RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 8:57:52 AM)

I suspect you could downsize a little and live just off the Champs Elysee.....might save you a buck or two.


MasterofScyn -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 9:51:53 AM)

This is Master, actually my first time posting.  Scyn usually posts.  I was intreged by this post however.

I'm not exactly stable financially and even less so then Scyn's last boyfriend, but she came to me because I was interested in giving her what she desired.  If there's one thing I've found with Scyn is that you don't have to have a lot of money if you deeply care for and love each other.  Since she came to me I have become even more financially stable then I've ever been in my life.  Mostly because I want to give her the things she desires in life.  She gave me a drive to succeed so to speak.  I'm not saying I'll ever be able to give her some of the things she dreams of.  Big house with indoor pool for example.  =/  But, I know what I can give her that no other man has ever been able to.  =)

domahpet -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 9:56:36 AM)

I'll have to agree with MistressDread, but from the other side. I've had three Doms in my life, and altho I do well on my own, I've always been well cared for by my Doms and would never submit to someone who couldnt care for me the way I'm used to. "She aint messing with no broke N******"

ghitaPVH -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 10:57:14 AM)

Ive never really had money. at least not enough to be considered anything but low income. if there was any income at all. Alot of its my own damn fault, I know that..but, shrugs...such is life. Growing up I had a roof over my head and food on my table and all the niceties of a middle class upbrining, we didnt have extras for the high dollar shit, but we got along ok. After a graduated highschool and moved out on my own, I got a job and started college. Dumb ole me I went and got knocked up (while taking birth control of all things!). Lost my scholarship because I had to miss two semesters, oh well..there goes that great college degree thats supposed to make it possible for me to get a nice job later on in life, I went back after having the baby but I had to pay my own tuition so it took alot longer). I was on public assistace while I was pregnant, medicaid and WIC, after having the baby I got food stamps for small amount of time, but not long because apparently down here in Florida if you are going to college even if you are living on your own supporting yourself you have to claim your parents income as your own so I was denied any public assistance once I went back to college. Down here it seems liek they reward people who sit at home on their asses without a job, and the instant you try to do something to help yourself, they pull the rug out from underneath you. I went until my son was 3 years old as a single mother, worked 60 hours a week, went to school for 6 hours a day becasue I honestly believed all that bullshit they tell you in highschool that getting a college degree will get you a better life down the road(fucking bullshit)..I dropped my son off at daycare at 6am and picked him up at 10pm 6 days a week. On sundays I dropped him off at a co-workers place so I could work even though my daycare was closed. I barely made enough money to pay rent, a car payment and insurance, utilities, I didnt have a phone or a TV so no cable, wasnt a necessesity, besides I was never home long enough to use it anyways. After I started going to college and having to use my parents income they took TANF away from me, and when I upped my hours to 60 a week they said my income was too high and I wasnt eligible for foodstamps anymore, so I had to cut how many classes at college I could pay for each semester. I was able to get medicaid for the baby but not for me, but since I had moved back into my moms house for the last few months of my pregnancy just to get by, so they had cancelled medicaid for those months so I also had hospital bills from the birth of my son to deal with. It took me 4 years to pay those off.  Finally when my son was about 3, I was 21, my aunt let me start renting a house from her, so that cut my rent down to $200 a month and I was able to start eating something other than ramen noodles and balony sandwiches. About that time I also met my husband. He was working for the same company I was, and had just come home from Iraq. I didnt know his financial situation at the time I met him, and I dont think it would have mattered. Be was at work everyday, and the fact that he had a steady job mattered to me. I asked him out to dinner. I thought he was cute, and he had been flirting with me on the radio at work. I couoldnt afford anything but this little hole in the wall barbq place right down the road from my house. He followed me to pcik my son up from daycare, then to the barbq place. (I love this place, I can feed my entire family, 5 of us now, for less than $20, and get tons of food)...we kept dating after that, and I was head over heels for him within a month of that first date. Turns out he had been away in Iraq for a long time, and while he was there his wife filed for divorce, after emptying his bank account of the 80thousand he had saved up to buy them a new house. The court based his child support payments on his military hazard pay he was recieved while in Iraq, so even though he was back in the states working a civilian job that paid $8 an hour instead of making 5,000$ a month with the military, he still had to pay her $900 a month in child support. So he was currently living in his truck. part of my rent agreement with my aunt was that I couldnt have anyone living there with we started looking around for a new place to live. I found a place for $400 a month, but a had another reletive watching the UM so that saved me some money. Basically his entire paycheck went to paying childsupport for close to 2 years, while my entire paycheck plus his weekend reserve pay went to our bills, including medical bills since I was pregnant! Finally about 2 years into our relationship we hit a few lucky, or not so lucky I guess, breaks. My greatgrandmother died and left me a house. And his mother died and left him $80thousand. So now we have a house with no mortgage payments, his $80K went to paying off every peice of debt we ever had. We have vehicles that are paid off, we had to do quite a bit of repairs on the house since no one had been living in it for 20 years and it was falling apart, but at least its a home. We also were able to finally get the courts to lower his child support payments, so now he onyl has to pay her $200 a month, but he also retired from the military after 24 years of service so we dont have the weekend reserve money coming in each month to help out. We also no longer have two paychecks, so now its a house full of 5 people, living on his paycheck alone. Which used to be about $700 a week...not too bad..but the housing market dropped like crazy this year, and he's only making $2-300 a week. We still arent considered eligible for public assistance, dont ask me why, but we arent, medicaid applications for the kids have been denied over and over again, so we are shelling out $400 a month on medical insurace because part of the agreement to his ex wife is that he provide insurace for his son with her. Thankfully the boy turns 18 in a few months and it will all be over with. If we had to pay rent, or a car payment, there is no way we could survive right now. We keep a garden, and that helps with the grocery bills, but my god the UMs eat alot!  I dont work, because apparently that college degree I worked my ass off for isnt worth anything and all I can do is work as a cashier somewhere, and if I did that, absolutly my entire paycheck would go to daycare for the babies..they are asking $100-150 a week per child! And whats the point of making a paycheck just to hand it to the daycare and the gas station, not to mention the need for a work wardrobe then. We get by, we have a side business that pulls in some extra dough, I work on that during the day..which is why Im constantly online! or at least it seems like it. We have no debt, and the utility companies are used to our payments coming in a week late every month. We pay one bill a week, we''ve got them all spaced out perfectly so each paycheck covers one of them, but if we miss a paycheck, or something happens, we are so far behind it takes months to catch up. I snuck into my aunts yard and cut down a christmas tree because I want my kids to have one, but I cant afford to waste money on one in town. ($100 for a tree!!!! I mean really!) whats the point in that when your just gonna toss it outside a week later? Ive saved up enough spare cash over the past few months to be able to spend abut $20 each on the kids, We occasionally waste some money and take the kids out to eat somewhere, or to the local putt putt golf place, and I know alot of people probably chastize me for that, because the truth is that if I was able to get public assistance Id do things liek that alot more often, but I dont see it as a waste of money, I dont see it as abusing the system, if we spend some money to show the kids a good time. No Im not going to go out and buy a fancy cadillac or a pair of diamond encrusted nipple clamps, but we do have cable now, and I just wated a whole three dollars and fifty cents on a bag of wooden clothes pins to add to the toy bag.  who's to say poor people cant have fun too. just because your broke doesnt mean you have to be miserable.

Anyway, so my Dominant isnt able to "provide" a fancy house or car, a life with all the bells and whistles, but he manages what he has quite well, he's a wonderfully responsible man who understands that sometimes its ok to splurge a bit and have a bit of fun as long as your still able to pay your bills and feed your kids when its all done and said. He spent 24 years of his life serving his country, 11 in the Marines and 13 in the Army, he finally gave in and retired this past March when they asked him to go back to Iraq for the 5th time. His comment was he was too old to dodge bullets anymore. Unfortunantly since he retired out of the reserves, he wont collect any benefits until he turns 60. 15 years to go. We'll manage, we may not be able to afford a resort at Disney but we'll damn sure have alot of fun at the local state parks where admission is still only $3.

BloodLuna -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 12:37:34 PM)

ghita: luna is grateful you opened up to share your story.  and you always seem to be so cheerful!  luna loves seeing someone else who can be happy even as they struggle. 
to the cowardly jerk who wrote luna a private cmail and said "maybe if you swallowed a pill once a day or used a rubber we wouldn't have to pay for you to feed the waste of space and tax dollars growing in your stomache"  (All other please excuse luna as she gets incredibly hormonal on this guy)  WTF?!!!!  you dont know luna, you don't know luna's history or life or ANYTHING about luna to make any sort of judgement on how or why luna got pregnant.  You obviously haven't paid any attention to the loving struggle luna's gone through during this horrible pregnancy so that this BEAUTIFUL AND WANTED child can be born into our arms.  Not that luna should justify herself to a coward like you (and 90% of luna's irritation is because you didn't have to guts to say this IN THE FORUM) but luna was diagnosed sterile shortly after giving birth to her 6 year old um.  Master is 38 and his sperm count is so low he had less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of having a child.  just one child.  we were told by a doctor that any pregnancy would be virtually a miracle even if we used fertility drugs or IVF.  And the Goddess when we least expected it blessed us with what was deemed medically impossible.  Add to that the almost 9 months  of bleeding and near miscarriage and complications - this child deserves to be born - she has a purpose, and the Goddess obviously WANTS Her here.  and no one better begrudge that of her - regardless of how much we make or whether luna has to live on bread and water to buy diapers. 
*big deep breath* k, sorry all.  thank you for your patience, luna now returns you to your regularly scheduled forum post.  (thank you Ironbear for your patience in this hijack of your thread)

laurell3 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 1:14:57 PM)



ghita: luna is grateful you opened up to share your story.  and you always seem to be so cheerful!  luna loves seeing someone else who can be happy even as they struggle. 
to the cowardly jerk who wrote luna a private cmail and said "maybe if you swallowed a pill once a day or used a rubber we wouldn't have to pay for you to feed the waste of space and tax dollars growing in your stomache"  (All other please excuse luna as she gets incredibly hormonal on this guy)  WTF?!!!!  you dont know luna, you don't know luna's history or life or ANYTHING about luna to make any sort of judgement on how or why luna got pregnant.  You obviously haven't paid any attention to the loving struggle luna's gone through during this horrible pregnancy so that this BEAUTIFUL AND WANTED child can be born into our arms.  Not that luna should justify herself to a coward like you (and 90% of luna's irritation is because you didn't have to guts to say this IN THE FORUM) but luna was diagnosed sterile shortly after giving birth to her 6 year old um.  Master is 38 and his sperm count is so low he had less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of having a child.  just one child.  we were told by a doctor that any pregnancy would be virtually a miracle even if we used fertility drugs or IVF.  And the Goddess when we least expected it blessed us with what was deemed medically impossible.  Add to that the almost 9 months  of bleeding and near miscarriage and complications - this child deserves to be born - she has a purpose, and the Goddess obviously WANTS Her here.  and no one better begrudge that of her - regardless of how much we make or whether luna has to live on bread and water to buy diapers. 
*big deep breath* k, sorry all.  thank you for your patience, luna now returns you to your regularly scheduled forum post.  (thank you Ironbear for your patience in this hijack of your thread)

I'm sorry someone sent that to you.  People that judge human beings and the value of life only in terms of how much taxes they have to pay without knowing the circumstances or considering the wonderous joy humans bring to the world are not worth your concern or response.

Grlwithboy -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 1:25:30 PM)

I pay a lot more in taxes to kill people than to help anyone else live a decent life. 

laurell3 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 1:28:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Grlwithboy

I pay a lot more in taxes to kill people than to help anyone else live a decent life. 

With all respect,  I'm not sure how that's relevant to this thread or has anything to do with someone sending luna a hateful email.

Leatherist -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 1:44:13 PM)

I keep hearing that old beatle's tune running through my head as I read these money threads....

Say you don't need no diamond ring
And I'll be satisfied
Tell me that you want those kind of things
that money just can't buy
For I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love
Ooh, can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love, no no no

We all need essentials in life. Food, shelter, clothing.
Having more won't guarnatee happiness. Love won't do it all either. What will?
Realizing that we is just as important as the me.

NorthernGent -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 3:05:28 PM)

Depends on the situation/individual.

If he/she has exhausted all avenues to make money, but is still floundering, then maybe that person doesn't have what it takes to lead the way and succeed.

On the other side of the coin, if he/she is rolling in the stuff, but has been guided by the school production line and cultural norms, then maybe that person is one of the herd, as opposed to the shepherd.

If a person is on low income, but has chosen a low income profession out of personal interest, then maybe that person is a shepherd.

SweetDommes -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 4:55:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: laurell3


ORIGINAL: Grlwithboy

I pay a lot more in taxes to kill people than to help anyone else live a decent life. 

With all respect,  I'm not sure how that's relevant to this thread or has anything to do with someone sending luna a hateful email.

I think it was a response to the jackass who sent Luna the hate-mail ... seeing as the US government is bound and determined to keep spending more and more and more on this stupid war instead of bring our soldiers home where they belong and spending the money on things like healthcare for children.  Unfortunate, but true.

BloodLuna -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/11/2007 5:12:32 PM)

laurel and SweetDommes:  thank you ladies.  luna is sorry she went off like that - she's normally a very mild girl and she normally never takes stuff like that to heart.  but that hurt luna a bit more than she expected it to and just had to get it off her chest.

Northern Gent:  as always - your short and well worded posts deliver a beautiful message and luna loved it!

luna only has two things left to say about this subject and then she won't be posting on this one again - it upsets her a bit and baby doesn't like it.   1)"Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little."  Buddha
2) "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

mhawk -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/12/2007 6:35:56 AM)

well, i am going to dare to shoot for a moment of a slave and as a person before being Owned as i am now,i was homeless,yeah i lived in a shelter but that did not change the fact that my Owner found me.

i have little income other than what He provides as needed.

to me it would not matter if a Dominate had lots of money or had to be careful with their money.what would matter to me most is their personality,loyalty and genuine communication and capability to be a true Owner.

DedicatedDom40 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/12/2007 8:44:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: zero69u2

Key 1 : Don't work for someone else.. work for yourself. and if you have to work for someone else. then have your own plans for creating wealth going at same time.

Key 2 : Investing in education will always pay off in spades. Degree's will keep you from working in low paying jobs that have no future.

Key 3 : Real Estate is one of the best ways to accumulate long term wealth.

Key 4 Avoid Credit Card Debt. If you can't pay back the amount in 3 months. Those companys are created to keep the middle class poor. Revolving Credit is good. But don't let it consume you.

Damn straight.  Nobody ever gets wealthy working for others. Why spend time working for others and thus building the wealth of others when "trickle down" doesnt happen, flat and simple.  The potential is much greater when working for yourself.

While I believe more education always is better, there are limitations to its value when you are in any situation where you do work for others.  We are now entering a strange time in our history when salaries of higher educated people are rising at a slower pace than the salaries of the lower skilled. And its all because of the need for workers to be low on the pay scale to compete with places like China.  For some retarded reason, its becoming fashionable to be a "cheap employee" nowadays, and when you arent, well, we've got India or China to turn to to fix that. China is simply a wealth transfer mechanism, taking equity (via downgraded wages) from the middle class and giving it to the wealthy, while throwing the middle class a bone of some product being $5 cheaper at your local Wal-Mart.  I dont understand how kids come out of schools like Tennessee or Clemson or Cornell with 100k of school debt when the jobs that pay the needed wages are fast becoming a thing of the past.  I paid 20K for my bachelors 20 years ago, and after years of "following the carrot" up to the title of Vice President, I reached the "silver ceiling" in terms of working-for-others wages at age 35, rather than 55 like my father experienced. Luckily, what happened to my father too late in life happened to me at an early enought time that I could regroup and strike out on a different path.  The often quoted "re-training and re-education" path isnt really a viable option for people who are already at the top, educationally and financially, of their profession. Who on earth would find it sexy to re-train to start over in a lesser situation, especially if you are still building the equity of others by doing so?  At that level, the re-training arguement is simply a distraction; an excuse from politicians who let India and China off the leash. What is needed is an end to the high wage hemorrage. When I look at the houses up and down my street, I see a standard of living that was never supposed to compete with the "mud hut" wages of India and China on the issue of price.  What dumb-ass politician thought attempting such was a good thing to try?

Totally agree on the controlling of credit card debt. George Carlin (of all people!) is right, that we are a gadget society, where such toys (cell phones, blackberrys, MP3 players, cable TV) are nothing but distractions from the threat of financial slavery that high credit card debt brings. Normalizing the charging of 5 cents per text message when email via the computer isnt fee-per-use on top of the connectivity agreement? Thats simply audacity on top of the greed for a nickel a whack with the new toy. So yea, being distracted and taken with toys does have a huge downfall.

As for point #3, we have found out recently that real estate as a path to wealth definitely has its vulnerabilities.

Dmsc1248 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/14/2007 3:42:00 PM)

I guess I am one of those poor Masters then because I am living on disability as well.  I'm a blind Master.  It is what a person does with his/her time rather than what he/she has. 

BlackKnight -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/14/2007 3:51:24 PM)

Money doesn't make one a Master.  There have been a many 'poor' Master.  For they were wealthy in themselves.
I'm a blue collar Dominant male, a master to some, a novice to others.  The richest man doesn't have to own anything,
But control what he expects to control.

kitttty -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/14/2007 4:19:47 PM)

I have to post on this thread because *I* am now hoping to become one of those low income Dommes.

While I hardly make any money, I am in a much better position than I was last year, when I was totally unemployed and really fucked up.

I tend to like financially successful Doms. Not Sugar Doms really becasuse I dont care if money is spent on me- I just am attracted to the fact that a Man has money. It somehow represents dominance over society- something to be respected.

But now I want a sub of my own and I'm really embarrassed about what I have to offer because I would not want to be dominated by someone like myself. I dont have bad credit and I might be headed somewhere (law school next year), but I still have such a small apartment and no car and hardly any money for toys.

Honestly, the only viable solution I see to this is to have more money so I can feel deservingly Dominant.

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