AM)

I don't have a "scene" name.  When I've gone to munches and events, I use my real name.  I don't use my real name on the internet at all because it is unusual enough that anyone should google it, it would lead them to places none of their business.

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