WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (Full Version)

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MistressDREAD -> WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/15/2004 8:09:00 PM)

[image]GOR is an artificial world, the travelling-planet of an ancient race known by Mankind only as the "Priest-Kings," large, insect-like creatures possessed of vast intellect and curiosity, living in a great hive-nest far beneath the surface of their world. Situated on the opposite side of the sun in Earth's orbit, GOR is also known as "the counter-earth." For thousands of years since the Priest-Kings brought their world into this solar system, they had been making occasional visitations to Earth, known as the "Voyages of Acquisition," during which they have abducted tens of thousands of humans over the millenia, bringing them to the surface of their world as a social experiment, letting them share the surface with the other flora and fauna they had collected upon other worlds.

Subsequently, there is an exotic collection of creatures on the world, many of which have been pressed into service by Gor's indigenous inhabitants. They have trained the enormous, dinosaurian Tharlarions as draft animals or for cavalry mounts, while fierce, hawk-like Tarns are ridden through the skies by wild warriors. Gorean culture, society and psychology have been heavily influenced by such peoples as the Babylonians, Vikings, and Greco-Romans, and therefore the world is beautifully rich and barbaric in its practices and customs.

Society on Gor is caste based, with all people born to play a specific role, although provisions for changing one's caste are available. Different castes include Scribes, Physicians, Warriors, and Merchants, to name a few, each of which has specific colors and garb ascribed to it. Most caste members are very proud of their position, for regardless of perceived rank, if one belongs to a caste, one is better than a casteless free person, who is still of an infinitely higher standing than the most unfortunate on the social totem pole, the slave.

Slavery occupies an interesting position in Gorean society. One can be born, bred, or kidnapped into slavery. These men and women are not even allowed mastery over their own bodies, and their entire lives depend on the whims of their masters and mistresses. More sensitive and attractive slaves may be specifically trained to solely satisfy the desires of free people.

Gor is real life Alternate Lifestyle roleplay based off of John Normans Cronicles published in the 60's and has evolved to online roleplay and fantasy on computer for the masses of Adults today. There is a strict code that is followed along the Master slave protical and Honor and Integrity are of the highest value in this Alternate Lifestyle Play and Living. The Basic training for GOR roleplay can be attained in the WORLDofGOR chat room for roleplay both on line or for real life enjoyment.


Voltare -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/16/2004 12:13:47 PM)

More information on the science fiction books John Norman penned on Gor can be found at


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/17/2004 3:39:38 PM)

The City of Gor is described as follows:

Gor (Firuzabad) is a great Circular City built by the founder of the Sassanian dynasty, King Ardashir 1. Huge clay double ramparts forming a perfect circle surrounded the city. In it were four main gates from which led the main thoroughfares dividing the city into four equal sections. Where they crossed at the center there was a square tower called a minar, either a political symbol of the king's power and authority or a religious building at the summit of which a sacred fire burned.
Ardashir also had a massive palace built to the north of the city. The three halls here are the earliest known examples of square buildings roofed with circular domes using squinches (half domes built across the corners to give an octagon on which to construct the roof dome).
The city, which was known as 'Ardashir Khurrah' - 'the Glory of Ardashir', may have been built to celebrate Ardashir's victory over the Parthian king Artabanus V in AD 226.
Alternatively, its construction may have been the decisive factor in provoking the conflict between these two rival kings. Whatever the case may be, the city is a physical testimony to the transfer of power in Persia from the Parthian dynasty to the Sassanians.
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And yes, it still exists, in the southwest of Iran, some 100 miles from the East coast of the Persian Gulf (28.85 N - 52.32 O). In modern maps it is still called Firuzabad, now a county and a city in the province of Fars.

That one or any or all of these elements were a part of John Norman's inspiration to one degree or another, can be established by the similarities in terminology, phylosophies and descriptions found throughout history books and comparing them to the Gor series. Gor can simply not be looked at as 'pure invention', as clearly the elements of research and the quest for a world untainted by progress, be it at ecological, social, or gender role level were not simply inserted to Gor to add a little color. Throughout the books, over and over, what John Norman speaks of are ideals and beliefs that, in the civilizing of our world, something was lost, or at least buried deeply enough that it is now difficult to find.

To recapture this then, and portait a more primal type of world, in addition to the beliefs and ways of simpler times, John Norman returns the land to near prehistoric times. Carnivorous plants, savage beasts, harsh climate and limited technology are but some of that which forces Goreans to find their places within nature rather than forever being in control of it. On Gor, man is but one part of all that is life.


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/17/2004 3:48:50 PM)

The Gorean Language and the differances one might face
in the different Rhelms of GOR both on line and in real life
and quotes from the cronicles of GOR to back up the many
different languages and words used.....

'Al-Ka!' said Torm, pointing one long, authoritative finger at the sign. 'Al-Ka,' he said.
'Al-Ka,' I repeated.
We looked at one another, and both of us laughed. A tear of amusement formed along the side of his sharp nose, and his pale blue eyes twinkled.
I had begun to learn the Gorean alphabet.
---Tarnsman of Gor, p 38

Whereas there was a main common tongue on Gor, with apparently several related dialects or sublanguages, some of the Gorean languages bore in sound little resemblance to anything I had heard before, at least as languages; they resembled rather the cries of birds and the growls of animals; they were sounds I knew could not have been produced by a human throat.
---Tarnsman of Gor, p 39

Occasionally, however, an English word in Gorean, like 'axe' or 'ship', would delight me. Certain other expressions seemed clearly to be of Greek or German origin I feel.

If I had been a skilled linguist, I undoubtedly would have discovered hundred of parallels and affinities, grammatical and otherwise, between Gorean and various of the Earth languages.
---Tarnsman of Gor, p 45

Gorean is written, as it is said, as the ox plows. The first line is written left to right, the second, right to left, the third, left to right, and so on. I had once been informed by my friend, Torm, that the whole business was quite simple, the alternate lines, in his opinion, at least, also being written forward, `only in the other direction.'
---Players of Gor, p 243


masokissed -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/18/2004 5:26:30 PM)

Has anyone else,ever noticed that the "Priest Kings" look like giant mind reading crickets?

Just a thought

MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/19/2004 7:06:41 AM)

Yes leave it to John Norman in His love for science fiction to add such a
* touch to that which is GOR. Gor has GODlike Crickets to whorship and Earth
has a GODlike man that hangs from a cross with nails hammered into His body
now tell Me which one is more * kinkie and people wonder where Sadists come

Above all else Honor.......


masokissed -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/19/2004 7:30:58 AM)

grins, *squirming* now i want to go to church!.. who knew i'd have something in common with jesus. Of course it never occurred to me that jesus could be considered an extreme maso, snuff addict?

Guess i'm going to hell for sure now, if you believe in that sort of thing?


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/19/2004 10:42:20 AM)

Yes well I thought you * personally* would enjoy those words of wisDomme

And I always enjoy making a subbie * squirm* whilst discussing the religious

aspects of a Alternate Lifestyle.....LOL arnt We all going to sum kind of sumthing

eventually..... I for One, thinks that hell might be a bit exciting to experiance in My

next life! LOL!!


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/19/2004 10:19:10 PM)

For those people whom do not understand the concepts of online roleplay of GOR on this site and for those whom do not understand that chat is a extension of ones self, understand this... I have a chat room open here for those whom are part of My Real Life Poly Gorean Home to interact on line with others throughout the world and with those whom roleplay with in Our online Homestone of GOR. We teach about GOR with in this Chatroom from all of the Books of GOR that We have on Our sites as well as roleplay and if there are any whom take issue with this choice of Our Home to do so I suggest not even entering My Domain with your slants and hollow words of tempted humiliation if You are in a chat room you are there to chat and role play or maybe you are whistling dixie?....... they only make you look *LESS THAN what you claim to be. We are tolerant of All whom enter Our GOR from other rhelms with respect to Our Home We are NOT tolerant of those whom enter with biased blasts of nothingness or those whom do not enter respecting Our Ways or finding out as they enter Our Chat how We run things...... its called showing respect and integrity of which I found tonight that two so called Masters on this server do not have any of. Sad .As I had looked at their words in other places and thought them with such but now I know better and all those whom I know will know better as well. Just My Opinion..... no names mentioned They know who They are.
ooh yea and a note WORLDofGOR what is it?It sumtimes is a Place where those of other Alternate Lifestyle enter to ridacule Ours. So those whom choose to be a part of GOR know that this could happen to you.

DocHolliday -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/25/2004 10:51:45 AM)

I heard it said someplace that Gor was kinda like "B&D meets D&D"...
I personally can't get into it myself...but that's just not my thing. It's fine for others.
I will say that some of the dances and things I have read in chat are very beautifully written, and shows rather elevated levels of creativity...rather nice reading :)

MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/28/2004 6:49:37 AM)

giggles under My breath reading Docs * conterDickion
~giggles~ of Self and scurries off to get sum of the Books
of GOR for the masses of Collarme to read~~

Above all else Honor!

MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (1/28/2004 7:02:37 AM)

Here at this link You will find a site of Gorean Books printed for online reading and study that is the only official site granted to be online by John Norman and His publications. Here you can learn for your self The WORLD of GOR and what is it. Mind You I have not yet added the last book published yet Witness as it is still in its first publications and will not be available for reprint here for another two years. Each book is imcomplete so that any whom gain a desire for the full books will go to the World of GOR or any place where GOR books can be bought and purchase the Books, in which there is a link to this place listed at the bottom of this post, after all The Writer has to eat too! ~smiles~

MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (2/9/2004 1:58:01 AM)

z|}}~~€€€€€€_WORLD_*_OF_*_GOR_€€€€€€~~}}|z♡♣♥ SZ Training Center over 18♥♣♡
PAY CHAT ON MSN CLICK:*_OF_*_GOR_%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%87%E2%96%87%E2%96%86%E2%96%86%E2%96%85%E2%96%83%E2%98%86%E2%98%85%E2%98%86%E2%98%85%E2%99%A1%E2%99%A3%E2%99%A5+SZ+Training+Center+over+18%E2%99%A5%E2%99%A3%E2%99%A1%E2%98%86%E2%98%85&welcome=%3CB%3E%3CCOLOR+%23FF00FF%3E%28%25%29Greetings*GOR*role+n+rhelm+on+entry+to+roleplay+or+post+your+desire+to+learn++For*FREE*MSN*GROUP*CHATROOM*click*

Greetings*GOR*role n rhelm on entry to roleplay or post your desire to learn For*FREE*MSN*GROUP*CHATROOM*SZ Training Center*click* OR For All GOR info click



[SUNDAY: 11:am to 3:pm est.
in the WORLDofGOR chat room

[MONDAY:10:am to 2:pm est.

slave training in GOR and BDSM.]

[TUESDAY: 10:pm to 2:am est.

slave training in GOR and BDSM.]

[WEDNESDAY:10:am to 2:pm est.

Dominant and Free Gorean training in GOR and BDSM]

[THURSDAY:10:pm to 2:am est.

Dominant and Free Gorean training in GOR and BDSM]

[FRIDAY:2:pm to 6 pm est.

Computer and Chat Class.]

Learn how to use your computers and secure them and utilized the different types of chat rooms and groups of and

[SATURDAY: 6am. to 10 am. est.


[SATURDAY:10 pm.est.


[SATURDAY: 11pm.est.


If you have a intereste to be a greeter or host in any of the DREAD POSSIE Homes or chat rooms please attend this Meeting to go thru the process and procedures and rules We abide by within.

**To be Old and Wise, I first had to be Young and stupid**
**You can choose to overlook or ignore a personal insult,
but the honour of Your Homestone should never be questioned** DREAD™®©


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (2/9/2004 2:02:49 AM)

OOOppppp forgot to mention that these training classes were in the FREE GOR CHAT ROOM ON MSN. Forgive the error.

[MONDAY:10:am to 2:pm est.

slave training in GOR and BDSM.]

[TUESDAY: 10:pm to 2:am est.

slave training in GOR and BDSM.]

[WEDNESDAY:10:am to 2:pm est.

Dominant and Free Gorean training in GOR and BDSM]

[THURSDAY:10:pm to 2:am est.

Dominant and Free Gorean training in GOR and BDSM]

[FRIDAY:2:pm to 6 pm est.

Computer and Chat Class.]

Learn how to use your computers and secure them and utilized the different types of chat rooms and groups of and

[SATURDAY: 6am. to 10 am. est.


[SATURDAY:10 pm.est.


[SATURDAY: 11pm.est.


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (5/31/2004 11:28:21 PM)


Sinergy -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (6/1/2004 7:26:58 PM)


has a GODlike man that hangs from a cross with nails hammered into His body
now tell Me which one is more

My favorite commentary on the whole Christian thing comes from a Douglas Adams line in one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.

"2000 years after a man had been nailed to a tree for telling people to be nice to each other..."

Kinda says it all, imho.


ShadeDiva -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (6/1/2004 10:35:44 PM)

Yanno, back when I was a bad bad bad bad obnoxious little twit - and before I realized how WRONG and intolerant and rude it was - I used to ask the gorean online masters if they realized they were actually enslaved by insectoid overlords.

They never seemed to appreciate that much.

Then again, I was kinda out of line in those areas way back then anyway. Sure glad I apologized to them at some point - cuz my behavior was truly uncalled for and just beyond rude.

I still think those books were like the worst writing I had ever and have yet seen, but, to each their own. I'm just glad I finally saw what I was actually doing.


MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (6/2/2004 7:19:42 AM)

[8|]hmm ummm Sinergy
its not World of God
its World of Gor

[8D]yea Diva
We all choose
what We like to
allow and learn
from and how
it applys to what
We live.

MistressDREAD -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (6/2/2004 7:22:54 AM)

ooh yea allmost forgot
Sinergy thanks for
quoteing Me ~smiles~

Sinergy -> RE: WORLD of GOR ( what is it? ) (6/2/2004 8:09:31 AM)



Yes leave it to John Norman in His love for science fiction to add such a
* touch to that which is GOR. Gor has GODlike Crickets to whorship and Earth
has a GODlike man that hangs from a cross with nails hammered into His body
now tell Me which one is more * kinkie and people wonder where Sadists come


hmm ummm Sinergy
its not World of God
its World of Gor

Just responding to this thread.


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