Afghanistan Command Change (Full Version)

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slvemike4u -> Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 9:30:51 AM)

News Conferance from the Pentagon at 2:00 .
McKiernan replaced .

FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 1:24:22 PM)

Obama replaces top general in Afghanistan

General David McKiernan replaced by counter-insurgency specialist as Obama's new strategic plan is put in to action

McKiernan had been repeatedly asking for a significant increase in US or other Nato forces in Afghanistan, saying he needed at least 30,000 more troops for what he warned was going to be a tough 12 months.

Damn ... this all sounds so eerily familiar ....  [8D]


rulemylife -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 1:36:02 PM)

At least we're in the right country this time.

subrob1967 -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 2:44:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

At least we're in the right country this time.

Until we invade Pakistan

slvemike4u -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 2:54:20 PM)

You do understand there is a certain amount of linkage between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
There is at this point no seperating the two....

Slavehandsome -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 2:58:07 PM)

Why couldn't Bush have done this, we might have already "won" by now, or at least declared Mission Accomplished.  This is change I can believe in!

PS-At least the pipeline is secure.  We have to credit Bush and Obama for that.  B & O, maybe we should call their war protecting our pipeline "The B&O Railroad"

TheHeretic -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 7:57:06 PM)

      I'm all in favor of getting the conventional thinkers out of Afghanistan first, and all the rest of ours as soon as possible.  I'm not particular about how we do that.

     This new general seems to have the right credential to maybe do that.

    And that is just the unclassified version.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 8:38:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

     I'm all in favor of getting the conventional thinkers out of Afghanistan first, and all the rest of ours as soon as possible.  I'm not particular about how we do that.

    This new general seems to have the right credential to maybe do that.

   And that is just the unclassified version.

Oh, I totally agree with you Heretic.

I was just noticing the symmetry to Bush and Iraq, and how the leftists raised all kinds of hell, but don't - in exactly the same circumstances - here.


philosophy -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 9:55:34 PM)



I was just noticing the symmetry to Bush and Iraq, and how the leftists raised all kinds of hell, but don't - in exactly the same circumstances - here.


...speaking as one of those leftists.....[:D]

....from my pov there is no symmetry. Because Iraq and Afghanistan are two very seperate kettles of fish. I always supported action in Afghanistan, there was a very real enemy there. Iraq was a war that siphoned attention away from Afghanistan and was engaged in on what i still think of as dodgy circumstances. All that WMD stuff.

Owner59 -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/11/2009 10:04:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

  I'm all in favor of getting the conventional thinkers out of Afghanistan first, and all the rest of ours as soon as possible.  I'm not particular about how we do that.

This new general seems to have the right credential to maybe do that.

And that is just the unclassified version.

Oh, I totally agree with you Heretic.

I was just noticing the symmetry to Bush and Iraq, and how the leftists raised all kinds of hell, but don't - in exactly the same circumstances - here.


Well,Afghanistan isn`t an illegal invasion.

A small but important difference than w/ Iraq.

Then there was the rightist`s dishonorable/incompetent conduct in executing both theaters.

The only way they are linked is that Iraq was a huge distraction from Afghanistan and led to what the former commander has admitted is a stalemate there.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 7:14:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: philosophy



I was just noticing the symmetry to Bush and Iraq, and how the leftists raised all kinds of hell, but don't - in exactly the same circumstances - here.


...speaking as one of those leftists.....[:D]

Nahh, you're no "lefty" in my book. You are just a confused liberal. [:D]


FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 7:18:00 AM)



Well,Afghanistan isn`t an illegal invasion.

A small but important difference than w/ Iraq.

Then there was the rightist`s dishonorable/incompetent conduct in executing both theaters.

The only way they are linked is that Iraq was a huge distraction from Afghanistan and led to what the former commander has admitted is a stalemate there.

Lots of red meat here, Owner (which I assume you know, and intentionally posted).

I'd really be interested in why the war in Iraq was "illegal" seeing as the attack was certainly Constitutional, as it was approved by the Congress.

But I'd guess your definition of "illegal" will just be another lefty newspeak exercise in redefining "is", so I'm not really in arguing the point with you.


philosophy -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:05:35 AM)



I'd really be interested in why the war in Iraq was "illegal" seeing as the attack was certainly Constitutional, as it was approved by the Congress.

...ok, let's lose the word illegal. It's only real use was in the context of international law anyway and we all know that can be problematic.
Let's go with irrelevant and dishonest. We went in to Afghanistan to remove a real threat to the security of multiple nations. No point in just shooting a few people and leaving, they'd just come back. So it had to be a long term commitment. i think most of us can agree with that.
Iraq was a different matter. The stated reason for going in was WMD's. None were found. Now i know some argue they all got shipped off to Syria but i've yet to see any compelling evidence of that. So the question remains. Why go in to Iraq, at the expense of doing a good and speedy job in Afghanistan? SH had next to nothing to do with 9/11. His activities shooting at US aircraft were confine to within his borders, which in one rioght wingers definition stated on these boards, makes him a freedom fighter not a terrorist.
It seemed that the Bush Administration had a major hardon for invading Iraq and kept moving the goalposts in order to justify it.

Anyway, thats why i don't see the syymetry you referred to earlier. Afghanistan is a job that needs doing, Iraq is an unnecessary adventure. The former is an honourable risk of brave military personnel.......the latter is not.

(edited to pay tribute to my lack of spelling skills before the second cup of coffee)

Owner59 -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:15:58 AM)

Aye aye, well written, philo. My sentiments exactly.

Words like "legal/illegal" don`t have much relivance or meaning with bush defenders.Hence the word games.

Better metrics would be common sense, morality and honesty. Afghanistan meets those,Iraq does not.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:21:56 AM)



Aye aye, well written, philo. My sentiments exactly.

So you now admit that you "mis-spoke", and that the Iraqi war wasn't and isn't "illegal"?


Owner59 -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:37:34 AM)

Oh no .It was illegal.

Afghanistan was legal.

But again,those words don`t mean much with bush defenders,do they?

DomKen -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:40:16 AM)





Aye aye, well written, philo. My sentiments exactly.

So you now admit that you "mis-spoke", and that the Iraqi war wasn't and isn't "illegal"?


The Iraq invasion violated at least one treaty the US signed and ratified so yes the Iraq invasion was illegal.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:52:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: philosophy



I'd really be interested in why the war in Iraq was "illegal" seeing as the attack was certainly Constitutional, as it was approved by the Congress.

...ok, let's lose the word illegal. It's only real use was in the context of international law anyway and we all know that can be problematic.
Let's go with irrelevant and dishonest. We went in to Afghanistan to remove a real threat to the security of multiple nations. No point in just shooting a few people and leaving, they'd just come back. So it had to be a long term commitment. i think most of us can agree with that.
Iraq was a different matter. The stated reason for going in was WMD's. None were found. Now i know some argue they all got shipped off to Syria but i've yet to see any compelling evidence of that. So the question remains. Why go in to Iraq, at the expense of doing a good and speedy job in Afghanistan? SH had next to nothing to do with 9/11. His activities shooting at US aircraft were confine to within his borders, which in one rioght wingers definition stated on these boards, makes him a freedom fighter not a terrorist.

It seemed that the Bush Administration had a major hardon for invading Iraq and kept moving the goalposts in order to justify it.

Anyway, thats why i don't see the syymetry you referred to earlier. Afghanistan is a job that needs doing, Iraq is an unnecessary adventure. The former is an honourable risk of brave military personnel.......the latter is not.

Well written philo, and logical, granting that your assumptions are correct.

Of course ... I disagree with some of your assumptions. [:D]

The use of the concept of "illegal" is indeed very problematic in international terms, but clearly in US Constitutional law it was a legal use of military force.

International law, at the end of the day, is whatever the more powerful nations say it is, and therefore you are correct that it is rarely a good point of departure.

However, the term was what Owner used, and I believe used for a very specific purpose: to cast it in an illegitimate light.  This is an example of lefty newspeak, used to make honest discussion difficult if not impossible, because the real issues of disagreement are hidden.

"Irrelevant and dishonest" are (excuse me) honest discussion points.

I disagree that it was either, however.

Dishonest:  You mention primarily that it was about WMD's.  This is based on a lot of media hype, and was one of the rationales for the war, I agree.  As far as it went, it was an honestly perceived threat, IMO.

But far from the only reason, it's just that it's easier for opponents to latch onto, and I'll admit that the Bush Admin didn't do a very good job of justifying and explaining the point after the fact.

And the fact is that all major Western intelligence services believed that Saddam had WMDs, as did most of Saddam's own inner circle.  His deception operation was a success in it's application, although not in its final result.

Combine this honest belief in WMD's, with Saddam's propensity for mass murder and invasion of his neighbors, along with his hatred of the US (witness his likely assassination attempt against an American President), his growing involvement with Islamic Jihadists, and the US's realization that Islamic terrorist would use WMD's if they ever got their hands on them ... the danger that SH represented became important enough to warrant action.

You may disagree with the final actions, but the supporting points up to that point are pretty clear.

Irrelevant:  I would guess you mean "irrelevant" in the sense that there was no direct connection between the events of 9/11, and Saddam's Iraq, and therefore the war against him was "irrelevant".

This claim, in that narrow sense, is valid.

However, the real question wasn't whether or not he was directly responsible for anything related to 9/11: the strategic question was how to eliminate the ideological underpinnings of Islamic Jihadism.

Taking on the Taliban in Afghanistan would certainly "take care of the day", but it wouldn't (and hasn't) really addressed any of the "root causes" (!!) of the movement.

Of course, the "root causes" - according to many of our lefty friends - was and is US and Western imperialism.  In fact, Jihadism is and was encouraged by repressive Arab and Islamic regimes as a scapegoat mechanism to retain power, and focus their populations away from their own rulers corruption and inequity.

So a long term solution to the Jihadist problem isn't simply going into an Islamic country and killing them all.  The long term solution is to give the Islamic world an Islamic example of a rich, successful and relatively free Islamic nation.

That is how Iraq is relevant, and important to the long term suppression of radical Islamic Jihadism.

We can discuss any of these ideas in detail, but that's the summary.


FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:54:41 AM)



Oh no .It was illegal.

Afghanistan was legal.

On what basis are you making such a claim?

Simply asserting something is a fact, doesn't make it so.



But again,those words don`t mean much with bush defenders,do they?

I don't normally click on youtube links.  If you have a point, please make it, or summarize the video.


FirmhandKY -> RE: Afghanistan Command Change (5/12/2009 8:55:53 AM)



The Iraq invasion violated at least one treaty the US signed and ratified so yes the Iraq invasion was illegal.

Make your case.


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