The Keystone Kops were in charge (Full Version)

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slvemike4u -> The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 6:01:41 AM)

Putting asidethe morality(and beleive me,it is distasteful to do so) a look at just how it was decided to abandon our principals and choose to torture

This isn't about hating on is about hating the crop that just left Washington,there lack of morality was exceeded only by their lack of intelligence.

rulemylife -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 8:36:09 AM)

You think you can make this any harder to read your post Mike?

I have to register with the Times just to read it?

Are you getting a commission for this?   [:D]

But I think this one sentence from your link sums up all these torture threads nicely:

"In a series of high-level meetings in 2002, without a single dissent from cabinet members or lawmakers, the United States for the first time officially embraced the brutal methods of interrogation it had always condemned."

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 9:35:20 AM)

No commission Rule,just the satisfaction of exposing the less literate to a higher form of journalism...
By the way,CNN is about to go to a news conference President Obama is going to discuss the memo's.I'm hoping he has an announcement concerning the formation of a bi-partisan commission to address this issue.

servantforuse -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 10:20:48 AM)

Bi-partison commission ? There is no such thing. The party in control runs everything. The token minority members have no real say. It has been that way forever..

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 10:39:27 AM)

That is of course a little troubling ,we as a nation have had many bi-lateral commissions...of course now that you have told us there is no such thing......I will have to rethink the whole statement.,...let me get back to you on this.

servantforuse -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 10:45:39 AM)

The party in control, the Democrats right now, run the commissions, set the agenda and vote. They always have the majority of votes. Do you really think there would have been impeachment hearings against Mr Clinton if the Democrats had control of Congress at the time. Bi-partison might sound good but it is strictly partison..

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 11:04:26 AM)

And the bi-partisan Warren commission...the bi-partisan 9/11 commission ,all of these examples of actual bi-partisan co operation mere smoke and mirrors to delude the citizenry?

servantforuse -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 11:33:03 AM)

I would say both of those were a waste of time and partison.Any hearing on capital hill is the same thing. The party in the minority has no control at all.

servantforuse -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 11:42:41 AM)

The Warren commission was a big waste because to this day most still say they were part of a cover up. What good did it do when no one believed their conclusion. As for the 911 commission, the democrats didn't want to do what that commission recomended either.  

Crush -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 2:13:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

You think you can make this any harder to read your post Mike?

I have to register with the Times just to read it?

Are you getting a commission for this?   [:D]

But I think this one sentence from your link sums up all these torture threads nicely:

"In a series of high-level meetings in 2002, without a single dissent from cabinet members or lawmakers, the United States for the first time officially embraced the brutal methods of interrogation it had always condemned."

Just set up "bugmenot" to log in anonymously to NYT.
Firefox has a bugmenot plugin as well, makes it even easier...

Of course, the NYT has lost a lot of credibility over the past few years and is becoming increasingly non-profitable...

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 2:26:31 PM)

Lost credibility with who?Certainly not from those that award Pulitzer's

Crush -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 3:05:18 PM)

They won the Pulitzer prizes for very specific stories.  Even a donk in a poker game catches a one-outer sometimes to take down the pot.  Doesn't mean they were a good player overall.

However, they have lost credibility and value, easily evidenced by their financial troubles and by which documents the biases and well, incompleteness of reporting, of the NYT.

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 3:11:46 PM)

See now I was under the impression loss of revenue could be attributed to the advent of new sources of information....the internet for example....but what do I know.

Crush -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 3:51:47 PM)

That's a good step, Mike...admitting your ignorance is the first step...

If the paper still had value, the other sources, including their website, would see an increase in circulation and the resultant increase in income.  Instead, they've alienated the very people that would be willing to pay for their continuation...not because they reported "disturbing" things, since those people desire to be informed.  But because they have been repeatedly shown to no longer have the stature and reputation that the NYT once had.

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 3:58:50 PM)

You might have a point....except newspapers are failing all across this is the systematic death of a particular industry.If you choose to attribute the Times problem on its writing...far be it from me to disabuse you of this false notion.

Crush -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 6:31:04 PM)

I'm well aware of problems with newspapers across the country and believe it or not, I'm aware that John Kerry wants to hold hearings to bail them out too.

The NYT wouldn't have these problems if it was still the "New York Times" instead of what it has devolved to currently.

DomKen -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/22/2009 10:07:11 PM)


However, they have lost credibility and value, easily evidenced by their financial troubles and by which documents the biases and well, incompleteness of reporting, of the NYT.

And you lost all credibility when you tried to fob off the MRC as a respectable organization. Just a hint for the future, organizations that announce at their formation the conclusion of the research they haven't yet conducted are frauds and should never ever be put forth as credible sources.

rulemylife -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/23/2009 6:16:26 AM)



Just set up "bugmenot" to log in anonymously to NYT.
Firefox has a bugmenot plugin as well, makes it even easier...

Of course, the NYT has lost a lot of credibility over the past few years and is becoming increasingly non-profitable...

Thanks for the tip but too late, already registered to read it.

As far as credibility, I don't think that's the issue, all newspapers are becoming increasingly non-profitable from competition with electronic media.

UncleNasty -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/23/2009 11:37:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

And the bi-partisan Warren commission...the bi-partisan 9/11 commission ,all of these examples of actual bi-partisan co operation mere smoke and mirrors to delude the citizenry?

mike you couldn't have picked any two more questionable commissions to exemplify, and I doubt that was your intent.

Nice one on this DK - "Just a hint for the future, organizations that announce at their formation the conclusion of the research they haven't yet conducted are frauds and should never ever be put forth as credible sources."

Uncle Nasty

slvemike4u -> RE: The Keystone Kops were in charge (4/23/2009 11:53:41 AM)

Why Uncle,are you a proponent of conspiracy theories.Do you not accept that Oswald worked alone?
Are that 9/11 was a terrorist action?

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